Showing posts with label mainstream. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mainstream. Show all posts

Reality check : abuse is systemic in Institutional Power.

This has to be said : the issue of abuse of power, especially the abuse of vulnerable people who have little voice or ability to counter the behaviour of Power is linked to the struggle for a decent, empathic society across a range of areas, from politics, to environment to psychological indoctrination to religion.

I see no critical difference between the abuse of children by pedophiles and the abuse of Iraqi and Afghan people as perpetrated by Tony Blair and George Bush et al. Or the abuse of disabled people, which as led to an extra 73 deaths per week, as perpetrated by George Osborne and David Cameron, and by extension, the Civil Service. Institutional Power is mediated by people and cannot abuse without the participation and direct compliance of those people.

In truth the 'system' we were born into is the same dynamic as an abuse family... the abuser, the abused, the scapegoat, the rebel, the cast outs, the appeasers and those who ignore what is going on, who keep their heads down, etc all appear in these situations..

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Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe

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While the issues raised by the policing tactics are of vital importance, and rightly should be discussed openly and honestly, what has NOT HAPPENED is the open and honest public discussion of the issues that brought the climate campers to the Carbon Trading Exchange in the first place.

In terms of how Government and Business works, that is 'mission accomplished'.

Silence on the key issues has been maintained.

The violence directed intentionally at the Climate Campers AND the issues they were there to highlight are inextricably linked.

Those issues are both about violence as a tool of 'policy' and as an instrument of 'business'..... the culture we have been born into is founded upon the rationalisation of and the justification of violence against all creatures that refuse to comply or cannot be tamed.

'The Government Hates'

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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The Selfish Green - deconstructed, satire...

The Great and The Good of The Straight World discuss the future of humanity in the light of so much poverty, climate change and over population. War is off the agenda for this discussion!

David Attenborough, Richard Dawkins, Jane Goodall and David Leaky discuss the parlous state of affairs as regards the issues of the day...... before a rapt audience in good old Bristol. They are all good people, definitely well-meaning. Some easier to like than others. They have worked hard on others behalf. And they are straight. I mean really straight. Excruciatingly so.

One may view it here :

by way of warning :

1. They don't mention war - a basil fawlty moment short of a laughing gnome ... well she did mention getting rid of the military... Jane Goodall.... smart girl!

2. Dawkins claims the idea of a species caring for the future, (were western civilisation to do the right thing) is a novel idea, an unique moment in time. Seems he missed out on all the indigenous peoples known proclivity in those very areas. As in "All is Born of Woman. No Harm Shall Come To The Children" doh!

3. Dawkins claimed we have ended slavery! oops! that's another 300 million people, alive today who missed a meeting!

4. Ok so Attenborough did say we need to look at nature as a unity, and there's agreement on this, yet he misses that the natural biodiversity is the best path during climate change, so give land back to nature to recover, put people to work repairing the land...

5. They miss that nature is a self-organising living paradigm ...... that the solution lies in tapping into that very self-organisational living paradigm. Nature KNOWS what to do! doh!

6. The men are boring, Jane Goodall is almost excluded....

7. They skirt around the issue of power, the minority who wield it and their naked willingness to harm anyone and anything so as to keep their power....

8. Leaky is hoping to convince the 100 people running industrialised humanity to change course? Really?

9. That's going to solve poverty? Oh yes, that and the Canadian steel charcoal burning stoves for African 'peasants'. The stoves I understand. The mind boggles.

really short review :

Man talks ... blah blah blah ... more men talk..... blah blah Jane Goodall - passion and common sense -men talk blah blah blah. man talks. man laughs. man sighs. blah blah blah. Jane Goodall says get rid of the talk blah blah blah....blah blah, Jane Goodall says that it's unacceptable that we leave this planet worse than we found it, think about the children...... men talk blah blah blah.... men sigh, ponder weighty questions, pretty much offer no detail of any possible shift we need to make .... ..... very, very frustrating.

I know at least 200 people who would have given these people some answers and insight into the interconnectedness of all these issues - and there are millions of people like that.

Just have to get on with it, 'cos these fools are LOST!

And I'm not. No-one needs to be. Though many are. Thankfully it's not as bleak as that, we know we have nature within us.... that's some force to be reckoning with.... many millions of humans....

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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