Showing posts with label Letter. Media.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Letter. Media.. Show all posts

Externalised Costs and Climate Disruption - a Letter to news media across UK and Ireland.

To the editor.

Whilst some optimists might see potential in wine growing in Ireland and the UK, what with the climate warming as it is. the reality is that this is not climate change so much as it is climate disruption.

We all know that climate does indeed change over geological time frames. Disruption is a different matter. Climate Disruption may out pace us, if we neglect to take corrective action as a collective.

What behaviour lies at the root of this disruption?

I respectfully suggest it is the common industrial practice of externalising costs, in order to maximise wealth extraction more efficiently  (profitability)  allied with the concentration of wealth as a political hegemon to protect wealth extraction that does not pay it's environmental and social costs, that is the root issue here. 

Environmental consultancy Trucost carried out a study in 2013 which estimated that the annual costs to our shared environment ran to $7 trillion dollars.
Here we are 9 years later, and no meaningful action has been taken to confront this. Profitability based on this is a deceit, and it is a systemic, cultural deceit that is causing untold harm. The future is so hot, we've got to find shade!

How do we correct this dynamic?

Unless we discuss it honestly across the public domain, in schools, universities and the various corridors of power, corporate and political we cannot even start to confront this behaviour.  And it is quite clear now where that failure will lead us. 

Our children and theirs will not thank us if we avoid or evade this matter.

Who dares to host such an honest discourse? It is my fervent hope that News Media such as yourselves participate as hosts of this necessary discourse. 

Our descendants will thank you for for taking such a stance, I urge you to be brave and break the ice on this one, before we lose all our glaciers across Europe. Whilst we have no glaciers here in Ireland or England, the glacial pace of addressing Climate Disruption sends a chill to my heart, at the tender age of 63. 

Climate Disruption is a global problem, and truly, we are all in this together.

Kindest regards


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