Showing posts with label Crony Contracts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Crony Contracts. Show all posts

Tory Death Parties - celebrating not avoiding avoidable harms. Indict them all - seriously. We must indict them.

We must never forget: this is how Johnson started the Westminster misGovernment 'Strategy' on dealing with an infectious virus.  'Herd Immunity, taking it on the chin!'


They did die, because this Government rejected suppression of community transmission in favour of 'Herd Immunity'.

Making an error, and repeating it? Deliberate policy. "Who will we not save?"

Lies and Gaslighting, a CDO salesman takes over responsibility for the populations Right to Health and thrashes it.

@corneiliusmusic Tory Death Parties #torycorruption #torydeathparties ♬ original sound - corneiliusmusic

Have we seen how people die of COVID? Our News Media has not shown us much of that reality - but NHS staff are forced to deal with this every day.

Have we seen how people who are afflicted with Long COVID suffer, day in day out, from a Vascular Disease? Yes, it's not the 'Flu - it is a vascular disease that attacks every organ of the human body, and lingers. We do not know the long term implications of infection into future decades and we cannot say with any confidence there are none.

Do we know people whose businesses have been destroyed? 

Do we know how many overnight millionaires have been minted by unlawful crony contracts in the midst of all this harm?

Do we fully understand the realities of the harms imposed upon the population of the UK by the manner in which this misGovernment deliberately engineered their Herd Immunity strategic stance, since February 2020?

Indictments are deserved.

Johnson must not be allowed to resign - he must be indicted for Misconduct in Public Office, Malfeasance, Corporate Manslaughter by deliberate negligence and, of course, he must be indicted for corruption. It is written on the wallpaper.

He and the entire Cabinet, and the Corona Virus Recovery Group of Conservative and Unionist MPs and their sponsors must be indicted for Misconduct in Public Office, Malfeasance, Corporate Manslaughter by deliberate negligence.

They are all intimately involved in promoting and advocating the policy of allowing the virus to spread in the community, and rejecting any concerted attempt at Suppression of Community Transmission of the virus. They are all involved in peddling dangerous misinformation that has killed and maimed many, many innocent and vulnerable people. 

They are culpable and should be made liable.

They are all culpable. 

The parties are small beer. A stale, sour beer. They are indicative of the character of this misGovernment.

The massive toll of avoidable harms deliberately not avoided is the main course. 

The entire media sphere is studiously avoiding detailing the reality of the main course. They helped set the toxic table upon which it was served, so it's no surprise they are generally mute on this. Those who enabled misinformation to percolate are culpable for the harms that has caused.

This Government misused furlough.

When they should have been chasing the virus down, protecting our borders with quarantine so that the virus is neither imported nor exported, enhancing NHS capabilities, recruiting more NHS Staff, enhancing NHS Test and Trace by funding it from an expert base, when they should have been localising the Test & Trace workforce, providing economic support to anyone exposed to the virus so that they could safely and comfortably isolate and not be forced to return to work, and take the risk of spreading the virus, when they should have been mandating PPF2 masks, alerting the population to the realities of COVID as an aerosol transmitted risk, when they should have been noting the understanding that COVID is also vascular disease in order to inform people of the long haul risks of infection with SARSCOV2, be they symptomatic or asymptomatic - they did none of this.

They also neglected the 3 million 'excluded' from any form of economic or moral assistance. Furlough was designed to protect the employers interests, rather that the populations right to health. Getting people back to work in offices even as the virus was among us was about the rents the property developers and owners were concerned with.

The removal of the paltry 'Covid Uplift' by Sunak plunged more people into poverty and reliance on food banks and will expose millions of people to increased fuel poverty as a direct result. It was a spiteful move. Especially when one considers that every penny of that uplift would be put into the economy, rather than extracted from the economy and hoarded in off shore facilities, much of it to be used as a Free Market political weapon. 

Their abandonment of mitigations in our schools is an appalling deliberate failure. Using children as super spreaders to generate booster infections in the adult vaccinated population? Yes, they did that too. 'Herd Immunity' was/is their 'objective' in spite of it's mythical status. Look at the death and disease rates among their teachers.

Everything they did impose upon us all was designed to look like help and designed to allow the virus to transmit, with the tactical calculation involved in trying to maintain the harms at a level below the collapse of NHS and other services, to remain below radar of polling and electoral loss of popularity, as they pursued 'Herd Immunity' - an imaginary state for a virus that mutates as rapidly and as unpredictably as this virus has been proven to do.  

Every measure they undertook was designed to extract wealth from the Public Purse, and pass it to cronies and allies. Their profit, our loss. Pretending to help us they raided the kitty.

Herd Immunity, Endemicity, Vaccines

There is no such thing as endemicity with this Virus whilst the entire world is struggling with a Pandemic. 

IndependentSAGE hosted a brief chat on what endemic really means. Malaria is endemic, and it kills millions every year. Many other diseases are endemic, and not at all 'mild'. There are global programs to reduce all of those diseases. We do not accept that people must simply 'live with them'.

This Government opposes waiving Intellectual Property rights on Vaccines which undermines global populations Right to Health and increases the risk of variants of concern becoming variants that cause even more harm. Omicron is not 'mild'. The Vaccines are doing a decent job of reducing the harm of Omicron,  but the increased infections are increasing hospitalisation, deaths and other adverse impacts.

A more detailed, nuance charge sheet.

The People's Covid Inquiry has, in addition to all of the above, laid out the charge sheet that this Government abrogated their duty to protect the population's Right to Health. 

Here's the legal requirements of a Government faced with a public health threat:

1. The Universal Declaration on Human Rights (1948 Article 25); 

2. The Constitutional provisions of the World Health Organisation (WHO) 

3. Constitution of the World Health Assembly  International Health Regulations (IHR 2005).

4.  1966 International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights* (ICESCR). 

Article 12 by which the government must act in a manner compatible with the 

5. European Convention Articles (ECHR), for example Art 2, the Right to Life.

6. National Health Service Act 2006 section 2A - which imposes a duty to protect public health from diseases and other dangers to public health, and indicates appropriate steps which may be taken.

*(1) and (2) read:
‘The States Parties to the present Covenant recognize the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest standard of physical and mental health.
The steps to be taken by the States Parties to the present Covenant to achieve the full realization of this right SHALL include those necessary for ... (c) The prevention, treatment and control of epidemic, endemic, occupational and other diseases.’

Corruption, Anti-Democratic legislation.

And then we come to the corruption, the lies and gaslighting by Johnson and every senior minister, and much of the Press and Broadcast Media and the on-line grooming operations that push conspiracy hypotheses that are intimately linked to the CRG and the ERG.

Then there's the anti-democratic legislation criminalising democratic protest, endangering our elections in order to retain power, removing independent electoral oversight, criminalising the entire Traveller community for their way of life, (an established and acknowledged ethnic group and way of life - 'first they came for....') and much else besides, as blatant a political power grab as any by Hitler, Stalin, Trump or Mao.

A Home Secretary whose wet dream is Capital Punishment bodes ill for this nation.

A decade imprisonment for defacing a Statue, less than the Tariff for many much more egregious crimes that cause harm to the person, their body or mind - Rape, for example draws a 5 year sentence.

Death Parties.

The 'Work' Parties at Downing Street and across Government Offices, to give them their correct status, were Death Parties. They were celebrating their work - look at the outcomes of that work.

160 thousand deaths by Covid, millions of operations cancelled, 1.3 million cases of Long Covid, an economy in deep distress, enhanced poverty for 14 million households whilst British Billionaires added to their number, and increased their wealth by £150 billion.

And here we are into the third year of this Pandemic and there is no end in sight.

How many times have this atrocious misGovernment claimed that they had beaten the virus? 

Gaslighting, pretending to act, deliberate negligence.

How many times have this Government said - "we must not waste the success of our efforts to quell the virus"? How many times have they cited the harms they caused as reasons to drive even worse policy, such as sending our children into unsafe schools as a method of delivering a booster of infection to a vaccinated adult population, as a tactic in their overall strategic stance - 'protect the hoard, let the herd take it on the chin'?

How many more must they kill, maim and and how many businesses and social institutions must they distress and degrade before the English people understand the true nature of these awful, callous, grubby, greedy, nasty men and women who are abusing the power invested in their official positions, by a trusting electorate, a vulnerable population?

Who will rid us of this dangerous Government?

Johnson and the entire cabinet must be indicted. Resignation that allows them to walk away from the criminality of their political action is not adequate to the situation.

We need a national unity parliament, where our legislators set aside their current adversarial dynamic with regards to the Pandemic. Indeed the pandemic is, it could be said, a training run for the co-operation and mutual aid that will be necessary in dealing with Climate Change, Pollution and Poverty all of which looms as even greater causation of mass harm in the years ahead.

This is an appeal to all decent MPS, councillors and others tasked with good governance - step up to plate.

We need a Leveson II to regulate and rein in the Press and Broadcast Media that supported this odious misGovernment at every turn.

The Spectator ought to be closed down - spreading misinformation is not Free Speech, it is a deliberate abuse of Free Speech. Free Speech has, since the inception of the concept,  been understood best as a matter of speaking truth to power, of speaking honestly, of taking full responsibility in the public domain to uphold integrity and probity to counter political lies and gaslighting.

The Sun must be shut down. Murdoch and his minions must be indicted for the vast harm their misinformation operations have caused to the public perception of this virus, the disease and the pandemic in general. Their track record on Racism and Misogyny is likewise grim.


If the general public were to go on a general strike, and then took the path of a 'revolution' and dragged these awful men and women out of Parliament, and put them in the stocks, to be pelted with rotten fruit and humiliated in public, it would be wrong - that said the anger the population feels suggests such a reactionary move would be partially understandable, given the harms this misGovernment has deliberately caused to the English people themselves.

Luckily, for the misGovernment, the English people are not so violent, not so indecent, not so easily led down paths of political violence - and correctly so.  The point of indictments is not punishment, it is accountability and the prevention of future harms. A deterrent to future politicians behaving in such harmful manner.

Given the choice, I imagine anyone would probably much prefer to be pelted with rotten fruit than endure death by COVID, no matter how humiliating the experience.

The most important thing we can do is uphold the Law to it's fullest extent, in the most honest manner possible, so that probity, honesty, integrity are restored to Parliament and the Civil Service.

Rotten fruit will not do that. Nor will riots of any kind.

Indictments for Misconduct in Public Office would be the correct method of addressing the criminality and negligence of this misGovernment. 

Have you seen how people die of COVID?

Look at that, if you have not done so. Our NHS staff have had to witness that awful, horrific, terrifying process, day in day out. The relatives of those who died were blocked from seeing that intense traumatic and blocked from attending to loved one's in their final moments. Let that inform your view on this matter.

Celebrating their work? Death Parties one and all. 

Every Friday, a piss up to bolster the troops?

Death Parties.

PS: PS: 'Austerity' was and remains a deliberate policy of collective punishment, imposing a stress position to break the community that cares for the vulnerable.

Cruel, deliberate lethality.

The 'savings' of Austerity, de-staffing the NHS as 'efficiency', the reduction in beds as 'efficiency', knowing full well they were implemented by managers ordered to do so to get their annual funding allocations. "No new cash, if you don't make these 'savings'."

'Externalised costs' - the costs in ill health, distress, staff exhaustion and deaths are ignored, set aside in favour of the 'savings'. It's truly appalling and profoundly amoral.

Those who cause such harm run scared from the truth revealed. Allowing lies to adversely afflict  and cause such serious harm to a population is unacceptable.

The truth sets us free. Lies imprison us all.

Kindest regards


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PPE, Masks, How to Earn £50,000,000 in Three Seconds, Priti Patel and friends.

Some people are making the case that the English Government's policy position on COVID this Autumn 2021 is an experiment to see what will happen as they allow the virus to spread without mitigations in place, given that there is a large part of population vaccinated. Our school children, a cohort that is largely unvaccinated, are being exposed to the virus. Epidemiologists know what will happen.

Watch this short video, which accurately sets out where we really are, right now and then read on. 
The question then is why is the English Government doing this? Bullies will always seek to exploit any new emerging vulnerabilities within any group or situation where they hold degrees of power.

Take the matter of crony contracts issued without tender process, or transparency at the time, many of which minted new millionaires and multi millionaires over night, at the stroke of a pen, the click of an email sent, the posting of a text message.

Priti Patel, David Cameron, Samir Jassal - the un-Masked Raiders of COVID Kit Budgeting 

Contracts for PPE at twice the price of the going market rate at the time!

The Good Law Project unearthed these details in the courts, extracting the evidence in spite of robust Government resistance. A government more properly called a misManagement, 
Minting Millionaires over night, whilst exposing the UK population to a really nasty pathogen, by neglect.

"The bare facts of what Good Law Project has learned about the Pharmaceuticals Direct contracts – two have so far been published, for £28.8m and £102.6m – are extraordinary."

Imagine this : one contract revealed that the masks supplied were priced at more than twice the going rate, netting a clear take home profit of over £50 million, for almost no work other than doubling the price on the contract papers. In spite of other suppliers offering the exact same products at the lower price. And having active Cabinet level ministers lobbying across departments on behalf of the beneficiaries of these contracts. Emails back and forth between the beneficiaries, Priti Patel, Matt Hancock and other officials, as this video shows. Well worth a watch.
£50 million for typing 6 characters! Minting Millionaires as a favour.

Matt Hancock’s position, as set out in legal documents provided to Good Law Project, is ‘nothing to see here’: his lawyers say that PPE Direct Limited made offers to supply PPE through the public portal

Friends with benefits

David Cameron had a neat job with Greensil, that netted him a cool £7 million we are told. He was able to use his direct contacts with acting Cabinet ministers to further his employers desires for business. So much easy cash sloshing around these slick politicians. 

Crony contracts that this Government doled out are mapped out on this rather adept website.  
An interactive visualization of the links between Tory politicians and firms winning government contracts by Sophie E. Hill - take your time to peruse the layers of friendship and association of the Conservative Party COVID cash cow milking parlour. 

Effectively this behaviour amounts to political bullies exploiting an emerging vulnerability and using the power of high office to enrich contacts and associates, and then using that power to get away with mismanagement that leads directly to avoidable death and disease amongst the vulnerable population.

Sajid Javid was not involved in any of this, as far as I can tell.

He was working part-time as an advisor. However his 'part-time' work with JP Morgan Chase in between his ministerial roles suggests he would not be much bothered by this kind of arrangement. After all, he was a lead in developing CDOS, which were a scheme to resell bad debts, repackaged as solid investments to unwary investors - a behaviour that led directly to the financial crash on 2008. 

There's a documentary about this kind of thing, Inside Job, that is worth viewing as generalist introduction to this level of quasi legal corruption. 

Anyway, that  was then.

This is now.  COVID infection rates are rising across educational settings and elsewhere. New cases are rising to 42,000 per day, (Government figures) or 70.000 (ZOE), deaths are running at above 100 per day, close to the anecdotal 1000 a week 'acceptable level', each death a pretty horrid process, and Sajid Javid is very much responsible for that state of affairs, he is the Health Secretary - b
etween 4 October 2021 and 10 October 2021, 5,423 were admitted into hospital with coronavirus

The front page of the Mail on Sunday on July 4th 2021 ran a quote from Javid declaring that "opening up will make us healthier" due to a backlog of NHS cases exacerbated from the pandemic. That backlog has not subsided in any measure since that optimistic declaration.

Given the multiple reports and studies and papers that lay out the catastrophic mismanagement of the COVID19 epidemic in England culminating with the recent Health and Social Care, and Science and Technology Select Committee Report I would suggest that the 45 million adults in the UK need to see this video, we need to view it and then to read this summary, at least three times. 

a parody song, based on the folk-blues ballad, The House of The Rising Sun:


There is a house on Downing Street
They call it number ten,
It’s been the ruin of many a fair country
Now they are doing it again.

They could have avoided importing the virus
They could have stopped the spread
But they decided to play at being supermen
They let it transmit instead

Then when it was clear it was beyond control
They shut the whole country down
But they did not implement the strategy
We needed to stop it now

Our elders were made into a vector
Of this viral spread
Sent from hospitals without a test
To care homes to die in bed.

There is a house on Downing Street
They call it number ten,
It’s been the ruin of many a fair country
Now they are doing it again.

Furlough was given to corporate staff
three million excluded, left high and dry
They gave crony contracts to their best  friends
Millionaires were made over night

Then they let it run again, 
Into a second wave
The bodies piled high as People got sick,
And so we were digging many more graves
We were grieving in the thick of it

Dido’s Test and Trace was a costly farce
Lost track of the virus, cash went off shore
The vaccine was made of European co-operation
And NHS volunteers at the core.

Johnson claims the kudos he seeks all the praise,
Cummings denies responsibility
They scapegoat the people they have mislead
They’re destroying this country.

There is a house on Downing Street
They call it number ten,
It’s been the ruin of many a fair country
Now they are doing it again.

Now they’ve opened up again, the virus is on the rise
Spreading like wildfire
With no guarantee it won’t be a Health disaster,
From the the frying pan into the fire

Living with the Johnson Government and The English Ruling Class is a domestic abuse situation at population level or scale. Here's a blog article I wrote laying out the reasons I made this assessment.

So here's a few suggested markers,  the dynamic roles that play out in the classic domestic abuse family dynamic.  I'd be happy to read your critiques of these, with examples, to refine this study

The Abuser  - Boris Johnson and the Cabinet, The English Ruling Class, the prevailing Establishment of Power rooted in the Extracted Accumulated Wealth Party,  aka the Oligarchy

The Enabler  - The right wing media, the so-called left wing media, the centrist media, the Churches, Parliament and other public institutions that refuse to speak the whole truth.

The Hero - Idealised images of Nurses, Policemen, Troops, Doctors - Personalities such as Farage, Rees-Mogg, Tommy Robinson, National Icons that distract from the wounds by claiming British 'Spirit' etc..

The Scapegoat - Immigrants, the poor, the low income workers, the Blacks, the Browns, the Whites, the China Virus

The Lost Child - The Establishment Arts that refuses confront the truth, Britain's Got Talent, people groomed by Conspiracy Theory, Cultism etc..

The Mascot - The Queen, The Flag, The Establishment Arts, Parliament

These are all broad generalisations, and there needs to be a robust discussion around how truthful each of these elements of our Society are, and to what extent they are failing in their duty of care to the population they serve, in the face of this intolerable situation.

Kindest regards


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