Showing posts with label war crimes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label war crimes. Show all posts

Fake news, bullying, indoctrination and politics.

New York Mag article on FAKE NEWS SITES.

They do not include the mainstream media that LIED to the hilt to promote the War of Aggression against Iraq, the supreme War Crime, in that it contains all others...

That media activity is and was a War Crime.

Period. No exception, no excuses.

Everyone who wrote for that war is a war criminal.

It is one of the largest co-ordinated institutional bullying operations of recent years, if not the largest.

The data and evidence that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11, or was not harbouring Islamic Terrorists planning waves of terrorism, or was in any way, shape or form a threat to the UK or the USA was widely available.

The mainstream media ignored all this. They printed fake shit, day in day out. They still do.

The writers, editors and owners understood that they could get away with the criminal activity they were engaged in because they knew that a majority of people believe what they read in officially approved text books, such as we use in school, and in Scriptures. It's called indoctrination.

Here's the psycho-social background.

We spend years in school, coerced into reading texts, and regurgitating them to get exam results, (with the threat that unless we conform we will be impoverished all our lives and live as rabble) and that 12 years of institutional bullying trains people to not use critical analysis, pattern observation, detail examination; just to repeat as directed.

Add to that the knowledge that a majority of people see politics as corrupt and unresponsive (an accurate perception) just as the schools are corrupt and unresponsive, (most people are unwilling to acknowledge this) and you get the heady cocktail of a power establishment that bullies so much that most people are de-sensitised to all but the most extreme and obvious forms of bullying, and a significant percentage tend to be bullies within their own lives and work, more often if they ever assume positions of relative power that generates high income.

This article shows, in some detail, the dynamics of political institutional bullying and it also reveals much about how the personal is political.

Readers will have epiphanies as they explore it. You will see aspects of your own life experience detailed. It might even be a healing experience.

Anyone discussing politics who does not zero in on the bullying is self disabling, self dis-empowering and 100% unable to deal with the situation.

Whatever one's leaning, (left, right, center, green, blah, blah, blah) if we do NOT discuss the bullying FIRST, the rest of our conversation is futile.

Talk about economics - zero in on the bullying, the rest will fall into place.

Talk about environment - zero in on the bullying, the rest will fall into place.

Avoid the issue of bullying and that guarantees that the bullying continues - look at what happens in our state school system. That's a prime example of 'environmentalists' missing a key pollutant that alters the psychology of the entire grass roots.

So yeah, Bullying. Deal with it or be bullied, that is the fundamental reality, as individuals and as collectives.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

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War Crimes, Opinion or Evidence, Burkini's, Bullying and Jo Cox

The Big Issue.


War Crimes.

War Crimes and War Criminals going un-opposed, not being held to account by the taxpayers who funded those who made the decisions to go to war, and who paid for the troops and contractors tasked with prosecuting the wars.

Politicians who deliberately, and against all warnings, enabled massive bank fraud and then bailed out those banks who committed those frauds, using future taxpayer funds, thus in-debting (or indenturing) the emerging generation of students as future taxpayers and then, as if to rub salt into these open wounds, the same grouping of Politcians claimed 'Austerity' (lack of spare cash) as their excuse for a class war against the vulnerable and the poor.

That is the core issue here.

Opinion vs Evidence

The people who allowed this to happen, who voted for and continue to vote for the politicians on any side who administered and are yet administering all of this, are the enablers of these crimes. In that I include the mainstream media, and the conspiracy theorist industry.

One cannot, as so often happens, blame those who did not vote, out of sheer ennui, desperation or a learned, evidence based distaste for a system that is actively an institutionalized bully system.

Most of the those people did look at the evidence, and decided that the only option was not to participate in hypocrisy.

That is understandable.

There is no excuse in the 21st Century for not taking the time to examine the evidence, the data, when making choices that affect (or afflict) the entire community.

This must be addressed to all those who voted for the politicians who have, and are, committing war crimes and attacking the most vulnerable people in our society.

"You are not looking at the evidence!"

Selfishness, my mortgage, my job, my party loyalty, my allegiances, my prejudices, what I read in the papers, or see in the News on TV etc are all invalid bases for making choices that affect Governance.

We do have a social responsibility to each other. To cause no harm.

That ought to be obvious. Duty of Care. Due Diligence.

Opinion cannot replace or supplant evidence, on matters related to the administration of a communities shared contributory resources,with mere opinion.

We need to make THAT 100% CLEAR.

I refuse to argue about opinions - I say present the evidence, the facts, the outcomes.

Do not be trolled by those who insist on their 'right' to hold and impose an opinion - they can hold it, but they have no right to impose it, as that imposition is an abuse.

Fight back with honesty, truth, evidence, determination and vision, a vision that must include the liberation of those who hold opinion over evidence from the trap they are in.

Do whatever it takes in terms of a discourse.

France's Burkini Ban

It's a deliberate provocation, designed to inflame wounded people on the edges of violence into acting out that violence, and to give a false basis to those who would support violence against France on the basis of Islamaphobiic policies proving their case.

Institutionalised bullying is a scientifically mediated strategic, tactical weaponised behaviour system. It includes grooming, labeling, distraction, slander, slur, innuendo, opinion over evidence, gas lighting, lies and set-ups, as well as the many tools of direct and indirect violence. It's intent is to ensure that Power is retained, enhanced and projected.

ALL Governments or Power Hierarchies use it, media are utterly aware and complicit, and we see it in movies and 'pop' culture all the time...

We are being politically inept and socially foolish (I know it is scary, frightening to look at, yet looking away will not deal with it) if we do not take the time to recognise these tactics, and their position within the strategies of Power.

  We must also work out how to counter it, within ourselves, within our families and communities as much as across Society as a whole - otherwise those who are living where the bombs are being dropped or detonated, abroad and at home, will continue to suffer, and we will suffer, and our children suffer even more if we fail to address it.

In all it's forms.

We are paying for it, literally funding it.

Taxpayers pay for ALL the Wars, all the killing.

Superb blog, by Kitty Jones, on how bullying operates.

Read it.

Be armed, rather than armored.

Jo Cox.

Jo Cox, a British female labour politican murdered, assassinated in an extreme act of violence, less than 3 months ago.


Silence of the Lambs, or Silence of the Wolves?

Why is this not being discussed by the Labour Party membership, with the same passion as the leadership non-contest?

Who killed Jo Cox?

Britain did.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

*If you like this post, if you found the themes resonant, if you agree in part, would you be kind enough to let others know about it? I would really appreciate that. You could drop a comment too, if you felt the urge. Or not. I will moderate contributions, and block any that are abusive. For obvious reasons. Thank you for reading.

'Upstarts' in the Labour Party?

                       "we don't like honest people being honest about our behaviour"

'New upstarts'? was what one pundit Mefia commentator said of the Momentum group within the Labour Party.

People who he suggests are intent on taking over and destroying the Labour Party from within, a surge of insurgents, an anti-demcoratic horde of ranting idealists, who will NEVER gain power, and will condemn Labour to infinite futility. That's the general mainstream view, the 'public opinion' as manufactured by the Moguls of Mordor and Murdoch.

So let me tell you who I think some of those people are...

A generation of people who were 14 -16 or so when the adults, their parents, teachers, mentors, celebrities etc allowed the British Government to invade Iraq. And their parents, mentors and communities.

They are in their late 20s now, fully adult and effing furious with our generation, their parents and grand parents, who failed to stop that invasion, (largely because we were fixated on home ownership and wealth 'creation' which drove inequity ever deeper in the UK) when the evidence at the time was clear.

A general strike would have been enough to bring the British State involvement in Iraq to a halt. It was mooted at the time but dismissed without a rational debate.

We marched, and then went home....

No WMD, Regime Change 100% illegal, War of Aggression 100% Illegal, no association with 9/11 and a country that had been bombed for more than a decade vs the mightiest military on Earth..... all this info was easily available on line at the time. To those who made the effort.

Those ADULTS that did not seek out that information, but relied upon 'opinion' have by default enabled that War Crime and appear to be wholly unwilling to confront that and have left a mess that the children of 2003 and their contemporaries in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan and elsewhere are all too aware of - that is how these 'upstarts' see matters and they are correct.

They see the previous generations are too timid to call out the bullies, the bullying system.

It's also valid to point out that mere opinion is not the same as evidence or data.... and thus mere opinion is not sufficient when making decisions that affect other peoples lives so deeply, so harmfully.

Neither is religious belief, right wing or left wing ideological bias.

All of these are inadequate to the task of genuine democracy, which is the administration of our shared resource, taxation, for the equal benefit of all people in our society.

You would not accept a brain surgeon operating on the basis of 'opinion' - you would want data, evidence, precedence and insurance... and absolutely due diligence and duty of care....

Most of what is published as fact in mainstream media is mere opinion. Donald Trump's ascendancy is a direct result of submission to mere opinion. Likewise Hilary Clinton's nomination by the Democrats, who were proven to have acted amorally and possibly illegally in their fight back against the people who lifted Sanders...... Brexit was another victory of opinion over evidence.

It's immature to base decision making that affects peoples lives on mere opinion, and it is also careless, irresponsible and feeble.

If I was in my 20's or 30's now I'd be utterly, utterly disgusted at my parents generation. And terrified of the future they have bequeathed me and my contemporaries.

'New upstarts. - HOW DARE YOU!

Most people I know in their teens, 20's and 30's see clearly that the old system of Governance is corrupted, it is a bully system and they fear for their futures as people of good heart (above and beyond home ownership and jobs...) and they are furious, frustrated, appalled and deeply saddened by the way the previous generations of people with such privilege have failed to honour their children's futures....

And you ain't seen nothing yet. These are not young 'idealists' - they live with the reality in a way previous generations do not.... connected, international, global, tolerant, caring, compassionate and robust in their thinking, superbly well informed.

And active.

Get behind them adults, get behind them and support your future grand children's futures.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

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Theresa May, Angela Eagle, Jeremy Corbyn and War Crimes.

1. The Laws prohibiting war were then as they are now. Nothing has changed.

2. The senior Lawyer at the Foreign Office, Elizabeth Wilmshurst quit her role just before the war.

She had been at the Foreign Office since 1974.

She stood down from a career that spanned 30 years.

She was 100% clear that the invasion was a War of Aggression, the supreme war crime, in that it contains all other war crimes.

Her letter of resignation made this clear.

"I cannot in conscience go along with advice - within the Office or to the public or Parliament - which asserts the legitimacy of military action without such a resolution, particularly since an unlawful use of force on such a scale amounts to the crime of aggression; nor can I agree with such action in circumstances which are so detrimental to the international order and the rule of law. "

ALL Cabinet level politicians had access to that advice.

Claire Short, Robin Cook also resigned. Why?

3. ALL MP's had then, as they have now, a duty of care and of due diligence that is inherent in their roles as MP's, as representatives of their constituencies.

Each and everyone of them had a duty to examine the Laws prohibiting war, and to understand them as they applied at the time.

Failure to do so, along with voting for the War, on such a matter where peoples lives (the troops they were sending, their families) were being put into harms way, and where the outcomes for Iraqi civilians were likely to be horrific, at the expense of the tax payer, was corporate negligence of the highest order, at the very minimum.

They all had plenty of time to exercise due diligence and honour their duty of care.

They chose not to.

Angela Eagle chose not to.

David Cameron chose not to.

Theresa May chose not to.

They are all culpable under the Law, for their inactions as much as their actions.

It is a matter of parliamentary and public record.

They were and are not alone; there are many people in positions of influence in the BBC, Media, Civil Service, Military and Police Command who participated in the rush to war, all of whom had the same duty of care, the same due diligence, given their positions in the system.

4. Jeremy Corbyn is 100% committed to upholding the Law, as is John McDonnell, and as are the vast majority of grass roots electorate.

This is not about personalities, it is about policies, outcomes, accountability and prevention.

We at the grass roots owe it to the dead and living of Iraq, Libya, Yemen and Syria to hold our Government to account for their many crimes, committed using our taxes, using monies borrowed with our future taxes as collateral......

That is the threat the Establishment want to neutralise.

And they will fail. They are failing.

5. Hold steady.

Stay strong.

Stand for justice, truth, honesty and a fair Society.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

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Somme : They died for Tony Blair's Freedom.

"they died for our freedoms"

The died for our freedoms. That's the claim.

They were murdered.

They were maimed, traumatised, broken.

They died for our freedoms.

It is a lie.

They were murdered. On both 'sides'.

They were murdered for the British Establishments freedom to wage war again, less than 100 years later. Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria.

80 million working class low income folk have had their entire lives turned upside down, with millions dead, millions maimed, millions in refugee camps.

"They died for our freedoms!"

To honour the dead of the Somme, then Tony Blair, Anna Eagle, Jack Straw  and all of those who enabled the illegal war of aggression against the Iraqi working class people, the Libyan working class people, the Syrian working class people,  must be honestly,robustly investigated, and then arrested each and every one of them, and brought them before the courts, to account for their actions and the outcomes, in public.

We are free to do this, the evidence is clear, the law is clear.

Honour the dead of the Somme : Keep Calm and Arrest the War Criminals!

What could be more simple, more clear than that.


Immigration driving down wages - why that is a lie.

The argument that immigration from Eastern Europe into Britain was the cause of lost jobs, due to low wages they Eastern Europeans and others were paid is a classic misdirection.

It is also known as 'Gaslighting'.

1. It was the choice of the employers to pay those low wages.

2. The Eastern Europeans did not advertise themselves as cheaper labour. They did not come here and say "We will do that work for less!". They came here and took what was offered. Who offered it? And why?

3. It was the choice of the Government to accept the employers choice to make more profit by paying less on wages to vulnerable people..

The Government could have said : "Woah! No you don't!". They live here now, they get same wage as standard for that job.

They could have said, "here's the national minimum wage, and here's the standard for skilled and unskilled labour in your industry."

"No discrimination."

"No exploitation."

No. What they did was to make the situation worse. For everyone concerned, except the employers.

They created Tax Credits to insure the employers, to ensure income working class people in Britain, resident British people, could be employed at low wages, with a tax payer top up.. and the employers could make more profit.

As if it was a gift.

The they use that set up and loudly acclaim their social program.

"Look at what we are doing for YOU!"

Then they whisper into hurting people's ears, and present them with images for their eyes and they say "They take your jobs, your houses, your schools, your streets......"

And anger mounts.

And so it goes.


Is this what the dead of the Somme died for?

Exploitation of vulnerable workers, so that Industry could make more profits using cheap labour.

Do not hold the immigrants to blame for that.

Hold the employers to account. Hold the Government to account.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

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Why is the BBC so keen on bringing Corbyn down?

Why is the BBC so set on bringing Jeremy Corbyn down?

Many of the leading reporters, writers, editors on the BBC and other media are implicated in the propaganda campaign to support the decision to wage war in Iraq and their support for follow up actions in Libya, Syria and Yemen.

The crime of a war of aggression is what Elizabeth Wilmshurst, a leading Foreign Office Lawyer, who started her career at the FO in 1974, and who resigned in 2003, days before the war was launched, identified that war in her resignation letter.

Wilmshurst gave up a lifetimes work to maintain her integrity. She was a leading lawyer in the Foreign Office and had a long and dedicated career. Her concerns were serious.

You can find some more details on the behaviour of the BBC and other media in supporting the race to war, and it's behaviour in reporting on what happened next, some of whichcan be found in this article by Medialens.

We are living in a time when the propaganda function of even our most respected media is clear for all to see."

Could that be why they are so set against Corbyn?  Their propaganda, which was questioned at the time by some, makes them complicit in the commission of that crime. They are vulnerable to charges of War Crimes.

The repeated attempts, in such a short time, by the BBC to bring Corbyn down
probably amount to a world record of some kind.

The repeated failures and subsequent continuation of this program of institutional bullying suggests that the management and some staff at the BBC are very exercised about all of this.

Have they applied the same energy to resolving the Jimmy Savile case? Or the matter of Lord Janner? Or indeed the matter of the Vatican cover-up of pedophile predatory priests and the intimidation of survivors who have come forwards with testimony? Or any number of serious matters where public figures have committed dreadful crimes?

If not why not? Why then this incessant drive to destroy Jeremy Corbyn's leadership of the Labour Party? What is that all about?

Perhaps they can smell the sweat of an indictment, the iron bars of conviction: the entire British Power Establishment is very worried indeed...  and so they should be - a very serious war crime has been committed, we know what was done, who is involved and what the outcomes are.

The Power Establishment : These are the people in every political party, in every organisation, in charities and other great institutions who operate as part of a broad base or community that has historically gained, retained, enhanced and projected Power over people, nations, industries, finance, the Military and so forth.

My concern here is that Corbyn, Galloway, Skinner and O'Donnell are the ONLY leading UK politicians who have said the Iraq War was a Crime. There may be others. (Let me know in the comments if you know of any, so that I can add to the list.)

I cannot see how ANY real change towards a healthy functioning Democracy can emerge whilst the War Criminals are still on the public payroll and at liberty - and that includes everyone who has made Iraq and the subsequent 'actions' in Libya, Syria and Yemen possible, way beyond Tony Blair...

The Power Establishment are vulnerable to War Crimes trials.

We have the evidence, we know a lot about what they did, and while we do not yet have access to all their secrets, we do know where they live.

We should prosecute that campaign to identify and arrest the War Criminals with all due diligence and determination and strength.. The Law is with us on this.

This goes beyond ideologies, socialism, capitalism, communism, conspiracy theories, religion etc - it is about genuine social justice...

1 million + Iraqi's have been murdered, close to 33 million have been traumatised, 6 million Libyans, 22 million Syrians, 24 million Yemeni people have been harmed, and yet more hundreds of thousands have died or been maimed largely due to our Government's overt an d covert actions in their lands, and this wave of unspeakable trauma has been funded by our taxes, on goods and income etc.....

We share some responsibility for all of this. We are not innocent bystanders by any stretch.

We have allowed the British Government to convert our taxes into millions of dead bodies, maimed survivors, traumatised communities, destroyed states. By not pursuing the War Criminals we have stood by when we could have done something.

Well that time is here.

Support Jeremy Corbyn, and support all those who seek to enact a genuine and just democracy, who seek to ensure that Justice is served.

We make peace more likely if we prevent war. And the best prevention is to make it clear that anyone in Power who initiates such action will be held accountable in public.

It is also important to look at the tactics and behaviours of those who are bullying Corbyn (and all of us who want a genuinely evidence based just participative democratic governance system). I have another short blog on some of the behaviours of those who bully through the media, etc, that you might find interesting and useful.

I would also suggest readers take a look at this superb blog piece on bullying in politics and how it operates  to obstruct fair discourse,  justice and healthy democratic change...
(blog by Kitty Jones). Insightful, evidence based, honest and easy to read an assimilate...

We also need to be able to spot bullying from within our own ranks, and how to confront it, safely, in order to preserve our calm, and prevent provocative people from derailing our work, and possibly help those who are angry and frustrated and hateful to deal with that side of their struggle.

We are all in this together.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

*If you like this post, if you found the themes resonant, if you agree in part, would you be kind enough to let others know about it? I would really appreciate that. You could drop a comment too, if you felt the urge. Or not. I will moderate contributions, and block any that are abusive. For obvious reasons. Thank you for reading.

Corbyn is not the problem: the threat of prison sentences for War Criminals is the problem.

Look. See the evidence.

The NeoLiberals within Labour, within Conservative, across Society in the UK and elsewhere have a problem.

They went to war, and it was illegal.

They knowingly lied about the 'reasons'.

Iraq was a War Crime, and everything, everything related to it that flows from that decision, from Iraq to Libya and Syria, is part of that crime spree.

Check their voting records, the speeches they made, the justifications they repeated without due diligence.

The broke a number of laws... repeatedly.

They believed they would get away with it because Saddam was such a bastard, nobody, nobody liked him, even those who worked for him - they feared him and for many it was safer to work for the Devil than to challenge him. Blair thought he would get away with it. Bush thought he would get away with it.

Corbyn has made it clear that for him, according to the evidence, Iraq was a War Crime, and he has made that clear publicly. He cannot back away from that statement, nor can he avoid it's clear implications. I think he knows that, and that he has the mettle to push this all the way that it needs to go. I think that many, many people support this.

The Labour and Tory and LIberal Dem MPs who voted for the War can smell the iron bars, they can smell the loss of liberty and their great wealth and priviledge.

Cameron can smell the bars awaiting him for bombing Libya and arming violent militia and escalating violence across North Africa and the Middle East.

The BBC, Guardian, Sun, Sky News, etc are all participants in maintaining the propaganda, and they can smell the iron bars of those cells that await them. They cannot say they did not know, as all their errors were pointed out at the the time, in detail, repeatedly.

The Military top brass likewise.

So they are fighting for their lives, their liberty, their social position.

They will do ANYTHING to avoid those trials.... they cannot admit the crime.

And they are all part of the British Establishment that is shitting all over poor and low income folk, beyond the limited imagination of 'successful middle class' folk....

They are also the same people who DID not resist 'austerity', they are the same people who forced the tax payer to bail out the banks on a fraudulent prospectus, they are the same people who allowed WorkFare, Benefit Sanctions, who allowed the DWP to sanction disabled folk, unemployed folk, who encouraged the Buy-To-Let Mortgage market to create more indebted 'landlords' who then raised the rents to meet their 'costs', screwing the renter whilst taking the profits from the house price rise,  all of this to enrich the finance industry, to increase land prices..

Those policies are part of their over all world view. And yes, there are those in Europe who share those views.And yes there are issues with the way the EU treated the Greeks, the Irish, the Spanish and how that affected the poorest sectors of society. That's a lot of hardship meted out to people who did nothing wrong at all, who are vulnerable because they are poor or disabled, or slightly mad or badly educated....

And look at the 'killing' they are making out of all of this abuse. Look at the distribution of wealth and resources. They are raking it in. Does Tony Blair need or deserve a fortune edging onto £100 million?

The War Crimes trials are the ONLY real leverage those who seek justice and fair governance within the UK have against that Power Establishment.... imagine Murdoch being charged with War Crimes? Or the individual writers who wrote clear lies in order to sell the war? Imagine the executives that profiteered from War being indicted, tried in public? Imagine the UN putting Ian Duncan Smith on trial for Human Rights Breaches at the DWP sanction regime?

They all KNEW what was going on. They all KNEW what they were doing.

They went to war and they shafted the poor/low income of this country at the same time. These are not separate matters.

So that is why there is so much energy directed at the Corbynistas, so much energy devoted to making out that the working class leave vote is racist and xenophobic, so much energy devoted to shredding social support.

This is the fight we ought to have put up back in 2003.

We ought to have gone on general all out strike, to bring the Blair War cabal down.

We failed then, we cannot fail now, or we will be remembered as 'good germans' are now remembered.

This is a matter of Justice above all else.

Do you uphold the Law, or is lawlessness rewarded?

This is the choice before us.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

*If you like this post, if you found the themes resonant, if you agree in part, would you be kind enough to let others know about it? I would really appreciate that. You could drop a comment too, if you felt the urge. Or not. I will moderate contributions, and block any that are abusive. For obvious reasons. Thank you for reading.

Angela Eagle, The War Criminals in Power, Iraq and Trident

Corbyn, McDonnell, Skinner and Galloway are, as far as I know the only living British politicians who have publicly stated that Iraq is a war crime, and that War Crimes Investigations and trials must flow. There may be more (Tony Benn has passed on...) Do let me know if there are any others.

The Blairite, Media and BBC attacks on Corbyn are the defence department of the British Power Establishment. They are defending that establishments operatives who worked on making the Iraq war happen.

Even IF people genuinely believe Jeremy Corbyn is not an 'effective leader' nor 'electable' and must be removed for Labour to gain ground in the next election, whenever that happens, ( an opinion not supported by the facts and the actuality of Corbyn's long political career) their support for his removal plays into the hands of the British Power Establishment.

Refusal to see that and integrate it into their desire to have a 'good' leader they can follow (which Corbyn rejects, he says the leadership must come from the grass roots) and a refusal to then mitigate their actions to dislodge him until they have a candidate who WILL pursue War Crimes Investigations and Trials with all due diligence is myopia, it is short sighted, it is folly, and worst of all it plays the hand of the War criminals.

It is not their intention to do so. I get that.

That does not alter the fact that the Power Establishment will benefit by reducing the threat of War Crimes Investigations and Trials of their operatives from that sectarian fight over the leadership, that needless distraction and they will use that to the hilt. No-one will be able to thwart that once the act is done.There are no credible MPs in the Labour Party who can stand and say they have the grounds and ability, the steel and grit to pursue the War Crimes issue.

In effect the leadership coup will protect the power establishment from a threat they really are vulnerable to. Our only leverage against them for all the harm they have and are causing. 

The reality, the legal reality, as well as the moral reality,  is that War Crimes were committed, and are being committed, by the British Government, the British State.

Supported by those Media who refused then and continue to refuse to tell the unadorned truth in this matter, and as such all actions of that Government, irrespective of who is in office have no legitimacy, until the matter of War Crimes is resolved by Justice. 

Every statute written since March 2003 is invalid.

An actively criminal Government cannot be legitimate under Law.

Yesterday, Angela Eagle cried tears in an interview explaining why she resigned and then refused to say if she'd mount a leadership challenge. "Now is not the time for this."

Now today she mounts that challenge.

She KNEW then what she knows now. Those tears were manipulation at it's most dramatic. Or darker.

Her voting record on matters of War speaks for itself.  She is culpable.

She DID vote for War against Iraq, she 
voted against saying that the case for war against Iraq has not yet been established, she voted against an investigation into the Iraq War, and much more besides.

Her integrity is questionable, and her due diligence in such important matters is lacking. The Law was (and remains) quite clear on the matter and she had a duty of care know that Law and to uphold it.

Nuremburg made it quite clear that not knowing the Law is no defence in War Crimes trials. It is also a general principle of tort Law.

Ignorance of the Law is not a defence. Ignoring the Law is a crime in and of itself.

Politics is a dirty, dirty game and if we do not grasp the levels of manipulation, deceit and grooming involved, and we underestimate the capabilities of the power establishment in terms of their abilities to dig into our psychology and manipulate us, and have not the ability to identify, question and then counter those moves, we are way out of our depth.

Governance is another matter.

In governance, we are talking about the administration of the shared contributory resource we call taxation, which ought to be administered for the equal benefit of all who contribute, their families, their children and their communities.

That demands that policy is a) evidence based b) designed in part by the people whose lives it touches c) free of ideology, religion or mere opinion d) transparent and e) subject to responsive change as new information emerges.

I support any politician who can prove that they understand and adhere to these principles. I cannot trust those who do not. Neither can you.

Let me remind folk that 80 million people in the Middle East have had their entire civil society destroyed as a direct result of these Wars, and that must weigh heavily on all of us as tax payers. 80 million men, women, children, families. communities : look around at your loved ones and try to imagine what that must be life.

The human reality is why I write. I have no ideology. Just empathy.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

*If you like this post, if you found the themes resonant, if you agree in part, would you be kind enough to let others know about it? I would really appreciate that. You could drop a comment too, if you felt the urge. Or not. I will moderate contributions, and block any that are abusive. For obvious reasons. Thank you for reading.

War Crimes, Brexit and Self Determination of a people, as opposed a State Power Establishment.

 There's something being avoided by the mainstream public domain discourse.

Something absolutely fundamental to the legitimacy of Governance in England and across the UK. Was the Iraq War, and the wars against Libya and Syria, legal or not?  We know they were unjust. We know that media and Government lied and spun to sell the concept. Chilcott is due out in July. What will it bring up?

The British Power Establishment can ignore 1 million violent deaths of Iraqi's, Libyans, Syrians... they can ignore 11 million Syrian Refugees. Yes, they can even ignore 3 million signatures on an e-petition.

They cannot ignore the threat of War Crimes trials, which is what this EUref is really all about. Neurtralising a threat. They'd go as far as triggering a civil war in Northern Ireland, whose 'peace' is in part secured by the EU and EU Human Rights Law.

EU Law helped install the legislation required to arrest and try War Criminals into English Law, under the 2001 International Criminal Court Act.

Leaving the EU is first step to repealing that Legislation.

The Power Establishment know they are vulnerable, that the upholding of the Law will undermine their 'freedoms'.

WE cannot ignore that any longer. They MUST remove all legal instruments that leave them vulnerable, as they are, to charges of War Crimes.


The claims of 'self-determination' of the Brexit campaign are empty unless the War Criminals are dealt with before the Law, unless they ALL UPHOLD THE LAW, and see that it is applied in this case without remorse.

Too many people have been murdered and maimed, funded by UK Tax Payers contributions, for this to be avoided.

The UK Government has no legitimacy until this is dealt with, and Justice is served.


Imagine what it must be like to have been a 16 year old in 2003 watching the adults in your own community allow the British Government to wage an illegal, amoral, horrific war, and then follow that up with three more against Libya, Syria and Yemen, wars the majority of 16 year olds objected to stongly, but their voices were silenced.

And now the EUref, and those same voices are sidelined again, at age 29, whilst the current 16 year olds were denied participation in a decision they will have to live with longer than anyone else apart from their little brothers and sister, a decision made under false pretences....?




Upholding the Law?

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

*If you like this post, if you found the themes resonant, if you agree in part, would you be kind enough to let others know about it? I would really appreciate that. You could drop a comment too, if you felt the urge. Or not. I will moderate contributions, and block any that are abusive. For obvious reasons. Thank you for reading.

Peace, Poppies and Honesty,


There can be no peace, no equality without empathy. Empathy for the children, the mothers, the fathers, the civilians who are forced to flee for their lives.

Empathy for those children whose best option appears to them to be to enlist in a State Military or a street gang, or a terrorist militia....

And empathy as a means to understanding the mind of that kind of power that rules, the social conditioning of that power that rules rather than governs. That too.

What I mean is that we must develop an accurate, evidence based understanding of those who bully, who abuse their power and we must understand their psychology and their techniques

Know the mind of those who would call YOU an enemy of the State because you desire and aspire towards a State that nurtures peace, community, egalitarianism, justice and kindness.

The Poppy

The people who wear the Poppy and hold Power.... are not the same as the people who wear poppies to commemorate and remember those who died of State induced Violence, out of sadness and regret, but are similar to those who celebrate the 'victory' of War, the 'sacrifice' of millions of people, the 'freedom won' .... because they have been taught to think that the myth of being slaughtered 'for freedom' is heroic, that it was a freely entered into choice of those who were slaughtered.

It was not.

No civilian population ever chose war against other civilians. The majority of troops did not choose war. A majority were conscripts, in one way or another because it is always the leaders, the political power players who chose war. They chose but do not participate, do not venture near any danger, do not share the burden of blood, guts, tears.

We ordinary folk are and were subjected to intense social conditioning designed to serve the needs of Power above all else, and so we bought and are buying the lies, we fought and died, and we will will continue to do so, and it was and is all needless waste, 100% avoidable and it is all predatory abuse.

The troops followed orders that were and are insanely incompetent. The troops in Afghanistan followed orders that were insanely incompetent. There is ample evidence of this.

The Poppy as a symbol was first used to commemorate the lives lost, to accentuate the needlessness of such mass death by violence, to urge a move away from such massive slaughter of both troops and civilians.... but it has been co-opted.

Our political leaders are intent on grooming us, on manipulating information and situations so that they can pursue war as a policy tool. Bearing in mind that there is a massive industry that makes immense profits from that slaughter. A massive industry that funds many of our leading politicians, directly and indirectly.

They who are in power who wear the red poppy, who celebrate 'sacrifice', who lie and cheat and bully, are a danger to the grass roots of humanity.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe

Tony Blair: Accountabilty cannot stop with him alone.

Tony Blair's 'essay' on Iraq, Syria etc ::

I would like to suggest that he is not alone in accountability for the war crimes of Iraq and Afghanistan, and that meaningful accountability must include all culpable officials and other actors involved. He cannot be set up as a fall guy on his own. To do that would be a failure of equal proportions to the wars themselves.

Here's some pertinent points concerning his recent essay .... some background the mainstream media has avoided like the plague...

1. Blair claims that the underlying problem is "Islamic Fundamentalism". Some of the most extreme Islamic Fundamentalists are the Wahhabist Saudi Regime, Quatar, Bahrain etc - all 'allies' of the West. These States have are Religious Autocracies, and are extreme puritans amongst other things, and been funding attacks on progressive Islamic Social Democracy movements across the Middle East and further afield, since the 1940s, in order to protect their Power, supported by the Western Powers, who also helped to established these States as their local proxies.

2. The popular uprisings in North Africa, and Ukraine have a common thread. A progressive grass roots protest undermined by 'imported' violence from 'foreign fighters' who escalate violence.

This pattern is old, well used and well documented and we know that Power often has a hidden hand in terms of planting paid agent provocateurs within protests and activist communities. It's a standard tactic.

Once that cycle of violence starts things get out of hand quickly and the progressive grass roots movements are sidelined. Until the violence cycle ends. Which is not possible when Western 'military funding and training' is supplied to one side or the other.

This is true in Syria. A state that was/is a Militarized Government : The primary reason the State in Syria is militarized is because an official state of war exists between the Syrian State and the Israeli State.

It also happened in Venezuela, during the failed coup to oust Hugo Chavez in 2002. There were direct links to US support in these events.

The Syrian Government faced a progressive movement, was willing to make concessions (albeit slowly), then that movement was infiltrated by foreign fighters who escalated the violence, even to the extent of invading urban areas, causing locals to flee, which forced the State to defend itself.... then Western allied funding for those foreign fighters increased dramatically whilst laying ALL the blame for the violence on the Syrian State Government.

Thus the  indigenous movement for a Social Democracy is thwarted.

Indigenous Arab Social Democracy is seen as a threat, because it would necessarily involve projects such as Nationalising Resources, stepping away from Western/Eastern power alliances, etc, etc.... this happened also in Ireland in 1916, 1922 and in Northern Ireland in the 60s.

The escalation of violence is a deliberate tactic, and has been deployed many, many times. It's a pattern, and it's intentional.

3. The history of these areas cannot be avoided : the issue goes back to Colonial state line drawing which split communities and installed 'Power' that would work with 'Western Interests' (Corporations, Resource 'Management' etc.) and undermined any local grass roots Social Democracy which sought to develop 'resources' for the grass roots benefits.

4. History is also about patterns.

Look to what has happened in South America and understand that the Western Powers knew what would happen in Iraq because they had practiced it in South America - wars cannot be sustained for much longer than a decade, chaos will follow all wars, a traumatised people will take two or three generations to get back on an even keel, if they have a chance.

In South America the exposure of the US Governments and Corporations direct involvement in horrific practices known as 'counter-insurgency' in the 70s and 80s led to a partial withdrawal from such direct intervention, (the War On Drugs was a cover story to allow the continuation of this direct intervention) which allowed grass roots movements to gain traction and slowly alter the power dynamic. Bolivia, Agrentina, Brazil, Venezuela, Honduras, Equador, Nicaragua, Panama etc etc...

The internet in the late 90s and early 2000s helped the grass roots movements gain support across the world as information became widely more available, and the action of Western Power was exposed.

5. The proliferation of violence in the Middle East and Persia is a direct result of Western support for one side over another...

The Militia that emerged post invasion in Iraq were two fold : The US funded Militarised Police and local shia and sunni, kurdish and secular resistance to them. In other words the US created the civil war. All these groups lived side by side at the grass roots without tension (as they had done for many centuries) and in Saddam's Government were members of each grouping who participated in Power - the divide in Iraq was always along power lines rather than sectarian lines. The US support for one sect and the violence that followed created the sectarianism the now dominates the situation.


The details of all these patterns are laid out in some detail, very well referenced and evidenced in Naomi Klein's opus: Shock Doctrine. And in that book she warned that the Economic Policies we are subject to in the UK today were on their way. She was correct because she has studied the matter in some depth, and sought out the evidence.


Blair knows EXACTLY what he is doing - he is lying through his teeth, protecting himself and his allies. His words make sense only if you ignore the wider historical realities and his personal responsibility in causing so much trauma.

Lastly two quotes to illustrate the central problem of Power and the dynamic of integenerational trauma..

Reaching back in time, a quote from Keith Joseph, Conservative Education Minister under Thatcher...1984

"We are in a period of considerable social change. There may be social unrest, but we can cope with the Toxteths. But if we have a highly educated and idle population we may possibly anticipate more serious social conflict. People must be educated to know their place."

This reveals a preoccupation with conditioning the children of each generation to accept the status quo of Power as 'right' and 'normal', even if it causes harm, or trauma to a large part of the population, and even if parts of that population are so hurt, so enraged by their mistreatment that the are reduced to rioting in order to be heard or felt. It shows that Power is happy to accept low level rioting as it is something they can handle, or 'manage' or even utilise.


“Like traumatized individuals, traumatized countries need to remember, grieve and atone for their wrongs in order to avoid reliving them.” Judith Herman

I would say the the the UK or 'Great Britain' has not yet gone through the process of honest remembrance, grief or atonement.... and THAT is a big part of this problem.

Certainly Blair has not done this, he as studiously avoided it as have the UK Government. Bear in mind that Blair is calling for more violence, not less violence.

Blair cannot be held meaningfully accountable without exposing the thousands of other officials and other actors who were directly involved in pushing for and prosecuting the illegal and amoral wars in Afghanistan and Iraq to the same degree of accountability.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe

Syria, oh Syria!

All I can say of Syria is this. I know nothing of life in Syria, and I don't trust one word of what the mainstream media is uttering on it.

I DO KNOW that there are people, lovely, warm, vulnerable, open active, and that there are children and elders too, all of them so human. And that irrespective of 'politics' they will be the ones who are hurt the most of all of this. Again. It's nauseating now to me to talk of 'Libya', Syria', "Iraq', 'Afghanistan' and any other place that is labelled by some few in Power as a 'failed' or 'dictator' or 'axis of evil' or 'banana republic' State as objects, rather than places filled with real people, to talk of Britain or America (the 'bad" ruler states) and include all those people born there through no choice of their own as part of that same object, with responsibility for what that entity, The State, did? 

People we can so easily call the 'enemy'. People like you. People like me. Like our children. Our parents. Our grand-parents. Whole streets, estates, villages, towns, cities....

And I know too that their trauma, pain, loss and hurt is not a price worth paying to sustain the current dominant cultural paradigms. A price they did not choose for themselves. Who would?

It never was worth paying, ever. That 'sacrifice' is another false myth.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe

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Blair, the Media, Intellectuals, Complicity and Cowardice.

William Rees Mogg, in The Times, February 1st, 2010 writes in his first paragraph of an article headed :  - Blair the dictator bulldozed us into war -

 " It may never lead to his being tried in any court, but there is nevertheless a public verdict of his responsibility for the British action in Iraq." ...

Why might it never lead to a trial? What right does he have to make such an assertion and then pour his feeble outrage onto paper for the public domain, and at the same time imply that 'International Law needs to be clarified' - International Law prohibiting War is the clearest Law on the planet. What planet is Rees-mogg on, or more to the point what drugs?

Is not the Law clear? YES.

Has not the crime been reported to British Police? YES

Is there an investigation under way(ish) at The London Metropolitan Police War Crimes Unit? YES

Is this a secret or covert operation, requiring special police investigation? NO!

So, why is Rees Mogg not saying all of this and not asking the following questions :




Is it possible he is unaware of all this?  Hardly.

Very slightly since those involved

( )

have written to EVERY MP, to every News Media outlet, have hosted meetings in both Houses of Parliament, posted videos to youtube, have facebook, myspace, twitter and other online resources, which have been  active for quite some time (the first attempt at reporting war crimes was in 2001, for Afghnaistan!) and have an online international campaign informing people of the Law, and asking that the Law be obeyed, calling their campaign a CIVIL OBEDIENCE campaign. Hardly the shrinking violets of the activist movement, yet totally ignored by mainstream mdeia, an absolutely focussed and active ignorance. Caught in the act of ignoring.

While certain forces may have bulldozed towards war, as Rees Mogg writes, certain others (public intellectuals, media pundits etc ) refused to face the facts at the time : That  War as a Tool of Policy Enforcement is wrong, amoral AND illegal.... and they parroted the lines that Policy dictated. Terrorists. WMD. Nasty Dictators (who used weapons systems our State sold him on his own people, who waged a war with Iran on our States behalf). Half truths are often worse than outright lies.

http://www.medialens,org  a British website that had been challenging the way in which media reports wars with such deep bias as to actively support those wars, is replete with such examples, carefully de-constructed, almost to tedium, based on irrefutable evidence, by the medialens crew;  and vehemently defended by said intellectuals and pundits. Some of the former is quite entertaining. Most of the latter is utterly reprehensible.

And now, when the veil is lifted by Blair himself, when he exposed his crass logic and astute denial before Chilcott's gentle probing, in full public view, (with no option but to go the whole hog), a veil many of us have been able to pierce and had removed, even as he prepared for war, and so now, some of these intellectuals finally find their voice? Give us a break!

STOP THE WAR coalition must have known at the time that the war was utterly illegal. They have access to the best legal minds in the country. Look to the results of their actions. Did they inform or mop up concern? Did they harness the compassion, the horror and anger of the people and use that to act, or did they organise a we will  'do our best' gig, much as Bob Geldof might have, again mopping up concern, knowing that it was futile because it offered no real challenge?

A general strike would have been a good move. A blockade by the 2 million people and their friends who did not turn up for the march, yet who supported the intent of that march in Hyde Park would have been fun. And effective.It was estimated that for every one person on that march at least another 4 agreed with them. Some say 15. That's between 8 and 30 million people. That's a lot of power if marshalled. Polls say more than that opposed the war. Anyways, STWC failed, and failed miserably, in their stated aims.

So back to the future, 2010 : the majority of mainstream media even still parrot the policy line; Blair's testimony last Friday was 'assured', a 'fine performance' according to most press this weekend...

Iran still the de-stabilising force in Iraq ( a lie I have dealt with in detail elsewhere), Tony the 'victim' of circumstance and unfortunate planning...

The disconnect is further highlighted with the recent press coverage of the issue of assisted death in cases of severe debilitating painful fatal disease, where the assistance is requested by individuals whose minds are clear, whose intent is clear, whose assistant is a close and dearly loved one.

The DPP saw fit to go ahead with a prosecution for murder for a woman who helped her daughter, who had lain in bed for nearly 20 years, her body shattered by disease, her life shattered by constant unrelenting pain, who had decided enough is enough and I want to die, and was so weakened she required assistance up to the point she herself pressed the plunger of the syringe containing her final does, her final act in her own life.

Yet stalls with regard to a man and a system that not only   failed to protect a nation of 29 million innocent people, but actively and illegally enabled a war of aggression, that denied the Iraqis grass roots democracy when the Iraqis made so bold as to unite and hold their own elections, that selected it's own chosen men to run Iraqs cities, towns and villages, that actively funded and supplied a police force that actively repressed those who dared to engage their own democracy, that started a war of resistance that was portrayed as 'sectarian', that led to even more slaughter, torture, terror for Iraqis?

These are the facts.

What say you now, Rees Mogg? Defend your pious stance from this perspective. You cannot!

Take a walk to your local police station, and report the crimes of Blair and the UK Government. Do something useful.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Awards, Medals, Life and Death in the 21st Century

I choose to spend my time learning as much as I can about the 'civilisation' I was born into simply because I don't want ANYONE to go have to through what I went through, as an infant, as a child, as an adolescent, as an adult .... the years I have spent struggling with the trauma, the abuse patterns, the low self-esteem, the anger, the fear, the confusion, have not made me any stronger; they have been a waste of my precious time here on Earth. I am not alone in this.

That is not to say that my life is wasted, it is to say that oh so precious time will never return. The joys of being a loved child, in a loving family home did not happen, and will not happen. The scars and wounds are slowly healing. I am not alone. That comforts me as much as it horrifies me. And that's quite weird.

And so I study Civilisation, and it's psyche because Civilisation metes out much, much more trauma than it heals or delivers 'peace'. To human and non-human alike. Wars. Clearfells. Dustbowls. Poisoned rivers. Pesticides in Breast Milk. 200 Toxic Synthetic Chemicals Coursing Through The Veins Of Every Foetus. Global Warming. Global Warring. Global Vaccinations. Pandemics. Wealth amassed by a few. Poverty for the vast majority. The balance is tipped towards the dark side, big time! Running out of fuel. It is slowly collapsing. Let it go.

A Madman Speaks Truth

Today, also in New York, Muamarr Gadaffi, the Libyan 'leader'spoke to the United Nations General Assembly. A sort of International State of The Nation adress. He asked some questions many are asking. Who killed Martin Luther King? Who killed JFK? Who protects the Palestinians? Why are the Pharmaceutical Corporations, who are responsible for creating the 'Swine-Flu' virus itself, set to make so much money? Why is Medicine a business? Why is not Medicine free? Why is the Security Council dominated by states with Nuclear Weapons? Is that not a threat in itself? Good questions. Most unfortunate that it is he who asks them in public, before the UN. Quite surreal.

While I watch this I have a fantasy about the impossible. What if Gordon Brown made that speech to the UN? Jaws would surely drop. Hearts would flutter, a few might even stop. Many would cheer!

A Murderer is Honoured

Back to reality. Today Gordon Brown was presented with an award. It was "presented on behalf of the Appeal of Conscience Foundation, an interfaith organisation which campaigns for religious freedom and human rights, by the veteran US former secretary of state Henry Kissinger.

Rock star Bono, Queen Rania of Jordan, and the Israeli defence minister Ehud Barak were among the audience as Kissinger praised Brown for his "vision and dedication" in handling the world economic crisis.
"His leadership has been essential to our ability to overcome the moment of danger," said Kissinger."

High praise indeed from such an ignoble and foul war criminal. Birds of a feather.

The above piece of 'reporting' (propaganda) was culled from The Guardian. The 'reporter' (propagandist)  forgot to mention that Gordon Brown was instrumental, though not alone, in creating the grounds for the financial 'moment of danger'. Deregulation, selling the UK stock of Gold Bullion at knock down prices. The War on Terror. Extending the age of retirement to 'protect pensions'. Promoting Homes, and therefore Mortgages as a method of investment (which can increase or decrease in value).  Thats small print for ya!

The 'reporter' (propaga... you get the point!) also missed the irony of an interfaith organisation (Appeal of Conscience Foundation) which campaigns for religious freedom and human rights presenting such an award for economic reasons, as Kissinger pointed out (as opposed to human rights reasons - Brown is a war criminal, who is presiding over the routine slaughter of Afghans and others, young men from villages, towns and cities across Britain, the dead and the maimed.). The whole thing is utterly surreal, though for those at the front-line, all too real... What can one say of Brown's conscience? Does he have one? Kissinger?

Back to reality.

A searing documentary was screened on the BBC today. Wounded. The camera/story follows 2 young boys, UK Troops who were injured, severely, in Afghanistan. There's shocking footage of one boys incident. He was hit by an IED : Improvised Explosive Device. His right leg was blown off, severe damage to his left, his eyes were also badly damaged by the blast flare (a burn) of the explosion and he sustained many other wounds. Trauma.

Far from new York. Far from Gordon's daily thoughts today, or Bono's. What of that boys human rights? And those of his Afghan 'enemies', his Afghan comrades and the now ubiquitous innocent by-standers. The kill rate in Afghanistan is 100 to 1. In Favour of 'our boys'. So what happened to his and their human expectations to live a happy healthy life? Human Rights indeed!

He was returned to Britian, fighting for his very life and in hospital was kept under sedation for a few months while the surgeons worked on him. His left leg was amputated, as the damage had been too severe. A horrendous trauma.What an ordeal to waken to! We see these boys receive their medals, for their 'tour of duty', for combat in Afghanistan. I found that very hard to watch - Prince Charles voice droning on about 'sacrifice' and 'resilience' in the background - on the same day Gordon Brown receives his award.

I urge you to watch this documentary. See through the propaganda. Some of it is grisly stuff. Look to the human beings caught up in all this horror. Needless to say the boys are portrayed as honestly as such a programme by such an organisation in such a system can. Needless to say they fight back with all they have got, and for each, it is a personal and unique struggle. And one that will in all probability  be endless. They have the support of loving families. Strong families. They will need all that and more. There are those who have no such resources to draw upon. What lies ahead for them? Does any of this bother the people who design, build and make weapons? Does it bother the cleaners and janitors who tend such people?

And none of their trauma was necessary. They did not fight for 'our' freedoms. They fought for the 'freedom' of certain Statesmen and their corporate buddies to 'rule' over the Earth, for Manifest Destiny, for the Free Market, all obnoxious ideologies if ever there was.

Serious Side-Effects

Like mine, their injuries are a by-product, a side effect of 'civilisation'. And it certainly won't make those boys any stronger than they already were. They found the strength within, so young, to fight through triple limb loss from combat; theirs is a struggle and hurculean task the likes of which our dear statesman of the year, and his buddies, Bono and Henry Kissenger would never knowingly undertake. They know their limits. They could care less about breaking the limits of others.

They are willing parties to a System that does force others to 'endure', and to does so on their behalf. For their Money. For their Power. For their Hubris. They create the conditions of Poverty that leave young boys in our towns and cities with enlistment in the the military as the only decent 'job' option. Join up and train as a soldier AND get a trade, education, travel, respect etc, etc..... can look good if one has no prospects of a decent job ... and one is burdened with aspirations that have been crafted to make one feel inadequate...and especially so if one has no idea what combat is really like....... strangely enough the recruitment of soldiers has seriously gained from the financial 'moment of danger'.

They (the politicians, marketing gurus, industrialists) create the media stereotyping (advertising, movie's) and role models (impossibly rich footballers, mythical retouched cine warriors and 'realistic' computer war games) that set boys up to be tough muscled warriors, Their Military training turns them into professional killers.

Performance Politicians

For an insight into the 'performance' aspect of politicians, I suggest a look at the following : BBC screened a short clip of a Liberal Party shadow minister rehearsing her speech for the Liberal Party Conference. By performance I mean the kind Derren Brown does. The Grand Illusion. The clip shows just how well trained these 'rulers' or 'rulers to be' are. Autocues, rehearsals, re-writes, directors and producers, make-up

These actors actively participate in creating the conditions of state that justify wars. They fund and procure for these wars. With our money. And the same corporations always, always, always make a tidy profit. All of this is coercive, abusive, insane.Criminal.

And the Kissengers, Browns, Blair's and their many colleagues : they receive these get awards, awards that they actually accept; do they believe it all? You can see from some of the photos that Brown is actually enjoying himself! How pleased he must be! (though it might be because he knows he's gotten away with murder and will be well paid for it! A part-time job working with Tony, at Morgan Chase, perhaps?)

How pleased Mr. Kissinger must feel. How smug.


How pleased would how many millions, nay billions of people around the world feel if Kissinger were instead to be sharing the dock with Blair, Bush, Brown, Straw, Cheny at the International Criminal Court? Think about it. That's a heck of a lot of pleasure. And it would go on for a while. What a trial that would be. Saddam was on trial for two years. His crimes were great. Yet no greater than those of Kissinger. Brown is a beginner by comparison. I wouldn't be for hanging them. Or shooting them.

It would be enough to have them see the dismantling of their precious 'civilisation'.

It would be enough to have them see the collapse of Central Government and it's replacement with strong grass roots communities, aware and informed, who were looking after their own land-base, for themselves and all other inhabitants, and for their children.

It would be enough to have Brown see the collapse of the so called 'Free Market' which is neither free nor is it a market in the traditional sense of the word, where real people exchange real goods of real value and everyone wins, as it is in nature.

It would be enough to have Kissenger witness the decomissioning of all nuclear reactors, warheads etc etc....

Guantanamo Holidays for War Criminals?

And if there was a remote Island somewhere, previously used to dump some toxic waste,  I'd build few houses there, all mod cons, lawns, garden space, a natural water filter system, and set the boys up there.I would hand over a few tools and plenty seed for food growing. If they showed good behaviour, and a willingness to do some useful work, I'd give them a permaculture course.They can fend for themselves.On the Island. They would not be welcome anywhere else.

And we, the people of Earth, diverse, localised and deeply embedded in the land-base could fend for ourselves.Quite well. We have done it before, for millennia. We will do it again. It is innate. It would be enough that we are left to get on with the real work of life. Being happy, loving and sustainable on the land we are born to.

Back to reality.

None of this will happen as things stand. The peace/green/change movement refuses to tackle the problems of intentionally adverse psychological conditioning, of psychopathology in Politics and Business which is the root cause, and prefer to cry and protest about symptoms. I conclude that most people in the Developed World, (middle class utopia), are psychologically damaged. Emotionally Blind. Those elsewhere are suffering from PSTD. No-one is talking about this. We are fucked. Seriously. We are.


Abusers run the show. Abusive Psychopaths are running this thing called 'civilisation', and managing it, and labouring for it. The abused appeal to the abusers, who feel even more powerful, and surge onwards with 'progress'. Some abused say 'Stop what you are doing,  I'm frightened you are going to hurt me' and that makes the abusers ANGRY? Some of the most abused fight back, in self -defence, (a natural enough tendency) and they are demonised as TERRORISTS?

I am told that People in pubs talk about Islamic Fundamentalism...or Terrorstorm  or 2012... or .The Bilderbergs or 'Conspiracy Nuts'. and ignore the real and unmitigated horror of  the wars their friends lives are sacrificed in. There are those who are proud of 'our boys', who then have to be proud back, must wear their medals and wounds like warriors, to protect this great lie. The 'public' don't get that the sacrifice was for power and wealth, according to the mainstream media, which is still being consumed. There's a sick dynamic going on here. I for one feel that the mainstream media's current role is to carry on the illusion that most people don't get it. To look like they have a majority audience that believes their lies. To keep the middle class Utopians in line. I feel a lot of people do get it. And they have no mass media voice or presence. The masses are shrinking.

Some of my friends in the 'movement' visibly blanch when the concept of a possible collapse of 'civilisation' is mentioned. They don't get it. Their fear clouds the vision and imagination. This is understandable. However it is not viable. Civilisation is not where clean water comes from. Nor is it a source of clean air. And as for the food..... it's toxic from producer to shop to sewage system. Let it go!

Those who do not deal with their shit, who do not metabolise their abuse, will dump both onto others. In great quantity. Forever. Poisoning all they touch. So let it go. Let the extractive, toxin producing civilisation go.

Of the 6.5 billion people who stands to benefit the most from the end of this conceptualisation of civilisation? All indigenous peoples for a start. All subsistence land users - they would be able to grow food rather than crops for cash. All the rural poor, for they would have more freedom to access land and grow food. All those at the receiving end of civilised armies on the march. The urban poor would fare better than the urban rich, who would be by far most affected. Women, in general, would fare better, for in strong communities abuse is harder to hide or disguise. Children, in general, would fare better for the same reasons.

Let us metabolise what we can from our experience, from our trauma and make it so that we return nutrients to all living processes, between ourselves, and within nature. And that means honestly facing Civilisation. Within and Without.

They won't fix it : We must end it.

We need no more boys blown to bits, to live a limbless life. We need no more wars for peace, democracy, profit, power. We do not need TVs and Cars. We need to be growing food. Recycling all that can be recycled, re-processing all that can be reprocessed or re-using materials.. We do not need international trade in other peoples land bases or 'resources', in other creatures very homes and lives. We need clean water in all our streams, rivers and lakes more than we need Alan Sugar or sugar itself.

We need time to be with our families, our friends, our communities, our beautiful habitat more than we need jobs and careers that keep us away from all that or that are embedded in the cycles of abuse.

The long journey out of abuse starts with recognising that the abuse is happening, recognising the signs of 'normalisation' of abuse, and then with giving the abuser no purchase, no further possibility of abusing, and then with grieving for what has been lost and for what has been endured, and then the healing and new growth can start. All of these run concurrent. It is a long journey, one we must all of us make. We must make this journey if we are to survive, never mind thrive, in the long run. The alternatives are too terrible to be considered as options. We must make this journey for our children's futures, for their clean water, for their peace, for their abundant land-base.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Performance Politicians Exposed :

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