Showing posts with label Warfare.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Warfare.. Show all posts

US Supreme Court Bans Abortion whilst the US Wages Proxy Wars - oppression at home and abroad, profits increase.

I see patterns, in part because I see patterns, and in part because for 58 years I have read widely. I am curious about this world we live in. I think Earth is a beautiful place. I think some cultures are ruining it.

What links this ruling by the USCC, Wealth Extraction, Poverty, Food Banks, Low Wages, Brexit, Trump, anti-LGBTQ+ activism, Deforestation, Raw Sewage in Fresh Water Rivers, Rwanda, Patel, Johnson, Dead Sea-Beds, The Queen as a Monarchy within a  Democracy, Weapons flows into Ukraine, Syria, and Israel from the West, Boris Johnsons criminality, China and Nuclear War?

What links them is that every one of these few, on this euro-centric and incomplete shortlist, an indicator, and a myriad more, complex and complicated problems the culture has created, and must resolve. 

The industrial militarised competing powers for profit and more power culture. It's basic mode is bullying. That is not healthy, biologically speaking.  And if it's not healthy, then it is not 'normal' for our species - what this culture calls normal is really an acceptance, a submission and sense of normalised to behaviour that's unacceptable, largely because it causes harm. Do you get that feeling, sometimes?

what is she thinking?

The garden path


Today the US Supreme Court Removed the right of all women within the jurisdiction of the United States of America to chose an Abortion if they fall pregnant and do not want the child, for whatever reason, whilst the US Wages Proxy Wars - oppression at home and abroad. Good lives ruined. 

It's quite understandable that a devout Christian woman who believes that abortion is a 'sin' would refuse an abortion for herself. That is her choice.

A statement from Jacinda Ardern

It is, however, amoral for her to impose that belief on other women, not least other women who are not devout Christians following Christian rules, and to agitate in any way whatsoever remove that choice from them.

Free Speech is one thing, it's fine for Christians to say "I reject abortion for myself, due to my belief." It is their right to say that, publicly.

It is also a woman's fundamental right, as a person, as a human being, if she choses so, to undertake an abortion for a pregnancy she does not want. She also deserves the best possible health care and support undertake the operation, be she rich or poor.

How can any woman demand that another women bear a child that is unwanted?

The same applies to men.

How dare they?

The injunction in Christianity against abortion is a belief, based upon an imperfect and manufactured doctrine.  It is not a matter of knowledge, science or evidence. It is not a matter of health care and psychological health. 

There are many decent Christians, devout, who adhere to the rules of their Faith. They are not bad people, they are not evil. I see no problem in such people adhering to their rules, as long as they have chosen, consciously, to adopt their Faith. The Right to Choose, Right?

Where they err is to impose that rule upon all other women. That is wrong. amoral and unfair.

It is also a matter of insecurity - the insecure try to secure themselves often by imposing their will upon others. This is a dynamic that can be exploited and is being exploited by political actors who routinely troll and trigger target groups and individuals insecurity and belief patterns. Deploying the framing effect to influence decision making. 

We have seen plenty examples of this in recent years and throughout recorded history.

It is a standard practice in all violent hierarchy cultures.

One of the long standing problems I perceive within Christianity as a dogma is that Dominion is embedded into their belief system - they believe the worlds peoples should all be Christian, and that a Christian Earth would be the best of all worlds. God has given them this Earth. The promised land. Manifest Destiny.

This sense of the right to achieve Dominion is also built into Capitalism, which is rooted in Puritan Christianity. The Industrial Revolution and European Colonialism were also rooted in Christianity, and both were presented as Christianising projects. Wealth is a sign of God's approval, poverty evidence of His disapproval and thus, a flaw in the person who is impoverished.

The cover story for colonialism was the three 'C's. 

Christianity, Commerce and Civilisation. The British Empire was a global commercial domination project at it's core, with it's foundations rooted in Christian Dominion as a God given right and as the correct path for all Humanity.

The decision by the US Supreme Court to remove the right to abortion is part of this dynamic of imposing Christianity and it's rules upon a diverse population, it will impact all indigenous peoples in much the same manner as the conquest of the America's has and it is linked into the domination of Earths peoples by Capitalism. Every movement that rejects that imposition was treated as a threat, and type cast as a competing power grab. 

"Islam wants to take over!". "Communism wants to take over!"  "Secularism wants to destroy our Faith." "There is a war against Christianity!" 


Secularism brought us The UN Charter of Human Rights, and included within it the right to religious freedom to allow people to follow their Religion, without being persecuted or discriminated against, and was a response to the horrors of the European pogrom perpetrated by the Nazi German Regime, which itself was part of a historical trend of pogroms against Jews 2000 years old.

War, religion and children

Thus it's declaration of freedom of religion was quite understandable, in the wake of the intolerable monstrosity of the slaughter of Jews and many others perpetrated by a modern European Christian State.

Unfortunately, what it did not do was instil an injunction against indoctrination.

Indoctrination is a core element of the propagation and expansion of Religion, and is mainly perpetrated upon defenceless children, often using methods, that if used on Adults, would be understood as deeply offensive. The use of psychology and sanction and corporal punishment to instil a belief system is oppressive. No matter the outcome. Even of it leads to a child growing up to be a kind, decent humane adult. The end does not justify the means.

Russian civilians and their children, Ukrainian civilians and their children are learning that lesson in the hardest and most horrific way imaginable, as two states, both avowedly Christian, though of different sects, and their allies pour weapons and men into wage war, and the civilians who are there by accident of birth, and who generally have nothing to do with the various aims of the Political War Lords on either side, until they are caught in the cross fire and must flee or endure or fight, as circumstance dictates, circumstance beyond their capability to influence - who is seeking Peace on either side?

The same can be said of any and all wars. Ordinary folk do not start wars, they do not vote for wars, because they know what wars will do to their lives, their communities, their culture.

Warlords vote for wars. Oligarchs profit from wars.

Warlords also exploit Religion and National Identity. A majority of adherents of Religion, as much as the majority of people for whom a given nationality is asserted,  are born into the Religion or The State in which their parents live and are indoctrinated into the beliefs associated with either institution as a matter of course, a practice which is accepted as the 'natural' order. 

Distal Power and Power Disparity

Children have little power relative to adults, and it's natural to some degree that children will adopt the beliefs of their parents, but the art of indoctrination - which is only possible due to the power differential between adults and children, a power disparity that is exploited to meet the adult worlds needs, and is often deployed with sanctions or threats of sanctions to ensure compliance - intensifies that adoption or internalisation of  the belief, and this frequently leads to conflict, when for example a child comes to terms with his or her sexuality as a teen or adult, and steps away from the doctrinal assumptions on sexuality or when a child rejects National Identity - as Theresa May opined "a Citizen of the World is a Citizen of nowhere!" in her Brexit Nationalistic taunt - conflict ensues.  The adults object. The rulers object. 

In my view the person externalising their own emergent sense of their sexuality is right, and a person asserting his or her sense of being part of the Human Family rather than merely a subject or citizen bound by nationalism is in the right. Those who oppose that are in the wrong.

I understand people adopting a national sense of self, an identity bound by history and culture, we all internalise our environment, but for it to be the result of indoctrination in childhood, that is oppressive, that is deliberate grooming and it is especially egregious when it is late on exploited. Nationalism fills the ranks of militarism, and in that sense it is oppressive and bloody well dangerous.

Every militarist state tells the mothers of the dead that their sacrifice was not in vain, that it was a noble sacrifice. Nah, I don't buy that. Let me say it as it really is. That is an ugly, disgusting lie, every time. It masks the truth of what war really is - for what is war other than Oligarchs organising the resources required to train workers to murder other workers, as the Oligarchy wave their Flags, in order to maintain the power of Oligarchs to dominate the society and to extract the wealth required to wage war.

Who can poll the dead for their opinions?

Would Rupert Murdoch or Elon Musk or Obama or Blair or May or Putin or Zelensky or Johnson present themselves at the frontline? Never! They lead from far behind the battle lines. Do the weapons makers turn up for shifts in the trenches. Do they fuck! 

They exhort the relatively powerless citizens to 'make the sacrifice for the Father/Motherland!' They persecute deserters and active anti-war activists and pacifists. 

Where is Julian Assange headed, and why?

Sanctions must be applied to keep the rebellious in line, and to forewarn others who might be considering similar action. Conversion therapy is driven by religious ideology, not by health care, science or kindness. It is known to be a cruel process. Demanding that every woman who falls pregnant bears the child to full term is similarly an act of intolerable cruelty.

Flags and images of Jesus are posted above class rooms, and children are enrolled, indoctrinated into the nationality myth and the religious myth. Is this just? Is this equitable? Pacifists are derided when War Lords wave flags to enroll young men and women into their wars. I think the pacifists are among the most courageous people of all. Atheists are decried as enemies of religion. Other Religions are deemed evil. This is all nonsense. Abortion Health Care is the work of Satan. Yeah, right. Jesus never said any of this.

The decision by the US Supreme Court, and body of less than 12 people, (Juries are 12, the USSC is merely 9 carefully selected (not elected) old farts, deciding upon the rules governing the lives of some 340 million people, to remove the right of all women in the US of A to choose an abortion, (and to have safe health care provision for such an operation, which they must pay for) from the Constitution, is a cruel decision. A divisive decision. What drives this divisive, irrationality?


The Oligarchy, as I have written previously, are engaged in a political war against democratic regulation of toxic industrial practice. The strategic goal is a divided electorate, divided along irrational emotional lines of belief - that way they can harness the various value-emotion led demographics - Christians, Jews, Sunni vs Shia Muslims, New Agers, Commie Haters, people who fear LGBTQ+, Xenophobes, small land lords, people who do not correctly understand Government Level Finance Operations etc.,. etc. 

This is deliberate, well funded and utterly political right wing and very aggressive and funded by oligarchy.

A tactic they are deploying is to weaponise Free Speech.

They are also part of an anti LBGTQ+ political movement.

So they attack Trans-Sexuality as unChristian, then demand the right to do so publicly and claim their right to free speech is being trashed if anyone objects. Then the use emotional trigger to conflate and link that to other issues.

The Oligarchy seek out emotionally charged  issues that can be carefully groomed to align with political goals related to undermine democratic solidarity across the board.

This is a strategic gaming of people's emotions and positions for political gain, a strategy honest people would never engage in. - a study of anti-abortion activism in UK.

There’s a very well funded Christian Right Wing movement in England, affiliated with US, part of a global network.

They are targeting universities, clinics and do a lot of online advertising/grooming.

They conflate the issue of Free Speech with their campaigns.

Let me make it clear that these tactics are evil. They are abusive.

Grooming vulnerable people being deployed to restrict the rights of women, or anyone else, or to achieve any political goal cannot stand.

It is inhumane, it is institutionalised abuse, it is an act of mass oppression.

As to the Supreme Court decision it is an act of profound misogyny. And members of that court are already calling for other rights to be removed, to follow on from this egregious betrayal. The drive to divide the population along highly charged emotional lines is a drive to start a war of sorts, a war that inhibits grass roots worker solidarity.

This is not so much a slippery slope as another step along the well trodden road to inhumane ruination. This is not simply a gender rights issue, it is a full scale war against a humane democracy, a war waged by the Wealth Extraction Class who know that Climate Disruption, Poverty, Racism and Environmental Degradation, Species loss is on their door step. And they know that healthy democratic regulation would end their dominance, politically and financially. Addicted to that power they will do anything, anything to retain that power, even if it means billions of deaths.

If we don't work with all the energy, compassion, intelligence and creativity we've got, to build bridges of rationality across these emotional ravines, they will push this, and all of us to the wall.

It can be done, we have examples in our history where grass roots solidarity built healthy political movements to rein in some of the power of the Oligarchy. This work is not easy, yet it is worth the effort. The Norwegian Pension Wealth Fund is one example of taking a more socially caring trajectory.  Finland's decision to ban homework from schooling is another example of a more compassionate policy that works in the best interests of school children.

I describe a trend here that has little in it to offer hope that we will find the kind of solidarity across Humanity to meet the challenges of Climate Disruption.

And at the same time, looking at this awful decision by the USSC I wonder what might happen when hundreds of millions, if not billions, of very intelligent, compassionate and creative women and their male allies refute this atrocious ruling, if we collectively recognise this a more than about abortion,  that this is part of a deliberate trend towards an  autocracy that protects the Wealth Extraction Ruling Class, a trend that is not the will of the majority of human beings alive today.

I remain hopeful for our futures, precisely because I know most people are decent, kind human beings albeit living within a social and material power system that is toxic, and yes, there is lots of work to be done to assure our children will not suffer from previous generations of oligarchs avarice, irrationality and evolutionary stupidity.

Kindest regards


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