Showing posts with label letters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label letters. Show all posts

Corneilius is published ...... Irish Times, Letters, 28/12/09

The Irish Times published my letter following on from the recent Irish Priests Abuse Crime Report, on Saturday 28th of December 2009.

I discovered this on Christmas Eve, by chance, via a webiste in Ireland, whose author, Colm O'Gorman, a man who has done much to open the closed and hidden expereiences of the abused in Ireland, had something to say of my (not so seasonal) epistle to the media.....

He is kind, and his contextual understanding is a message the needs to be heard and thought about..

The Irish Times Web page...

The letter is a shortened version of this piece published below..

I am ever concerned that the understanding of the over arching societal practice of power and abuse is taken as a priority for open source discourse and that people are enabled to communicate with clarity, the lived experience and what that means... and for adults entrusted with care of others to act from knowing, not from belief, as Tony Blair and others like him would have it.

In this the personal is political.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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