Showing posts with label BREXIT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BREXIT. Show all posts

We really ought to be using the term 'Climate Disruption' because it is more honest.

'Peace is more than the absence of war' - Arudhuti Roy.

Peace is when justice and accountability is in place in ways that prevent further avoidable harm. Accountability is not punishment. It is healing and recovery of human relationships in ways that prevent further harms being caused.

“Peace, Inc., is sometimes as worrying and War, Inc. It's a way of managing public anger. We're all being managed, and we don't even know it. The IMF and the World Bank, the most opaque and secretive entities, put millions into NGOs who fight against "corruption" and for "transparency." They want the Rule of Law--as long as they make the laws. They want transparency in order to standardise a situation, so that global capital can flow without any impediment. Cage the People, Free the Money. The only thing that is allowed to move freely--unimpeded--around the world today is money, capital.”

― Arundhati Roy, Things that Can and Cannot Be Said: Essays and Conversations

Regarding the matter of 'Climate Change' I think it is a deliberate euphemism- it is way too easy to conflate 'climate change' with 'natural change' as a linguistic cognitive warfare move.

Wealth as Power - The Cognitive Warfare Techbro Group

Wealth as Power Cult(ures) have dominated humanity for a mere 10,000 years

Every morning a new day starts, and with each day, new potentials and possibilities are made.

I write because I believe in us humans as a healthy humane species. I know that biology does not generate 'naturally' unhealthy species. I know that biology generates species whose behaviour nurtures the shared environment, at every level, building incremental fecundity into the habitat.

Climate Denialism is Cognitive Warfare

Racism and Misogyny are also Cognitive Warfare operations.

The Chiefs of Staff and High Command of the Cognitive Warfare of Climate Disruption Denialism are the Fossil Fuel Billionaire Shareholders.

The Fossil Fuel Billionaires and others are funding well organised insdustrialised operations at scale to target ordinary people with Cognitive Warfare content.

So when ordinary people deny Climate Disruption, it is because they have become weaponised, through exposure to cognitive warfare.

The Fossil Fuel and Mining Oligarchy knew about Climate Disruption 70 years ago. Their own Scientists confirmed it. The Shareholders decided to deny the Science because they wanted to keep drilling, producing, maintain and increase consumption, in order to amass ever more Wealth as Power. Their Power is maintained in large part by their deployment of Vast Wealth as a political weapon.

That makes them culpable for the avoidable harms they chose not to avoid.

That culpability also makes them liable for the costs of the harms caused, and other ancillary costs associated with all of this.

The role of healthy governance is to avoid all avoidable harms.

They KNOW this.

They understand that if any Democratic Legislature upholds, enforces or passes Laws to hold them accountable that they will lose their Wealth and more importantly, they will lose the Political Power as a Ruling Class Lobby.

This they have chosen to not cede. They perceive being held accountable as an existential threat, as a life or death issue. This is immature, of course. we are dealing with immature yet very, very powerful people.

They are therefore waging an all out war against Democratic Accountability and Legislative Regulation of their Industry and their Wealth as Power.

It is not greed for money.

Most of us ordinary people do not understand this because we are still fixated on the idea of Greed for Money as the driving force of Wealth Hierarchies, rather than the matter of Wealth as Power, Wealth as a Ruling Lobby that dictates to entire populations on how society is to be run. In their interests, not matter what the costs to ordinary people and our shared environment.

This war is a war against all of us, irrespective of our cultural, religious and political leanings. They want war, we want healing and recovery. We do not want or need to harm them as persons. We do not need to go to war. War is disgusting. War is Hell on Earth.

Solidarity is the only power we can exert. This the Fossil Fuel Billionaire Shareholders know and that is why they spend so much energy on dividing us. 

Solidarity is non-ideological, it is grounded in humane care and the logic of empathy. 

Solidarity is grounded in loving healthy empathetic relationships.

When we build a rational solidarity, a humane solidarity as persons who seek to meet one another's needs for optimal healthy human existence, their ability to divide us and remain dominant over and above us, at our expense, is over. 

This is something that we can do, and indeed it is both our duty and moral obligation to all our children to make sure this is what we do, together.

Kindest regards


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"Do what you love, it is your gift to universe."

This blog, like all my other content creation work is not monetised via advertising. If you like what I present, consider sharing my content. If you can afford the price of a cup of coffee or a pint of beer/ale/cider for a few months, please donate via my Patreon account. - donations gratefully received - .mp3 songs - .wav Songs - Archive


Wealth Extraction vs International Democracy. Brexit is a precedent. Selfish as an interest, a faux philosophy, a meme of the bully cults political power base.

'Wedge Issues' : Seeking out materials that are belief based with which to stimulate endless angry argument (and violence) as a means to prevent democratic solidarity emerging amongst us workers. A core activity of News Mefia, oligarchy funded conspiracy theory, political hegemons, within the Bully Cult.

The ruling of the USSC on Roe vs Wade is designed to harden divisions across the USA - belief that Christianity needs to expand and dominate, belief that Christianity is under threat of a 'birth dearth', belief that US Military Power is a benign, honourable culture, belief that peoples sexual pleasure is a threat to society, belief that Capitalism is the best way to organise a society, belief that the poor and destitute are inferior and have only themselves to blame, belief that Race is a biologically, God given stratification - belief imposes it's will, and ignores the evidence, the knowledge, and sets up an endless brain-offline war of nasty attrition, as the believers refuse to acknowledge the knowledge, and dig their heels in, emotions flared, frontal cortex off-lined, amygdala over loaded, guns at the ready.

The underlying pattern this odious dynamic misGovernment is revealing is simple.

In the UK the attempt to break the terms of the Brexit Agreement regarding Northern Ireland may appear crazy, yet if one takes a wider look, something else emerges, and although it too is insane, and ugly, it makes sense of the attempt to legislate English Law to break an international treaty. Unilaterally, ditching negotiations.

They know exactly what they are doing and their sponsors do too. They know exactly what they are aiming for, strategically.  A Free-Market fundamentalist State, Sovereign and selfish.

What appears to be incompetence is not what it seems. Indeed the charge of incompetence provides a cover for the nature of the program they are pushing - 'incompetence' is easier pill to swallow than plainly evil. Evil is causing harm and denying it, in order to exploit a situation. That choice is evil. And no-one wants to see it, because to see it is to awaken to a need for deliberate and determined solidarity based political action that entails effort, vulnerability, potential stress and failure. A scary ask for anyone.

@torysc_mout #uk #politics #britain #fyp #parliament #government #northernireland ♬ Epic Emotional - AShamaluevMusic

The program : to undermine International treaty obligations as a standard and undermine democratic engagement of the population in driving through international treaties, national legislation and other measures necessary to meet the challenges of climate disruption.


Because the goal is to insulate the Wealth Extraction class from democratic regulation and legislation that would :

a) Make provision for climate disruption adaptations and support for those most afflicted by the disruptions that are already happening, and will continue to escalate

b) Make provision for criminal indictments for delaying, denial and other campaigns that have hindered recognition of the problems, which were known to those campaigning for those delays, because those delays are causing harm. Lies, gaslighting, manipulation, conspiracy theory, denialism and corruption.

c) Make provision for prevention of harms in all industries that pollute, poison, spill waste into the environment, spill toxins into our air - this would impose a massive cost on all industries involved. It ought to be basic practice to not pollute, poison or release toxic 'waste' materials into the environment.

d) Make provision to limit Wealth Extraction and to abolish poverty. Low wages is a key component of extracting wealth, backed by deliberately maintaining and exacerbating poverty, with the threat of homelessness and destitution as a whip - note that the money the impoverished spend on food and utilities flows back to the profit extraction process whereas the money extracted is off-shored or 'invested' in ways that drive up property prices and enhances the political power of the Wealth Extraction class as a political hegemon. Wealth as a weapon system.

e) This Tory government removed the clause in the ministerial code of conduct in 2015 in preparation for this strategic shift. Brexit was a test case, to see how quickly breaking international treaties unilaterally could be set as a precedent. Once the precedent is set, as this week, Parliament 'debates' the setting aside of the Northern Ireland Protocol Agreement as a piece of legislation.

f) The Tories want England to become a safe haven for the Oligarchy to park their wealth. Free Ports, Free Cities, low corporate taxation, secrecy, off-shoring and much else besides. 

This amounts to a campaign that is a war - Wealth Extraction against the survival of Humanity, against any democratic movement that seeks to end the harmful practices, and avoid all those harms into the future.

Their biggest fear is a united population, humane solidarity across the diverse population - and so they sow division, using tactics that target emotional belief and bias, to generate divisions within the voting population, and beyond, so that popular solidarity cannot emerge to challenge the Wealth Extraction class.

Laws that make protest a criminal offence, laws that remove democratic Human Rights, laws that protect the Wealth Extraction and sanction the impoverished, laws that impede oversight of Government, laws that allow Government to ignore court rulings, laws that allow secret service, military and police and others to commit crimes in the course of their work to 'protect the nation', laws that criminalise poverty, laws that permit pollution of our waterways, laws that undermine almost every element of a functioning democracy (not that we have ever had a functioning healthy democracy - the existence of a ruling class makes that ideal impossible.)

A legislative war against democratic legislation and regulation of industrial wealth extraction rooted in externalised costs, even as those costs cause harm to hundreds of millions, and potentially billions of people, and our shared environment.

The ruling of the USSC on Roe vs Wade is also designed to harden divisions across the USA - belief imposes it's will, and ignores the evidence, the knowledge, and sets up an endless war of attrition, as the believers refuse to acknowledge the knowledge, and dig their heels in, emotions flared, frontal cortex off-lined, guns at the ready.

We know what must be done, don't we?

Kindest regards


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"Do what you love, it is your gift to universe."

This blog, like all my other content creation work is not monetised via advertising. If you like what I present, consider sharing my content. If you can afford the price of a cup of coffee or a pint of beer/ale/cider for a few months, please donate via my Patreon account. - donations gratefully received - .mp3 songs - .wav Songs - Archive


Brexit unmasked with utter clarity, in one sentence.

The difficulties for British live performers and their support crews touring the EU are now almost insurmountable. 

Watch this segment and see Brexit unmasked with utter clarity, in one short sentence, by Phil Moorhouse.

The EU never determined internal political decision making in any member State.  State's are totally free to run their own political affairs, internally.

The EU is a single market trading bloc, an organisational device with democratically agreed rules and standards in manufacturing, industry and trade that levelled the field for all countries operating within the bloc, thus giving all the ability to negotiate with external 'third countries' with the power and status of the larger entity, thus affording all countries within the single market a much better negotiation stance outside the EU and ease of trade within the EU.

Phil Moorhouse, of  A Different Bias, explains it very clearly, in order to clarify the issues facing English, Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish Musicians and Artists work issues working in Europe. 

These four Nations are now outside the EU, and since the EU has no rules on Artists from third countries coming to work in the EU, Artists must now deal with each country in turn, separately.

Thus an English musician who wants to perform in France, Germany, Switzerland and Holland will need to do the separate paperwork for each country, and pay the separate fees accordingly. Separate vat requirements will apply. Separate insurance requirements will apply. Separate work permits will apply.

Why? Because the English, Scottish, Welsh or Northern Irish Artist or crew member is no longer part of the EU and loses all working rights he or she would have had as an EU citizen working in the EU.

Thus the problem for UK Musicians is entirely a problem created by Brexit, and not by the EU.

Anyone with an Irish passport can travel and work freely across the EU.  Because an Irish citizen is still an EU member.

Phil's 100% accurate, precise brief statement neatly exposes the central lies about Brexit, and underlines the reality that a significant proportion of the people who voted for Brexit did so on the basis of a Conspiracy Theory. A Lie.

The people who pushed the balance of the vote over the edge of a 50/50 split were a fringe group, targeted specifically because of their lack of precise knowledge and their emotional vulnerability - the same people whose behaviour was 'nudged' by the activities of Cambridge Analytica, Dominic Cummings and others deploying online industrial scale political grooming, using psychologically invasive tactics that amount to emotional exploitation and behavioural modification.

In short, political grooming aimed at people's studied vulnerabilities, playing on fears and lack of knowledge which is in real terms an abuse of the term 'democracy'. Brexit was not an exercise in conscious open democracy.

To re-iterate the facts : there never was any issue or problem regarding Political or Legislative Sovereignty for the UK when the UK was within the EU. 

That entire story is a lie, a conspiracy theory, a cunning, devious grooming device.

There were developments within the EU to place restrictions on off shore tax evasion devices, and planning for collective action on climate change that would have an impact on every EU country trading in those areas - Brexit was a defence of  the English interests in maintaining off-shore tax evasion facilities and English owned oil and mining assets across the Global South, the remnants of the British Empire.  Nothing of Brexit was designed or intended to benefit the ordinary citizens of the 4 nations of the United Kingdom.

Still, at least we have free trade and travel within those four countries, which are now a shrunken trading bloc. At least..... 

Phil's clarity and his articulation of the most truthful, honest reality about the EU and Brexit is a thing of beauty. His channel is doing the work of honest analysis in News Reporting, hence it is popular. Citizen journalism is thriving just as Oligarchy press is a loss leader.

The difficulties for British live performers and their support crews touring the EU are now almost insurmountable. The difficulties for UK Citizens within the UK are going to increase exponentially, and the vulnerable and poor will suffer the most, and none of this will be at the hands of the EU, it will all be by the hand of the English Establishment. That steel fist in a velvet glove is not a hand you want to shake in friendship, let alone in war. 

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it is your gift to universe."

Wealth as a Political Hegemon, Brexit, War Crimes and Private Cities

What really drives Brexit?

Put it another way.

Pose a pertinent, topical question about what is happening across Earth's States at this time.

What is the largest scale global scale dynamic event that is happening? Change and resistance to change?

With climate change and particulate air pollution now proven, with the need for meaningful social and material action to address the harms these present, who are the people who would fear potential class actions and intense state and international regulation to address the accumulated harms and to prevent further harms?

Who is responsible for the most harms in these areas?

Who has known of these harms for decades and done nothing about it, and worse has actively impeded or denied knowledge, understanding and remedial action that is need on these matters?

Wealth as a Political Hegemon, a dictatorship, a tyranny.

When it comes to Wealth as a political party, a global hegemon, the extractive industries are the largest group, or faction, and they have huge influence over politicians, globally, through the wealth they deploy as a political weapon that serves their interests and frequently undermines the interests of ordinary working folk and the stability and survival of indigenous nations.

Iraq had many layers of purpose, one of which was a 'war for Oil'.

Oligarchy and War as a utility.

Iraq, Libya and Syria are cases of administering a very public beating, a demonstration to any that might imagine standing up to the global bullies.

If that Wealth is threatened, if the extractive industry Oligarchy are forced to spend their profits on preventing harms, if they are regulated to pay for the previous harms of the externalised costs of their activities, then their industries will cease to be profitable, and they will also lose their political power.

What would they do to avoid that?

How far would they go?

How far to the ruling class of any oppressive situation go?

Israeli Apartheid.

We only need to see what is happening in Israel, what the Israeli State and Military are doing every day, 24/7 to Palestinian people. That is how far the Ruling Class of the Israeli State is willing to go.

They will murder, bomb, evict, demolish, close off, entomb, shoot, imprison, starve and in what ever way they can devise, extirpate a people whose tenure on the lands of Palestine is proven, undoubted, long established.

We only need to see what happened in England as the covid19 epidemic rolled in, and on. They rejected Zero Community Transmission strategy, which is proven to prevent more harm than the let spread and try to control the spread policy.

Take a look at two interesting takes on this, with regards to interfering with Democracy.

Extractive Industry pre-empting State legislation on Climate, Environment, Pollution.

Charles Koch and Gina Rinehart, Robert and Rebekah Mercer and others associated with the extractive industrial complex have been and are funding the organisation and activities of a myriad of think tanks, lobby groups, media campaigns and the operations of adverse election influence in 68 countries, covering more than 100 elections, deploying digital microtargeting campaigns interlaced with traditional electioneering methods in order to alter peoples perception and behaviour.

SCL, a company involved in 'Electioneering' as a business, and the countries they worked in.

Politically motivated grooming operations directed against populations in order to inhibit democratic regulation of their industries. Both SCL and Cambridge Analytica have been shut down by their owners. The people who staffed them have moved on to other similar operations and the business of influence continues apace, not least with regards to COVID19 misinformation and lobbying in support of Governments rejecting zero community transmission strategies.

Brexit, Bolsonaro and Trump

Brexit  and the election of Trump in USA and of Bolsonaro in Brazil, among many others involving embedded news media political grooming operations via traditional media, and in the latter stages deploying industrial scale digital micro targeting operations designed to alter voters and non-voters behaviour through the repeated use of emotional trigger content, amygdala hacking and neuro-marketing propaganda techniques at an industrial scale. Grooming.

Setting international precedent at the state level by breaking treaties unilaterally. Walking away from Climate Agreements. Disposing of environmental regulations to protect wilderness. 

The same networks funding and organising covid misinformation campaigns and anti-zero community transmission strategy lobbying globally.  Grooming.

An alternative to the State - the Private City

Free Cities  - a campaign to create Privatised City States, the future of liberalism for the next century and beyond that are run by Corporations, as locations to park Wealth and to evade Democratic State regulation and and to undermine State taxation systems that fund social programs, health care, education for the grass roots.

A libertarian utopia where wealth as a political hegemon is recreated as a protected species - protected from democratic, evidence led regulation and taxation.

Charles Koch, a fossil fuel industry leader worth an estimated $47.5 Billion believes in a world with no taxes, no health service, no state pension, no minimum wage, no sick leave, no disability support, no welfare system, no police, no foreign aid, no financial or climate change regulation.

“The Sovereign Individual” by William Rees-Mogg and James Dale Davidson, published in 1997 articulates this ideology. Published as Blair took a Thatcherite version of the English Labour Party into the 21st Century, his policy position laid the ground work for the destruction of the social contract where the State acts with a duty of care to the citizen.

Rees-Mogg & Davidson’s dystopian vision, along with the condensed edition of Hayek’s Road to Serfdom’ (PDF download), published in 1945 are considered pivotal texts of the ‘bible’ of the NeoLiberal or Libertarian authoritarian-right, the alt right etc.

Following the doctrines in these books, powerful libertarians all over the world including the controversial Peter Thiel, Koch, Rinehart and many others are working with much energy to introduce, implement and expand the radical concept of Enterprise Cities in various formats known as SEZ’s, Charter Cities, Freeports and ZEDE’s.


"Moneyland is a country I invented; it doesn't exist in the way that any normal country does. But it's basically the place where you can put your money, you can put your reputation, you can put your children, if you are rich enough to afford it services. And it is essentially a hybrid country that exists outside of ordinary nation-states, where the reach, the power of law enforcement, doesn't stretch to. So essentially, it's a secret country, a private country for anyone rich enough to afford its services, and it's essentially government, sort of, of the rich, for the rich, by the rich."

Oliver Bullough, Author of  Moneyland: 
Why Thieves and Crooks Now Rule the World and How To Take It Back

Quote taken from this interview with NPR.

China - the exception?

Whereas China is doing the exact opposite!  China is by no means perfect. No such state of perfection exists in the industrialised world at this stage of development, globally. The entire industrial system has huge dysfunctionality, not least in the areas of externalised costs.

Nonetheless, China is embarking on a remarkable program of alleviating poverty, expanding health care and education, eradicating destitution and imposing strict transparency on the activities of commercial corporations to detect, punish and prevent corruption and in that way reduce the harms associated with corporate fraud and other externalised costs. 

War Crimes

The invasion of Iraq, a sovereign State, in 2003 was a War of Aggression. As such it was the supreme War Crime, the Act of Aggression, which contains all war crimes within it.

Two States are most culpable in the commission of this War Crime  - England and The United States of America, who drew on NATO states and others to provide 'assistance'.

It follows that the political leaders who drove the prosecution of this crime are War Criminals, and their administrations and Military Chiefs are also War Criminals, and that the civilian officials and the News Media that ran propaganda in support of this War Crime are all liable under the Laws that prohibit Wars of Aggression for conduct ancillary to the commission of a War Crime.

Nobody has been indicted for these War Crimes.

Israel is engaged in war crimes on a daily basis and is allowed to operate with utter impunity.

In England, the Labour Party is the primary political organisation responsible for the move to wage war against Iraq. As such it is a War Criminal entity, until it finds the courage to indict those Labour politicians who prosecuted the War against Iraq.  The English Government likewise is a war criminal entity.

The English Government 'stands with Israel. Starmer is a Zionist, by his own words - but does he even understand what he is saying? Does Starmer understand? Is that why he persecuted Julian Assange while he was DPP,  and now refuses to come to Assange aid as he languishes in an English jail cell, accused of no crime? Because he understands all too well his role as a member of the Establishment?

There is a group with the Labour Party who have been protecting Tony Blair ever since 2006.  Starmer is part of that group, a Johnny come lately to the Blairite war criminal collective.

Protecting a known war criminal.



Kindest regards


 "Do what you love, it is your gift to universe."

ConTheory - The thing is a con, and it's quasi theoretical, logical fallacy and biased assumption

   The grooming (gaslighting) of human vulnerabilities is one of the vilest things people can do to each other.

Image - i am aware of the spelling error on neighbours, and I can't be arsed, it is as it is, lol. soz.
I sometimes use and abuse the labels commonly applied to describe current events.

I created ConTheory as a precise variation of conspiracy theory.

The thing is a con, and it's theoretical in the sense of purely imaginative make believe.

That's the point.

Protocols of Zion is a conTheory.

Masturbation makes you blind is a conTheory.

The Bible is a massive conTheory.

Free speech is not a social permission to lie. manipulate, gaslight or deflect, evade or avoid accountability - such activity should be jumped on as soon as someone opens their mouth with it or publishes such content with such intent. Like immediately.

However it takes healthy emotional intelligence and a robust sense of self to do that.

If anyone ever tries to manipulate, gaslight or deflect, evade or avoid accountability to me my learned response is immediate - How dare you! - That is the correct first response, the second is to move away. Permanently. There's little point in explaining exactly what the other person is doing, because they already know. There is some utility in marking out the tactic, the technique when the behaviour is happening in a public forum. That may help some other folk avoid the trap, and it might work as an act of loving education - one does need to know what one is talking about and be relatively impervious to being deliberately triggered by the defence mechanisms that will be deployed in reaction to your challenge.

I had to learn the hard way, as I grew up being bullied and groomed, and I became a bully, and consequently reaching mental breakdown 20 years later - I had to be ruthlessly honest, there was no alternative, if I wanted to recover.

For me there is only one group, and that is the human species as a part of Earths biota. The Species is not a cult. There are many cultures within the species. I sing my song 'We are all Family' and I quote every nation listed in the UN.

The divisions of Nations are all manufactured. There are no Irish Foetuses distinguishable from Lithuanian Foetuses.
Left vs Right is manufactured, all institutional religions and cults are entirely manufactured. None of these are naturally emergent.

Bullies have to groom to any population they bully. It's a behaviour pattern well studied by the bullies - how to 'persuade', how to indoctrinate, how and who to trigger to disrupt honest discourse.

I can feel when bullies operate in part because I feel the old dynamics within me still, as a memory, like a immune memory. I bristle and then I want to dig in and root what ever is there. That's when I start to apply my mind to the problem. Feel, then think. An embodied response followed by a focused mind examining the situation.

Reading as a mindful practice is a discipline that is not part of the educational curriculum - they teach us to read to be able to repeat what we have read, we are never taught to subject it to a well informed, tested critical analysis - were any student to do that, they would have to leave the building in utter disgust at the hierarch, inherent in current schooling dynamics. I have been involved in a number of cults during my first 35 years of life.
I am currently spending a few days going over every cult I have been hooked into...
The issue of psychological wounding and vulnerability is core to this dynamic.
The followers are not the main problem, though their behaviour may become a serious problem.
Hence my renewed desire to avoid dehumanisation as a reaction to the activities of cult members.
I read Alice Millers book on Nazi Germany's cult, rooted in the behavioural dynamic of cultural childhood adversity, in 1986, in which she pointed out that the attractions of Leaders is similar to the patterns of addiction, adult criminal behaviour and child sexual exploitation.
She warned of everything that is occurring today in the USA and elsewhere..
It's a very challenging book, and it has taken a long time to integrate her knowledge, and there are many miles ahead, some steep hills to climb. Be kind out there, avoid dehumanisation.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it is your gift to universe."

This blog, like all my other content creation work is not monetised via advertising. If you like what I present, consider sharing my content. If you can afford the price of a cup of coffee or a pint of beer/ale/cider for a few months, please donate via my Patreon account.

Thank you for reading this blog. - donations gratefully received

Dominic Cummings, Hedge Funds, UK Government Gaming the Virus, Grooming a Population to Accept Mass Death.

1. The UK Hedge Fund Government is 'gaming' Brexit and The Virus, at the same time, for the same reasons. They have made bets and investment planning based on the collapse and remaking of the UK Economy.
The slow the spread policy is designed to provide a leverage to re-rig the UK economy, with the Virus and people's behaviour as the scapegoats. That is the function of deliberately vague instructions, confusing messaging and the online micro targeting of trigger material funded and organised by Hedge Funded and Alt-Right entities similar to Cambridge Analytica and Aggregate IQ et al
The Hedge Fund Johnson Government deliberately and consciously allowed the importation of the corona virus from Italy and Spain for 6 weeks, in February and March, and beyond.
The bulk of UK infection did not originate in China. It came from Europe. The Johnson Government made deliberate choices to not prevent spread of the infection and the disease, when they most certainly knew it was being imported and they had the tools and the power to prevent that from happening. The chose not to act.
They had access to the same information as New Zealand did, as Vietnam did, at the same time. The UK Government had access to more material and economic resources with which to act. The two different approaches of both Governments are now clearly delineated in terms of fatalities and economic impacts.

If the UK Hedge Fund Government had acted in February they could have stopped the spread of the virus and limited deaths to a much, much smaller number. The UK would be in a similar position to New Zealand.
Even if they had acted one week earlier than March 23rd, they could have prevent half as many deaths as have occurred. They made that choice as part of gaming the situation for the economic gain of their Hedge Fund sponsors.
2. The Virus is real, and it is a danger to vulnerable people. There are a lot of vulnerable people in the UK, where I live. Most fit people are not really aware of how many vulnerable people there are.
In the UK 441,00 elders live in care homes, many more live with their children, at home, or in their own homes. 11 million people live with chronic disease states, and a large proportion suffer with diabetes, obesity, hypertension, heart disease, cancer, dementia and many other illnesses that are a big risk factor for COVID19.
COVID19 represents an enhanced fatality risk factor for BAME people, within the Health system and across the general population. Poverty is also an enhanced risk factor for fatalities.
3. Austerity in the UK has led directly to 150,000 excess deaths of vulnerable people between 2010 and 2020 and very few fit healthy people were, and/or are aware or concerned enough to do anything meaningful to protect the vulnerable and the disabled. Even as the UN reported on Disabled people's rights being breached, the vast majority of British citizens remain unaware of this. The lack of energy from the fit healthy population in terms of confronting what their government is doing to vulnerable, unwell people is unsettling.
4. Quite a few fit and healthy people are affected by the deliberate and confusing inconsistencies in the Government Corona Virus Policy, and they are, for various reasons, treating the whole matter as if it is all a scam, including the danger of the virus itself. Misleading information, lies and other behavioural inconsistencies lend themselves to this perception - the UK Hedge Fund Government is well aware of this, as is Dominic Cummings. I believe they are exploiting this, just as they exploited and exacerbated skewed biases, prejudices and perceptions during Brexit. And another factor is that the provision of support to people to endure shut down has been inadequate, and this has exacerbated the pre-existing issues such as poverty, health care issue, cancer care, social care, vulnerable children's care and so forth. Rather than provide extra support, the government has allowed those issues to fester at home alone, often with less support than previously.
Then, when they need to push for ease of lock down, to push people back into work and to produce more spread of infection, they rolled out the exacerbated issues as emotional blackmail.
5. By holding that the danger of the virus itself is a scam, by taking the breach of regulations by Cummings and others as licence to do likewise, those fit and healthy people are feeding into the policy objective of the Hedge Fund UK Government and their cronies in the Corporate world, even as they believe they are opposing the UK Government policy.- in their frustration they of course support easing of restrictions without provision of adequate protections and in that they are undermining protection of vulnerable people, they are effectively supporting continued spreading of the virus, they appear to be unaware that stopping the virus is a viable policy and they represent a serious split within the population that the UK Hedge Fund Government is exploiting, in that they are not at all concerned with protecting the most vulnerable people in our community.
6. Many of these people are unaware that their view is being carefully attenuated, via online micro-targeting that has assessed their on line activity and is delivering content designed to groom them into believing their beliefs are reality. They do not understand that they are being exploited to further the UK Government policy.
7 Many of these people feel absolutely superior to others who they are being led believe are fearful, cowardly and complaint via online rhetoric and caricature across social media and in presidential tweets, and statements by Johnson such as suggesting those concerned with health and safety "should show more guts!". This is nothing less than bullying.
8 The Government's inadequate preparations made shut down deliberately confusing and later on used the problems those inadequacies created for various groups that were already subject to great stress, to generate news worthy pressure to call for an easing of the shut down (rather than provide resources to make shut down easier for everyone) and then used emotional blackmail in the media against the people who were concerned the science was still saying it is not safe, by saying "if you want to retain shut down it is going to hurt these groups, and that will be your fault." I am repeating myself here, I know, because this point is critical.
9 This is a seriously abusive situation, and very, very sad indeed.! Good, decent people are being enrolled into enabling the abuse, and are being doubly victimised.
11 A recent example is where one WHO official referred to pre-print studies that suggested asymptomatic transmission of the virus was rare. The WHO have retracted that statement, clarifying that it was a few studies that have not been fully checked.. However the people who believe the virus itself to be a scam, or not a danger,will not see that retraction in their feeds. They will continue to believe that asymptomatic transmission is rare, that the bulk of transmission is from pre-symptomatic cases, that become symptomatic, because that is more comfortable, psychologically speaking, it means they do not have to face the 'humiliation' of realising they have been groomed.
12 The same applies to people taken in by Brexit, by Trump and by other notable scams, people who are trapped, psychologically speaking by their internalisation of the scams as part of their identities, they are holding to the lie.
13 This is sad and quite frightening because it represents serious harms to come for many, many lovely people who are genuinely vulnerable, and it represents a split across the grass roots what will allow the Hedge Fund Government to shred our economy and cause real damage to society and of course to people, lovely decent ordinary folk and their families.
14. Christopher Wylies book Mindf*ck is a critically important read on how populations are influenced via co-ordinated online, press and broadcast media campaigns. “In one experiment, CA would show people on online panels pictures of simple bar graphs about uncontroversial things (e.g., the usage rates of mobile phones or sales of a car type) and the majority would be able to read the graph correctly. However, unbeknownst to the respondents, the data behind these graphs had actually been derived from politically controversial topics, such as income inequality, climate change, or deaths from gun violence. 

When the labels of the same graphs were later switched to their actual controversial topic, respondents who were made angry by identity threats were more likely to misread the relabeled graphs that they had previously understood. 

What CA observed was that when respondents were angry, their need for complete and rational explanations was also significantly reduced. In particular, anger put people in a frame of mind in which they were more indiscriminately punitive, particularly to out-groups. 

They would also underestimate the risk of negative outcomes. This led CA to discover that even if a hypothetical trade war with China or Mexico meant the loss of American jobs and profits, people primed with anger would tolerate that domestic economic damage if it meant they could use a trade war to punish immigrant groups and urban liberals.”
― Christopher Wylie, Mindf*ck: Cambridge Analytica and the Plot to Break America

15 How Dominic Cummings Hacked Brexit - Detailed account of the methods used, with examples, includes who funded the campaign and why.
16. Why Dominic Cummings is in 10 Downing Street. - a single item, a EU law that limits or regulates the activities of Hedge Funds which is the primary driver of UK Government policy as of today, 11th of May 2020. A $65 trillion prize!

Kindest regards


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