Showing posts with label masculinism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label masculinism. Show all posts

International Men's Day - a proposal for the root or base of healthy masculinity.

Nurture is our bio-logical default, is key to any sustained and healthy human culture.

So what does it mean to be a man?

Or rather, what aspect of being male as in being a person in a male spectrum body, without referring to external value systems, is real and optimally healthy. In part this is a question for each of us, because the answers must come from our interior, the internal who we are part, the baby/person before conditioning started. The other part is ensuring the cultural space for 'male' is reflecting optimal human healthy behaviour, that integrates the diversity of our interiors, that holds space for all our variety.
For me revisioning what it is to be a healthy male on #InternationalMensDay suggests a need to confront the oppressive characteristics the culture tends towards as essentialist when laying out what a man is, and how a man 'should' or 'should not' behave to fit that image. 

I sense a need for this task everywhere - I think we need to do it accurately, it must be evidence based and I think we need to approach it with good heart, determined to create cultural and social and material space for nurture mutual aid, rather than dominance competition as the core gender root.

My definition : we see and understand the violent hierarchy cult and we see it's inequity and we will, holding hands with one another, as men and women, work together to confront that inequity and correct it, thus bringing human culture into a healthy balance as we move forwards, and thus dismantling those obsolescent oppressive cultural conditionings. We, as responsible adult men call up for this movement emerging from within the humane population, the ordinary, decent, kind community minded folk, to act together and to behave in ways that generate genuine equity and lasting justice because we know that peace is more than the absence of war. Peace is the presence of social material and cultural safety and equity for all, everywhere.
Here's a good place to start from - our beginnings
What Babies Want

#honesty #learning #natural

We are evolved to learn through playful co-operation void of judgement, reward or punishment. my song about learning.

The Culture of Violent Hierarchy trickles down and afflicts us all, from conception onwards. Men and Women alike. It is not healthy and it certainly does not have to be the way it is, even if the task of confronting this looks immense the status quo is not inevitable. I have had enough (of the bully cult).

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it is your gift to universe."