Showing posts with label Uphold The Law.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Uphold The Law.. Show all posts

We have The Law, and we have the numbers. So what next?

The International Court of Justice, at The Hague, is the senior international court of justice in the domain of the law governing inter state relationships.

Magistrates are seen at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) as part of South Africa's request on a Gaza ceasefire in The Hague, on May 24, 2024. — AFP

Laws designed to  laws to force states to de-escalate military violence, laws that establish the right of protection afforded to all ordinary civil populations from warfare and their infrastructure from destruction, wherever they are, irrespective of who or what is perpetrating the violence, laws that are designed to prevent Genocide, and in the event of ailing to prevent, to hold accountable and punish perpetrators of Genocide.

Great ideas, not yet fully realised.

The International Court of Justice, at The Hague, has issued an advisory to the United Nations General Assembly, which asked the question the panel of judges was now answering.

What is the legal position of the Israeli Occupation of Palestinian Lands?

The Court mused and cogitated upon the evidence of the illegality of the occupation itself, the illegality of the militarised oppression of an entire people, the illegality of apartheid infrastructure and legislation, the illegality of the settlements, the legality of self of  determination, as a peoples fundamental right on their own lands.

The Court  finding is that on the available, reliable evidence the case is clear - the State of Israel is in breach of numerous laws of war and humanitarian law (and has been for some time, including an ongoing Genocidal Militarised assault upon a defenceless civilian Palestinian population across Gaza).

The Law  as it stands calls for an immediate end to all Israeli Military action within the Occupied Palestinian Borders, it must withdraw and it must the Occupation, and it must divest the settlements.

The compels ratifying States to take State level action to enforce this ruling.

Zionist Israeli action since 1967 in this colonial project that inspired brutal ethnic cleansing and sanitised settlement, as a weapon, is criminal, it is an International Crime, committed by a State,  absolutely illegal criminal activity and now that State stands, as ordered by the court,  to immediately cease, desist its aggressions, it must retreat to within Israel, and be prepared to face accountability and commit to substantive reparations.

All they are saying is “Uphold The Law.”

Uphold the Law. In full. 

Quite simple, really.

Not complicated.

Every country that has ratified the International Court of Justice, must abide by its decisions, which are legally binding in International Law and customary law.

The complicating aspect to all this, the things that make it difficult to uphold the Law is the power of the Law Breakers and their State allies to impede accountability, in spite of evident culpability.

Every elected legislator in every country that has ratified the International Court of Justice, is now empowered by International Law to force the extent Government to take direct and immediate action to fulfil the mandate of the Court. Mandated to oppose, impede, penalise and thus cease all material and diplomatic aid to the State of Israel,  as long as its actions continue to be in breach of International Law.

Every citizen in every country that has ratified the International Court of Justice, is now empowered by International Law to force the extent Government to take direct and immediate action to fulfil the mandate of the Court.

Every citizen in every country. 

We have The Law, and we have the numbers.

We’ve got this. Don't we? We need to. All of us,

Kindest regards


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