Showing posts with label Sarah Blatter Hrdy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sarah Blatter Hrdy. Show all posts

There is no dark energy, no Satan, nothing to fear other than other violent people.

The lie of the religion that claims we are somehow fallen, impure, unclean and in need of saving or else society will suffer  is one of the most vile things they teach to children ....

The author as a child within a Catholic Boarding School... a child whose needs went unmet..

Jung was unable to decolonise from that, so he created the secular shadow, the dark beast within that threatens society... 

Then he drew on the myths of violent hierarchies to assert the veracity of his claims, without any scientific inquiry, hypothesis testing or knowledge of neurology and endocrinology.

Mass media and entertainment replicates that nonsense, ad nauseum.

The truth is this - we are born with the evolutionary biology of egalitarian ways.

Such ways are rooted in community parenting aka alloparenting, a dynamic where the whole community cares for all the children and the vulnerable, because they are bonded, because they care for one another (and not just as a matter of bleak survival utility) and because they are creative, intelligent and healthy - their emotional state self regulation is intact.

When needs are not met, and a sense of impotent and injustice emerges, naturally enough, these can over time gestate into anger and rage, into lateral violence and a desire to control others...

Thus the darkness is not something inherent, it is a symptom of unmet needs...

We are not fallen as much as we are all victimised by a cult that is a hierarchy of Wealth as Power that violently protects its ability to extract wealth from populations. - Mothers and Others

Sarah Blatter Hrdy wrote a hypothesis on this - suggesting that the split from Primates to Hominims correlates with the enlarged forebrain, which is the part we use to regulate emotional states.

The work of Allan Schore in Neuroscience and neurobiology demonstrates that healthy emotional state self regulation is learned by experience, between carer and infant, as a brain to brain and body to body dynamic where the healthy brain  and body of the adult is adept at meeting the infants needs consistently, which is the primary driver of healthy emotional development. 

No direct instruction is required, and this process is complete by end of first 24 months of life from within the womb to toddler ship.

Unmet needs create problems. We can see this in every living organism, and unmet needs that persist and then become chronic create chronic stresses that undermine all health areas.. it's a really simple dynamic that is complex in how it emerges.

The demands of Wealth as Power Cultism make confronting this a lot more complicated than it ever needs to be.

There is no dark energy, no Satan, nothing to fear other than other violent people. Trauma that remains unresolved, in particular chronic trauma, distorts behavioural dynamics, always for the worse.

Wealth as Power has to extract wealth from populations and that is always an exploitative relationship, and is imherently unjust. Injustice generates resentment and dissent. Violence is used to quell such dissent.

Kindest regards


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