Showing posts with label Immaturity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Immaturity. Show all posts

The would-be Wolf of Threadneedle Walk is a Muppet at the UN. A Buffoon at #COP26.

The would-be Wolf of Threadneedle Walk is a Muppet at the UN. A Buffoon at #COP26. 

Today is November 1st, #COP26 and I am still reeling from Johnsons profoundly arrogant speech at the UN. Accusing the representatives of the world's Countries, their Governments and their peoples, of being adolescent, of needing to grow up.

Even if we might agree on the concept, the very first person on the list would be Johnson himself. Growing up also means being honest. Honesty is a life changer. Dishonesty is a life wrecker. Johnson's dishonesty is wrecking many, many lives.

He was a muppet at the UN.

He is a buffoon at #COP26.

Both Muppet and Buffoon are theatre, this was understood back in 2008, and before. Johnson's public image is a deliberate distraction, intentional camouflage, a veil. Johnson knows all to well what he is doing, and what the Westminster Government and Parliament are allowing to be done. Hoard Immunity through Herd Immunity. The Hoard  - accumulated extracted wealth as a political hegemon, top dog. He who owns the gold makes the rules. The Hoard must be protected at all costs.. Johnson and this Government do not govern, they Rule.

Johnson's street theatre comic mask has a cost. 


What is needed at COP26 is ruthless honesty. That honesty was needed when the first scientific confirmation of the effect of excess CO2 and other particulates was confirmed, peer reviewed and established as scientific theory. Honesty was needed when Bhopal Chemical Plant was being built.

There is a pattern of externalising costs by pretending the issue does not exist.

Democracy cannot, and Government cannot function healthfully if dishonesty is allowed to stand as 'opinion' to be given equal weight to the available evidence. 

Johnson is not honest.

Oafen Ready, Boris Johnson spoke from the podium at the United Nations General Assembly. He suggested it was time for the world to 'grow up'.  Johnson was trolling every leader of every nation on Earth, Johnson was trolling every citizen on Earth. Johnson is a liar and a bully. He is quite clearly immature, and if ever a case of one finger pointing at others masks three pointing back. He works for the Accumulated Extracted Wealth Party.

"My friends, the adolescence of humanity is coming to an end."

He did not say it was time for him to grow up. It was time for the world to grow up.

Kermit is not real, Johnson is a Muppet. A Venal Muppet. A Nasty Muppet, A Prime Muppet.

"My friends."  

What friends? Charles Koch, Gina Rinehart, Chloe Westly, Alexander Lebedev, James Reuben are all sponsors of Johnson's Brexit, and are all Climate Change deniers. Do they need to grow up?

A pertinent tweet on a few examples (8) of Boar Arse Johnson's 'Green Credentials' which suggests that yet again, the Venal Muppet's lying eyes hide behind the thin disguise of his smile.
Gleaned from this article in the English Guardian News Paper published 7th February 2020 four days after Johnson's lethal speech in Greenwich on February 3rd 2020. More about that speech later.

"We are approaching that critical turning point – in less than two months – when we must show that we are capable of learning, and maturing, and finally taking responsibility for the destruction we are inflicting, not just upon our planet but ourselves."

- 'We' - the Industrial Militarised Competing Power World at large aka Civilisation - have been at that turning point with regards to the risk of untoward climate change driving by 'greenhouse gases, for well over 50 years, if not for more than 100, since the first estimates of the potential impact of CO2 as a green house gas were scientifically verified.

As to adolescence, compared to Chinese civilisation, the English Industrial civilisation is an unruly, uncivilised aggressive teen with a violent bully streak as large as it's narcissistic ego. British Empire indeed!

Both of these civilisations, when compared to the Australian Aboriginals, a culture 66,000 years old that thrived through two intense climactic changes, are children, and the current competing industrialised militarised cult is an infant with a scatter gun, with no sense of direction nor any inclination to withhold it's deadly fire.

What 'turning point' is Johnson blathering on about?

Johnson wishes that the COP26 meeting in Glasgow will indeed be that important only because it's presence on 'British soil' is something he is seeking to take personal credit for. Johnsons Meme is Me Me. All the time.

Johnson is seeking to accrete greatness by imaginary osmosis yet again, and quite obviously, if not to himself, flailing in the attempt. He's a pathetic sight, really. Lethal, nonetheless. His fellow countrymen are dying and falling ill all around as collateral damage.

"It is time for humanity to grow up."

-Says a man who is proven to be immature, an inveterate serial liar, a philanderer and a dedicated avoider of responsibility. A man who runs away when honesty comes knocking in his door. 

"It is time for us to listen to the warnings of the scientists – and look at Covid, if you want an example of gloomy scientists being proved right – and to understand who we are and what we are doing."

- Says  man who has repeatedly dismissed the science and epidemiology around COVID, since his February 3rd 2020 speech where he accused China, New Zealand, Taiwan, South Korea and others of panicking and of engaging in 'medically irrational' behaviour that would cause vast 'economic damage' - which is precisely what he ordered his government to do, and exactly what the English Governments policies have wrought. Death, disease and economic disaster for a population.

The transcript of his entire speech, of which he was quite clearly unjustifiably proud, can be found here. We are told it was 'trashed out' on a train journey from Washington, DC to New York. Not quite the same as jetting from London to Cornwall.

Johnson's Covid policy as another example of his callous carelessness with the truth, and his willingness to troll entire populations.

The English Government policy on COVID has been medically irrational - ignoring the doctors advice - and has caused immense economic damage compared to the elimination of community transmission adopted by those he accused of panicking. 

IndependentSAGE has produced a timeline laying out the Scientific Advice given to the Johnson government alongside the Governments policy choices - it shows quite clearly that the Johnson government was not following the science. 

And it turned out, based on the evidence, that Elimination of Community Transmission strategy where it has been applied has prevented all the harms associated with Mitigation aka Living With The Virus, by very meaningful measure.

"The world – this precious blue sphere with its eggshell crust and wisp of an atmosphere – is not some indestructible toy, some bouncy plastic romper room against which we can hurl ourselves to our heart’s content."

Says a man whose career in politics began in the Bullingdon Club, a man who once claimed that Africa would be better off if the British Empire still ruled it, a man who is known to be a tacit racist and a bully.

"Daily, weekly, we are doing such irreversible damage that long before a million years are up, we will have made this beautiful planet effectively uninhabitable – not just for us but for many other species."

The timeline  within which the habitability of the planet is in question is now a matter of less than a century

"I am not one of those environmentalists who takes a moral pleasure in excoriating humanity for its excess."

Of course not, he is, first if all, quite clearly not an environmentalist - other than taking delight in creating hostile environments for vulnerable people, which his party is so given to. 

We observe the amoral pleasure Johnson takes in lying in public, in misleading people in order to gain power and prestige, and in bacchanalia and adultery - a man known to party with Russian billionaires, one of whom was once FSB spy, now an English Peer of the Realm, on a warm Italian hill top, whilst 'serving the Nation' as Foreign Secretary when he 'escaped' his security detail and went AWOL for a weekend after attending a NATO summit, where presumably discussions about Afghexit were taking place. Discussions that probably bored the Bore Arse, or simply went over his head, seeing as he did nothing to help that situation, in spite of 25 senior retired military officers writing to him with direct advice and offers of help, when he was Prime Minister, on the matter. 

"I don’t see the green movement as a pretext for a wholesale assault on capitalism."

- Ah, So capitalism is not part of the problem! And the Green Movement is, because it is a pretext for an assault on Capitalism?

"Far from it.

The whole experience of the Covid pandemic is that the way to fix the problem is through science and innovation, the breakthroughs and the investment that are made possible by capitalism and by free markets, and it is through our Promethean faith in new green technology that we are cutting emissions in the UK."

- Says a man who has ordered the English government to ignore the science, set aside the epidemiology and corrupt public health best practice, in pursued with crony contracts, confusing and conflicting advice, no support for eliminating community transmission, and in the process causing 150,000 avoidable deaths, 350,000 cases of long covid and a range of other adverse effects. 

And when it comes to the investment the Vaccine was developed with public funding and Universities in the lead, and Astra Zeneca committed to producing their Vaccine, the first to be widely available, at cost. 

The Vaccination program was delivered by NHS staff and others, a majority of them ordinary citizens who volunteered their time, a demonstration of mutual aid.

"When I was a kid we produced almost 80 per cent of our electricity from coal; that is now down to two per cent or less and will be gone altogether by 2024."

- Germany did the same, but did not push millions of people into poverty - they retrained the vast majority of those workers who now enjoy good jobs, decent incomes and who are even now being retrained for future sustainability. 

Nothing like that has happened in England. - Life after Mining: Hidden Unemployment and Changing Patterns of Economic Activity  Amongst Miners in England and Walers, 1981—1991

In fact, the UK Government is tacitly supporting a new deep coal mine in England's northwest. West Cumbria Mining has been developing plans for an underground metallurgical coal mine off the coast of Whitehaven since 2014. Woodhouse Colliery, as it is known, was given the go ahead in October 2020 by Cumbria County Council. There are also plans to open new Oil fields.

"We have put in great forests of beautiful wind turbines on the drowned prairies of Doggerland beneath the North Sea.

In fact we produce so much offshore wind that I am thinking of changing my name to Boreas Johnson in honour of the North Wind."

What kind of wind is he the god of - hot air or fetid farts? I make an immature joke. Oh dear.

It's always about him, the immature, lying, philandering, blustering bully boy!  He's a bore and an arse! Bore Arse Johnson. He is trying to grab the kudos for effort made and work done by others long before his ascent to power.

When he uses the word 'we' he is fibbing - the UK Government did nothing other than grant licences to the companies that are operating the wind farm. The Norwegian State Energy Company Statoil being one of them, The other is SSE, a Scottish energy company. The first licence was issued in 2008. The only claim Johnson can make is that he has not messed this project up, but it's early days. That said, the Dogger Bank Wind Farm project is in the hands of professionals with long term vision and deep experience in energy supply, and it's unlikely they will let Johnson anywhere near the project. 

Noticeably the applause from the assembled UN international officials was short, and pointedly so.  Johnson's thumbs up from the podium was forlorn, the applause fading as shuffled off the stage, finished before he had exited the stage.

Meanwhile, back home the Johnson government is pushing ahead with plans to impoverish millions of families with children by removing a £20 uplift to Universal Credit, which is the system of financial supports for unemployed and very low income workers. 

And the Johnson Government are forcing all school children and students to become vectors in the next great spread event, towards mythical 'Herd Immunity' where bodies pile high at the 'acceptable rate of up to 1000 avoidable horrific deaths per week' as the disease continues to spread with it's adverse impacts reduced to 'acceptable levels', and many more people succumb to Long Covid.

All of which is entirely avoidable.

What is not avoidable is that Bore Arse Johnson is a mendacious, venal character carrying out others agenda, for his own egoic gratification and he has neither the ability or the inclination to do anything healthy and useful for the people of England, the UK and the wider world. He is not a fit and proper person to be a Prime Minister.

"It's not easy being green, when you're  a Liar"

Johnson is a buffoon on the World Stage to mask his avarice, and that of the English Ruling Class. Who still hark back after the days of Empire, the nostalgia on a 1000 year reign. 

Sovereignty! Taking back control!

#JohnsonOut #johnsonout #johnsonliedpeopledied

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it is your gift to universe."

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