Why Ireland needs a judicial public inquiry into historical child sexual predatory abuse within Boarding Schools, Day Schools.

Open letter to Irish Government, Churches and Media
Why Ireland needs a judicial public inquiry into historical child sexual predatory abuse within Boarding Schools, Day Schools.

As a child of Ireland, a ward of guardians, I was placed in five Irish Catholic boarding schools over a 11 year period, from 1966 through to 1977. 

A convent boarding school, an elite preparatory school, an Irish speaking school, a reformatory boarding school, another Irish speaking school.

I was subjected to predatory abuse within all these schools. I was utterly alone. I had no advocates, no protectors, I told no one. It was quite awful, all the time. I became habituated to that state. That was my normal. A child of Ireland. I fled Ireland aged 19.

I have endured the adverse effects of cPTSD for all my adult life.  I had always thought I was the problem. Shame, self loathing, narcissism, a tendency to be a bully, paranoia, sleep problems, always over compensating, never good enough. In my heart and mind, a darkness lurked. 

This has impacted all my adult relationships, adversely. I accept my part in all of that. I also understand the symptoms of years of chronic exposure to abuse as they present as behaviour. 

I am in counselling.

I know for sure that I am not an outlier, a unique and rare case. 

I was a child alone, as were so many others, who will remain countless until we find out how many were predated upon by men and women who got away with it, more or less, courtesy of the power of the Institutions.

Survivors deserve honesty, justice and reparation, support and recognition, kindness and respect.

This Inquiry could have been suggested in 1992.  There were already enough proven cases and allegations known to the Government of Ireland and to the Churches to justify same.

What harms have fallen upon survivors in the past 30 years, as a result?

Ireland, as a State and a people,  must avoid  repeating that failure to act in a timely manner.

We need a full Public Inquiry covering all State and Religious run schools across Ireland, where any allegations of predatory abuse have ever emerged since commencement of the State. 

We must start with judicial oversight, with open verified access to all religious order data and papers related to predatory abuse mandated, as a means to meet the needs of Survivors. 

The State and Institutions know what they knew. Survivors do not. That is an inequitable disparity. 

And that is the problem that only a Judicial Public Inquiry can resolve. Timely in this instance means complete the task, look at and appraise the full extent of the child predation, bullying, the violence and psychological abuse, hold accountable those who are accountable, make reparations and design a schooling system, a cultural environment that prevents all of that from ever happening again.

Every child of Ireland deserves nothing less than that, past and present.

Corneilius Crowley

Kindest regards


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Open Letter to Media and Politicians in Ireland - Blackrock Boys

 A recent RTE Radio Documentary 'Blackrock Boys' brought up the story of clerical abuse of children in one of Irelands elite Boarding Schools.


Alison O'Connor's article in The Examiner, 11th November speaks to this dreadful situation.

"Where to begin with a story that just never ends? It is almost 30 years ago since I, as a young journalist, first spoke to someone who had been sexually abused by a priest as a child.

Three decades on it has been honestly nauseating to listen, first, to the very fine RTÉ Doc on One, Blackrock Boys, and the subsequent horrific outpouring all week of other boys, now men, of their own abuse at the hands of clerics."


Vincent Healy, who took his case against the Spiritans to the courts in 2009, and won, as his case was proven, has been working as a Survivors advocate ever since.

 “I want answers from the State and religious congregations about the suffering of children who attended day schools, and only an inquiry can determine the numbers affected. The State has a responsibility to secure the welfare of students, but day-school students have been criminally neglected.

He added the State had been “belligerent towards people like me” and said “victims of abuse have been subjected to the rigours of the courts, criminal and civil”.

The sexual abuse of boys by Spiritan priests first came to public attention in Ireland in March 2009 when Fr Henry Maloney was convicted of abusing Mark Vincent Healy and Paul Daly, who died in June 2011, when both were pupils at St Mary’s College, Rathmines, between 1969 and 1973. Moloney was given a suspended sentence due to ill health and as he was already under strict supervision at the Spiritans’ Kimmage Manor in Dublin. He had been out of ministry and under supervision since 1996.

A second Spiritan priest accused by Mr Healy, Fr Arthur Carragher, died in Canada in January 2011. He taught at St Mary’s in 1969. In 2001 two brothers made abuse allegations against Fr Carragher but there is no extradition treaty between Ireland and Canada, where he then lived, and he successfully resisted being tried in Ireland. The priest later admitted abusing the brothers.

For decades the reaction of both The Spiritans and The Irish State has been to 'manage a crisis' of confidence, to maintain status quo of power in an adversarial manner that has prevented Survivors from a full accounting of the harms caused by predatory clerics and those who masked the abuse of children in their care.

The matter remains unresolved. A public Inquiry is necessary to resolve this situation.

Here follows an open letter I sent out today to Irish Media and politicians.

To the Editor, To members of the Irish Government, an open letter.

A Chara,

The recently aired RTE Radio documentary 'Blackrock Boys' tells a truly awful, tragic story. Two brothers, a few years apart, groomed, bullied and sexually assaulted by the same cleric, in the same school.  They were unable to tell their parents or each other. 

The institutions adversarial defence. Survivors in deep distress for decades. Family life disrupted for generations. A similar pattern took place in many other residential and day schools across Ireland. We do not yet know the full extent and scope of this pattern. That is why we need a Public Inquiry.

The RTE Documentary also speaks to the courage, the humility, the heart of Survivors and their advocates, who work  to hold accountable those who were and are responsible for the harms caused, be they  individuals, Religious or State institutions and other organisations.

The determination of Survivors and their advocates to proceed. in spite of an overtly adversarial dynamic, where the culpable parties attempt to mitigate their exposure to public accountability through various means, methods we are all too familiar, with is heroic.  

It can be said that genuine humane  courage is exemplified when those who have caused harm acknowledge the harm they have caused, admit the things done that prevented prevention, understand  that defensive behaviour by institutions and individuals has exacerbated adverse life long outcomes for those children so harmed, into adulthood,  and to honestly and transparently give a full accounting of what transpired, with a view to prevention, reparations and justice..

That is what Jesus would probably urge, is it not? Hold a full and honest accounting of the harms caused, and address the needs of Survivors.

Ireland is rated in international comparisons as the most helpful State in terms of global goodness.

Why is it that Ireland cannot reach that happy state for hundreds of thousands of it's own children who have been so deeply harmed?

Kindest regards


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When we claim the Politicians are incompetent, I think we are trying to evade the truth.

When we, the people, claim the Politicians are incompetent, I think we and the politicians are trying to evade the truth.

The NeoLiberal Politicians are extremely able - indeed they are adept, experts, geniuses - at looting the taxpayer, and increasing wealth extraction. 

Whilst we - the ordinary worker and tax payer - are utterly incompetent in countering that, let alone preventing it.

The inability of Labour socially minded MPs to counter the disgusting abusive campaigns of slander, gaslighting, bullying by the Labour NeoLiberals within the party it self speaks to this truth.

We ordinary folk need to up our game. Big Time. Collectively.

How Bullying operates in Politics.

"Very few people, when put to the test, have the integrity and moral courage to stand up against bullying, harassment, abuse, threats and corruption. The targets of adult bullying are selected often because they DO have the moral courage to challenge; many people will pass by on the other side.

A target of adult bullying is most often chosen because of their strength, not their weaknessResearch shows that targets of bullying tend to have highly developed empathy, and sensitivity for others, a high degree of perceptiveness, high moral values, a well-developed integrity, a strong sense of fair play and reasonableness, a low propensity to violence, a reluctance to pursue grievance, disciplinary or legal action, a strong forgiving streak and a mature understanding of the need to resolve conflict with dialogue. Often, targets of bullying are independent, self-reliant and “different” in some way. Weak people often disingenuously confuse these hallmarks of character with weakness.

Bullies aim to inflict psychological injury more often than physical injury. Their main aim is to control, discredit, isolate and eliminate their target.

The word “victim” also allows disingenuous people to tap into and stimulate other people’s misconceptions and prejudices of victimhood which include the inference that the person was somehow complicit in the abuse. (See just-world fallacy and victim-blame narrative). So I use the word “target”, which is also accurate because bullying involves the intentional singling out of a person for abuse.

Bullies, who have no integrity, are vindictive, aggressive, demanding, and regularly violate others’ boundaries; displaying aggression does not respect peoples’ rights, and a bully’s “requests” come with a negative consequence if the course of action demanded by the bully is declined. A bully’s bad behaviour is entirely his or her responsibility, they intend to cause their targets harm, to undermine them and damage them socially, emotionally, psychologically and sometimes, physically. And they often do.

Bullies typically isolate and dehumanise their targets in order to disempower themIt’s a key tactic of control used by all abusers, it can be particularly injuring, emotionally.

The major triggers for bullying come from the bully’s own sense of inadequacy, according to research

 envious and threatened by others with competence, integrity and popularity, the bully will project onto them their own inadequacy and incompetence, and often the bully will use their own behaviours and thoughts, attributing them to their target, to rally support for their “cause”. The inadequacy or envy of a bully is often translated into negative language used intentionally to completely diminish the target’s positive qualities, socially.

Using unwarranted criticism and threats, the bully tries to control their target and subjugate them, without a thought for that persons’ contributions, reputation, well-being, health or self confidence. Sooner or later this person – the bully’s target – realises that they are not only being “managed” but bullied, and they will start to show signs of resistance to that. Often, anything said in the target’s self-defence will be distorted and used by the bully, too. Gaslighting involves attempts to either negate or redefine a target’s experiences, and abusers often use this method.

The bully often fears exposure of his/her own incompetence and inadequacy, and takes steps to disable the the target, typically by isolating them and/or destroying their credibility and reputation among peers and decision-makers, putting them out of the picture in the workplace through dismissal, forced resignation or even early retirement. Once the target has gone, within about two weeks, the bully’s focus turns to someone else and the cycle starts again.

Some people enjoy the sense of power and control that bullying others gives them.  

Online bullies aim to isolate the target, destroy their credibility and force them out of established communities and groups." 

This describes exactly what Brexit, and the anti-Corbyn campaign within Labour and across the News Media, did.

Source : https://politicsandinsights.org/2015/01/22/how-bullying-works-projection-and-scapegoating

This blog is essential reading for everyone who votes, and indeed for those who do not vote...  

Kindest regards


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