Showing posts with label Oligarchy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oligarchy. Show all posts

Wealth Extraction vs International Democracy. Brexit is a precedent. Selfish as an interest, a faux philosophy, a meme of the bully cults political power base.

'Wedge Issues' : Seeking out materials that are belief based with which to stimulate endless angry argument (and violence) as a means to prevent democratic solidarity emerging amongst us workers. A core activity of News Mefia, oligarchy funded conspiracy theory, political hegemons, within the Bully Cult.

The ruling of the USSC on Roe vs Wade is designed to harden divisions across the USA - belief that Christianity needs to expand and dominate, belief that Christianity is under threat of a 'birth dearth', belief that US Military Power is a benign, honourable culture, belief that peoples sexual pleasure is a threat to society, belief that Capitalism is the best way to organise a society, belief that the poor and destitute are inferior and have only themselves to blame, belief that Race is a biologically, God given stratification - belief imposes it's will, and ignores the evidence, the knowledge, and sets up an endless brain-offline war of nasty attrition, as the believers refuse to acknowledge the knowledge, and dig their heels in, emotions flared, frontal cortex off-lined, amygdala over loaded, guns at the ready.

The underlying pattern this odious dynamic misGovernment is revealing is simple.

In the UK the attempt to break the terms of the Brexit Agreement regarding Northern Ireland may appear crazy, yet if one takes a wider look, something else emerges, and although it too is insane, and ugly, it makes sense of the attempt to legislate English Law to break an international treaty. Unilaterally, ditching negotiations.

They know exactly what they are doing and their sponsors do too. They know exactly what they are aiming for, strategically.  A Free-Market fundamentalist State, Sovereign and selfish.

What appears to be incompetence is not what it seems. Indeed the charge of incompetence provides a cover for the nature of the program they are pushing - 'incompetence' is easier pill to swallow than plainly evil. Evil is causing harm and denying it, in order to exploit a situation. That choice is evil. And no-one wants to see it, because to see it is to awaken to a need for deliberate and determined solidarity based political action that entails effort, vulnerability, potential stress and failure. A scary ask for anyone.

@torysc_mout #uk #politics #britain #fyp #parliament #government #northernireland ♬ Epic Emotional - AShamaluevMusic

The program : to undermine International treaty obligations as a standard and undermine democratic engagement of the population in driving through international treaties, national legislation and other measures necessary to meet the challenges of climate disruption.


Because the goal is to insulate the Wealth Extraction class from democratic regulation and legislation that would :

a) Make provision for climate disruption adaptations and support for those most afflicted by the disruptions that are already happening, and will continue to escalate

b) Make provision for criminal indictments for delaying, denial and other campaigns that have hindered recognition of the problems, which were known to those campaigning for those delays, because those delays are causing harm. Lies, gaslighting, manipulation, conspiracy theory, denialism and corruption.

c) Make provision for prevention of harms in all industries that pollute, poison, spill waste into the environment, spill toxins into our air - this would impose a massive cost on all industries involved. It ought to be basic practice to not pollute, poison or release toxic 'waste' materials into the environment.

d) Make provision to limit Wealth Extraction and to abolish poverty. Low wages is a key component of extracting wealth, backed by deliberately maintaining and exacerbating poverty, with the threat of homelessness and destitution as a whip - note that the money the impoverished spend on food and utilities flows back to the profit extraction process whereas the money extracted is off-shored or 'invested' in ways that drive up property prices and enhances the political power of the Wealth Extraction class as a political hegemon. Wealth as a weapon system.

e) This Tory government removed the clause in the ministerial code of conduct in 2015 in preparation for this strategic shift. Brexit was a test case, to see how quickly breaking international treaties unilaterally could be set as a precedent. Once the precedent is set, as this week, Parliament 'debates' the setting aside of the Northern Ireland Protocol Agreement as a piece of legislation.

f) The Tories want England to become a safe haven for the Oligarchy to park their wealth. Free Ports, Free Cities, low corporate taxation, secrecy, off-shoring and much else besides. 

This amounts to a campaign that is a war - Wealth Extraction against the survival of Humanity, against any democratic movement that seeks to end the harmful practices, and avoid all those harms into the future.

Their biggest fear is a united population, humane solidarity across the diverse population - and so they sow division, using tactics that target emotional belief and bias, to generate divisions within the voting population, and beyond, so that popular solidarity cannot emerge to challenge the Wealth Extraction class.

Laws that make protest a criminal offence, laws that remove democratic Human Rights, laws that protect the Wealth Extraction and sanction the impoverished, laws that impede oversight of Government, laws that allow Government to ignore court rulings, laws that allow secret service, military and police and others to commit crimes in the course of their work to 'protect the nation', laws that criminalise poverty, laws that permit pollution of our waterways, laws that undermine almost every element of a functioning democracy (not that we have ever had a functioning healthy democracy - the existence of a ruling class makes that ideal impossible.)

A legislative war against democratic legislation and regulation of industrial wealth extraction rooted in externalised costs, even as those costs cause harm to hundreds of millions, and potentially billions of people, and our shared environment.

The ruling of the USSC on Roe vs Wade is also designed to harden divisions across the USA - belief imposes it's will, and ignores the evidence, the knowledge, and sets up an endless war of attrition, as the believers refuse to acknowledge the knowledge, and dig their heels in, emotions flared, frontal cortex off-lined, guns at the ready.

We know what must be done, don't we?

Kindest regards


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Why are the Oligarchy at War against Health and Democracy?

The Oligarchy are at War against Healthy Democracy.

here's why, in a brief outline.

The Fossil Fuel and Mining Oligarchy knew about Climate Disruption 50 years ago. Their own Scientists confirmed it. The Shareholders decided to deny the Science. They wanted to keep drilling, producing, maintain and increase consumption in order  to amass ever more Wealth as Power.

That makes them culpable for the avoidable harms they chose not to avoid.

That culpability also makes them liable for the costs of the harms caused, and other ancillary costs associated with all of this.

They KNOW this.

They understand that if ANY Democratic Legislature upholds, enforces or passes Laws to hold them accountable that they will lose their Wealth and more importantly, they will lose the Political Power as a Ruling Class Lobby.

This they have chosen to not cede.

They are therefore waging an all out war against Democratic Accountability.

Most ordinary people do not understand this because we are still fixated on the idea of Greed for Money rather than the matter of Wealth as Power, Wealth as a Ruling Lobby that dictates how society is to be run.

This war is a war against all of us, irrespective of our political leanings.

Solidarity is the only power we can exert. This they know and that is why they spend so much energy on dividing us......

When we build a rational solidarity, their Rule is over.

I wrote this as a short explanation of Healthy Governance - if it existed at all healthy governance would regulate toxic industry and excessive wealth extraction.

It's just basic common sense.  However currently the worlds political and economic system is controlled by a toxic combination of owners of industry operating working with a wealth extraction oligarchy, who use that wealth as a political utility and as a weapon.

They understand that climate change has changed everything - the externalised costs that underpin excessive wealth extraction cannot be allowed to continue to undermine our stability as a species. 

They know this.

However they are unwilling to cede their power or change their behaviour, and they are placing the species in great danger.

The SARSCOV2 virus, and indeed Climate Disruption, is telling us that if we do not co-operate and work for each others mutual aid, we are lost.

Boris Johnson is the perfect symbol of this loss.

What's his game

Why the West rejected suppression of the virus.

To carry out such a policy - effective, continued suppression of community transmission of the virus, so that people can work, live, play and not spread the infectious pathogen SARSCOV2 - requires that the State supports the population's Right to Health with economic support, logistical support and local empowerment to operate the find, test, trace, quarantine and isolated treatment. 

It also requires that the State works with the population as partners, equals in the effort. Ruling over a population will not deliver the social cohesion necessary to supress the virus.

This means the Industrial, Finance and Corporate Services sector must also support the people. 

Debt relief, mortgage rest, and other measures to abolish poverty are necessary to deal with the virus, and indeed, to deal with climate change, air, land and sea pollution and other system level problems.

All of these are Democratic Socialist Strategies.

These are humane strategies, designed to avoid avoidable harm to the people.

The West's Governance systems are dominated by the NeoLiberal Free Market ideology Oligarchy.

They know that if a  policy to protect the population's Right to Health was enacted, if  humane strategies, designed to avoid avoidable harm to the people were implemented they would in all likelihood succeed.

The lived experience of a population who saw a more humane policy stance functioning well, improving all our lives, that would bring the spell of the NeoLiberal Free Market Ideology to an end.

The Free Market claim to be the best possible economic system would be seen as the falsehood it is.

Egalitarian Humanity

The Free Market Fundamentalists have been writing about the collapse of the Welfare State for decades. 

Welfare systems and Health Care systems do not collapse, they get taken down. 

A well funded,  properly resourced healthy health care system caring for a healthier population is a sustainable reality, a practical solution. 

Which is ironic, because once again, they cannot but confess by their behaviour who they really are and what they are really like and how much disdain they hold for us ordinary people - by refusing to suppress the virus in the community, they have proved that the NeoLiberal Free Market Ideology will not protect the people's right to health, and that by choice, it does not support the people in a wide range of important areas. 

This is why the Wealth Extraction Grouping dominate our legislatures, making healthy governance impossible. They fear accountability, above all else.

The thing to understand its that healthy governance tends towards prevention rather than towards punishment. There is nothing to fear in facing accountability in a healthy way, for harms caused. Loss of power is not a healthy rational fear. A sense of superiority and entitlement is not healthy nor is it a rational sense of self to internalise. Inciting hatred is not a healthy or rational way for a human to behave.

All they have to lose is their dysfunctional behaviour characteristics and behaviour patterns. Why the fear? 

Don't they know who we really are?

I wrote a blog exploring a metric for genuinely healthy governance, based on evidence, nurturing community and environment, preventing harm.

"I think of Healthy Governance as being focused on the practical realities of administering a communities shared resources for the equal benefit of all members of that community. 

Healthy governance sets the context of governance as operating within the dynamic of a shared responsibility of duty of care for one another.  In that regards healthy governance has to be evidence led at all times. Opinion and belief are insufficient to meet the responsibility of duty of care.

Healthy governance sets the global context of governance as nurturing, caring for and stewarding of the habitat within which the community lives and from which that community draws living materials and other resources. 

In the case of States, and in relation to healthy Governance we can apply this metric of care to taxation, which is collected from all, in one way or another, by the State, and is therefore a primary community shared resource. Healthy governance will determine that that resource is deployed with wisdom and equity to nurture the whole population."

The Oligarchy refused to take the correct action because they feared that they would lose traction. 

Democratic regulation of toxic industry in order to prevent avoidable harms, which is also a rational and healthy policy stance if enacted would Wealth Extraction - which Wealth Extraction Grouping would oppose on every footing. 

When Greta Thunberg said "I do not want to believe that!..(You are evil)" she was on the cusp of the most honest expression of the political truth of our era. We all were. We still are.

Even when a human does monstrous things to another, repeatedly, aware of the harm he or she is still human, what they do is monstrous, they are not monsters. They are human beings, they are people... we all are. 

Solidarity among the people, the families and communities and language groups and faiths and cultures  has to be deeper than any other political loyalty on the menu. We must really love each other to do this. A lot more.

Billionaires funded Cambridge Analytica and Trump and Brexit.

The majority of Covid and Climate misinformation networks are funded by the Wealth Extraction Oligarchy. 

So too so much of our News Media, Magazines and Publishing Corporations, through advertising revenue, and though direct ownership, and then there are their networks of pseudo-intellectual think tanks and a range of NGOs, large and small, all driven by the Oligarchy lobbies...

They know if democratic regulation to meet climate change happens, they will lose the ability to extract wealth firstly be by being forced to pay externalised costs. Then through a reparations process, to account for the harms caused to date, their entire wealth might be reduced to less than needed to exercise such great power to such adverse effect, and they would become disempowered. 

Royalty no more. Elites not more. Just people with more than enough to get by on. But no.

They prefer war to the loss of that long held capacity, intent and ability to extract the Wealth they need by exploiting populations, deploying a significant part of that wealth as a weapon to maintain a dominant position in political establishments and legislatures, and thus protect Wealth Extraction. At a terrible costs to humanity and our shared environment.

This is not a conspiracy, it is not a theory - it is simply describing what is happening.

Brexit is about unilaterally breaking from international treaties, by grooming a population. 

For the Oligarchy, the Wealth Extractors Freedom from the 'tyranny' of sensible, evidence based regulatory policy designed to reduce harms caused by industry is their goal.

To achieve that they must break social democratic solidarity and sow layers of belief based emotionally charged divisions across the available electorates.... when ordinary people hate each other driven by fear, anger, distress, chronic stress, the Oligarchy retain their power.

To protect the Hoard, the Herd must take it on the chin, again and again and again.

Suppressing the virus requires fully resourced pro-social human centred policy, which if the population experienced it, would be another example that would undermine the obviously false Neoliberal free market claims about the 'Free Market' being the best of all possible economic systems.

So we - the ordinary folk with little material power, you and I, and everyone else we meet, day to day, we must pay the price, so that the Oligarchy don’t have to carry the cost of avoiding avoidable harm...

Climate Change is entirely a matter of avoidable harm not avoided - they knew 50 years ago fossil fuel was going to alter the climate and they did nothing. They externalised the costs. They must be held accountable for that. What they did was criminal in intent, lethal in outcome and they persist.

That must cease. That state of affairs cannot be permitted to continue.

Social belief divisions

Anti-mask, anti-suppression of the virus, Covid Hoax, Lab Virus bio-Weapon, Global Tyranny Conspiracy obsession, pro-Brexit, anti-State, Freedomeers, Woo Woo New Age, Libertarian, Racist, Misogynists, Nationalists,  - ,all emotional belief based - are all enrolled through the Oligarchy grooming operation which has found a series of psychometric keys into their emotional hooks associated with quite understandable distrust, anger, fear, knowledge gaps, beliefs, biases....

These different groups are all forming adversarial  belief position divisions within the electorate - the available population who are entitled to vote and who, if they voted together could remove the oligarchy political establishment in our legislatures and councils, and instead elect honest, evidence based men and women who would write laws to protect the people from the excesses of the Wealth Extraction Class.

They are not at war with Russia, but with us, their citizens, over Climate Change and Covid.

That's the struggle we are in.

Solidarity and evidence, and grass roots political organisation and action, and the taxation stream of democracies are the powers the grass roots can muster.

Kindest regards


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This blog, like all my other content creation work is not monetised via advertising. If you like what I present, consider sharing my content. If you can afford the price of a cup of coffee or a pint of beer/ale/cider for a few months, please donate via my Patreon account. - donations gratefully received - .mp3 songs - .wav Songs - Archive


Oligarchy anti-democratic Grooming Memes - an example, debunked. A dynamic explored.

Right Wing oligarch friendly meme take down analysis.

“How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics in the 20th century.” Aneurin Bevan

There's a meme circulating suggesting removing or reducing politician's salaries, because the politicians are enriching themselves using our taxes. It is blatantly incorrect and it is a grooming device. Obviously people who are elected to represent the people in our legislatures are engaged in full time work, and so they need to be paid a decent salary. And they are engaged in a lot of work that cannot be done by a lone individual, and therefore they need to run an office, with researchers, advisors and other staff to assist them in their work. They also have the Civil Service to support them. All of these are necessities.

The meme is targeting genuine concern that a significant cohort of leading politicians are corrupt, but it switches the bait to a different hook in order to avoid the actual problem - the corruption is the influence of Wealth as a political hegemon that buys some politicians it is not the wage and expense system which supports their role.
The meme was advertised, sponsored, promoted and targeted at 'progressives' and others who claim to be politically anti-establishment. The targets are reposting it without subjecting it to a critical analysis, without understanding the meme is designed to help the oligarchy achieve their political goal of destabilising democratic regulation of their extractive industrial model..

So I am going to give it a go.

1. The issue is not the politicians wages, the issue is the influence of  Wealth (Wealth with a capital 'W' indicates Wealth as a political movement, a political organisation) on politicians and media, and the revolving door between Wealth, their media and think tanks and Government Office. 

For example in England right now we have a hedge fund banker who rose through the ranks of investment banking designing and then selling dodgy CDOs that caused the '08 crash in charge of the NHS! He was doing part-time work for JP Morgan all year, while being paid as an MP, rumoured to be earning more than 1K sterling per hour until the moment he accepted the role as Health Secretary! His salary is small change. His situation is not uncommon. He who pays the piper calls the tune, as the saying goes.

2. The  Oligarchy want you and I, and anyone who is concerned with political corruption to undermine democratic regulation so that they don't pay fair share taxes. The  Oligarchy want you and I to undermine the possibility of democratic regulation so that we don't fund NHS properly, so that it starts to crumble under the pressure and they will privatise it to save it, and then you and I must rely on privatised insurance to pay for our healthcare costs, generating a cash revenue stream for their coffers. 

The  Oligarchy want you and I to undermine democratic regulation so that the poor remain poor - in order that the oligarchy can make more profit from maintaining low wage workers (which is where they make most profit...) and more importantly The  Oligarchy want you to undermine democratic regulation so that they they don't have to help pay for climate and environmental damages or re-rig their industries to prevent harms, to pay their 'externalised costs'.

3.  To that end they carefully conflate our sense of distrust  of obviously corrupt governments which they influence, ironically enough, with their desire to dismantle democratic legal regulation, co-opting you to their agenda:  they do all of this rather than encourage you to occupy the legislature and exercise your democratic power as a shared responsibility to curtail the abuse of power by oligarchs, which is what you really ought to be doing, for your own and your children's sakes.

4. So to get the oligarch money out of politics, we must do that by electing decent men and women, honest people who are also experienced in the areas we need proficiency and who reject influence and money from lobbyist, into our legislatures and resource them so they can carry out their roles. 

5. We must also learn to spot grooming tactics in News Media and online, to make elections more honest, and we must become involved in understanding the problems and designing solutions. 

The Power Inquiry of 2006 looked at the matter of honesty in elections and direct involvement of citizens in designing policy, in some detail. This short article is a good brief introduction to the work of the Power Inquiry.

The activity of Political Grooming is a serious problem

Many people are being groomed by well organised, well funded grooming operations.

Grooming operates by studying the persons vulnerabilities and then targeting those with emotive concern in order to exacerbate them, which triggers an emotive amygdala reaction, which is often beyond conscious intellectual control and then by associating those heightened concerns with the concerns of the groomer the groomer can direct the behaviour of the target to meet the needs or exploitation target of the groomer. 

It is a very dirty, nasty process.

Utterly abusive.

And they get away with it because very, very few people understand these tactics, and rather than seek to protect the groomed we get irritated with them, and the groomers exploit our irritation to drive even deeper wedge between us all.

Two ways to counter this:

1. Better understanding across the progressive alliances of how grooming operates and functions. Awareness is the best defence, being able to see it happening as it happens...

2. Legislation that identifies grooming as a behaviour set, that names it as psychological abuse and then criminalises it by making it a criminal offence.

Gaslighting and Grooming, Blaming the Victim, Bullying

#Gaslighting is essential to the bully culture  because the bullies have to convince the majority of the population being bullied that they are not being bullied. That is because the bullies are usually a minority who would be unable to face down the majority if the majority united in resistance.

#GaslightingGrooming operates by studying the person's vulnerabilities, targeting those with emotive concern in order to exacerbate them, triggering emotive amygdala reaction, associating targets concerns with the concerns of the groomer by which means the groomer can direct the behaviour of the target to meet the needs or exploitation intention of the groomer. 

Target concerned about lack of housing, because it impacts her or his living situation.

Groomer links lack of housing to immigration - knowing full well the situation has nothing to do with immigration, it has to do with the economic set-up and legislation that reduces access to affordable housing.

Target becomes concerned about immigration. More stories are presented that dehumanise immigrants.

Groomer raises rent, lowers wages and this increases the pressure the target feels.

Groomer shares content blaming immigrants for higher rent, lower wages.

Target angry at immigration more than high rent, lower wages.

In time target hates immigrants. willing to cause harm to immigrants.

Multiply this 10 million times, significant numbers will be more easily manipulated to alter their voting behaviour, and some will be more susceptible to behaviour mod than others and go further.

Pick any concern, study enough people, locate the vulnerable, slowly work on them - ensure funding flows and think tanks and others maintain the 'work flow' of grooming content. Push until significant numbers of people change their behaviour in ways that can be exploited.

This activity is psychological  abuse.

It is locating biases and vulnerabilities, the rather than helping to resolve them, it exacerbates them, it exploits them in order to generate behaviour that is harmful.

Grooming is abuse. It is not a fair game. The groomer knows what he or she or they are doing. The groomed, always unaware of what is being done, is vulnerable.

For one person to to this to another is already quite grim.

For any organisation to do this to an entire population is a crime against humanity.

To do this as a profession, as a career is profoundly amoral and anti-social. To pay people to do this is an intentional action and it is a crime against humanity.

Does this apply to every Hierarchy?

Every Hierarchy of Power, Resources (Wealth) and Violence, yes.

There are examples of non-power hierarchies that are based on skill, age, experience, wisdom and they tend to be within egalitarian cultures.

Grooming is unknown in egalitarian cultures.

The Neoliberal Free Market Fundamentalists are waging a long war. 

In the same way as the endless war against terror, their war is open ended, with only a vague and misleading indicator in public as to the final goal. The Neoliberal Free Market Fundamentalists  will not cease in their efforts to undermine the very concept of a social contract because that is their enemy.

 They see the social contract as binding the democratic state to protecting the population from the worst ravages of the Oligarchy that is built on externalised costs - no one must be allowed to impose any democratic regulation that mandates that those costs be paid by the extractors of wealth.

Think of concentrated Wealth as a political party, a political hegemon with a budget to corrupt every level of democracy.

Their war is against the very idea that governments ought to exercise power to nurture social care on behalf of ordinary people who, having no real social material power, are individually, and as individualised, atomised citizens, weak and vulnerable and for that reason they need that help and protection, which is in part their right because they pay taxation to Government.

For more detail, read this interesting blog on the agenda,  the ideology and the reasons why cruelty is core to the activities of the Neoliberal Free Market Fundamentalists - the adverse effects are 'externalised costs'.

"In Oscar Wilde’s play, Lady Windemere’s Fan, when Lord Darlington defined a cynic as ‘a man who knows the price of everything, and the value of nothing,’ Cecil Graham replied, ‘And a sentimentalist, my dear Darlington, is a man who sees an absurd value in everything and doesn’t know the market price of any single thing.’

Graham is not alone in thinking that any value other than the market price is absurd. Many proponents of free markets think this way. 

This line of thought has an engaging clarity and simplicity: if a willing buyer and a willing seller agree on a price, what right has anyone else to say that this is not the fair value? 

(of course, in the real world many transactions are not between willing buyers and sellers freely assessing the value of the transaction.  Most smokers buy cigarettes, not because they have assessed the value and found it worth the price, but because they are addicted. Workers being paid below the living wage accept it, not because they agree it is fair, but because they have no other choice)."

--- worth a read, I think.

Because they are ideologues, the Free Market Fundamentalists are content to use psychologically abusive tactics most decent people would shrink back in horror from.  Grooming to influence, induct, enrol or hook people into a change in behaviour that can be exploited.

The ends justifies the means for ideologues. 

Their idea, their projection, their version of 'reality' is supreme. In their minds the Free Market is so good that it shoves aside evidence of harm and externalised costs, it rolls over adverse outcomes for people , it ignores collateral damage, it sees avoiding avoidable harms as a hassle or a restriction, a form of tyranny and their attitude clearly lacks empathic concern for people - people are economic units to be deployed that feed the machine that amasses wealth in order to form and maintain their political hegemonic structure.   

The Free Market Ruling Class considers themselves to be 'The Beautiful People'. They truly believe this - the culture of people whose wealth and status encourages them to assume that they are superior to all ordinary folk, they are taught to feel they are better qualified to rule and govern, they think they are wealthy because they are superior rather than lucky. Even those who merely inherit vast wealth think this.

It goes that those who are think themselves superior do not mind so much the wounds inflicted upon the inferior.

Notice how the Telegraph, the newspaper of the Free Marketeers, is waxing lyrical over a teenage woman, Emma Raducanu, who recently won a major tennis tournament, salivating over her 'vast' economic potential - she is a candidate for entry into the pantheon of beautiful people, a clothes horse for the neoliberal free market wealth accumulating mindset hiding behind Nationalism.

They wish to acclaim her as a role model, and will seek to co-opt her for the aggrandisement of their ideology. Her current sporting success is the result of her efforts, her parents support and her luck and is not a marker of Britishness, or of the virtue of vast wealth. They will seek to make of her a marker of both.  Even as they publish articles denigrating desperate people in leaky boats cross the English channel. Even as Priti Pat-Hell, another multicultural icon, seeks to find ways and means to push those vulnerable boat people back out to sea, as a public relations distraction from the many harms of Brexit.

Because these tactics are in essence psychological warfare tools, most of us decent people lack any understandings of how they work, and we are therefore largely vulnerable to that form of predation. 

That is why Murdoch can choose who Rules.

The Labour party elders are completely unable to counter these weapons not least because they are unable to identify them in real time, name them and then counter them in public discourse as a praxis of exposure, a way to educate the electorate on the nature of these tactics. See, show, tell - this they cannot do.

Public awareness of these tactics is the best defence in the first instance.

As things stand the Labour party elders and their membership appear to be unable to take the fight to the political grooming gangsters. They MUST change this, and rapidly. They have the public platform to do this, they need to name the tactical plays, every time they are given ANY platform, and they need to move away from the Press as a means to reach the public - they cannot speak clearly through that Press Mechanism at all. It will always seek to thwart them, twist their content.


Conflation is the merging of two or more sets of information, texts, ideas, opinions, etc., into one, often in error, and when done intentionally it becomes a weapon, a psychological tactical weapon.

The Free Market Oligarchy carefully conflates elements of people's concern in order to gaslight and groom those who are vulnerable within electorate. They know they cannot fool all the people, all of the time, so they target those who they identify as vulnerable by studying biases within demographics. 

Here are some examples.

Authority/Authoritarianism - Authority is the respect afforded to experience and skill in any given field. Authoritarianism is the brute force of Sajid Javid removing mask mandates, with the anti-mask Freedom lobby baying in the background, with impunity,  in order to provoke more spread of the virus to reach mythic herd immunity, aka 'living with the virus' as a means to stabilising 'the economy'.

Freedom/License - Freedom is not license to do as one pleases - Alisteir Crowley's admonition 'do what thou wilt is the Law' is not Freedom at all. Freedom comes with a responsibility to cause no harm. Causing pollution is a breach of Freedom of those who need to live without pollution.

Concern/Fear - Genuine concern is not the same as fear, and to denigrate genuine concern by lampooning it as fear is tactical gaslighting.

Evidence/Opinion - In matters of the shared commons, evidence is critical to developing healthy policy, and because opinion can often be in conflict with evidence, opinion or belief in the design of policy can undermine the health of the commons, precisely because it often ignores or denies the evidence.

Commons/Property - The deliberate occupation of the commons,  only for it to be privatised

Regulation/Limitations imposed - Oligarchs tend to see regulation of their industries as onerous, in particular regulation that limits toxic practices or harm causation. They conflate that regulation with tyranny or unjustly imposed limitations.

Duty of Care/Restrictions - Everyone has a duty of care, as participants in the community, to everyone else in the community. To cast those duties as restrictions is a deliberate conflation.

Autonomy/Sovereignty - Autonomy is about being equal and responsive within a community, with equal rights and responsibilities - Sovereignty means being above others, a law onto oneself. They are not the same thing.

Because they - the Free Market Fundamentalists - are ideologues, for them the end justifies the means, and this means all forms of psychologically abusive manipulation and grooming tactics are being used, without remorse.

Labour elders are unable to identify this, which is why the Blairites were able to sabotage Corbyn.

In order to resolve the problems we face, we MUST address this vulnerability.

We must thwart the political grooming machine before we can make any real progress on Climate, Pollution, Environment, Poverty, Racism, Misogyny or Warfare.

Awareness across the grass roots is key


Kindest regards


Thank you for reading this blog.

"Do what you love, it is your gift to universe."

This blog, like all my other content creation work is not monetised via advertising. If you like what I present, consider sharing my content. If you can afford the price of a cup of coffee or a pint of beer/ale/cider for a few months, please donate via my Patreon account.

We are told the Taliban are Evil. They are not alone: Johnson, Blair and Bush et al, they are all in the same club.

Greta Thunberg wrote:

"You say you hear us, and that you understand the urgency... if you really understood the situation and still kept on failing to act, then you would be evil, and that I refuse to believe."

I have to say, she'd better believe it. We all should, really. 

It is not a negative approach to acknowledge harmful behaviour as harmful. It is, in fact, a hugely positive step as it is the first step towards resolving the problems caused by the harmful behaviour.

Our collective, cultural and individual refusal to admit, to acknowledge, to accept and integrate the evidence all around us, to understand what the corruption, the bloody wars, the environmental destruction really means - the evidence that our rulers and their sponsors are engaged in evil behaviours - is our weakest point. 

We dare not go there.

We will not be able to generate the international co-operation needed to create and apply adaptive strategies that help meet the evolving dynamics of climate change, that cease harmful toxifying industrial and agricultural practice, that start the processes of repair and recovery until we confront and cease the war mongering. This is clear. All war is evil, all war is abuse of power.

We install eco-lightbulbs hoping that will be enough. We recycle, we re-use, fingers crossed. We hope and we pray. We drive a Tesla car. Faint hope. Delusion.

Everyday evil is not dramatic, it is banal. It wears a suit, a neatly ironed shirt, sports boyishly tousled hair, wears a charming smile to mask lying eyes. Evil is looking at a bank balance or a power advantage and judging that to have more value than a human life, than the environment, than the well being of others.  That decision is evil. Adopting that stance and maintaining it is evil.

Evil is normalised.

Evil is normalised, so much so we do not see it. In order to see evil, we must know what it is. 

Evil is consciously allowing, enabling or otherwise permitting avoidable un-necessary harm in order to maintain wealth advantage and power disparity over others. Externalised costs are the very definition of evil. Somebody else pays the price.

It is evil to test cosmetic formulations on captive animals in order to assess how much of the toxic compound can be used, or what toxicity levels one can get away with human use of the product. 

There is no need whatsoever to use toxic chemical compounds in any products for use by any person, except for profit. Those tests are protecting future profits, rather than protecting human beings. The captive animals bear untold and intolerable suffering, for shareholder gain. That is evil behaviour.

Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Palestine, Vietnam

Excellent, honest and insightful interview with MP Clive Lewis, an Afghan War veteran who shows more humane leadership in this segment, than Sir Keir Starmer has shown since he joined the Labour Party.

Twenty years of war upon Afghanistan, so much violence, nothing to show for it except the prospect of more violence.

Honest history in all our schools would go a long way towards preventing the grass roots population from being manipulated or groomed into accepting war as a tool of State policy, and would undoubtedly help to reduce Xenophobia, Racism and Misogyny.


Blair, a proven liar and war criminal walks free, on a generous state pension, whilst Julian Assange, an honest journalist,  rots in a prison cell, held under false charges.

Afghanistan never needed the USUK or NATO to guide it's progress. 

As Naomi Aldort wrote: "Our children do not need us to shape them, they need us to respond to who they are."

The same applies to sovereign countries. Conquest, NeoColonialism, and the urge to force other cultures to adopt the culture of a dominating State is a negative malign influence, and undermines global efforts at peace and co-operation.

The truth about the Establishments hatred of Corbyn is this : the evidence of the past 20 years implicates a significant cohort of the English Establishment, as war criminals, who prosecuted those awful horrific wars, and who knew what they were doing was both amoral and illegal, though it did enable a massive transfer of wealth from ordinary tax payers to already obscenely wealthy oligarchs who donated heavily to the politicians, buying influence. That is evil behaviour.

Lowkey has a spot on take here.

That is a dishonourable legacy.

Evil is human action, human behaviour, more, nothing less. That means it is tractable, it is something we can confront, challenge and impede, and indeed prevent. Here Rory Stewart lays out a perspective that criticises the action of one American president, without taking the whole into consideration. He even suggests maintaining a foreign military presence in other people's lands is a virtue. It is not a virtue.
It is an evil. But Stewart's eloquence masks the evil, by pointing at just one aspect of the evil. He is correct that the way this withdrawal has been handled has exposed Afghanistan's civilian population and civil infrastructure to greater risk than need be - but he does not acknowledge that the USUK/NATO presence in Afghanistan is also a much greater evil. 

The unexciting banality of everyday evil.

War is almost always about someone making a killing.

$10,000 of stock evenly divided among America’s top five defence contractors on September 18, 2001 — the day President George W. Bush signed the Authorization for Use of Military Force in response to the 9/11 terrorist attacks — and faithfully reinvested all dividends, it would now be worth $97,295.

"Several commentators address this dynamic in the 2005 documentary “Why We Fight,” about a warning that President Dwight Eisenhower issued about the military-industrial complex. Former CIA contractor and academic Chalmers Johnson states, “I guarantee you, when war becomes that profitable, you’re going to see more of it."

Concentrated Wealth is the most powerful political collective among the developed nation states. 

War is not cheap.

The political power of Concentrated Wealth is based upon externalising costs.

Somebody else pays the price. Leveraging power to dump the costs onto others is evil.

Boris Johnson's behaviour evil. Read a list of his decisions that burdened others with the cost of his egoic avarice.

Tony Blair's behaviour is evil. There were no WMD in Iraq, and even if there had been, the War of Aggression against Iraq would still have been amoral, and illegal.

Jacob Rees-Mogg behaviour is evil. Food banks are indeed graciousness, yet the policies that created the need were one's he pursued, with others for a decade. Uplifting indeed!

The behaviour of Taliban  1.0 was evil. Theocracy always is.

The behaviour of the Saudi Regime are evil. Theocracy always is. Others pay the price.

The behaviour of the Vatican is Evil. Theocracy as a political hegemon always is. They protect their power at immense cost.

The grooming of 'Incels' as a violent political misogynist movement is evil. Grooming always is.

behaviour of NATO is evil. War is dishonour on every measure. Nobody wins in war. War is a losers enterprise.

Nigel Farage's behaviour is evil. Grooming always is. Exploiting vulnerabilities in other people is evil.

Keir Starmer's behaviour is evil. Sending children into schools, to spread the virus, in spite of the available evidence proving that it was unsafe to do so. No ifs, no buts.

Jacinda Ardern's behaviour is not evil. She places empathy at the centre of her policy decision making.

Donald Trump's behaviour is evil. The art of the steal, the grift, the con, the grooming of vulnerable people.

Obama's behaviour as an American President prosecuting multiple wars  is evil. Drone warfare expanded, killing more and more civilians. Funding violent militia in Libya and Syria. Supporting war against Yemen. And he is charming, urbane has a wide smile. So what?

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's behaviour is not evil. Empathy for the vulnerable modulates her policy deliberations. She seeks to prevent harm.

Darren Grimes behaviour is evil.  Grooming other people through their vulnerability always is.

Noam Chomsky's behaviour is not evil. He has always spoken truth to Power, properly researched and ruthlessly accurate, he has never faltered.

Katy Hopkins's behaviour is evil. Grooming always is. 

Patrick Fagan's behaviour is evil. Grooming always is. A psychologist who misuses his knowledge to exploit vulnerable people.

Gabor Mate's behaviour is not evil. He presents the evidence of socially induced trauma's adverse affects on vulnerable folk, to raise awareness and suggest  ways to recovery and prevention. He does this diligently.

Most ordinary folk, most of humankind are not evil.

Most of us ordinary folk are caught in the cross fire of systemic evil, and most of  us are trying out very best to get by, doing the best we can by ourselves and their families. Most of us ordinary people are innocents thrust into this mess by accident of birth. There's also a significant cohort who are actively trying to counter evil, attenuate the impacts of evil, a constituency of helpers and protectors and healers and pragmatic activists.

And yes, there are evil folk among us too.

The US and UK Military Command (one could argue - all military commands) are, at best, at a rather long stretch, and I am being really, really generous here, decent enough people who are manipulated by evil people, if not evil in and of themselves.

If, at best, they are decent people manipulated by evil, then they are not that intelligent, they are not that brave, they are not really courageous nor are they worthy of their status. They enable the evil rather than challenge the evil. Whose freedoms do they wage war for?.

These people and these powerful hierarchy of violence organisations are all examples of liars and lies that are institutionalised to permit avoidable harms to happen, which do not prevent harm at source, which do so for their personal and institutional gain.

I do understand that for combat veterans this is a huge problem.

Imagine the trauma of extensive violent combat, tour after tour of shocking violence, carrying that, enduring that because you believe you were serving a decent cause? But it was a lie.

To admit that you were manipulated and groomed into performing the most horrific acts of violence, repeatedly, under the pretence that they were fighting for 'freedom' would be too much to bear, alone. 

To turn to civilians who praise 'the sacrifice of our brave men and women' and say 'you are being misled by really evil people' who misled me and convinced me to do intolerable harm to others, my hands are bloodied, my spirit is tainted, my mind seared with agonising violence, my heart is broken.

To say to civilians, to those who love you, that your praise is a denial of what really happens, your concept of our bravery is a lie, your desire to believe in that lie no longer protects us - that is too much to bear.

For us civilians to hear that, to bear the burden with the combat veterans, to accept some shared responsibility for that immense sorrow, to admit that our brothers and sisters never fought for our freedoms, to admit we too were manipulated and exploited, and to understand that we too must sit with the trauma, the pain, the sorrow, the grief and then we must resolve to take action to prevent this from ever happening again.

That is courage above and beyond anything we know of.

There is immense grief here. Immense loss. Unspeakable pain and sorrow, masked by stoic perseverance and resilience, obscured by coping and mere survival - all of which is exploited wilfully by really evil people and really evil organisations.

If  the Taliban are evil, they are no more or less so than the USUK and NATO organisations they have been waging war with for the past 20 years,

The only way to cease war is to wage peace, and peace is more than the absence of war.

Peace can only start with the absence of lies. We must face the truth, which is simple, complex and is also complicated. None of this will be easy. Doing nothing is not easy either.

Kindest regards


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