Showing posts with label race. Show all posts
Showing posts with label race. Show all posts

Racism, Inquiries, Grenfell, Historic Child Abuse, Iraq, and logic.

Race and Racism.
If we are serious about combating racism we should not be celebrating racial diversity.

Celebrating 'racial diversity' entrenches the concept of Race.
Cultural diversity is another matter. I have no problem with that at all. It improves everything about being humane.
There are no races, there are only different language/culture groups. We are all human. 

Instead, we should be concentrating our efforts at undermining the very idea of race.
Because it is merely an idea, a concept that was created to justify the enslavement of Black Skin Toned Africans.

It was also institutionalised in legislation, and re-enforced from the pulpit (Good Christians vs Heathens and Sinners, the heathens being below the sinners)  to be used to set the poor White Skin Toned European labour force against the Black Skin Toned African labour force and the Brown Skin Toned Native Peoples who refused to work for the plantation owners, all of whom outnumbered the total number of owners, their middle classes, artisan classes, clerks etc and the British Military Garrisons in the colonies.

Race it has scientific or bio-logical basis.
It is a political and economic concept.

Boil the Water, not the Kettle.

Confront the behaviour, and do not attack the person.

eg: "That is a racists thing to say." works better than "You are a racist."

Because with the former there is some chance you can initiate a conversation, the latter will be felt as a direct attack on the person.

Worried by World Events?
Are you WORRIED? Does the world look really crazy to you, right now?
Try this :
A friend of a friend was travelling in South America around 2000 ad, looking at Inca sites, doing the jungle trek and Ayahuasca trail, and was talking excitedly about the forth coming Apocalypse, like REALLY WORRIED about it.....
He was in a cafe, in a small village, drinking beer and coffee..... rabbiting on, and on... until a local came up to him, and said:
"Don't worry! It's already here. Our people have been going through the Apocalypse for more than 300 years... YOUR people brought it to us!."
True story.
He ended up getting riotously drunk with the locals and made some very good friends.... way to go, South America!

A quote from a friend, one Jason Hine, on his facebook page is pertinent.

"Perhaps an incarnation of spirituality appropriate for the modern age would be an attitude in which we learn to face the full of horror of human existence without being paralyzed by excessive fear and with a desire to minimize the perpetuation of this horror."

Venezuela and Western Media and Political Economy.

Power must always be economical with the truth, frugal even.

The reporting of Venezuela, and the harrying of leftist (humane) politicans to condemn Madura is a case in point.

Who is rioting on the streets?. The well to do middle classes. Who is murdering poor people?

Who controls commercial supply of foods? The well to do middle classes. They have food aplenty, and the cash to pay for it, and store it. Food for the poorer, native, mestizo and black population is getting more expensive...... rather it is being made more expensive. By the well to do middle classes. Who are largely of European descent.

Who is most concerned that Venezeulan Oil is 'liberated' - the US State Department, and it's cronies in the Oil Industry.

Why is this happening?

"What the Bolivarian revolution in Venezuela inspired by Chavez represents to the establishment – as is the case with Jeremy Corbyn in Britain and Podemos in Spain – is the threat of a good example."

source :

Public Inquiries, a problem arises.

Listen to one panel member of the Child Abuse Inquiry 'underway' in the UK, under the auspices of The Home Office.

Looking at the fact that three people who were selected to head this Inquiry have been removed or have quit .... two were rejected by Survivor groups (who know a thing or two about public inquiries into such matters...), one resigned, and returned home, to Australia. The fourth is in place...

The Inquiry is proceeding. But there are serious issues.

In an extraordinary interview recorded 11th August, 2017, a child abuse survivor who served on the Government’s independent inquiry into historic child sexual abuse has claimed she was silenced by Theresa May’s advisors to ensure that Ms May became Prime Minister.

Source :
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg of Ms Sharon Evans’ startling claims about her time serving on the inquiry.
I have got a document, it’s 23 pages. When I appeared in front of the Home Affairs Select Committee – which should be where you openly and honestly answer the questions and challenges of MPs, and where it’s actually an offense not to tell the truth – they (the Home Office) provided me with a 23 page document telling me exactly what I may and may not say.
Ms Evans says that she was so alarmed by the nature of the Home Office gagging document that she went to the clerk of the Parliamentary Committee to tell him that she feared she may not be able to tell the truth because of it.

Bear in mind that a 
Parliamentary Committee is a privileged arena, where one has liberty to tell the truth, where lying is a criminal offence.
Sharon Evans also had an extremely depressing message for the victims of the Grenfell tragedy about what she has learned about Establishment collusion during supposedly ‘independent’ inquiries such as this:
When asked by interviewer John Nicholson about her advice to the Grenfell Inquiry panel members, Evans said:
I think from what I’ve been hearing that people are already being encouraged to come and give information informally – and this is where we started on the child abuse inquiry – but the thing is it seems like it’s exactly the same. I want to stop them going down the same road where their information is controlled and suppressed, because when there is an inquiry they can control information and decide what is released.
Hillsborough, anyone?

You can listen to Ms Evans’ extraordinary interview with talkRADIO below:

So yeah, it's all going on.... as it has been for quite some time.

The institutions of political power, and those who occupy executive positions in corporate power are allied in their determination to retain, enhance and project their alliance of interests over the best interests of the people they claim to 'serve' - you and I, and your family, community and local and national collective.... the taxpayer and his or her children.

So here's one way to look at all of this: Taxation is a shared contribution, the cash is held in trust by Government, to be utilised on our behalf, and it is not the property of The Government.

It is our cash. That implies a duty of care to spend that cash wisely, based on evidence and need, to nurture equity across our populations, be any of us rich or poor, strong or vulnerable.

That is not happening , blatantly. And anyone who dares to suggest it should happen is attacked, denigrated, undermined and dismissed.

We Pay Their Wages. (and coroprate power pays their benefits)

I think we need a cross ideology-multicultural non-sectarian party called "The We Pay Your Wages Party" and we need to be willing to engage and directly instruct Government to meet the duty of care articulated above, in order to better nurture our society and to prevent the abuses I have briefly indicated above, and the many, many others we are all well aware of.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

Thank you for reading this blog. All we need to do is be really honest, responsive to the evidence we find,and ready to reassess when new evidence emerges. The rest is easy.