Showing posts with label Election 2024. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Election 2024. Show all posts

Why I cannot vote for Labour as a party. Why I vote for Peace, never for War.

I cannot vote for a party directed by Keir Starmer, any more than I could vote for a Labour Party directed by Tony Blair after Sierre Leone, Afghanistan and Iraq 2003.

It is unacceptable that international war criminals are not held to account.

It is morbidly unjust that we live, badly ruled by international war criminals.

The situation.

The Labour Party Executive and the Labour Party Bureaucracy seeking Power in the UK  in the next few days are collectively complicit in the following. 

There is no legal doubt to this assertion.  Starmer has form. Dating before he entered Parliament. Tzipi Livni

As Directer of Public Prosecutions, he blocked a warrant being served on a War Criminal, October 2011. 

This is entirely illegal - the British Government was then, and remains today duty bound by ratified international treaty Law to serve and implement a warrant issued by the ICC if the person referred to in the warrant is on British land and such a warrant can be presented in person. 

His comments and public statements, his positions and papers issued since October 7th, maintain that bias.

Protect Israeli officials from accountability, protect the Zionist project.

Self Defence!

The geen-ocyde in Gaza is fully operational at this point, as I type there are constant military assaults upon encampments, the remaining standing buildings, plus battles with Hamas Resistance Fighters.

Both armed entities are set amongst nearly two million utterly exhausted, starving, terrified, terrorised, traumatised, wounded, maimed, shell shocked men, women, children, babies, elders. 

Medical services almost entirely degraded, in many places operations without anaesthesia, lack of medicines, there are no schools, no universities, its all gone.

In many places there is no sanitation, no running water, food is always dwindling.

And every day bullets, bombs, quad copter drones with machine guns, artillery and air strikes.

Multiple slaughters, frequent detentions, prison camps  within Israel now hold 10,000 Palestinian men, women and children. 

Estimates by external expert groups of deaths run into the hundreds of thousands, Gaza had 36 hospitals, which recorded deaths now there are less than a handful. Many thousands lie rotting under rubble, or bulldozed by the Israeli Military into the ground, covered up roughly.

Intolerable horrors, second by second, minute to minute, hour by hour, day after day, week after week, month after month, for 8 months, with no end in sight.

All of this operationalised as cruelly as possible. Every few days more living witness testimony from the detained and from within the Israeli system, as some detained are released.

The director of Al-Shifa Medical Complex, Dr. Mohammed Abu Salmiya, speaks to the press at Nasser Hospital in Khan Yunis after being released by the Israeli army following more than seven months of detention following a military operation at the hospital last November, on July 01, 2024. 

from November 23, courtesy Al Jazeera, after his arrest  and abduction by IOF

..... widespread institutionalised totally dehumanising and degrading treatment, some of it lethally cruel.

Industrialised cruelty. People, persons who go home to a home cooked meal, watch screen with kids, goes to sleep, gets up, goes out and does it all again next day, weathers hot, works is good - the workers, they are getting paid to do this to other captive victimised persons: perks of the job - uniforms, canteen, training, shift work, overtime, holidays, sick leave and bonuses - Job Description : to torment  an ordinary human who is personally innocent, just born to that situation by however that happens.

This is insane.

And now the American President is Above The Law!

What is this?

This is the same old Colonial Conquest, Occupation, Clearance of the native population, Settlement, extirpation of the native culture, polity, land tenure and habitation process, We know it. It must be stopped.

Self Defence? 

So say Sir Keir Starmer, beloved of Tony Blair, Peace Envoy to The Middle East, another candidate for The Hague.

The problem.

Unless we reject every Labour candidate who supports Israel in this horrific atrocity and only allow proven pro-peace candidates, we are erring on the side of a lessor evil that is an illusion. It is not a lessor evil. 


Nurture Culture.

I hope we can see the last generation to ever see, hear or sense warfare rampaging across their homes, and having to flee in terror, people murdered all around.

I hope as more people access each other and the vast library of what we know, what is reliably true and talk with each other about what they have found and what it implies, I think the decency of the vast majority will prevail. 

It may well take a while, it will likely be a bumpy ride, though hopefully not too bumpy. It will not be easy, It can be done..

Do what you love.

The Trade Unions Congress have a  series of practical healthy governance policy plans with regards Climate Disruption. :

A million and more well paid jobs

A million and more well paid jobs in a Green Sustainability drive where all workers involved would be guaranteed permanent, well-paid, trade union protected jobs in work that reduces emissions, repairs land, protects communities.

It would also guarantee that workers in the old high-carbon sector are retrained with the new skills and knowledge that will be required. There's no need to make anyone unemployed, quite the opposite. We need all hands on deck!

We must not underestimate this challenge.

Peace is more than the absence of war.

The jobs are guaranteed, but ensuring the education and training programmes are in place for that huge workforce must be a significant part of the plan.

A further advantage would be that, just as the NHS provides socially useful work that many take pride being involved in, so will the National Climate Service. 

It would provide socially useful work that we could take pride in as we decarbonise the economy, address the climate crisis and create a better, safer world for future generations. 

Public ownership

Alongside the creation of a National Climate Service, it is clear that public ownership of key sectors of the economy is needed in order to make the rapid changes the crisis demands. The market has failed to deliver over many years. In sectors such as transport and renewable energy, which are key to cutting emissions, market failure results from corporations’ competition for investment and profit rather than co-ordinating and planning work that can have an impact on the climate. 

In rail, for example, competition for lucrative franchises has undermined investment in the green infrastructure we need. 

In the case of renewable energy, instead of investing in a publicly-owned renewable energy sector, government grants have ended up with private companies. 

This had not led to the rapid scaling up of this sector or to an expansion of jobs. Direct government investment in a publicly-owned energy system could ensure that a renewable energy industry is established in the UK providing many jobs. 

Public ownership is vital to transforming our

economy in response to the climate crisis. In this report, we have called for public ownership of the energy sector and the grid, of transport, of the plan to retrofit our homes and buildings and, within industry, public ownership of the steel industry and other key sectors.

Peace is more than the absence of war.

Kindest regards


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"Do what you love, it is your gift to universe."

This blog, like all my other content creation work is not monetised via advertising. If you like what I present, consider sharing my content. If you can afford the price of a cup of coffee or a pint of beer/ale/cider for a few months, please donate via my Patreon account. - donations gratefully received - .mp3 songs - .wav Songs - Archive


Premium Science and Humane Compassion - Robert Sapolsky on the Neuroscience of Transgender people.

Premium Science and Humane Compassion - Robert Sapolsky on the Neuroscience of Transgender people.

If I see or experience something and I don't KNOW what it is I have three choices.

1. I admit I don't know what it is.

2. I seek information, data, measurements etc to try to understand what it is. I then test that information, data, measurements for veracity.

3. I make something up.

The first two options are science.

The last option is dishonesty. 

What will inform my dishonesty?

Deep Science made readily understandable.

Robert Sapolsky is a neuroendocrinology researcher and author. He is a professor of biology, neurology, neurological sciences, and neurosurgery at Stanford University.

Sapolsky has received numerous honors and awards for his work, including a MacArthur Fellowship in 1987, an Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship, and the Klingenstein Fellowship in Neuroscience. 

He was also awarded the National Science Foundation Presidential Young Investigator Award, the Young Investigator of the Year Awards from the Society for Neuroscience, the International Society for Psychoneuroendocrinology, and the Biological Psychiatry Society.

Deep Compassion.

In this conversation, Robert shares scientific research related to the neurobiology of transgender people with the goal protecting the rights of transgender people via the creation of informed policies.

This discussion is what I call a rational conversation, it avoids the elements we see all too often in what is called debate - it is a win/win discussion rather than a win/lose war of words. The purpose of the conversation is to arrive at a place where the participants and the audience are enlightened and reassured.

Democracy is trapped in an old paradigm - the struggle for Power

We all know the meaning of the term 'office politics' as an indication of power struggles within person to person relationships within an office. Those relationships are inherently adversarial.

Currently every Democracy in place is an adversarial system, with a Government and an Opposition, which renders political discourse to the level of a debate, with a win/lose dynamic that attracts the most effective linguistic bullies who impede rational discussion at every turn. This amounts to Cognitive Warfare.

Election 2024

The recent 'debates' in US and UK Elections are prime examples of this dynamic being deployed to evade the evidence, reinforce bias and opinion, targeting people with emotionally charged cognitive warfare and this exposes the central lies of the Hierarchy of Wealth as Power Cult that dominates our legislatures.

We do not have any egalitarian polities operational at this time, and I suggest that we need such polities, and rapidly. The harm caused by adversarial relationships within Governance structures and between States is beyond measure. It is utterly toxic, and it is not healthy human nature. It is a cultural imposition - hierarchy of Wealth and Power is not a dynamic every baby is born for, it is not the nature of a healthy relationship between adult and child.

We have never studied the neurology of extant egalitarian peoples, left alone their psychologies.

The academic and medical scholarship is rooted in the study of people living within violent hierarchy cultures.

Normalisation and habituation and internalisation of all of that is not healthy biological behaviour, it is not adaptive, it is a coping strategy that is doomed to fail to deliver healthy humane behaviour as a cultural marker.

The psychological environmental movement is in its infancy and is struggling to be cared for and fed in such manner  that it might grow, mature and nurture the world from which it has emerged.

Kindest regards


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"Do what you love, it is your gift to universe."

This blog, like all my other content creation work is not monetised via advertising. If you like what I present, consider sharing my content. If you can afford the price of a cup of coffee or a pint of beer/ale/cider for a few months, please donate via my Patreon account. - donations gratefully received - .mp3 songs - .wav Songs - Archive
