Premium Science and Humane Compassion - Robert Sapolsky on the Neuroscience of Transgender people.

Premium Science and Humane Compassion - Robert Sapolsky on the Neuroscience of Transgender people.

If I see or experience something and I don't KNOW what it is I have three choices.

1. I admit I don't know what it is.

2. I seek information, data, measurements etc to try to understand what it is. I then test that information, data, measurements for veracity.

3. I make something up.

The first two options are science.

The last option is dishonesty. 

What will inform my dishonesty?

Deep Science made readily understandable.

Robert Sapolsky is a neuroendocrinology researcher and author. He is a professor of biology, neurology, neurological sciences, and neurosurgery at Stanford University.

Sapolsky has received numerous honors and awards for his work, including a MacArthur Fellowship in 1987, an Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship, and the Klingenstein Fellowship in Neuroscience. 

He was also awarded the National Science Foundation Presidential Young Investigator Award, the Young Investigator of the Year Awards from the Society for Neuroscience, the International Society for Psychoneuroendocrinology, and the Biological Psychiatry Society.

Deep Compassion.

In this conversation, Robert shares scientific research related to the neurobiology of transgender people with the goal protecting the rights of transgender people via the creation of informed policies.

This discussion is what I call a rational conversation, it avoids the elements we see all too often in what is called debate - it is a win/win discussion rather than a win/lose war of words. The purpose of the conversation is to arrive at a place where the participants and the audience are enlightened and reassured.

Democracy is trapped in an old paradigm - the struggle for Power

We all know the meaning of the term 'office politics' as an indication of power struggles within person to person relationships within an office. Those relationships are inherently adversarial.

Currently every Democracy in place is an adversarial system, with a Government and an Opposition, which renders political discourse to the level of a debate, with a win/lose dynamic that attracts the most effective linguistic bullies who impede rational discussion at every turn. This amounts to Cognitive Warfare.

Election 2024

The recent 'debates' in US and UK Elections are prime examples of this dynamic being deployed to evade the evidence, reinforce bias and opinion, targeting people with emotionally charged cognitive warfare and this exposes the central lies of the Hierarchy of Wealth as Power Cult that dominates our legislatures.

We do not have any egalitarian polities operational at this time, and I suggest that we need such polities, and rapidly. The harm caused by adversarial relationships within Governance structures and between States is beyond measure. It is utterly toxic, and it is not healthy human nature. It is a cultural imposition - hierarchy of Wealth and Power is not a dynamic every baby is born for, it is not the nature of a healthy relationship between adult and child.

We have never studied the neurology of extant egalitarian peoples, left alone their psychologies.

The academic and medical scholarship is rooted in the study of people living within violent hierarchy cultures.

Normalisation and habituation and internalisation of all of that is not healthy biological behaviour, it is not adaptive, it is a coping strategy that is doomed to fail to deliver healthy humane behaviour as a cultural marker.

The psychological environmental movement is in its infancy and is struggling to be cared for and fed in such manner  that it might grow, mature and nurture the world from which it has emerged.

Kindest regards


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"Do what you love, it is your gift to universe."

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Education and The Israeli War Against Palestinian Children, CTD.

The Israeli War Against Palestinian Children, CTD

Interview between Owen Jones in London and Unicef representative James Elder live in Gaza.

James Elder: "The world should be terrified of the long-term consequences. Because we know that the longer a war goes on, the more damage it does psychologically to children. UNICEF knows that from a Yemen or Afghanistan. We are in uncharted territory when it comes to the mental health of children here"

Please watch this interview, give 20 minutes of your time to this.

And share it, pass it on. I wonder if it could happen that billions of people watch this, in the next week or so, and we, the ordinary majority of Humanity watch and hear and understand what is being said, what it really means. And what it means for every war zone that is currently in motion. So many childandren, every single precious one of them is 100% innocent.

In the way I see feel life I think that every adult alive owes a responsibility to all the children, I think that this is non negotiable biological and empathic and moral and egalitarian humane evolutionary mandate, and it is not a burden, it is a gift.  The gift is love, integrity and nurture. To be intentionally engaged  in the way is a gift.

The technical catch all word for this Alloparenting, in every day language we would say it is shared parenting. In practice this was, for most of our evolution, the norm across any given  population. Is is our oldest evolved behavioural characteristic that makes us behaviourally distinct from Primates, and every biologically healthy person would be happy to meet that duty, and succeed. It is how we thrived for most of our existence. 

'All is born of woman, no harm shall come to the children.'

"if they are so hungry in the North, well they can just walk 20 minutes to the South and get the food aid." Israeli official comment a few days ago.


Continuous Traumatic Distress - 24/7, minute by minute, second by agonising second.

In Gaza, there are no schools functioning, none left standing, there are no universities left standing. All intentionally and systematically targeted, bombed, destroyed. Erased. And all those students who would have been attending these schools and universities had younger brothers and sisters not yet in education.

The adverse changes that that unspeakable lived experience of constant state of warfare, imposed by a State bent on a genocidal campaign, the trauma it will inflict upon the babies, infants, toddlers, children, teens their mothers and fathers (who have no means to protect them) on their bodies and minds, on their endocrinology, lungs, heart, digestive system, lymph systems, sleeping patterns, eating patterns, resting patterns and their very essence is a grievous , grievous wound, invisible to the eye, until the symptoms present.

"some are hoping it will cease, and that somehow they will survive, some wish to be killed by war now, every second they are still alive, to end their suffering."  from conversations with children in Gaza, this week, last week, six months ago, during Operation Cast Lead, every time the 'Gras was mowed'

The world's Psychology and Child Development research clinical practice Community and everyone in Education and Pediatric Health Care must speak up, in public, to Power. 

We and they must form up a political lobby on behalf of all our children, a put a stop to this.

Continuous Traumatic Distress.

This short documentary from Al Jazeera, on the impacts of living with continuous traumatic distress 24/7, minute by minute, all the time... living with constant imminent threat, over decades. What it does to children, parents and families, what it does to their communities.

"proportionality, anyone?'


The university of witnessing a Genocidal war in real time is not part of the University of Life. It is the university of desolation, the college of death, maiming and survival. Nobody thrives in this place. Survivors are the only ones who graduate. The makers of the bombs, the designers, the testers, the production line managers graduated from American, British and Israeli Universities.

Part of what happening is that we the people, the civilian tax paying, voting populations of the allies of Israel, the citizens of USUK EU and others are being educated by witness testimony and reliable empirical evidence. And we are asking questions, learning more. What is this? Why is this? We are learning every day.

The object of such an unwilled for education must lead to the emergence of a motivation to confront the truth about our Ruling Class and to act on what we find to make it the harm causation is ceased. 


'Peace is more than the absence of War' as Arundhuti Roy puts it. 

She was and will always be correct in that axiom. We cry out on the face of injustice - "no justice, no peace!' and it is not a threat, it is not a call to riot - it is a statement for fact. Where injustice is done, peace is absent.

"There can be no real peace without justice. And without resistance, there will be no justice," writes Arundhati Roy. We have a duty to respond to the unmet needs of all our children, to meet those needs, to prevent those needs from harm.

'All is born of woman, no harm shall come to the children.' 

This is the oldest 'law' of the human species. Our basic biological mandate. Remember that? I mentioned it earlier.  Alloparenting -  it bears repeating. This Law is not a burden, this law the art of is living designed to set us free.

A blogger writes :

"Peace, in a world bent on war and intent on drawing the rest of us into it, is a precious commodity. 

But not an easy one to achieve.

Do anything you can to avoid war–personal or public. Do everything you can to make peace real. But remember that peace can never come from either fear or threat. Both of those must be dispelled before the trust that is of the essence of peace can possibly break out.

Peace is not the acceptance of evil. On the contrary, real peace requires resistance to evil. But not in evil ways. This kind of peacemaking requires courage, not power, a kind of strength that uses love rather than force to change the world."

source :

That will take all of us ordinary people becoming politically active. Not as an ideology based lobby. As a humane evidence based lobby, the biggest, strongest political lobby on Earth. Love in action.

It is what we need.

The revolution is dependent upon an educational liberation, and some counselling along the way, and I think this is absolutely essential and that we must make it happen at pace.

Emotional Blindness.

I think the evidence is there to suggest that following is likely true

If a person as a witness to these two documentaries and their meanings cannot hold all of that evidence in place, and admit it, then there has to be some profound  emotional blindness that is disrupting their capacity for analytical thinking, empathy, kindness - they have to be internalising a belief system that has changed the way their brains function, they way their minds behave, robbing them of the most important aspect of being a healthy human. Belief can do that. Blind ideology can do that. Unresolved trauma can do that. Indoctrination can do that.

Beyond that simple analysis, it is abundantly clear that the major crimes of State and non State militia must cease, and then they must be accounted for, all of them , and in full - no matter where that leads. 

Kindest regards


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