Showing posts with label Ottoman Empire. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ottoman Empire. Show all posts

Everything the Israeli State is doing, it learned from The British Empire and the English Ruling Class.

Everything the Israeli State is doing, it learned from The British Empire and the English Ruling Class.

Let's start with an accurate and honest history of Palestine, The Ottoman Empire, the British Empire, Russia, Jews, Europeans and Muslims.

Haviv Retig Gur speaks on the History relevant to the situation in Palestine.

Be aware that Rettig Gut is a Zionist. That said he cites the historical background archive materials quite accurately, albeit drawing his own interpretation from all of that to stake out an apologia for the Zionist project. In this he also challenges Zionists to think again.

Watch the whole video, it has tons of insight and citations, and speaks involvement of outside powers in the history of Israeli Zionism, including Soviet Russian support for Israel in the 1948 through to 1967. Zionism has been patronised and weaponised by different empires for different reasons. This is honest history, and it adds understanding to anyone wishing to understanding.

In brief outline, he explains when and why the Ottoman Empire
saw the threat of Zionism in 1880s, already. He explains how the British Empire came to exploit Zionism as a long term weapon. The Ottoman Empire was 'beaten' by the British Empire and her European allies in WWI

They became the new Empire over the entire Arab polity. Zionism was aided and abetted in the fist instance by The British Empire at the The Ottoman Empire, who ruled Palestine as a province, as part of that large Empire, during WWI. And so, it was then aimed at the entire Arab polity, in the guise of the Zionst Israeli State. The British Empire funded, trained and armed the Zionist Militia to suppress the Arab Revolt. He also explains the mistakes made by some Palestinian leaders, in allying with the Nazi Germans, against the British and Zionists, leading
up to WWII. 

He then proceeds to describe events, from WWII through the Arab revolt through to the formation of the State of Israel, equipped with a fully professional organised military machine, on the march of conquest.

Preventing Arab solidarity is designed to prevent another Empire emerging, sitting on all the known Oil reserves outside USA. This is why the British support Israel
to this day. Long term management of natural resources in the area or region formerly covered by the Ottoman Empire requires Arab divisions. Hence the support of Saudi Arabia and the dehumanisation of Iranian polity. The division
of the Arab polity succeeded.

As much as the British, Americans and others, the Arab polity must acknowledge their errors and divisions that escalated violence all the way through, from then to today, before a peace solution to the Middle East is possible. 

Israeli Zionist conquest must be pushed back by the solidarity, globally. And that means standing up to the Empires. We at home in the each of the Empires face that essential task. It is ours, as it is of every people ruled by a corrupt class, a so-called elite, the ruling class.

Irish History understands Palestine.

I am reposting parts of this important Irish Times article, because it reveals an aspect of the Israeli colonial project that is frequently and conveniently ignored. An inconvenient truth, that predates WWII. And it reflects Irish experience, insight and understanding and, yes, a bias, as a colonised people who struggled for freedom for centuries. The Israeli colonial project has very little to do with Religion, Religion is a veil, a cover story. It is an economic and political project. Zionism is a manipulation, with religion and religious bigotry and oppression deployed a veil, a distraction and an excuse - the excuse of The Holocaust emerged after WWII. Even without that horrific criminal depraved massacre of millions, Zionism was already well on its way to conquering land in Palestine. The project the British Empire pursued from 1915 onwards, and still pursues, is the task of preventing any Arab solidarity that might unite and emerge as a singular polity, an independent economic model, with the vast wealth of Oil and emerge as a competitor to the British Empire or more correctly the Oligarchy of the old Empire, the Wealth Cabal that continued in spite of public theatre of 'loss of Empire'.
I urge readers to go to the Irish Times article and read it in full. It's a very useful stepping stone towards a more honest study of the roots of the Israeli project.
British Military Power in Ireland 1920s.

Winston Churchill sent the Black and Tans to Palestine

1937: Arab civilians being searched by British Military personnel in Palestine. Photograph: Getty Images

British politicians who waged war in Ireland used the same tactics and forces in Palestine - and a Dubliner was in charge during the Naqba.

"Douglas Duff had been stationed with the Black and Tans in Galway before moving to Palestine. His memoirs make clear that he brought a great deal of bigotry with him. Referring to the Palestinians of Haifa, he wrote: “Most of us were so infected by the sense of our own superiority over these ‘lesser breeds’ that we scarcely regarded these people as human.”

Officers who had served in Ireland played a prominent role in quelling protests by Palestinians against the expropriation of land where they lived and farmed. Raymond Cafferata, for example, had been part of the Auxiliaries during the Irish War of Independence. In 1933, he headed a contingent of foot police at a Jaffa demonstration which had been banned. A baton charge that he ordered was commended by British administration in Jerusalem for being “magnificently executed” despite how numerous Palestinians were shot dead during the protest.

Later in the 1930s, a full-scale Palestinian revolt erupted. Grattan Bushe, a legal adviser to the Colonial Office, warned that “repression by force is repeating the mistake which was made in Ireland”.

His warning was ignored; military commanders were assured that they could take “whatever measures are necessary”.

The measures were to include demolishing much of Jaffa’s old city, imposing collective punishment on villages with rebels in their midst and mass detention in labour camps.

The Balfour Declaration’s purpose was to form a “little loyal Jewish Ulster in a sea of potentially hostile Arabism”, according to Ronald Storrs, “the first military governor of Palestine since Pontius Pilate” (his words).

Not everything went to plan: the Zionist movement fell out with and, in the case of two groups, waged a campaign of guerrilla warfare against Britain in the 1940s. Storrs’ comment nonetheless encapsulates how the British elite viewed their nearest colony and the Middle East through the same lens."

Everything the Israeli State is doing, it learned from The British Empire and the English Ruling Class. 

Divide, by disabling civility, to maintain position. There are, we are told, a lot of Israeli citizens caught up in the violence, waging mob war upon each other on the streets and it is being exacerbated by online grooming and religious demagoguery as a deliberate ploy by the Netanyahu power base to counter the emergence of a unified opposition. Generating lateral violence within Israel itself, in order to dissuade fragile alliances is a tactic well within the scope of the Netanyahu power base. An ideologically diverse group of parties opposing Netanyahu, who is known to be corrupt, looked to be progressing slowly but surely towards a government supported by Ra’am (United Arab List), a conservative Islamist Arab party. 

In a moment of crisis it is possible for any well funded actor to produce and disseminate material in a   grass roots amygdala hacking campaign. But last-minute election hackings and strategically timed document leaks are more than just a media game. They are many textbook examples of how psychological operations can be applied to serve not only warfare, but whatever we call those illegal, malicious and democracy-threatening information influence activities. This includes not just hacking and leaks, but how this information is used in addition to fake news and other forms of illegitimate manipulation.

Political grooming operations generally have two purposes: to change people’s behaviour, alter their perception and make them react, or to have them not react. These reactions are largely based on emotions, which have always been at the core of all information-psychological influence.

How many British citizens understand the current Military involvement of the British Government in violence across the Middle East?

In a recent article Mark Curtis explores the 'erased' reality of that involvement as it stands today.

"As violence escalates in Israel and Palestine, we take readers through the expanding military relationship between the UK and Israel, which has been erased by the British media. The deepening alliance involves UK military training of Israel for combat, joint exercises, arms deals, as well as intelligence cooperation.

The UK’s new military strategy, released in March, states clearly that “Israel remains a key strategic partner”. 

Months before the importance of the relationship was spelled out, the military chiefs of the two states signed a cooperation agreement “to formalise and enhance our defence relationship, and support the growing Israel-UK partnership”, according to the Israel Defence Forces (IDF).

Following the agreement, Britain’s ambassador to Israel, Neil Wigan, tweeted he was “delighted”, saying it would “further deepen our military cooperation”.

What is in that agreement is secret and has not even been formally acknowledged by the UK government. But Israel lobby group Bicom (the Britain Israel Communications and Research Centre) has written that the two militaries are “integrating their multi-domain capabilities in maritime, land, air, space, and cyber and electromagnetic”.

Nobody knew.

Just as in Brexit Britain, political grooming gangsters worked feverishly to exacerbate fear and insecurity, to nurture dislike into petty hatred, all of which feeds into internal extremism and lateral violence. If one's primary source of knowledge of the people of Palestine and Israel is what one reads in the News Press and consume via broadcast TV News or your online bubble, then it is all too easy to fall for the caricature, the poll that pretends to describe what all those other people one has never met really think, the meme that triggers a fear or bias. There are many Israeli's who
oppose the oppression, and a majority of Jews globally oppose the violence, even if they support the concept of a Jewish haven, a Jewish homeland state as part of an imagined two state solution. A significant part of the global Secular Jewish community do not support the concept of a singular Jewish State - they oppose a Religious State on principle. It is a mixed bag, and the danger of caricature and stereotype is that it blurs all of that. The Israeli project is always precarious because it does not stand on reason, evidence or rational governance. This is true of all Empire, conquest and colonisation projects, and is a constant of the history of civilisation. Bully cults are inherently unstable. Intergenerational Trauma

The cycles of intergenerational trauma persist in large part because the occupants of the institutions of power, a class of people who are powerful because they actively dominate within the institutional political and economic power framework, work diligently to pass the positions of power onto the next generation of carefully groomed mentees and heirs, to assure that the historically powerful class, as a class, continues to dominate. They behave as they do with callous disregard to the welfare of whole populations: be it Modi, Bolsonaro, Johnson or Netanyahu or Koch, Rinehart, Mercer or any member of the global gang of kleptocrats their primary concern is their obsession with the power to rule, at the expense of the socially critical task of healthy governance. Their obsession with the maintenance of their power at all costs, as a personal and institutional dynamic, corrupts everything they touch.

Johnson is fond of telling us he wanted to be Prime Minister as a child hood projection into his future. It's personal with him. Pathology always is. When leaders leave office in tears - Nixon and Thatcher for example - it is because they have internalised the Power of the institution as if it was their own personality, part of their psyche. Why do I write about all this stuff?

I write (in spite of knowing that I am a tiny, impotent citizen, powerless to make any material change to the prevailing situation) because I feel so strongly that we, the decent people, the innocent majority caught in the cross fire of hierarchies of violence by accident of birth that places us on one side or the other, until we reject those attributions out of awareness, will always, once we are aware, resist oppression because we want to live well, to live peacefully. We realise that we are not designed by evolution to be bullied, nor are we designed to be bullies. We want to live well, to love and be loved, to nurture our communities children, to watch them grow into graceful adults in healthy environment, to see them love and be loved, to take pleasure in their joy and creativity. That is the deepest human urge. It is an urge I will never cede. What should I? I see that urge in the Palestinians, in the Aboriginals, and in the Ashaninka, the Awa, the Yanomami, in the San and the Sami, I see that urge in the Uyghur and the Han, in the Japanese, the Korean and the Russian peoples, I meet it in the Irish, Welsh, Scottish and English people. I see that urge everywhere. It is a global movement. A human universal that is older that civilisation. The urge to live well, to love, to nurture - Humankind. 

In the long run, the project of the Hierarchy of Violence Culture is a dead end. It is culturally, emotionally, psychologically and in evolutionary terms a dead end for dead beats.
Mars as a hoped for escape bolt hole? Is that the best Bezos and Musk can come up with? Really? How very sad, how utterly unimaginative. How bleak!

We ordinary, healthy folk will never cede the will to be free from oppression. We will recover and make our home safe again. We feel the call of healing and recovery deep in our bones. The Palestinian and the Aboriginal alike want to live in peace, as neighbours rather than as victors. Most of us human beings want to live well, as neighbours, in cared for communities.

The past 12,000 years of cultures of hierarchic violence do not compare well to the millions of years of evolutionary mutual aid. Why aren't mainstream Jews supporting Palestinian Human Rights? "There are no doubt both similarities and differences between the systemic racism in the U.S. and that in Palestine/Israel. Nevertheless, while the murder of George Floyd at the hands of a white American policeman produced a huge reaction from white Americans, there has been little empathy in Israel or among American Jews for the plight of Palestinians and the violence they face at the hands of Israeli soldiers and security forces. 

The insistence of the Zionist movement on a Jewish state and their denial of the equality of Israel’s own Arab citizens and the inalienable rights of Palestinians in the occupied territories make it nearly impossible for there to be a reaction like that which followed the killing of George Floyd. 

While most Israelis are totally opposed to a one-state solution (which would dilute their idea of a majority Jewish state), perhaps only when it becomes clear that this is the path they are pushing Palestinians toward will it be possible to find a historic compromise

Source :

For Palestinian citizens in Israel to experience equality and those in the occupied territories to acquired statehood will require a dramatic change. A historic compromise is unlikely until Israelis and their supporters experience a major change in attitude — one akin to what white Americans seem to be going through right now. 

In the same way that white Americans are finally beginning to acknowledge the systemic racism in American society and discuss ways of addressing it, Israelis need to acknowledge the humanity and rights of Palestinians."

Prince Harry, the Hierarchy Cult and you and I. My two previous blog pieces refer to a) Prince Harry and his comments on
intergenerational trauma, and how important that subject is for all of us and to b) the psychology of hierarchy of violence culture and how that afflicts us all. The Israeli colonial conquest story is very much all of that.

Intergenerational Trauma and the psychology of hierarchy of violence culture.

The Israeli 'problem' stems from historical trauma that remains unresolved, flowing from one generation to another and intensifying hatreds making matters worse. Political and economic violence perpetrated by hierarchy systems. Jewish communities have been violently oppressed and harmed by Christian Hierarchies for centuries - always as political scapegoats, an unjust scapegoating - and the adults and children of those communities have always been innocent: they just happened to be living where they were. They were picked on, victimised by the prevailing localised hierarchies of power as part of political machinations in this or that territory. The Jewish Diaspora is a cloth woven of the thread of refugee communities seeking shelter from violent abuse. That history is real.

Institutional Christianity and Islam, and other religions have so often sat side by side, walked hand in hand with Organised Hierarchies of Violence, as political power institutions, that they are almost impossible to separate. Every reform movement within Christianity bar the Quakers, the Amish and a few others has become embroiled in the Political Hierarchy of Violence Cult.
Institutional Islam has had it's wars with Judaism too, and even more so with Christianity as a competing Empire system. And yet in Palestine, in the 1920s, Jews, Christians, Muslim and Secular Arabs all lived as ordinary citizens, cheek by jowl, in communities without hardened edges, as they had done for centuries. Friends, neighbours, lovers and colleagues.

It is a deliberate behaviour of Hierarchies of Violence that them must groom as much of the population as they can at the earliest stages to enrol the people who live there by accident of birth into the habituation to the hierarchy as their natural background - this is a big part of this problem. Who teaches children to follow this or that leader, and why? Right now, the Israeli Institutional Hierarchy of Violence system, supported by the US and UK Institutional Hierarchy of Violence Systems are operating a genocidal policy against the Palestinian people, their land tenure, their polity. It cannot be justified because it is so deeply rooted in injustice : "I have a gun, get off your land or I will kill you." This pattern of colonialism is common across the Earth in these times. That cult of Hierarchy, of entitlement to violence and domination, is the problem. Israeli State violence is part of that cult. The British Empire was part of that cult, and still is. That is why the English Parliament supports Israel and legislates the permits to supply Israel with weaponry, it is why they sabotaged Corbyn from within the Labour Party as they savaged him in the News Mefia. Hierarchy Culture has to operate vast indoctrination systems, effectively grooming entire populations, aware that some few see through the conditioning. They have to find ways to dismay, demean, exhaust and otherwise suppress those who see through the cultural grooming. The people who are groomed and conditioned are not sheeple - they are mostly decent people who are innocent victims, and whose best interests are served by understanding how the grooming functions and helping each other see it and then move through it. The Israeli state learned it's trade at the feet of the British Empire. Of course, this lead to me writing a song. A song about home, about good decent people returning home, having been evicted by gun and blade.
The chorus is the Israeli and British Violence singing their song of the taking of land by force, the verses are the voices of the Palestinians - Muslim, Christian, Jewish and Secular - who were evicted, those who remained, those being evicted today, by violence.

 They are also the voices of every colonised people, every pre-conquest culture. Their voices continue, and at the end of this song they outlast the voices of the colonial violence - this is my way of pointing out the futility of the Israeli project of extinction of a people, my support of the people, my hope in their eventual return and justice and peace restored.

Every where an indigenous people are being intruded upon by conquest the invaders must be stopped, as soon as possible. 

Lyric: get off your land, we've got the guns get off your land, we've got the jets get off your land, we've got the bombs run! run! run! run! They came here, reached out their hands, they WANTED TO BE NEIGHBOURS they bought our lands, They said they were friends, Friendship never ends, they started to sing a DIFFERENT SONG This land is our land, promised by God we will improve it, turning the sod That's when it all went wrong they started to sing a DIFFERENT SONG it Was planned that way from the very start to disarm us, charm us, infiltrate our hearts, set us at ease, built a secret army to do as they please they started to sing a DIFFERENT SONG This land is our land, promised by God we will improve it, turning the sod they started to sing the invaders SONG The day came, they declared their state army SWARMED our village, WE HAD NO hate ordered TO LEAVE, we took WHAT we could CARRY they chased us from our homes, who heard our voice then we started to sing another song this land is our land, we've lived here forever, we were wiling to share it, they said never, that's when we knew we'd have to be strong. we'll return to our land, we have great heart we'll return to our homes, we will restart we will live in peace, we will live in love we will beat back your conquest, when push comes to shove we are good people, no matter what you say, we are Palestinian, we are here to stay Apartheid is a war crime, we all know the world is awakening, and time will show conquest and empire will always fall the original people always walk tall pride in our humanity, strong in our heart we will not be erased, the return must start the Naqba was a turning point, that plan that must fail our resistance is eternal, the wind in our sail.. we are good people, no matter what you say, we are Palestinian, we are here to stay we are good people, no matter what you say, we are Palestinian, we are here to stay we are good people, no matter what you say, we are Palestinian, we are here to stay.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it is your gift to universe."