The Psychology of a culture is revealed and perpetuated in how they relate to and treat their children and in how they relate to and treat the most vulnerable people within their society. Heal that and we can heal everything.
The Oligarchy are at War against Healthy Democracy.
here's why, in a brief outline.
The Fossil Fuel and Mining Oligarchy knew about Climate Disruption 50 years ago. Their own Scientists confirmed it. The Shareholders decided to deny the Science. They wanted to keep drilling, producing, maintain and increase consumption in order to amass ever more Wealth as Power.
That makes them culpable for the avoidable harms they chose not to avoid.
That culpability also makes them liable for the costs of the harms caused, and other ancillary costs associated with all of this.
They KNOW this.
They understand that if ANY Democratic Legislature upholds, enforces or passes Laws to hold them accountable that they will lose their Wealth and more importantly, they will lose the Political Power as a Ruling Class Lobby.
This they have chosen to not cede.
They are therefore waging an all out war against Democratic Accountability.
Most ordinary people do not understand this because we are still fixated on the idea of Greed for Money rather than the matter of Wealth as Power, Wealth as a Ruling Lobby that dictates how society is to be run.
This war is a war against all of us, irrespective of our political leanings.
Solidarity is the only power we can exert. This they know and that is why they spend so much energy on dividing us......
When we build a rational solidarity, their Rule is over.
I wrote this as a short explanation of Healthy Governance - if it existed at all healthy governance would regulate toxic industry and excessive wealth extraction.
It's just basic common sense. However currently the worlds political and economic system is controlled by a toxic combination of owners of industry operating working with a wealth extraction oligarchy, who use that wealth as a political utility and as a weapon.
They understand that climate change has changed everything - the externalised costs that underpin excessive wealth extraction cannot be allowed to continue to undermine our stability as a species.
They know this.
However they are unwilling to cede their power or change their behaviour, and they are placing the species in great danger.
The SARSCOV2 virus, and indeed Climate Disruption, is telling us that if we do not co-operate and work for each others mutual aid, we are lost.
To carry out such a policy - effective, continued suppression of community transmission of the virus, so that people can work, live, play and not spread the infectious pathogen SARSCOV2 - requires that the State supports the population's Right to Health with economic support, logistical support and local empowerment to operate the find, test, trace, quarantine and isolated treatment.
It also requires that the State works with the population as partners, equals in the effort. Ruling over a population will not deliver the social cohesion necessary to supress the virus.
This means the Industrial, Finance and Corporate Services sector must also support the people.
Debt relief, mortgage rest, and other measures to abolish poverty are necessary to deal with the virus, and indeed, to deal with climate change, air, land and sea pollution and other system level problems.
All of these are Democratic Socialist Strategies.
These are humane strategies, designed to avoid avoidable harm to the people.
The West's Governance systems are dominated by the NeoLiberal Free Market ideology Oligarchy.
They know that if a policy to protect the population's Right to Health was enacted, if humane strategies, designed to avoid avoidable harm to the people were implemented they would in all likelihood succeed.
The lived experience of a population who saw a more humane policy stance functioning well, improving all our lives, that would bring the spell of the NeoLiberal Free Market Ideology to an end.
The Free Market claim to be the best possible economic system would be seen as the falsehood it is.
Welfare systems and Health Care systems do not collapse, they get taken down.
A well funded, properly resourced healthy health care system caring for a healthier population is a sustainable reality, a practical solution.
Which is ironic, because once again, they cannot but confess by their behaviour who they really are and what they are really like and how much disdain they hold for us ordinary people - by refusing to suppress the virus in the community, they have proved that the NeoLiberal Free Market Ideology will not protect the people's right to health, and that by choice, it does not support the people in a wide range of important areas.
This is why the Wealth Extraction Grouping dominate our legislatures, making healthy governance impossible. They fear accountability, above all else.
The thing to understand its that healthy governance tends towards prevention rather than towards punishment. There is nothing to fear in facing accountability in a healthy way, for harms caused. Loss of power is not a healthy rational fear. A sense of superiority and entitlement is not healthy nor is it a rational sense of self to internalise. Inciting hatred is not a healthy or rational way for a human to behave.
All they have to lose is their dysfunctional behaviour characteristics and behaviour patterns. Why the fear?
Don't they know who we really are?
I wrote a blog exploring a metric for genuinely healthy governance, based on evidence, nurturing community and environment, preventing harm.
"I think of Healthy Governance as being focused on the practical realities of administering a communities shared resources for the equal benefit of all members of that community.
Healthy governance sets the context of governance as operating within the dynamic of a shared responsibility of duty of care for one another. In that regards healthy governance has to be evidence led at all times. Opinion and belief are insufficient to meet the responsibility of duty of care.
Healthy governance sets the global context of governance as nurturing, caring for and stewarding of the habitat within which the community lives and from which that community draws living materials and other resources.
In the case of States, and in relation to healthy Governance we can apply this metric of care to taxation, which is collected from all, in one way or another, by the State, and is therefore a primary community shared resource. Healthy governance will determine that that resource is deployed with wisdom and equity to nurture the whole population."
The Oligarchy refused to take the correct action because they feared that they would lose traction.
Democratic regulation of toxic industry in order to prevent avoidable harms, which is also a rational and healthy policy stance if enacted would Wealth Extraction - which Wealth Extraction Grouping would oppose on every footing.
When Greta Thunberg said "I do not want to believe that!..(You are evil)" she was on the cusp of the most honest expression of the political truth of our era. We all were. We still are.
Even when a human does monstrous things to another, repeatedly, aware of the harm he or she is still human, what they do is monstrous, they are not monsters. They are human beings, they are people... we all are.
Solidarity among the people, the families and communities and language groups and faiths and cultures has to be deeper than any other political loyalty on the menu. We must really love each other to do this. A lot more.
Billionaires funded Cambridge Analytica and Trump and Brexit.
The majority of Covid and Climate misinformation networks are funded by the Wealth Extraction Oligarchy.
So too so much of our News Media, Magazines and Publishing Corporations, through advertising revenue, and though direct ownership, and then there are their networks of pseudo-intellectual think tanks and a range of NGOs, large and small, all driven by the Oligarchy lobbies...
They know if democratic regulation to meet climate change happens, they will lose the ability to extract wealth firstly be by being forced to pay externalised costs. Then through a reparations process, to account for the harms caused to date, their entire wealth might be reduced to less than needed to exercise such great power to such adverse effect, and they would become disempowered.
Royalty no more. Elites not more. Just people with more than enough to get by on. But no.
They prefer war to the loss of that long held capacity, intent and ability to extract the Wealth they need by exploiting populations, deploying a significant part of that wealth as a weapon to maintain a dominant position in political establishments and legislatures, and thus protect Wealth Extraction. At a terrible costs to humanity and our shared environment.
This is not a conspiracy, it is not a theory - it is simply describing what is happening.
Brexit is about unilaterally breaking from international treaties, by grooming a population.
For the Oligarchy, the Wealth Extractors Freedom from the 'tyranny' of sensible, evidence based regulatory policy designed to reduce harms caused by industry is their goal.
To achieve that they must break social democratic solidarity and sow layers of belief based emotionally charged divisions across the available electorates.... when ordinary people hate each other driven by fear, anger, distress, chronic stress, the Oligarchy retain their power.
To protect the Hoard, the Herd must take it on the chin, again and again and again.
Suppressing the virus requires fully resourced pro-social human centred policy, which if the population experienced it, would be another example that would undermine the obviously false Neoliberal free market claims about the 'Free Market' being the best of all possible economic systems.
So we - the ordinary folk with little material power, you and I, and everyone else we meet, day to day, we must pay the price, so that the Oligarchy don’t have to carry the cost of avoiding avoidable harm...
Climate Change is entirely a matter of avoidable harm not avoided - they knew 50 years ago fossil fuel was going to alter the climate and they did nothing. They externalised the costs. They must be held accountable for that. What they did was criminal in intent, lethal in outcome and they persist.
That must cease. That state of affairs cannot be permitted to continue.
Social belief divisions
Anti-mask, anti-suppression of the virus, Covid Hoax, Lab Virus bio-Weapon, Global Tyranny Conspiracy obsession, pro-Brexit, anti-State, Freedomeers, Woo Woo New Age, Libertarian, Racist, Misogynists, Nationalists, - ,all emotional belief based - are all enrolled through the Oligarchy grooming operation which has found a series of psychometric keys into their emotional hooks associated with quite understandable distrust, anger, fear, knowledge gaps, beliefs, biases....
These different groups are all forming adversarial belief position divisions within the electorate - the available population who are entitled to vote and who, if they voted together could remove the oligarchy political establishment in our legislatures and councils, and instead elect honest, evidence based men and women who would write laws to protect the people from the excesses of the Wealth Extraction Class.
They are not at war with Russia, but with us, their citizens, over Climate Change and Covid.
That's the struggle we are in.
Solidarity and evidence, and grass roots political organisation and action, and the taxation stream of democracies are the powers the grass roots can muster.
Kindest regards
Thank you for reading this blog.
"Do what you love, it is your gift to universe."
This blog, like all my other content creation work is not monetised via advertising. If you like what I present, consider sharing my content. If you can afford the price of a cup of coffee or a pint of beer/ale/cider for a few months, please donate via my Patreon account.
Eridcation or Suppression?
Australian TV asked the question whether or not elimination of community transmission of the virus vs eradication of the virus is the better choice.
They carefully avoided a direct or conclusive answer, and spun the elimination protocol outcome as a problem, closed borders, and suggested suppression as the favoured choice by omission.
They did not qualify suppression in terms of lives lost, impact of disease, and instead implied permanently closed borders would be a problem - without mentioning that a 2 week quarantine is not a closed border.
It was only a short piece, for a news segment, so obviously detail was not their intent. I am using this piece as an introduction. My thesis is simple. Elimination of uncontrolled spread of the virus from a given population/territory where a single Government operates is wholly feasible. New Zealand has proven this.
Every time any reporter or member of the Press faces members of the UK Government, all they really need to be doing is repeating "New Zealand, New Zealand." Really.
Their obsequious questioning is complicit in the crime being committed.
Now, June 21st, two months on from that news segment, and New Zealand is clear of SARSCOV2 virus, community transmission has been eliminated and there are no new cases of COVID19 after an eleven week intensive elimination protocol. Vietnam is also clear and there are other States, such as Taiwan which have also eliminated the uncontrolled spread via community transmission within their populations, and others Finland, Norway are getting very close to clear by following the Elimination of uncontrolled spread of the virus protocols.
Video : Vietnam - Dr. John Campbell speaks to a fellow Brit in Danang, Vietnam.
Sweden's failures.
Sweden has been excluded from a Nordic Free travel Zone until it has mastered the virus, having chosen to ignore the elimination protocol in favour of a herd immunity approach, and shielding the vulnerable. It has failed. They got it wrong. Sweden's per capita death rate was 10 times that of it's neighbours, running to close to 10% of all confirmed cases/
Video : Sweden - Dr. John Campbell speaks about Sweden reviewing the data and their strategy.
Video: Sweden - Dr. John Campbell speaks with Dr. John Tallinger, a GP in Sweden, dedicated to working with elder patients, saving lives for COVID19 patients over 60 with chronic disease, with oxygen supplement, due to Swedish Health Governance policy directions to administer palliative care medications, rather than admit to general Hospital.
Neighbours can be a problem, if their arrogance inhibits sociality.
Thus we have living proof, scientific proof, epidemiological, social, political and economic proof that Elimination of uncontrolled spread of the virus protocols can and do work. We have ample proof that herd immunity approaches are lethal. That said, this achievement requires a certain degree of discipline and commitment. It is not easy, by any stretch of the imagination. One has to 'stay alert'.
Quarantine, and unacceptable failure.
Then in June, New Zealand had two new cases, imported from Britain, by two sisters returning on June 7th, to visit a dying parent, who had become very, very close to death and who then died whilst the two sisters were in quarantine. Very sad for all concerned.
The local officials allowed the sisters compassionate leave on June 13th to travel to their dying parent's family, to be with the surviving parent, which was before their quarantine time was up, but they did not test them. One of the sisters had already presented with flu-like symptoms and was not tested as it was believed the symptoms were due to a pre-existing condition. That was the first error. The second error was allowing them to travel unaccompanied by any officials, unguarded so to speak.
There were a number of other errors made by the officials in handling the case. I assume some of those errors were compounded by the sisters British based perception of Corona Virus, as their behaviour would indicate. I will focus on that perception later in the article. As the symptomatic sisters symptoms became more severe, the sisters were tested on June 14th, and their tests came back, positive for both of them, on June 16th. They were placed in isolation.
The NZ contact trace system kicked in and located more than 300 people who could have been infected via these two sisters, within 24 hours, and placed all on quarantine, urging them to get tested.
"Health officials are tracing 320 people who are regarded as “close contacts” of the women, and they will be urged to get tested. Close contacts could include passengers on their flight to New Zealand and other quarantined travellers at their Auckland hotel, as well as hotel staff and flight crew. The women were now in isolation with a relative, officials said."
The whole affair brought to light how important discipline is in maintaining clarity and effectiveness of the protocols. That discipline depends on everyone fully understanding the evidence, the science and the public health risks and taking appropriate steps to maintain a virus free status, and to isolate as soon as any sign of infection emerges.
Jacinda Arden spoke of these and said the errors were 'unacceptable' and ordered all compassionate leave to be suspended in future until they can be sure the best discipline is fully operational at all times.
The discipline of Government, it's officials and agencies and of the people is a critical element in any elimination strategy. From start to finish, and afterwards.
People spread the virus.
The virus is unlikely to travel on goods when proper screening is undertaken -and if a solid quarantine ans testing system is in place for all travellers, then the most likely un-quarantined infection route would be people smugglers, drug smugglers and so forth. Covert and unofficial lines of transmission which can only be countered by extreme vigilance, rapid and unrelenting action and confrontation. Systems exist for that purpose.
Elimination Strategy is simple in principle, complex in practice, complicated by power gaming.
Elimination of uncontrolled spread of the virus - when there is a given population, a bordered territory and the state has the ability to pick up every symptomatic case, and has the ability to trace every contact, observe those contacts in quarantine and has top notch provision for treatment of anyone presenting with symptoms, away from the community, that state can eliminate the virus within that population.
Bit by bit, day by day, until they close down all community transmission, and have everyone in treatment being cared for, and they have a situation where they have no new infections for two weeks after the last deaths, and the last recoveries from the disease, then that population can be sure that no more transmission of the live virus is occurring. The virus cannot live long outside the human body. It can only transmit from body to body. The State and community must still maintain vigilance.
This can be done, all of it, without total shut down.
12 weeks is the length of time it takes to move through this entire protocol in any population, the only limiting factor being the volume of resources deployed. Where community transmission is out of control, then massive resources are required because more ground has to be covered, rapidly.
Shut down is only needed when community transmission is out of control - which was the status in mid January in Wuhan, and in late February, March and into April in the UK.
Community Transmission out of control.
Unfortunately, community transmission is still out of control in the UK in spite of the effort and endurance of vast majority of British people staying home, staying safe. The UK has not managed to 'control the virus' and is perilously close to starting a second peak as I write. I say second peak, because for their to be a second wave, there must be a trough in between, and that is not the case. This is entirely down to the failures of the UK Government to take the Elimination of uncontrolled spread of the virus route from the outset. The responsibility lies with the Conservative and Unionist Party Government, with Parliament and the News media, which has behaved in a most feeble manner. No-one else.
Current estimates of excess deaths due to the virus and other effects from bad policy choices is 65,000+.
This is terrifying and infuriating in equal measure. I am ok, personally. I have had the disease, five weeks of awful illness. I have lung and kidney issues since then, slowly improving. I have stopped smoking, and I am taking exercise every day and doing some running. This is not my personal fear anymore. I have degrees of immunity. I am resilient. However at the age of 60, I have many friends whose situation is not so secure. Friends and family members with chronic disease conditions, cancer and other illnesses that put them all at greater risk of severe or even lethal outcomes should they become infected. They do not feel this government is doing it's utmost to protect them. They do not feel safe.
I also have friends who have bought into the conspiracy theories, and others who are Brexiteers who support Johnson no matter what else is happening. But they are a minority. Most people I know are aware, paying close attention to the science and are taking care of one another, enduring the situation. Good people predominate. The problem in the UK is not the people.
The problem has been the UK Governments atrocious handling of the situation. The deliberate delays in responding at the beginning, the lack of PPE and other equipment, the wholly ill-advised and inadequate policies they have chosen, their deliberately confusing public messaging, the prevalence of unethical theory (Herd Immunity) and opinion over scientific, epidemiological and public health practice evidence, the lack of adequate support for pre-existing stresses across the community as they were shunted into sudden shut-down, the willingness of the Government to lie and dissemble about their failures and decisions, their readiness to place resources in the wrong hands, and a media that is even still unwilling to confront a lethally dishonest Government head-on have all combined to guarantee the spread of the virus and have lead to 60,000+ excess deaths within four months.
Why did the UK Government avoid the obvious elimination protocol? It's not rocket science!
Making Elimination Strategy Work.
To make Elimination of uncontrolled spread of the virus work the State and the people must have a rigorous discipline and there must be genuine trust in the process among the population. To make Elimination of uncontrolled spread of the virus work the State and Health Authorities must have superb contact tracing up and running, the State must make quarantine and isolation treatment an integral part of track and trace, and it must be made as easy and as comfortable as possible for the people affected to comply, and the State must resource the protocols fully, no questions asked.
That means the State and Health and Education systems must have superb, honest and transparent communication to the population, at all levels, at all times.
The only must the Boris Johnson was familiar with was the Island of Mustique.
The Role of The Press.
The press and news media must be willing to debunk and dismiss all contheories, concepts such as herd immunity and other woowoo health claims, in order to insulate the population and the politicians from any possibility of such nonsense afflicting public policy or public behaviour. Spreading lies to allow a virus to spread is not free speech!
We are all in this together.
It has to be that the entire population, the State, the press are operating on an evidence base for the correct action to be taken, so that the discipline is emergent, collective, engaged rather than imposed and draconian. Honesty must prevail, Scientifically and Ideologically. The likes of David Icke, Nigel Farage, Trump and Johnson lies and manipulations such as the 'China Virus' idiocy, and other such statements by leading politicians and so forth cannot be allowed to run free. They have to be debunked. Openly, transparently.
Honest Borders.
The State must also accept that it will have to police the borders intensely, that the populations holidays must be taken within the populations territory, that all private cross border travel must endure a well monitored quarantine, including billionaires in private jets, for as long as the quarantine is needed.
Immigration must cease until there are virus clear countries at both starting and ending journey countries, and it must also be disciplined by a two week quarantine.
Air travel for tourism, right now, is a luxury that we do not need. Air Freight is another matter. Land freight and sea freight must be handled with care.
Cross border Cruise and Tourism are luxuries - we do not not need them. When local populations take holidays in own countries, the income stays at home, this is better for everyone, and potentially there will be less carbon exhaust particulates in the air. Stop overs in infected areas cannot happen, of course. The workers need to be furloughed, for the 12 week period. The Companies can be helped.
Aviation and Tourism will take a hit, but only for as long as it takes to Elimination of uncontrolled spread of the virus s in departure/destination areas. Their ability to lobby governments to take stupid action has to be curtailed. They deserve support from the State just as any others do. According to their needs to stay afloat.
12 weeks, three months. It is not too much to ask, given the potential death toll of allowing the virus to infection millions upon millions of people, among them 11.5 million vulnerable people.
Allowing Herd Immunity is cruelty.
The alternative to Elimination of uncontrolled spread of the virus is slowly achieving herd immunity across a given population at the practical HI level of 93% and unfortunately that guarantees that all vulnerable people WILL be exposed and that will come with a fatality and human damage cost which is unethical to consider for economic reasons, precisely because it is avoidable. It is wholly unethical to permit heard immunity by exposure. There is so much that is still unknown about the long term effects of this virus that to drop the precautionary principle at this early stages is epidemiological stupidity, and reckless misGovernance. Unless a State Establishment wants to exploit the virus to rereig Economies and State systems, in which case ethics are irrelevant. Trump and Johnson are two leaders who have ably demonstrated that ethics mean nothing to them personally or politically. Go figure current policy behaviour and outcomes.
Which is precisely what the UK and US Governments are doing, today, right now, right before your eyes. They are exploiting the situation, and causing great harm. This is insane, and it is profoundly unethical.
"New Zealand, New Zealand!"
It has to be said, in the clearest possible terms.
This cannot be allowed to continue into the autumn. it really cannot be allowed.
Something must be done, and soon.
Kindest regards
"Do what you love, it is your gift to universe."
This blog, like all my other content creation work is not monetised via advertising. If you like what I present, consider sharing my content. If you can afford the price of a cup of coffee or a pint of beer/ale/cider for a few months, please donate via my Patreon account.