here's why, in a brief outline.
The Fossil Fuel and Mining Oligarchy knew about Climate Disruption 50 years ago. Their own Scientists confirmed it. The Shareholders decided to deny the Science. They wanted to keep drilling, producing, maintain and increase consumption in order to amass ever more Wealth as Power.
That makes them culpable for the avoidable harms they chose not to avoid.
That culpability also makes them liable for the costs of the harms caused, and other ancillary costs associated with all of this.
They KNOW this.
They understand that if ANY Democratic Legislature upholds, enforces or passes Laws to hold them accountable that they will lose their Wealth and more importantly, they will lose the Political Power as a Ruling Class Lobby.
This they have chosen to not cede.
They are therefore waging an all out war against Democratic Accountability.
Most ordinary people do not understand this because we are still fixated on the idea of Greed for Money rather than the matter of Wealth as Power, Wealth as a Ruling Lobby that dictates how society is to be run.
This war is a war against all of us, irrespective of our political leanings.
Solidarity is the only power we can exert. This they know and that is why they spend so much energy on dividing us......
When we build a rational solidarity, their Rule is over.
I wrote this as a short explanation of Healthy Governance - if it existed at all healthy governance would regulate toxic industry and excessive wealth extraction.
It's just basic common sense. However currently the worlds political and economic system is controlled by a toxic combination of owners of industry operating working with a wealth extraction oligarchy, who use that wealth as a political utility and as a weapon.
They understand that climate change has changed everything - the externalised costs that underpin excessive wealth extraction cannot be allowed to continue to undermine our stability as a species.
They know this.
However they are unwilling to cede their power or change their behaviour, and they are placing the species in great danger.
The SARSCOV2 virus, and indeed Climate Disruption, is telling us that if we do not co-operate and work for each others mutual aid, we are lost.
Boris Johnson is the perfect symbol of this loss.