My Dear MP.
The culture of arrogance and impunity within the Cabinet Office and the offices of 10 and 11 Downing Street and elsewhere in Whitehall is implicated.
Compounding the case are the repeated lies uttered by the Prime Minister, even within The House of Commons, from the Front Bench, and the lies of others with regards to these parties. Such behaviour is yet again evidence of Misconduct in Public Office.
It afforded an opportunity for the beleaguered citizen to be heard; for the victims to be addressed; for the frontline workers to be recognised; and for independent experts to be respected. When it mattered most and when lives could have been saved, the various postures adopted by government could not sustain scrutiny.”
Within this narrative lies a theme of behaviour amounting to gross negligence by the Government, whether examined singularly or collectively. There were lives lost and lives devastated, which was foreseeable and preventable. From lack of preparation and coherent policy, unconscionable delay, through to preferred and wasteful procurement, to ministers themselves breaking the rules, the misconduct is earth-shattering.”
We have all endured the COVID epidemic and it's terrible consequences, adverse consequences which are largely attributable to the blatant corruption, grift, misinformation, lies and gaslighting that is associated with this Governments deliberate mismanagement (*through not following 'The Science') of the COVID epidemic in England, which continues through to today and appears to be set to continue into the foreseeable future.
*Independent SAGE drew up a timeline of Scientific Advice offered to the Government and the Government's actions and failures to adhere to that advice.
I think it appropriate that you view this material, and understand the facts as they are.
I look forward to your reply and to watching you put my question to the House of Commons. May justice, sanity and compassion reign therein!
It might be appropriate that in advance of my question being put to the house to suggest to you a thorough reading of the Legislation on Misconduct in Public Office and the stance of the Crown Prosecution Service in that regard.
Kindest regards
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