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Showing posts with label Dail. Show all posts

Letter to my democratically elected representative on Gaza, Genocide and the Law.

Gaza 2024

 Some of the data : source 

Palestinian Ambassador to the UN Speaking after the Ceasefire Resolution

"Everyone knows their duty"

Francesca Albanese confirms the charge - It is a genocide.

Letter, sent via

Dear Representative,

This Tuesday, March 26th, Francesca Albanese, the UN Special Rapporteur  on Palestine and the (illegally) Occupied Territories, working for the United Nations Human Rights Commission, held a press conference to announce confirmation that Israeli MIlitary Assault and Occupation of Gaza has met the first 4 of 5 conditions required to define the action as a Genocide.

The Genocide Convention codifies genocide as “any of the [specified] acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such.”

Accordingly, the crime of genocide comprises two interconnected elements: 

(a) The actus reus: the commission of any one or more specific acts against a protected group, namely: 

(i)  killing members of the group; 

(ii)  causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; 

(iii)  deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;  

(iv)  imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; 
(v)  forcibly transferring children of the group to another group. 


(b) The mens rea: the intent behind the commission of one or more of the above- mentioned acts that must be established, which includes two intertwined elements: 

(i)  a general intention to carry out the criminal acts (dolus generalis), and 

(ii)  a specific intention to destroy the target group as such (dolus specialis).

Francesca Albanese, the UN Special Rapporteur for for the United Nations Human Rights Commission for Palestine and the (Illegally) Occupied Territories, has asserted, with evidence to support the claim, that Israel and its allies have broken the first four elements of the Genocide Convention, and have fulfilled the mens rea element.

As an elected democratic governance official you represent the total population of the Constituency, irrespective of individuals choice of parties - you represent the people who did not vote for, as much as any other.

As as an elected democratic governance official you are duty bound to uphold the Law, without exception.

 There is a moral element to this too which you cannot avoid.

I sincerely call upon you, as a constituent whom you represent, to present my concern that the Law regarding genocide is upheld in fully , by His Majesty’s Government and his Majesty’s Opposition and that you represent this in Parliament, as the earliest possible moment, and that you reply to me having done so, with proof of having done so. 

I humbly request that you to take the appropriate action(s) to uphold the Law , to do your duty as my political representative, because I cannot walk into Parliament and make my case - that is your job.

I hope that you agree  with me that the civilian population of Palestine need every possible action taken to to stop this atrocity, immediately, without any preconditions set that would  impede cessation of the genocidal violence being perpetrated upon them, even as I write.

If you fail in this - without adequate explanation - I will consider you to be actively complicit in enabling this Genocide, as a member of the UK Parliament, the Democratic Governing Body of the United Kingdom.

I will take action, with others, within the Constituency to follow up on that, either way, without fear or favour.

I beg you to do the right thing, to not remain silent on this matter, to speak out on my behalf in the House of Commons and elsewhere. Let us stand together in solidarity on this matter.

Yours Sincerely....

Kindest regards


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