Showing posts with label Vatican. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vatican. Show all posts

Natural Children Victims of This Crime

This song is for all the millions of natural children harmed by priests all over the world, over the past 100 years, calling on all people to recognise this horrific crime, and to support the survivors with all the empathy and compassion you can muster, to use whatever means at your disposal to engage and confront the Catholic Church and demand immediate accountability and suitable reparations and if those are not forthcoming in an open and transparent way, to call for a total disestablishment of the Catholic Church and all it's institutions wherever they may be,  that they be hounded from every corner of this Earth for the dark deeds they have enabled..... Spun Apologies and cant will not suffice....

Natural Children

Natural children

Walking on this Earth

Natural Children

Natural Children

in the place of their birth

Natural Children

Natural Children

Victims of this Crime

Natural Children

Natural Children

Frightened all the time

Natural Children

Natural Children

When will we draw the line?

Natural Children Natural Wisdom

When will we draw the line?

Natural Children

Natural Wisdom

Actual Wisdom 

Act on the wisdom

of Natural Children

When will we draw the line?

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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