Showing posts with label anti-semite. Show all posts
Showing posts with label anti-semite. Show all posts

Australia - work with the wisdom of the land.

I think Australian folk must now look at the situation, and understand that those areas that are damaged, the homes, businesses, the families and communities that suffered so greatly during the recent forest fire season (extended) need to be very much involved in and directing their recovery.

Government, The Australian State must provide total support, but not direction.

Bill Mollison, a man with a plan.

The Colonised, and a man with a plan, backed by a gun, he having being assimilated into the colonial system such that he guards his chained brothers, that they might not escape.

It is the lives of those people, in that land that must, given the context, set out future policy that will affect them directly - their autonomy and their love for the land has never been more important.

The State can and should maintain oversight, in it's role as a supporting agency -  this recovery work will need to be studied as it rolls out and adjusted as results emerge, and the local people must therefore have all of that information and be the core decision making group on overall policy as it affects them, their lands, their children into the future, and they deserve free unfettered access to the best skills and information available to support their decision making and efforts.

Local deliberative democracy.

Take a billion from each of Australia's billionaires - and weight it so they more they have, the more the contribute, so someone with 4 billion could drop half a billion someone with 14 billion could drop 2 billion, and not really be put out. 

The Australian Government has plenty of cash available, it's called Taxation and State borrowing..

So too does it's Oligarchy, if they paid all their taxes fairly.

Give each of them an award, a medal and some honourable title for helping out. Assuage their narcissism, and get that cash.

There's plenty of cash, and it doesn't need to be a profit seeking investment.

"Any profit taken where harms of any kind have been allowed, and the costs of resolving those harms has been deliberately or accidentally avoided, is a deceit."

The profit is happy people on happy land, developing a sustainable local economy.

They Australian folk really ought to be working with Aboriginal Culture and studying the dynamics of their cultural land sensitivity.

The Australian farmer, what ever is farmed must be supported to be re-skilled in perma-culture as one of many ways to engage proven tools of ecological rehabilitation.

 The spirit of community that is already there, and move it into the 21st Century, to create a culture of healthy land and healthy peoples.

In essence, all this to arrive again, and to meet the already here, and integrate into this ancient culture that is a relationship, rather than a skin colour or a ceremony, a living relationship with an abundant land.

Reverse the damage of 1788.

The introduction of healthy land use will necessitate bringing more people to the land to hand tend, instead of machines and robots and bio-cides.

The Australian State needs to cede Aboriginal title where there are existing Aboriginal communities on traditional lands. Let them be, for they are totally a valid lane tenure polity.

I am saying this direct to you, the folk of burned Australia, your friends and families, your neighbours and compatriots and commatriots.

This could help build the bridge among rural Australia that brings you back to the people you did not heed, to meet again, this time as sharers, carers, nurturers, rather than the descendants of conquerors, colonisers and settlers.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

Thank you for reading this blog. All we need to do is be really honest, responsive to the evidence we find,and ready to reassess when new evidence emerges. The rest is easy.

Bullying Behaviour - the core dynamic, obvious, yet carefullu avoided. Why?

Mother's bleached out of History is a form of institutional bullying.

The Official History does not give voice to the mothers of wars, for mothers rarely go to war, war comes to them.

From my view, I see the parade of war lords, kings, presidents, emperors, queens, prime ministers, dictators that stretches back such a short span of  our human existence, a span where wisdom has fled, and the bully proceeds. The competing powers dynamic is a pathology.


pregnant mothers.

your mother.

my mother, 

our mothers.


For me it has been a gently creative summer, this warm, balmy 2017,  and I am now leaning into a leisurely and hopefully creative autumn.

I have been sitting with the plants and bugs, I have been musing and ruminating, mulling over things, whilst ensuring I took time to fritter away being idle, indolent and chilling the way out..... for me, life is to be savoured, not for it's peaks, but for it's intense essence, it's mere presence. Being alive and sensitive is amazing!

Which is really at the core of why I detest bullying, or coercion, or manipulation, or any attempt to 'nudge' one person in anyway in order to gain an advantage, or have ones perceived need met, whatever that might be.

Bullying intrudes upon and disrupts that space of presence. Peace is more than the absence of bullies...

It's ugly behaviour, really.  We know it stems from insecurity, from a wounded place.

I prefer transparency, honesty, integrity. It's strong, until it is broken.

I look around at this culture, it's icons, it's goals, it's actions and outcomes and I understand that bullying is normalised, institutionalised, mythologised, theologised, dramatised, fetishised, attributed to Divinity and demonised as the most foul, in equal measure, across this existing Militarised Industrial Civilisation.


It's like varieties of mint.

Racism, Misogyny, Sectarianism, Colonialism, Sexism, whatever......... same plant, different flavours, the flavours are not the problem.

Babies are not born bullies. This we know.

Some babies may be born with damaged or weakened systems, and if not spotted, these can become pathologies, through a variety of vectors. A lack of empathy, or inability to self regulate may lead to overt control rather than attempts to heal that area, deepening the behavioural dynamic. But more than that the evironment and social experience of the child will determine much of that child's development, and each child will carry elements of the epi-genetics of the past recent generations as well...

"There are things in a child's life that should happen, and do not. And there are things in a child's life that should not happen, and do."

The child's agency in this is limited.

The task then falls to the adults to correct the balance.

As many have observed, a loved child is more likely to become a loving adult, than a child which has been abused, neglected.

I think children are being bullied quite a lot, in institutional settings, and in the public domain, and I think it's so common, that no one can see it.

And I think it is one of the many dots to be joined regarding how healthy behaviour is distorted. How do we relate to and treat children? How those with power relate to and treat those who hold little power?

A song about bullying and honesty.

A parody of Abba's pop song 'Money, Money, Money'

A reflection on our times, a gander at the cost of bullying in politics, and in how bullied politics afflicts peoples lives, in the knowledge that all of it is wholly avoidable. And how the best approach is honesty. Clarity.

Break it down : as soon as a person speaks and promotes their bias, prejudice, animosity etc in a manner that is in any way intimidating, or denigrating, or that seeks to base legislative powers on the false assumptions of their prejudice,  or that demands change be forced through based on those false assumptions.... that then is bullying.

Political bullying is a fully professionalised enterprise, effectively a world of well funded, well resourced war-gaming.

That's all bullying. IT HAS NO PLACE IN CIVIL GOVERNANCE. Ever.

We talk about racism, sexism, genderism, etc with regards to the reasons for each petty prejudice.... yet we rarely talk about bullying, we talk about trying to alter the reasoning, yet bullying is so normal that the bullying continues...

Let's be honest and call it out.

Here's a fine article on how bullying operates in politics - the tactics and technicals. 

Well worth a read.

The writer connects the dots between bullying dynamics observed in inter personal situations and tactical political behaviour, and it makes much sense of a confusing world, in that it describes an arena of happenstance as much as one of seeking control, that there is a chaos element to the bullying. Bullying is inherent unstable.

"Here are some recognisable bullying traits and tactics, designed to damage, isolate, discredit and eliminate the target:

  • bullies are adept at exploiting the trust and needs of individuals, organisations and groups, for personal gain.
  • bullies react to criticism with denial, retaliationfeigned victimhood.
  • the bully grooms bystanders, and the target, to believe the target deserves the treatment they are receiving and attempts to limit contact between others and their target. Often the bully will use communications that exclude the target so that there is no opportunity for them to defend themselves and present their truth.
  • the bystanders see only the Dr Jekyll side of the bully, but only the target sees the Mr/Ms Hyde side; Dr Jekyll is sweet, manipulative and charming, Mr/Ms Hyde is evil; Mr/Ms Hyde is the real person, Dr Jekyll is an act.
  • bullies exert power and control by a combination of selectively withholding information and spreading lies and disinformation, therefore everyone has a distorted picture – of only what the bully wants them to see. "

Babies are not bullies - the behaviour is learned...... prevention is the only sustainable  approach.

A Societal Psyche

Vladimir Putin, the Baby boy, was not born to become the Leader of a Nation.

Donald Trump, the Baby boy, was not born to become a bully, and a Leader of a Nation.

Martin Luther King, the Baby boy, was not born to become a political Leader, to be assasinated.

Neil Armstrong, the Baby Boy, was not born to walk on the moon.

Saddam Hussein, Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin, Mao Tse Tung, Pol Pot, General Custer, Cromwell, the babies, were not born to become military leaders who personally ordered the murder of hundreds of thousands of people, all largely innocent..

They were, and are all products of the societal psyche of 'Power', 'Hierarchy', 'Authority' and 'Security'.

These are the terms used which deferentially aggrandise the basic act of bullying, which is what lies at the core of each and every one of them.

The Bully System.


The powerful influence of the bully system does not excuse their crimes. It's more a question of understanding the development of that kind of predatory psyche, in order to deal with it.

Just as the populations of soldiers, willing or conscripted, are products of the societal psyche of power, which is a wholy cultural over lay and has no basis in healthy biology.

Healthy human biology is largely mandated towards egalitarian localism.

That power based predatory psyche acts as an inducer of chronic stress, and it affects our own physiology, or very biology, adversely. The stress to maintain military outposts takes resources away from what ever community is paying for it, in many different ways, where local need is not being met..... it's crazy.

Chronic stress is a MAJOR disease and degenerative vector. Yet the masters of the economy impose more and more stress on ordinary people.

Civilisation or Bulliliesation?

We cannot continue to vote for bullies, and expect material change....

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

Thank you for reading this blog. All we need to do is be really honest, responsive to the evidence we find,and ready to reassess when new evidence emerges. The rest is easy.