Showing posts with label neurobiology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label neurobiology. Show all posts

Robert Sapolsky : the neurobiology of transgender people

Robert Sapolsky is a neuroendocrinology researcher and author. He is a professor of biology, neurology, neurological sciences, and neurosurgery at Stanford University. Sapolsky has received numerous honors and awards for his work, including a MacArthur Fellowship in 1987, an Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship, and the Klingenstein Fellowship in Neuroscience. He was also awarded the National Science Foundation Presidential Young Investigator Award, the Young Investigator of the Year Awards from the Society for Neuroscience, the International Society for Psychoneuroendocrinology, and the Biological Psychiatry Society. In this conversation, he will share scientific research related to the neurobiology of transgender people with the goal protecting the rights of transgender people via the creation of informed policies.

Robert Sapolsky speaks to the neurobiology of sex expression, which he demonstrates presents as a natural and indeed expected wide variation across a spectrum. There is no absolute binary present.

Biology is all about subtle variation, and Sapolsky explains why that matters, in a really engaging manner... it is complex, yet not at all complicated.

Reassuring and enlightening.

Hatred complicates things. Always.
Power struggles in politics complicates things.

Kindness Prevails.

Remember that.

The more, the merrier.

Solidarity as humane persons.

Kindest regards


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