Showing posts with label habitat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label habitat. Show all posts

Nurture the Nature : genes will respond

A baby in utero who is exposed to stress develops his or her hind brain more than his or her fore brain. The fore brain is the neo-cortex which deals with intelligence, perception and creativity, the hind brain deals with physicality, defence and stress situations. Thus the stressed baby emerges prepared for a stressed (violent) environment and the relaxed baby emerges ready for a relaxed (empathetic) environment.

These factors are compounded by life learning; thus adverse conditioning or adverse childhood experience(s) can increase the tendency towards violent and controlling behaviours, which are often the symptoms of brain damage caused by those experiences; and empathetic nurturing increases the tendency towards peaceful egalitarian non-controlling behaviours, as the child’s brain is nurtured according to it’s nature.

Babies in utero develop touch and volitional movement by 7 weeks, light sensitivity at 10 weeks, (even though the eyes are not fully developed until 26 weeks), sensitivity to pain at 12 weeks, taste at 14 weeks, hearing at 16 weeks (even though the ear is not fully developed until 24 weeks), and spend more time in dream state at 30 weeks than in awake state, awareness and response to the language of the mother is evident at 25 weeks.

* Consciousness at birth: The range of empirical evidence (1983/1987). In Thomas Verny (Ed.), Pre- & perinatal psychology: An introduction (pp. 69-90). New York: Human Sciences Press.

Evidence of birth memories indicate full cognitive abilities at birth, equivalent to an adults abilities...

What is also known and well understood is that the environmental conditions act so as to switch gene expression on or off and indeed 'writes' new genetics, which may then be passed on….another way to say this is that genes are responsive, though it's the RNA which initates the 'writing' of or 'ateration' new genes. There is an interplay between the structual instruction sets and the environment, and they affect each other.

The tendency towards obesity evident in the current epidemic of obesity arose first out of a generation of people who ate fast foods, processed foods, were exposed to toxic chemicals and who have experienced various societal stressors such as trans-generational trauma which is directly correlated to symptoms of distress (“it’s my wall of protection” or “life is shorter” given as felt explanations of their obesity by obese people) and we now see obesity emerging in very young children.

Whilst there are genes that are 'related' to the incidence of obesity, it is the environmental experiential conditions that cause their expression in the first place. And those conditions are man-made with regard to obesity and many other health issues….

Seeking or promoting a ‘cure’ with first dealing with the environmental issues is a way of protecting the creators of those environmental conditions and of blaming those who become obsese, addicted, distressed as a result of those conditions. The 'cure' is aimed at the symptoms of the person distress, not at the conditions that give rise to that persons distress in the first place.

And it is the lack of prevention, implicit in the marketing of those toxic processed sweets and 'foods' precisely directed at those communities that experience most deprivation, and thus distress, that brings that tendency or genetic environmental reponse into material reality.

Essentialy, a massive act of control-freakery. Industrial civilisation tends towards the more violent controlling behaviours common to, if not essential to, Power Relationships.

To change the trajectory of the dominant civilisation, we have to treat ourselves and our children with far more empathy, detailed empathy, from conception onwards... to create the conditions that will support an emerging Empathic Society we have to examine Power Relationships carefully and make changes. And then we must continue, day by day, to build in the genetics of that natural empathy, in the path towards natural sustainability for all life on Earth.

Here's a classic example of the environmental factors being downgraded in importance, compared to genetic factors. They barely mention the fact that economic deprivation, cultural derpivation are often INTENSE as environmental operators, or signals capable of affecting the genes themselves, as much as the day to day behaviour - and they omit the knowledge that brain damage caused by trauma, adverse childhood experiences, toxic chemicals; thus slanting the focus on the genes.

Much of the info regarding a babies consciousness comes from the research of David Chamberlain :

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe

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on Earth Life Processes That Build Habitats for Diverse Populations of Mutually Interdependent Autonomous Life Forms

I feel we are innately, biologically designed to 'tread lightly, do no harm'.... one of the oldest maxims I know of is 'all is born of womanlife, no harm shall come to the children' which puts males in a place of deepest respect for woman and child, thus naturally concerned with the continued abundance of all life and the habitats that host that abundance.

That fits in with the known ways in which nature (defined for the purpose of this piece as : Earth Life Processes That Build Habitats for Diverse Populations of Mutually Interdependent Autonomous Life Forms) works in balance, with such precision, without any known centralised driving force, working from the grass-roots, from bacteria (who are arch metabolizers, factories of food, recycling experts, and also seed rain clouds! which is why they live inside us - we eat their poo! and their decaying bodies! no waste. all is food.) to the largest organisms such as the great barrier reef and the fungal tissue that extends across entire continents through forests.... everything eats, none eats beyond the sustainable levels of what they eat, few starve, most live full lives - that's not a struggle, its certainly no competition based system of evolutionary 'perfection'.


Nature is abundance. Nature is. And there are variables. Weather does change. Volcanoes will erupt. Tsunamis do occur. Floods will happen. The are all necessary parts of nature and life on Earth. Nothing natural is useless. Everything matters.

We learn to fear in the way 'civilisation' fears; as children we 'adapt to' a dysfunctional situation by internalising the values of the situation, the values of those who control the situation. That's the nasty little voice to the side, (I sense it on my right hand side, just above my ear, just outside ) that feels like judgement, that tells me I am 'bad' etc etc....the repeated lies I was told about my body, my spirit, which were told so often I took them to be true. And they ruled me. Those voices were once physically embodied in the voices of the adults who 'raised' me, of the authority of the adult world over me, and for a long time the ghosts of those voices ruined my life, because I believed them to be my own voice......

Those voices rule many people, and those voices drown out the voice of the heart for many people, to the extent that they become ideological or fundamentalist, to the extent they find it easy to de-humanise, to the extent they respond to 'charisma' ..... Obama, Osama......

Let me make this quite clear. My true conscience is in my heart,embedded in body, that's where I feel my true feelings of empathy, my sensings of others in this world, which is conscience itself, really. It is NOT in my head.... and there are aspects that are reflected all over my body... 'my hand can feel the burn on your hand' my heart the wound I might inflict when I think of that .... and knowing the pain I sense is real, that by action I might realise it in you, I cannot take any such action - I feel you' There is no deeper base for behaviour that this, and it is innate.

Unlearning the 'fear' is not easy, it takes time, and a little dedication..... it is a process of becoming more human in a 'civilised' and industrialised world that dehumanises, de-souls and that objectifies all life in order to 'exploit' it.

This is the struggle I am engaged in for myself.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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