The Power Inquiry 2004 - How to make British Democracy work, by the British people, engaged and responsible.

In 2004, a wide ranging group of people across numerous sectors collated the following insights and suggestions as to how to make British Democracy more fully and functionally democratic. 

In short this disparate gathering of experts, community workers, politicians, community groups and leaders, various public service workers and executives, and more undertook to examine in detail what aspects of democracy were not functioning well for the people.

They looked carefully at peoples lived experiences, gathering and listening to witness testimony, to relevant expertise. They looked at where were people being disempowered.

That led to consultations, assemblies and other fora for discussion of how to end those disempowering dynamics.

They look at what changes could be made to devolve more democratic decision making power and responsibility to the people, placing the people as collective decision makers on policy that impacts their lives and empowering the people to hold government. They also understood the need for structures that enable the people to hold The State to account, if the need arises. 

The collective that lives, works and generates wealth and taxes has a natural right to a meaningful role in policy formulation, implementation and oversight. We do not deserve to be Ruled. We do not need to be Ruled.


Solidarity is our super power.

Kindest regards


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