Showing posts with label Armistice Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Armistice Day. Show all posts

100 years since WWI Armistice.

Here's three images that contain  useful information.

The first two are the results of a survey of 'un-developed' indigenous, tribal, aboriginal societies... it reveals some clear patterns about social behavioural characterisitcs.. Check it out...


This survey makes clear that some societies are bully systems, and others are not, that there is a spectrum of behaviours that emerge, and the key in terms of violence, abuse and bullying is the way the society relates to and treats their children. There is further evidence gathered since then to show how this plays out in bio-social-psychological detail.

Empathy is healthy, bullying is not.
This is the core of human integrity.

Our egalitarian ancestors were biologically healthy in the truest sense of the word, utterly sustainable (Austrlian Aboriginals peoples are 60,000+ plus years of continious culture, who thrived through two massive climate changes without losing genetic diversity...)

Biological health includes healthy bonding, healthy sense of self and community, sensitivity, active liminal consciousness, empathy, creativity and robust health because the food is clean and there is plenty of varied physical activity involved in living in the wild..

The ability to notice and respond to enviornmental changes is also part of that healthy biolgical mandate... ad thatand get this - ALL this behaviour is learned, none of it programmed by genetics, all of it influencing and thus influenced by epi-genetics and situation/circumstance of growing enviornment.

For example the eye is programmed to see, but what it sees is largely learned - people from vastly different environments see in the same manner, but what they are attuned to notice in the most subtle of environmental variations is learned, by experience and either would be lost in the others environment. Eskimo's in the Desert, Bedouin in the Rain Forest.

We live within a bully social system, that is itself and institutionalised unresolved post-trauma outcome.

Wghich is why the tradition of describing nature as 'brutal' , as a struggle for survival, is a aprojection of the brutality of the hierarchical mind-set - bullies are fundamentally insecure, and so for them life is a struggle for control.

Hey ho - I know who we are.

And we are not of the Institutional mind, even as we are conditioned by it...

Now this....

I created this as a memorial to all those who have been murdered in wars.....

There are many people who survie war, who live with the trauma, the flash backs, the fear, the confusion, the depression, the desperation, the loss, the grief, the hatred and the love, courage, resilience and the urge to heal - way beyond the troops who 'serve'...

Trump claimed that some "just are not strong enough to handle it."

He was trying to be honest....even kind, in his strange way....

What he missed was that no-one is strong enough to endure chronic, organised violence and no-one ought ever be put in that position, not least civilians... we are not biologically adapted for such behaviour.

100 years on.

No-one ever needs war.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

Thank you for reading this blog. All we need to do is be really honest, responsive to the evidence we find,and ready to reassess when new evidence emerges. The rest is easy.

Peace, Poppies and Honesty,


There can be no peace, no equality without empathy. Empathy for the children, the mothers, the fathers, the civilians who are forced to flee for their lives.

Empathy for those children whose best option appears to them to be to enlist in a State Military or a street gang, or a terrorist militia....

And empathy as a means to understanding the mind of that kind of power that rules, the social conditioning of that power that rules rather than governs. That too.

What I mean is that we must develop an accurate, evidence based understanding of those who bully, who abuse their power and we must understand their psychology and their techniques

Know the mind of those who would call YOU an enemy of the State because you desire and aspire towards a State that nurtures peace, community, egalitarianism, justice and kindness.

The Poppy

The people who wear the Poppy and hold Power.... are not the same as the people who wear poppies to commemorate and remember those who died of State induced Violence, out of sadness and regret, but are similar to those who celebrate the 'victory' of War, the 'sacrifice' of millions of people, the 'freedom won' .... because they have been taught to think that the myth of being slaughtered 'for freedom' is heroic, that it was a freely entered into choice of those who were slaughtered.

It was not.

No civilian population ever chose war against other civilians. The majority of troops did not choose war. A majority were conscripts, in one way or another because it is always the leaders, the political power players who chose war. They chose but do not participate, do not venture near any danger, do not share the burden of blood, guts, tears.

We ordinary folk are and were subjected to intense social conditioning designed to serve the needs of Power above all else, and so we bought and are buying the lies, we fought and died, and we will will continue to do so, and it was and is all needless waste, 100% avoidable and it is all predatory abuse.

The troops followed orders that were and are insanely incompetent. The troops in Afghanistan followed orders that were insanely incompetent. There is ample evidence of this.

The Poppy as a symbol was first used to commemorate the lives lost, to accentuate the needlessness of such mass death by violence, to urge a move away from such massive slaughter of both troops and civilians.... but it has been co-opted.

Our political leaders are intent on grooming us, on manipulating information and situations so that they can pursue war as a policy tool. Bearing in mind that there is a massive industry that makes immense profits from that slaughter. A massive industry that funds many of our leading politicians, directly and indirectly.

They who are in power who wear the red poppy, who celebrate 'sacrifice', who lie and cheat and bully, are a danger to the grass roots of humanity.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe