Showing posts with label Opposing war. war. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Opposing war. war. Show all posts

War Porn, Entertainment and the demand that we take sides in these atrocious wars.

There's so much more video from this latest warmongering nastiness perpetrated by Russia, Ukraine, USUK and the EU, than ever before. On line entertainment.

Let me make it clear from the onset that I know that Putin and his staff are War Criminals. As are Blair, Bush, Cameron, May and Johnson. Iraq, Libya, Syria and Yemen are all War Crime scenes. All horrific, disgusting War Crimes. Ukriane's war against Donbas is no exception. The UN has recorded many war crimes in that war too.

I stand for Peace, not War. I say that no War is justifiable. Not in the 21st Century.  We do not build Peace through warfare. Putin and Blair, and all others who have prosecuted wars since the 1991 invasion of Iraq deserve to be brought to the Hague to face War Crimes tribunals.

USA poses as a global police man, Where is the global Peace man?

Corbyn could have stood as such, but was brought down by the low betrayal of the Labour Party hierarchy and the Oligarchy media, and voters myopia.

source : Die Welt

Western Europeans , Americans freshly and others are gorging on a diet of freshly filmed war porn, not least because it is closer to home and involves Caucasians on both sides, with 'our' side egging Ukraine on. The media pose this particular war as an existential threat to all of us - they neglect to say the same for USUK wars.

And the truth is all these wars pose a threat to all of us, in that they make it impossible to generate the global co-operation required to meet the challenges of Climate Change. And it is true too that for the unfortunate, traumatised Ukrainian civilians, Climate Change is a distal threat by comparison.

Interest piqued.

The mask of Civilisation has slipped, yet again. This one matters because it is closer to home.  The Sun and others publish videos of strikes on Russian military daily, more or less glorifying those murderous events, celebrating the death of those inside and the maiming of those nearby. 

"All lives matter!" they crowed in opposition to the Black Lives Matter Movement. Except those of Yemeni, Iraqi, Afghani and Congolese children.

Imagine similar videos from the wars in Yemen, Palestine, Gaza, Sudan, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere, with such a tone.

Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran!

NATO strikes good, Libyan strikes bad! They are all bad. There is no such thing as 'good' warfare. Both Russian and USUK Media celebrate their respective murders of workers - yes, all soldiers are workers too.

What is war? War is workers trained and equipped to murder other workers, commanded by Oligarchs waving Flags, so that Oligarchs can continue to extract wealth from workers - be they the Military Industrial Complex or shareholders of those companies.

“War porn,” n. Videos, images, and narratives featuring graphic violence, often brought back from combat zones, viewed voyeuristically or for emotional gratification. Such media are often presented and circulated without context, though they may be used as evidence of war crimes.

Videos of military strikes on either side are legion. The whoops, cries and chants of "Glory!" that celebrate violence, murder, destruction. The cool sound tracks of EDM, with thumping bass and crescendos timed to the explosion. The cool 'Babes in Uniform', ugly anti-feminism posing as feminism, applies make up, thrusting hips, the swaggering strides, the coy smiles of pride.

And yes,  it is understandable that the men and women directly involved in warfare will celebrate their 'victories'.  We know the dehumanising effect of war is immediate and ubiquitous. War crimes committed by enraged combatants are an old, old story - no army in combat is free of such incidents. 

The media do us all a disservice to pretend that the Rules of War (a criminal enterprise) matter much in the heat of battle, or indeed during the aftermath of a firefight, when revenge draws back it's bloody boot to kick the vanquished. Every war. 

Every war. Same old, same old.

The red mist, the blood lust, the hatred and the revenge are all harnessed by the War Mongers - they know this drives the battle on the ground, in hand to hand combat, in street by street urban warfare, in the rage and anger of civilians caught in the crossfire which demands an eye for any eye, and more and they demand that we accept that their side of any war is 'justified', that that tank full of workers deserved to be destroyed, it's occupants immolated. "We will stop this war by waging more effective total war than the other side" they say.

"Pick a side!" they say. "Neutrality is abject cowardice" they claim. "You are either with us, or against us!" Bush spoke, the world trembled. And the peace activists are called all manner of names, painted as naive at best, weak, cowardly and stupid at worst.

The peace activists are among the bravest among us. They call out the Militarism for what it is, in spite of the tide of Militarism's proponents.

Putin's ludicrous claims to be liberating Southern Ukraine are as risible and false as the USUK and NATO claims justifying war in Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq and Kosovo. 

Viewers of War Porn are encouraged to see these as acts of 'good violence'. Video commentary by citizens at a safe distance to war, praising one side or the other abound. Name calling, dehumanisation and angry, lurid calls for more violence percolate all our media platforms. Orcs and Towel Heads. Taighs and Gooks. The Romans called the Celts Barbarians. The Christian conquerors called the indigenous Savage Heathens. So it goes.


Peace activists are almost entirely silenced by the ubiquity of  this barrage of celebratory violence to be found on video on demand, by the braying of sabre rattling politicians up to their eyes in grift, ands by the mind numbing cowardice of what purports to be The Free Press.

It is like the ring of a fist fight, with the audience baying for more blood, screaming for their champion - indeed this is how many people seem to get their thrills, making their bets on the outcome, lusting for victory and profit and the gambling  monsters happily rake in the cash.  The Press are the ring side commentators, cheering on their chosen heroes, extoling their fighting skills and resilience.

Fight Club

The first rule in Fight Club is never mention that Fight Club is stupid, inhumane and wasteful.

The first rule in War Club is never mention that War Club is stupid, inhumane and wasteful.

Where will one find footage of good people marching in protest, decrying all war, proposing negotiated solutions, demanding that power be shared as a socio-political measure of equity to be exercised for the interests of the health and welfare of everyone involved and beyond?

There are many, and the Oligarchy Press mute their voices.

One can spend hours watching short videos of this militarised violence, on most platforms, produced as propaganda, disseminating a celebratory attitude to the murder of workers -  yes, it is true : all infantry and mechanised soldiers are workers, trained to murder other workers, commanded by Oligarchs waving Flags, so that Oligarchs can continue to extract wealth from workers. That is what war has always been. Conquest, Booty, Loot, Dominance.

Oligarchs rake in profits as munitions are expended and more and more people are murdered, maimed, traumatised and displaced. That said wars are often followed by a building boom. Nice work, if you can get it.

We have all been long fed a diet of movie 'entertainment' extolling good vs bad violence, cleverly designed to get the viewer to identify with the hero. The murderer who gets the girl. The intimacy of sex in the midst of a war. The singular  Hero who saves a family, a village, a city, the World. From unrestrained violence to unrestrained sex, with all the best camera angles, the groans of death and climax juxtaposed, with tears and sighs and superb make up. 

So emotionally  moving. Sentimental and so touching, such wonderful acting. Awe, shucks, ooh, ahhh. Bullshit.

All the makeup to mask the ugliness of industrialised violence. Realism, they claim. It's not - it is war porn. It targets unresolved rages and wounds, dark emotions within populations, kindled for profit.

Weapons systems and munitions are the ultimate profit stream consumer item, with a very short life span, and an increasing demand for more, more, more munitions. They are all paid for in taxes of one form or another. More wealth extracted.

All wars end in negotiations. Corbyn has made the point, suggesting there's wisdom in take steps to skip the war fighting, and go straight to negotiations. He has a point. 

The UN has called many times for negotiated ceasefires, not only in regard to this most recent war upon Ukraine. 

In 2020 and 2021 the UN called for global ceasefires to make work on dealing with the Pandemic easier. 

USUK rejected those calls. Their wars in Syria, Yemen and elsewhere must continue. The governments involved in warfare throughout history have frequently rejected such calls, and have continued to pursue their aims through industrialised violence, at the expense of hundreds, if not thousands of millions of lives.

A history steeped in gore.

Today in Germany, on a US Military base, a meeting of 40 countries assembled to draw up plans for the defence of Ukraine. We all know of the arms sent to Syria, Yemen and Libya by the USUK and EU, Qatar, Saudi, Israel and others - a flow of the tools of extremist violence that has ruined those countries and destroyed the civilians peace and health and welfare for decades to come.

To my mind no single war exists as a stand alone event - these wars are connected by competing interests, an active culture of militarism, conquest, victory that denies the reality of the meaning of such slaughter. 

Refugees crossing the English channel in small, dangerous dinghies are the enemy, Ukrainian women folk and their children are exploited by Government and by people offering them sanctuary in their homes, as long as they can pay their way, bolstered by a promise of £350 a month promised by this odious misGovernment.

Meanwhile the citizens in the war zones suffer unmentionable abuses. Those citizens are entirely innocent. 

When will the onlooking worker-citizens so fortunately at a distance to these horrific wars among Earths States and the Oligarchies that dominate them reject militarism in their hearts and minds and, more importantly, at the ballot boxes and push hard to elect peacemakers to replace the war makers?

It cannot happen too soon.

Kindest regards


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