Showing posts with label psychology of power. Show all posts
Showing posts with label psychology of power. Show all posts

The Psyche of the International Competing Powers and our Children's Futures.

Benjamin Netanyahu, The Pope, Tony Blair.

Why are these men at liberty to carry on as if they had not comitted Human Rights abuses of a global nature?

Compassion takes into consideration the effective social conditioning processes being constantly tweaked and adjusted by a network of deliberate and attentive institutional bullies.... they are effective.

Yes - adults over the age of 40, me included, have failed our resposnsibilities to our chidlren, as a culture and a generation, and we have done so within the context of the entire culture and it's structures that resists the urge to peace that is the grass roots of society.

Most of us are innocent, in that we have been conditioned, to one degree or another.  I recall what it was like to think I was a Catholic, what it was like to think 'Dallas' had any insight into real life America, to follow given thoughts without examining them; I recall what it was like to feel assaulted if my beliefs were challenged. I know. We all know this.

That said, a few people, quite a few, hundreds of millions of poeople, have made huge efforts that will reverberate through the years - Permaculture is one example. Trauma Informed Care is another. Health care, Nutrition, Psychological Health, Housing are all areas where a committed cadre of our society are creating sustainable, humane resolutions to previous structural problems. More and more we see, from the grass roots, proposals for resolution and long term planning emerging, evidence led porposals.

Some of those people were in the conditioned state too, before they began to dig deeper and ask honest questions... anyone  who is safe, can do this..

Trauma Informed Health, Policing and Education will make huge differences in the coming decades is another area that is ignored by the ruling classes.... they are winding down all three, for a fire sale! The issue is critical. Just as resolutions emerge that are practical, the bullies harden their stance, dig in deeper, and launch offensive, after offensive.

There are many, many more working flat out to heal and create healthier sustainable ways to do things, and they don't get much News Media coverage.

What does happen is every statement the ruling class issues is fact checked, open source, on line and any lies, manipulations, incosistencies etc will be analysed, and countered...

These are heady times, indeed.

The Millenials.

There is a generation who have been able to reliably fact check their teachers, parents and politicians and have found them wanting, and have seen, to some degree, through the Emperors clothes.

This massive constituency is the one driving the confrontation with bullying in all, and any, form across our society - which is why the bullies call them snowflakes.

I am one of the failing generation, and I support the kids, 100%.

The system is a bully system and until we adults face that fact collectively we will still be co-opted to cause harm to our own children, and to other parents children too.

The Psyche of The System

Vladimir Putin, the Baby boy, was not born to become the Leader of a Nation.

Donald Trump, the Baby boy, was not born to become a bully.

Martin Luther King, the Baby boy, was not born to become a political leader.

Neil Armstrong, the Baby Boy, was not born to walk on the moon.

Saddam Hussein, Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin, Mao Tse Tung, Pol Pot, General Custer, Cromwell, the babies, were not born to become military leaders who ordered the murder of millions.

They were and are all products of the societal psyche of 'Power', 'Hierarchy', 'Authority' and 'Security', terms which aggrandise the basic act of bullying.

Just as the populations of soldiers, willing or conscripted, are products of the societal psyche of power, which is a wholy cultural over lay and has no basis in healthy biology.

The chronic stress and trauma of this culture affects biology adversely. We see it first in our own disease vectors, within our own bodies....

Civilisation or Bulliliessation?

War is wholly avoidable.

The Wounded Psyche

How children are mandated to grow and develop as social beings according to biological optimal behavioural outcomes is now quite well understood.

The intergenerational affects of chronic trauma, on the body and the mind, have been and are under continious study, and we know so much more now about the way these dynamics perpetuate.

Therapeutic responses have been developed that help with recovery.

These are not yet widespread.

The evidence begs the question 'why the trauma?' directed at the society at large, at the social, causal and material environment.

Medicine and Psychological Health professionals must become activists, advocates of healing this cultural psyche.

"Given the place and time of your birth, what you were born into, and all that who have experienced/endured/enjoyed, it's no wonder you feel they way you do."


Prevention is understood to be more efficient, inherently sustainable.

Prevention is justice. Compassion is clarity. Integrity is strength.Transparency is honesty.

These are ancient human mandates, the mandate of Mother and child, the mandate of sociality as a joyous bond, the mandate of learning as self motivated, the mandate of sense of self as emergent, the mandate of robust health and ability to read the environment accurately, to respond creatively to changes, to notice changes and muse upon them, thus spotting patterns... these are all key skill sets for living in 'the wild'. Ancient.

Love drove our species as much as any, and probably for far longer than any other 'urge', because to love in that ancient way is not possessive, it is egalitarian .. and within that, we are sensitive, we vary in temperment and inclination, we are not drones... and we are moody, so tempers can flare - it's what we do when that happens that decides if we are at peace or at war...

Older societies laughed, talked it out worked it out -  this one eggs the adversaries on.

Netanyahu’s Namaste.

Speaking of the psyche, and Benjamin Netanyahu comes out and articulates it, precisely, in public, with a big smile on his face. He’s a happy man, it would seem. 

Here he speaks to the PM of India, Modi, who paid Israel a State Visit, in January 2018.

Here is his speech, the full context, from which the recent quote about strength emerged. Netanyahu’s speech starts at 6.55.

Note that both India and Israel are Nuclear Powers. Note that this is the first Indian Government State visit to Israel. India was created in 1945, Israel in 1948 (expanded by conquest to where it is today). Both States are engaged in irrational political behaviour.

Here he is a few months later, with a much more aggressive version of that psyche, speaking with regards to Iran, at a naming ceremony for an Israeli Nuclear Research Facility...

“Shimon aspired toward peace but he knew that true peace can be achieved only if our hands strongly grasp defensive weaponry. In the Middle East, and in many parts of the world, there is a simple truth: There is no place for the weak,” Netanyahu said,

“The weak crumble, are slaughtered and are erased from history while the strong, for good or for ill, survive. The strong are respected, and alliances are made with the strong, and in the end peace is made with the strong,” Netanyahu continued.

The latter paragrah was tweeted on his official Prime MInister Tweet account. On it's own.

The Psyche : Syria

Syria back into the visible news cycle:

Some thoughts.

1. ALL the violence is wrong. This we know.

2. The set-up is the International Competing Powers Dynamic. Institutionalised Gang War Fare.

2.a In spite of the emergence of mass Democracy through workers and women seeking to participate in electoral and legislative processes, and years of political struggle, hard work and daily effort of millions of people to slowly bring change to society, the Competing Powers dynamic remains dominant.

3. The leading gangsters always try to ensure their PR is dominant among their own populations, as that's where they get the money and men to run armies, spies, trade missions etc...

4. Within that, there are the relatively recent international Laws created via the League of Nations, the UN, WTO, EU, BRICS, etc etc.... whilst the Laws exist, the underlying psyche of seeking dominance is untouched.

4.a Thus when the Laws are broken, and because everyone is participating in the competition, no one gets arrested. So the Laws are not fully applied.

4.b Because the seeking of advantage, the seeking dominance psyche goes so deep, it is embedded in popular perceptions of biology as the brutal competition of Social Darwinism, in Religion as the Fear of Hell, Hope of Heaven, in relationships 'conquest', etc..... indeed it is fully institutionalised.

5. And that psyche is the problem.


Syria is hardly unique in this regard. Syria has also been under intense external pressure since the British 'created' it in 1920. Let alone the lived experience of those born in those lands since 3500 bc, who have been subjected to various Empires trampling upon them as they passed through. A genetic history of being trampled by Empires.

Can you imagine what it might be like to live in a State whose emerging Government is caught between hugely power external forces who use covert violence, intimidation, bribery, sabotage etc to get their way...

Syria is the outcome of a world wide culture of violence, that is deeply embedded into the existing structural dynamic of power, it is a human and institutional pathology, and taking sides is futile. If there is a side, it is the innocent citizens, and their families, who suffer repeatedly, that I side with on, all sides.

This war will continue until the Syrian State can assure that it is not being attacked from within it's own borders by externally mandated militia. That's the facts on the ground. Whatever it takes. They have seen Iraq and Libya. They are supported by a majority of Syrians remaining in Syria.

Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Gaza, Palestine. All European creations.

From their first days as international states, European creations of colonial policies and commercial security over raw materials resources.

Who has exercised the most violence?

The Europeans, and the many tyrants they support...

The question for us is this - have we the courage, skill, determination and resilience to confront the War Lords and Gansterism in our own History, past and present, with regards to the state we fund? Can we stop Great Britians covert wars?

Our role in Syria's peace is to arrest Tony Blair and ALL the War Criminals who prosecuted, and continue to prosecute Great Britains dirty wars.

Will we do this?

What will we do for our children, and their contemporaries, their futures?

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

Thank you for reading this blog. All we need to do is be really honest, responsive to the evidence we find,and ready to reassess when new evidence emerges. The rest is easy.

Power, psychological and economic distress, recovery.

David Smail has written some of the most scientifically honest and insightful writings on the psychologies of power in the UK, and how they afflict ordinary people's lives .....  how the effects of distal power percolate down into the lives of ordinary people who have little power by comparision to change the behaviour of that distal power. The lived experience of people subjected to political and economic adversities. and their relations within a society that maintains the disparity inherent in that distal power relationship.

"Hardly any of the 'symptoms' of psychological distress may correctly be seen as medical matters. The so-called psychiatric 'disorders' are nothing to do with faulty biology, nor indeed are they the outcome of individual moral weakness or other personal failing. They are the creation of the social world in which we live, and that world is structured by power.

    Social power may be defined as the means of obtaining security or advantage, and it will be exercised within any given society in a variety of forms: coercive (force), economic (money power) and ideological (the control of meaning). Power is the dynamic which keeps the social world in motion. It may be used for good or for ill.

    One cannot hope to understand the phenomena of psychological distress, nor begin to think what can be done about them, without an analysis of how power is distributed and exercised within society. Such an understanding is the focus of the work of David Smail."

He observe that many influential elements within the medical and political establishments look at the symptoms, the distress that people present with, and refuse to look at the whole social context, and thus they limit their examination, diagnosis and prognosis to the individual. And therefore they cannot resolve nor can they heal the situation.
He says that is a faulty approach. I agree.

We must include the social setting and context as part of the examination, diagnosis and prognosis of t
he individual. The evidence matters, all of it.

In this short video, he goes over the general thesis, in clear easy english, and so gently, yet firmly.
A must view, and I urge readers to follow up his writings, they are easy to read, simple straight language and spot on, evidence based. - his writings.... if you disliked Thatcher, you're gonna love Smail, and still be challenged.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

Thank you for reading this blog. All we need to do is be really honest, responsive to the evidence we find,and ready to reassess when new evidence emerges. The rest is easy.

Radicalisation, Power, Honesty and healing.

I was 'de-radicalised' by years of abuse, from Institutional 'carers' and my legal guardians and I was in my teens and 20s a very angry young man. I was abusive, manipulative, dishonest and prone to bullying : behaviours I learned as a small child growing up in a traumatising environment, in order to survive.

aged 60, and learning all the time

In my 30s, I worked on healing and recovery and became, bit by bit, less angry, less abusive, less manipulative, less of a bully.

That is when I started to become truly radicalised. I started to examine the roots of my distress.

Had I not, I might well have committed some crime of harm. As it was I did intentionally hurt other people in my life. As it was I did ignore the harms I caused. As it was I blamed those I harmed for making me harm them. These are all behaviours typical of terrorists.

And as a result of my choice to seek recovery, to step away from those behaviours, and due to the good fortune of finding helpers whose understanding of these dynamics was evidence based, efficacious and empathic, it turned out that in time I became far more meaningfully radical, in as much as I focused my gaze of the psycho-social roots of my abusive behaviour, the root of the matter as it occurred in my life, and took personal responsibility for my actions and their consequences.

Radical means 'get to the root'.

If the Government REALLY wanted to 'tackle radicalism', then the evidence is that the healing route of truth and honesty, ring fenced by empathy and a deep care and concern for the welfare of all people in our Society, and in all other Societies across the Earth, and is by far the most efficacious.

But that would be too radical for Power, because in the end it would expose the psycho-social and historical roots of Hierarchical Violence, and the symptoms of Hierarchical Violence would be seen as symptoms and not as the personal flaws and faults of those who are most vulnerable, and most wounded, and often most angry, and to would thus expose Power as we know it to the honest truth, and the choice to face that is the core element in all healing of abusive behaviours.

That is a choice that Power as we know is refusing to make. It has been offered, time and time again, and Power has refused it. The latest event in that is the rejection by the 'troika' of the meaning of the Greek referendum result.

Government executive, and Corporate Executive branches must step out of the jack-boots of distal power exercised over the people, into a new pair of shoes, the athletic shoes of a shared active participative responsibility of power with the people as equal partners.

We, the people, must stretch every sinew, move every lever, roll every stone to forward this oh-so-basic, ethical and moral change over.

The Power Inquiry 2004-6 looked at many aspects of this in great detail, and whilst the leaders of the Liberal, Labour and Tory Parties came to the 2006 Conference at Queen Elizabeth Hall, opposite the Mother of all Parliaments, in London's Westminster, and praised the work of the Power Inquiry, calling it the most important initiative in the UK regarding Democratic Power of it's time, they later dismissed it as 'impractical'.

No engagement. Just a trite and brief dismissal.

And then came 2008 and 'Austerity' (which had been planned well in advance of 2008) which was directed primarily at the Community Voluntary Sector and the people they serve, to undermine and punish that constituency, for their temerity in describing how Power can be safely devolved to the UK's grass roots, the tax payers, and the marketing Guru's of the Government called it 'Big Society'.  Because 'we are all in it together'. And that is true, the three mainstream political parties are all in it together. And they are all committed to excluding the grass roots from meaningful participation in decision making on matters that affect our lives.

Power is their God, and great wealth is more about utility than it is about greed, great wealth is a tool - it can be used as an oppressive or it can be turned to genuinely nurture a truly humane culture.

The people are the subjects of Power. As long as this remains, the inhumanity of Power will remain.

Voting on it's own was never truly democratic.

The bullying must cease. The abuse must cease. The lies and manipulation must cease.

The Pope travels the world, making great statements, and yet .... The Vatican is refusing to open it's files on all known predatory abusers within it's culture, and leaving it to those who are still alive, the survivors, to bring their cases forwards, fully aware that as time passes, many of those will pass on, and their witness evidence will be lost (let alone the loss within their own lives of so much for so little)

George Osborne announces a new Minimum Wage whilst planning to remove Working Tax Credits, Child Benefits and other supports that poor, vulnerable people, many of whom are in work, but being paid low wages (to enlarge the profits of their employers) - a sleight of hand worthy of a bully - and the red faced triumphalist Tory parliamentarians crow, bellow and grunt their approval in a manner befitting a hyperactive sweaty crowd cheering a boxing match as their champion strikes his opponent down to the floor.

A bit like the air punching of the Obama Situation room, when Osama Bin Laden was executed.

What manner of men and women are these?

Well, they too are 'radicalised', are they not?

They pursue radical policies with enforcement actions that cause harm and they deny the meaning of that harm, they dehumanise those they have harmed and they justify their actions through bland ideological statements.

Are they not similar to the 'terrorists' in this?

Is it not a reasonable demand that they and the terrorists they claim are 'radicalised' desist?

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it is your gift to universe."

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Thank you for reading this blog. - donations gratefully received

Post Election 2015, and the challenges we face, the work we must do.

The Problem

The 'problem' is way more than the actions of one man, or one party or even of the power elites.

We are in a social system that has all the symptoms, relationships, politics and denials of an abuse family dynamic, a system of power that is psychologically dysfunctional and profoundly unhealthy that is pretending the family is ok.

We are in a social system that is driven by unresolved past trauma, that re-inflicts that trauma repeatedly, quite often intentionally ( The Shock Doctrine)in the institutional desire to maintain Power over people.

We are all affected by this, through social, religious and ideological conditioning, through trauma inflicted by Power, through the disruption of natural bonding and learning processes that embed empathy and autonomy, gratitude and pleasure, and the desire to nurture all for all, which are all markers of optimal human biological health.

The resolution is not and never will systemic reform; it must be both personal and communal, and it must be a recognition of and a healing of the old wounds, the suppressed pain, the almost rampant rage and anger of which we see plenty of in movies, novels, violence. This must lead towards kinder social and institutional behaviours ....

Viva Le resolution. The old revolution concept is inadequate to the task ahead of us.

The Vision

I want to see a psycho-social healing movement that is practical that addresses the social trauma and conditioning that is inter-generational, and that feeds the urge to Power over others.

I want to see a societal model that nurtures people as persons, that articulates empathy and love, that is robust in dealing with abusers, that seeks to prevent more harm emerging, that can respect the older cultures and back of conquest of their lands for 'exploitation' and 'development' and observe and learn from them.

They have been around for a lot longer than this system has existed,and have many examples of living close to the biological optimal human health state.

The old sordid politics of the struggle for Power over the people, rather than power shared with the people*,  to nurture ALL the people as healthy loving persons by right or left is inadequate to this task.

Hatred and fear are inadequate to this task..

* (which was the primary mode of human society for the majority of our existence as a species, in spite of what most are led to think, based on the indoctrination typical of ideological compulsion schooling and mono-theistic power religions that claim to to have the 'right way' for all human beings)

I want to see a society that heals the old wounds, rather than a social institutional system that seeks to capitalise on them.

Rage or Outrage!

If we think our anger, rage and despair is going to resolve or improve matters, we are truly participating the continuation of the problem rather than the resolution of it.

Those emotions are the tip of the iceberg, and can so easily be manipulated by those who are powerful, who are abusive, who are predatory.

Those emotions are flags, calling attention to deeper feelings, to the pain, the wounding.

Harness the anger, examine the deeper feelings, resolve the matter within ourselves.

Then we can begin the work. That is the beginning of the work

The Work

"It is a failure across the progressive left in England to articulate a distinct plan that is anti-austerity, anti-cuts and anti-poverty "

I would add that there is not an adequate articulation across the so-called progressive left , of what the Community Voluntary Sector brings : empathy, care, attention to detail in meeting vulnerable peoples needs, self governance, maturation, healing; there is not enough articulation of what constitutes a healthy humane being, and there is almost no articulation of what social conditioning is, how effective it is, how it is effected.
Without these, railing against injustice has no traction.

There is also the matter of education systems, and mainstream media systems that ignore,suppress or mis-report on what is being learned in the fields of Anthropology, Neuroscience, Child Development, Trauma and Recovery studies, Biology and History as well as healthy technologies that nurture the world around us.

Plans are merely concepts, if they are not backed by the actual psychological progression I am writing about.

And for Labour the removal of the Party Whip system and a dedicated assault on that Institution in all other politcial groupings where it exists would indicate that psychological progression.

And this is where the Green party is genuinely different - I see that in Caroline Lucas, and the fact that the Green Party has rejected the concept of the Party Whip in it's entirety ... we cannot accept any practice that amounts to bullying or coercion, when it comes to decisin making processes on matters that affect our lives and the lives of others.

I see that there is a growing recognition of all of the above, every day, and am I no longer dismayed or hopeless. That is not to say I am not appalled at what goes on in politics. I am.

I have gotten over that expectation of an instant change, an easy win. I understand how deep the conditioning goes, how personal it is, and how difficult the resolution of that is as well as what helps the process of healing. I am learning to only point out the escape route rather than damn the conditioned for being conditioned. Could I damn my younger self for being conditioned, frightened, confused?

So we need to ask ourselves what we are FOR, we need to examine our conditioning, and we need to stand for that healing above all else, in the face of what ever comes... the worst outcome is we grow as people, the best outcome is we build a base of psychologically healthy solidarity as each generation passes, and in time, Society will reflect that.

Viva La Resoultion!

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe

Power, decision making, ethics and humane living: a choice

Interesting ideas are a starting point for this necessary discourse.

There ought to be a place in Parliament for some pensioners, disabled folk, some children and teenagers, and other vulnerable people, providing a commentary on the proceedings, a bit like the two old geezers at the end of the muppet show, humorous but with more bite.

PR, NOTA, and many other progressive and humane practices regarding a humane democracy are all possible.

Ask the disabled what they need, let them decide on policy on the disabled.

Ask the 'disruptive children' in schools what they need, let them inform how they are helped.

Ask the renters what they need, and let them inform how renting is regulated.

Ask mothers what they need, and then let those needs inform policy on family and community.

Ask elders what they need, and let those needs inform policy on family and community.

Ask Survivors of trauma and criminal abuse what they need, and let that inform policy.

Tell the banks what we need of their services, and ensure they comply to the 'market' : those who need their services (apart from criminal organisations, speculative betters etc etc )

Tell the police how they ought to relate to troubled youth, as carers as well as protectors, and let the troubled youth inform how they are to be treated.

Ask the Military how they can best help Society, and let that inform how they are deployed (Chavez did this in his 'exile' in the remote parts of Venuzeula, and directed the military under his command to build infrastructure, schools, wells, etc etc... which built his base from which he re-emerged to engage in Democratic Governance.)

There are a myriad of genuine examples of all of this kind of democratic behaviour that demonstrate it is both practical and effective.

We, the people, are the majority tax payers, and we need to take up the responsibility of how we organise our part of Society and not devolve that to others. We ought to employ some to do what we decide, not vote for others to decide for us. That's infantile.

The current political paradigm represents peoples fears more often than their needs or 'interests' as a means to manipulate the electorate, to gain Power over the people.

A truly representative figure head is a spokesperson carrying the message of those who have decided. Not a leader.

We need to become leaders who can select spokespersons, who can employ civil servants and politicians and direct them.

There was a time when those skills lived within the community. Amongst people known who could be trusted because if they bodged the job, you would come around to their house. This is oversight.

The time for grass roots oversight has come. Be part of it. Participate in decision making, in deliberation, in the exploration of the issues, the problems, the solutions and be a learner, a grower, a fully matured human being.

I want to live fully humanely. I do already, to a large degree, and recognise that I need to take up my shared responsibility, to all other living humans, my family to mature fully and become fully participative. I need to do this to honour my connections to you all, to honour my sense of self and to exercise the loving care I feel for all humanity.

What do you want?

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe

The central question of power - your choice.

A more humane approach threatens the old paradigm of political power, which operates on the private assumption of exercising Power over the people they claim publicly to serve.

A person centred approach would have made the Invasion of Iraq impossible to conceive, let alone actuate. A person centred approach would preclude western support and tolerance of the Saudi Wahabist head chopping Regime, or western
 support for Saddam that put him in Power in the first instance.

A person centred approach would have inhibited any cover up of the activities of Savile, Smith or Janner, and indeed would have dealt with those as the first signs, or allegations of abuse, emerged.

Voting for others to make a decision is not a genuine exercise of democracy, at least not in the classical Greek sense, nor in the manner the 5 Nations, both of whom are quoted as sources of Western Democracy and Federalism.

The modern Democracy is a sham – an illusion designed to give power over the people to a self selecting elite, and it demands the infantilisation of the electorate: in as much as a mother or father will make all the decisions affecting an infants life, and the infant has no power.

A toddler might play one parent off the other, to effectively give that power to his or her preference, yet still the toddler has no real power.

Is this what you want?

Is this what you are willing to accept, and all that goes with it : Iraq, Libya, corruption,  institutional cover-ups of horrific child abuse by powerful people?

To remain infantalised, in real political terms?

Or are you willing to mature, as The Power Inquiry suggested many millions of UK citizens are?

The choice IS yours!

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe

Valentines day, Power as an aphrodisiac, Sexual exploitation.

A key element of  Western 'civilised' or 'progressive' psychology is the mixture of sex(uality) with power, a toxic mime of empathic connection and authentic sense of self,  that is deliberately inculcated because it is so disempowering.

And the disempowered are unaware of how deeply disempowered they are.

'50 Shades of Grey' sells 100  million copies.  A small slice of the 7 billion alive to day. 

Sex sells, so it is said. The allure is strong in those whose sense of self is damaged.

And caring empathy as a practical? Lacking in Governance, in Education, in Corporate operations, in war (obviously), in economics...  leaders pay lip service to the idea, yet their actions tell a different story.

Fifty shades of child mistreatment, abuse and sexual exploitation.

British media reports on 50 shades and a growing BDSM movement, and surges practitioners to use 'safe words' ..... where were the 'safe words' for the children abused by Jimmy Savile within publicly funded Institutions?

The Iraqi people shouted 'stop!', the Libyan people shouted 'Ceasefire' and the British Government and US Government ignored their pleas,and repressed them yet again, destroying their country in the process.

David Cameron wants to impose sanctions on people who have a variety of illnesses, which he suggests are 'treatable', if they refuse the treatment offered.

Caring empathy? Far from it, he wants to push as many poor people as possible into low paid, zero contract working conditions, paying mortgage level rents to enrich the lenders..  Because that disempowers people, creates extra degrees of stress and vulnerability. Which makes resistance and dissent amongst the poor and the vulnerable less likely to be effective or widespread.

He'd and his class would rather focus on that than examine just exactly who in Politics is KNOWN to sexually exploit children, and others and he'd rather not bring the spotlight of justice and transparency to bear on that situation within his own Institutional party,   

Sex and Power.  Some people claim that knowledge of the sexual predilections of ministers and others is used by political power players to control those people, to ensure they comply. Sex and Power.

Some say The West has liberalised sexuality. They base their claim on the last 2000 years of Christian influence, and the repeal of it's odious attitudes towards humane sexuality and ignore the empathic sexuality and liberated empowered mothering found in many egalitarian cultures.

Liberated? Progressive?  The Western Powers? 

Do the people of Iraq feel liberated? Do the Survivors of clerical child sexual exploitation feel liberated?

Fifty shades, millions upon millions of victimised people.

Review - 'Fifty Shades Of Grey' Is Abusive Gender Roles Disguised As Faux-Feminism

Christian Grey gets off on the power dynamic, the disparity his great wealth bestows, the disparity his age difference between himself and a young vulnerable woman bestows, rather than the sensual connection and pure love of life, of living people nurturing each other.

Valentines Day. What a load of abject twaddle.

50 Shades of Grey: a film about male power, idealising emotional abuse as sexy when it isn't

"All healthy relationships are built on respect, trust and consent - and the one at the centre of this film contains none of that."

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe

Politics, Arguments, Debates and Institutionalised Emotional Blindness

Politics, arguments, debates and the abdication of responsibility.

The Power Inquiry Report 2006.

If you have not heard of it, then I suggest that you need to know more about it. We all need to read the report and understand it's full implications, not least because it emerged from the grass roots, rather than a think-tank. And it challenges a number of assumptions about the ability of grass roots folk to engage with shared responsibility, robust governance and detailed policy deliberation.

The Power inquiry, an independent investigation into the condition of democracy in Britain, was set up in 2004. The members of its commission (chaired by Helena Kennedy) hosted meetings around Britain and heard submissions from a wide variety of interest groups, professionals, and concerned citizens. The commission published its report on 27 February 2006.

"After eighteen months of investigation, the final report of Power is a devastating critique of the state of formal democracy in Britain. Many of us actively support campaigns such as Greenpeace or the Countryside Alliance. And millions more take part in charity or community work. But political parties and elections have been a growing turn-off for years.

The cause is not apathy. The problem is that we don't feel we have real influence over the decisions made in our name. The need for a solution is urgent. And that solution is radical. Nothing less than a major programme of reform to give power back to the people of Britain..."

Examine it.

D. Cameron, E. Milliband and Menzies Campbell paid lip service to the report and initiative at the time. Cameron said, in public, and it's on video, that The Power Inquiry was the 'most important initiative in Democracy in the UK' in a long, long time.

I was there. I heard them speak and mouth hearty support for the report, as they stood and spoke before the assembled crowd of more than 500 people. 

Less than a week after attending the launch of the report, at a conference in Queen Elizabeth Hall, Parliament Square, after praising it during that weekend conference, after saying how important it was, after speaking about it in glowing terms to the attendees, they dismissed it as 'impractical.'

'Impractical'? Well, yes. Ceding power to people is always 'impractical' to the Ruling Class.

Here's an outline of the recommendations:

Here's the full document, PDF download, very much worth a reading.

Power without accountability or shared responsibility is always going to be a serious problem, and open to abuse.

Quite a lot of the comments flying around about Russel Brand, UKIP, and politics in general are antagonistic 'debating' style, rather than mature deliberation or critical analysis. Trying to win or batter the other side down as opposed to learning enough to develop a win-win solution.

What's that phrase they use about the Court system?


I find that appalling. An abdication of responsibility. Politically immature. Psychologically immature. An adversarial Parliament is immature, and unworthy, easily corrupted - a collegiate parliament would be mature and worthy and would repel corruption.

Because the issue of power and legislation is really about us, we, the people who form the community and how we work together (or not) to create a society that nurtures, that cares for the vulnerable.

The issue is about relationships based on kindness, rather than power.

Healthy discourse is about sharing, exploring and growing together.

Debate is about power, it's about who wins.

The Power Inquiry emerged out of the Community Voluntary Sector, which has decades of providing services at the local community level, dealing with amongst other things : finances, governance, research, best practices, transparency, service provis
ion, understanding their 'clients' needs, overcoming institutional obstacles, overcoming Institutionalised Emotional Blindness, campaigning, fund raising, discourse on policy formulation and much else besides. These are real life skills.

It was these people that David Cameron's BIG SOCIETY was aimed at, as a direct institutional assault. And it was their clients, the vulnerable who suffer doubly as a result.

And it's working.

Speak to any disabled people currently being denied benefits on the false basis of 'austerity'?

Use your voice to nurture the active grass roots, as well as to chastise the powerful.

In another comment, elsewhere, I pointed out how appalled I was at the sniping that is so common.

Instituionalised Emotional Blindness. There's something here for everyone to consider.

The immaturity of the debating style of the discourse, as opposed to an effort to share, learn and grow in order to create a more nurturant society.

An abdication of responsibility. It's really quite ugly.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it is your gift to universe."

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