Showing posts with label Cognitive Warfare. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cognitive Warfare. Show all posts

We really ought to be using the term 'Climate Disruption' because it is more honest.

'Peace is more than the absence of war' - Arudhuti Roy.

Peace is when justice and accountability is in place in ways that prevent further avoidable harm. Accountability is not punishment. It is healing and recovery of human relationships in ways that prevent further harms being caused.

“Peace, Inc., is sometimes as worrying and War, Inc. It's a way of managing public anger. We're all being managed, and we don't even know it. The IMF and the World Bank, the most opaque and secretive entities, put millions into NGOs who fight against "corruption" and for "transparency." They want the Rule of Law--as long as they make the laws. They want transparency in order to standardise a situation, so that global capital can flow without any impediment. Cage the People, Free the Money. The only thing that is allowed to move freely--unimpeded--around the world today is money, capital.”

― Arundhati Roy, Things that Can and Cannot Be Said: Essays and Conversations

Regarding the matter of 'Climate Change' I think it is a deliberate euphemism- it is way too easy to conflate 'climate change' with 'natural change' as a linguistic cognitive warfare move.

Wealth as Power - The Cognitive Warfare Techbro Group

Wealth as Power Cult(ures) have dominated humanity for a mere 10,000 years

Every morning a new day starts, and with each day, new potentials and possibilities are made.

I write because I believe in us humans as a healthy humane species. I know that biology does not generate 'naturally' unhealthy species. I know that biology generates species whose behaviour nurtures the shared environment, at every level, building incremental fecundity into the habitat.

Climate Denialism is Cognitive Warfare

Racism and Misogyny are also Cognitive Warfare operations.

The Chiefs of Staff and High Command of the Cognitive Warfare of Climate Disruption Denialism are the Fossil Fuel Billionaire Shareholders.

The Fossil Fuel Billionaires and others are funding well organised insdustrialised operations at scale to target ordinary people with Cognitive Warfare content.

So when ordinary people deny Climate Disruption, it is because they have become weaponised, through exposure to cognitive warfare.

The Fossil Fuel and Mining Oligarchy knew about Climate Disruption 70 years ago. Their own Scientists confirmed it. The Shareholders decided to deny the Science because they wanted to keep drilling, producing, maintain and increase consumption, in order to amass ever more Wealth as Power. Their Power is maintained in large part by their deployment of Vast Wealth as a political weapon.

That makes them culpable for the avoidable harms they chose not to avoid.

That culpability also makes them liable for the costs of the harms caused, and other ancillary costs associated with all of this.

The role of healthy governance is to avoid all avoidable harms.

They KNOW this.

They understand that if any Democratic Legislature upholds, enforces or passes Laws to hold them accountable that they will lose their Wealth and more importantly, they will lose the Political Power as a Ruling Class Lobby.

This they have chosen to not cede. They perceive being held accountable as an existential threat, as a life or death issue. This is immature, of course. we are dealing with immature yet very, very powerful people.

They are therefore waging an all out war against Democratic Accountability and Legislative Regulation of their Industry and their Wealth as Power.

It is not greed for money.

Most of us ordinary people do not understand this because we are still fixated on the idea of Greed for Money as the driving force of Wealth Hierarchies, rather than the matter of Wealth as Power, Wealth as a Ruling Lobby that dictates to entire populations on how society is to be run. In their interests, not matter what the costs to ordinary people and our shared environment.

This war is a war against all of us, irrespective of our cultural, religious and political leanings. They want war, we want healing and recovery. We do not want or need to harm them as persons. We do not need to go to war. War is disgusting. War is Hell on Earth.

Solidarity is the only power we can exert. This the Fossil Fuel Billionaire Shareholders know and that is why they spend so much energy on dividing us. 

Solidarity is non-ideological, it is grounded in humane care and the logic of empathy. 

Solidarity is grounded in loving healthy empathetic relationships.

When we build a rational solidarity, a humane solidarity as persons who seek to meet one another's needs for optimal healthy human existence, their ability to divide us and remain dominant over and above us, at our expense, is over. 

This is something that we can do, and indeed it is both our duty and moral obligation to all our children to make sure this is what we do, together.

Kindest regards


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"Do what you love, it is your gift to universe."

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How Misinformation leads to Disinformation - Cognitive Warfare and what we can do to defuse it.

This is the best short explanation of how Misinformation is used to create emotional reactive divisions so that Disinformation can be weaponised to get some people tp change behaviour in ways that can be exploited. Nudge Theory as a warfare tool. 

How to make people angry at each other and emotionally reactive, stressed out and worried and then nudge behaviour in ways that can be exploited for political or financial gain... by very bad actors...

Artwork by Nikolai Kozin, London

@melodystanfordmartin #disinformation #misinformation #learnontiktok #media #politics #funny ♬ original sound - Mel

This begs the very important question - how do we approach those friends of ours who have been influenced by these kinds of campaigns?

@melodystanfordmartin Replying to @Revolution Of The Mind #conversation #disagreement #conversation #learn ♬ original sound - Mel

Here's a song by Katie Goodman that I think  helps re-humanise the situation.....

I have also made a cover version of this very fine song...

Learn it, and sing it every morning.... understand that the purpose of the 'Carbon Footprint' campaign was to make YOU feel guilty and offer you a get-out-of-jail card that allowed the Fossil Fuel and Plastics Industries to continue to drill for more Oil and Gas and make much more plastic and do nothing to make those products truly recyclable. Deliberate misinformation designed to protect their Wealth Extraction and political power of Wealth as Power.

It's not YOUR fault. 

Ordinary folks like us generate 8% of all CO2 pollution, the rest is generated by Industry, resource extraction and militarism.

What we need is a technological 'Cradle to Cradle' approach to all industrial processes and manufacturing and agriculture and housing and transport...

Wanna know more? here's a short video explaining the principles...

Cradle to Cradle - remaking our manufacturing culture so that it becomes a nurture culture.

Kindest regards


Thank you for reading this blog.

"Do what you love, it is your gift to universe."

This blog, like all my other content creation work is not monetised via advertising. If you like what I present, consider sharing my content. If you can afford the price of a cup of coffee or a pint of beer/ale/cider for a few months, please donate via my Patreon account. - donations gratefully received - .mp3 songs - .wav Songs - Archive


Premium Science and Humane Compassion - Robert Sapolsky on the Neuroscience of Transgender people.

Premium Science and Humane Compassion - Robert Sapolsky on the Neuroscience of Transgender people.

If I see or experience something and I don't KNOW what it is I have three choices.

1. I admit I don't know what it is.

2. I seek information, data, measurements etc to try to understand what it is. I then test that information, data, measurements for veracity.

3. I make something up.

The first two options are science.

The last option is dishonesty. 

What will inform my dishonesty?

Deep Science made readily understandable.

Robert Sapolsky is a neuroendocrinology researcher and author. He is a professor of biology, neurology, neurological sciences, and neurosurgery at Stanford University.

Sapolsky has received numerous honors and awards for his work, including a MacArthur Fellowship in 1987, an Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship, and the Klingenstein Fellowship in Neuroscience. 

He was also awarded the National Science Foundation Presidential Young Investigator Award, the Young Investigator of the Year Awards from the Society for Neuroscience, the International Society for Psychoneuroendocrinology, and the Biological Psychiatry Society.

Deep Compassion.

In this conversation, Robert shares scientific research related to the neurobiology of transgender people with the goal protecting the rights of transgender people via the creation of informed policies.

This discussion is what I call a rational conversation, it avoids the elements we see all too often in what is called debate - it is a win/win discussion rather than a win/lose war of words. The purpose of the conversation is to arrive at a place where the participants and the audience are enlightened and reassured.

Democracy is trapped in an old paradigm - the struggle for Power

We all know the meaning of the term 'office politics' as an indication of power struggles within person to person relationships within an office. Those relationships are inherently adversarial.

Currently every Democracy in place is an adversarial system, with a Government and an Opposition, which renders political discourse to the level of a debate, with a win/lose dynamic that attracts the most effective linguistic bullies who impede rational discussion at every turn. This amounts to Cognitive Warfare.

Election 2024

The recent 'debates' in US and UK Elections are prime examples of this dynamic being deployed to evade the evidence, reinforce bias and opinion, targeting people with emotionally charged cognitive warfare and this exposes the central lies of the Hierarchy of Wealth as Power Cult that dominates our legislatures.

We do not have any egalitarian polities operational at this time, and I suggest that we need such polities, and rapidly. The harm caused by adversarial relationships within Governance structures and between States is beyond measure. It is utterly toxic, and it is not healthy human nature. It is a cultural imposition - hierarchy of Wealth and Power is not a dynamic every baby is born for, it is not the nature of a healthy relationship between adult and child.

We have never studied the neurology of extant egalitarian peoples, left alone their psychologies.

The academic and medical scholarship is rooted in the study of people living within violent hierarchy cultures.

Normalisation and habituation and internalisation of all of that is not healthy biological behaviour, it is not adaptive, it is a coping strategy that is doomed to fail to deliver healthy humane behaviour as a cultural marker.

The psychological environmental movement is in its infancy and is struggling to be cared for and fed in such manner  that it might grow, mature and nurture the world from which it has emerged.

Kindest regards


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"Do what you love, it is your gift to universe."

This blog, like all my other content creation work is not monetised via advertising. If you like what I present, consider sharing my content. If you can afford the price of a cup of coffee or a pint of beer/ale/cider for a few months, please donate via my Patreon account. - donations gratefully received - .mp3 songs - .wav Songs - Archive


Lizz Truss, Steve Bannon White Nationalist Love Cruise to .....

Lizz Truss, Steve Bannon White Nationalist Love Cruise to .....

short Novara film about the Trump-Truss-Bannon-Farage reform love cruise, and its destination

not sure if they have the course set correct, or that they have the wind in their sails.

a bit desperate, unhinged, loopy loop insane and dangerous...

One thing the writer, Peter Jukes, does not write into this article is the back story to SCL, concerning its parent company and their involvement in multiple elections in multiple countries, prior to FarceBark and Cambridge Analytica.

SCL was active in 30+ states, covering 100+ elections, no one is sure these are the exact number. Their activity crossed many boundaries and they were not alone in this kind of organising 'messaging' - Cognitive Warfare. 

They were part of a trend in the Conservative party indicated by David Camerons creation of The Behavioural Insights Team as a sub office of the Cabinet Office.

Nudge as a tool of policy. Nudge is in the wrong hands a methodology of manipulation circumstances and social-material space as behavioural modification, into behaviours deemed more appropriate by who knows who, who is likely avoid of all human empathy for the objects of their interest. Cold hearted. Anti-Social.

World map : SCL/Cambridge Analytica - election interference

source : quarts 

makes for interesting reading, no conspiracy theory, just business as usual : psychometric neuro-marketing operating in the political domain, exploiting emotional, psychological vulnerabilities. 

I think that is really cruel. Don't you?

But yeah, election interference, who does that? 

The deployment of cognitive warfare in practice is operating on an industrial scale, funded by right wing white nationalist wealth in USUK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and now in Ireland, and everywhere.

All those memes that get yer emotions going, one way or the other.... they have a utility beyond out entertainment.

I call this practice Political Grooming. Brexit is a useful, informative case study

Nudging public and online and private debate into more bigoted, discriminatory, authoritarian, and othering space, normalising it as just another political view point, rather than the social-material abuse vector it is. A population has to be groomed into accepting 'war as part of the way it is, part of business as usual and our side are the good guys'. That is a learned behaviour.

Who instructs to habituate such behaviour?

Political Grooming is real and a present threat in our political, cultural, social and private intimate space (our minds and hearts) because it ‘floods the zone with shit’ as a certain Steve Bannon has written and said, a number of times, in different ways, depending on who he is targeting.

Stevie B! is just the front man - the production crew are the various billionaires who fund all this, and who exploit the Christian Fundamentalists urge for theocracy to set up a ‘might is right’ war economy and protect the Fossil Fuel and Pharma and Chemical and Mining and Logging and Farming and Military Industrial Corporations from necessary accountability. Or at least that is the sense I make of it all.

A class war.

The owners, as Rulers, with vast Wealth, deployed as a weapon vs the Subjects, and anyone who threatens the power of the ruling class, they are enemies.

Kindest regards


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"Do what you love, it is your gift to universe."

This blog, like all my other content creation work is not monetised via advertising. If you like what I present, consider sharing my content. If you can afford the price of a cup of coffee or a pint of beer/ale/cider for a few months, please donate via my Patreon account. - donations gratefully received - .mp3 songs - .wav Songs - Archive
