Letter of Complaint to the BBC re: Coverage of Pope's Visit.

I write to the BBC to complain about the coverage of the Pope’s ‘State’ visit to the UK.

The Pope was on the Committee, in 1962, that wrote the document, that odious directive Crimens Soliticitalis, that demanded that all cases of allegations of child abuse made against priests be controlled by The Vatican and handled as an internal matter.He later became head of the Congregation of The Faith, and as such, administered that ‘policy’ for over 25 years.

That ‘policy’ included intimidation of victims and survivors and those who supported their allegations, including State Prosecutors in many countries.

This amounts to an intentional obstruction of justice and absolutely undermines ANY claim to Holiness or Empathy that The Vatican has ever made.

To this day he defends that Policy, and worse, The Vatican provides moral and financial support to many proven Pedophiles, Bullies, and others who beat children, who humiliated children, who engaged in what amount to protracted psychological torture.

It was The Vatican, under Pope Adrian, the only English Pope, that authorised Henry II to invade and conquer Ireland, under the Pabal Bull Laudibiliter.

This became the ‘legal’ template for the European Colonisation of North America, Australia, Africa and South East Asia that ensued and lasted for nearly 500 years.

To this day The Vatican has not apologised for ANY of these crimes against humanity.

The BBC has not given equal coverage to the recent disclosures of the widespread, endemic abuse of children that has ruined the lives of many millions of children.The BBC has not given any coverage to survivors of these abuses.

The coverage of The Popes visit and of the crimes described above that the BBC is currently engaged in is shameful and amounts to complicity in the continued cover-up of these crimes.

The BBC has become a propaganda arm of The Vatican, and in doing so has demeaned itself, caused harm to all survivors of Church abuse and offended the principles upon which the BBC claims to stand: that of fairness, and lack of bias.

The BBC's bias is clearly set against survivors of Church abuse.

Kindest regards


 Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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POPE : an Acrynom!

What more needs to be said?

Other than to remind folk that this is NOT merely about the Pope, or even The Vatican; this is about a Societal Psychology that mediates abuse as a norm, and whether or not we, as good people, can face up to the facts, and do the work that our children deserve be done to ensure that such abuse patterns are examined and the intergenerational cycles of Power and Abuse are finally ended.

It is their future we are talking about here..

Kindest regards


 Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Christ, Empathy and Society

The Christ, from what few references we have, appeared to be a deeply empathic person. Those qualities are not his alone, but the qualities of a naturally empathic human being, the kind that lived for many hundreds of thousands of years, if not millions of years in a sustainable and relatively stable condition. 

Whilst Christ can be suggested as a role model in this, (though it must be said that to do this would necessitate the omission of, or critical analysis of, the entire old testament, which is essentially a document on Monolithic Power and how to manage Power Relationships to retain Power, violently and otherwise, and contains a specified torture manual to boot! ...and most of the new testament, apart from those few stories concerning the Christ's actions, being as actions speak louder than words - think of the trees saved by this one simple shift in paradigm!)  he can not be held as the SOURCE of Empathy.

It is absolutely clear, to both Science and Mothers, that appropriate child-mother bonding and environmental conditions (such as being part of a day to day community, with full access to nature as a place of exploration and learning, optimum nutrition, intimacy, trust, respect and so on) are ESSENTIAL for the development of the empathetic neurology and natural sensitivity of the new born.

Any deprivation of any of these essentials leads directly to stressed physiology, an altered neurology and a consequent psychological dysfunction as an emergent quality of any given society, and when codified, becomes Institutionalised as we see throughout the Dominant Culture.

Thus, with regards our biologically determined empathy, when the appropriate nurturant environment in place, there is no need for an historical role model, or an external role model, for the parents and community will assuredly provide that confirmation of the internal, intrinsic empathy emerging from within the child, naturally.

This is extremely important.

For example, the lack of empathy inherent in The Missionary Position; to look upon another human being as being inferior to the point of being sub-human and to offer to ‘convert’ that person with the caveat that if conversion is not possible, then extermination is inevitable and justified by Biblical Dictat is so utterly devoid of empathy that it’s a feat of deep, almost supernatural denial that stretches the concept of Charity completely out of shape, and creates a monstrosity steeped in blood and misery.

The lack of empathy inherent in the religious induction of infants into a faith and binding those children to a psychological and spiritual contract they cannot possibly consent to, with the caveat that the child is already a sinner, already condemned, and that this is communicated at the earliest possible moment, consistently re-enforced by what are, in effect and intent, behaviour modification techniques of a Pavlovian Skinnerist perspective. Though it has to be said that the practices of Pavlov and Skinner were long extent by the time those two fools existed. Indeed they are prime examples of the lack of empathy in action.

The lack of empathy inherent in Dominance and Empire; the Dominance of the Christian/Judeo/Muslim Human Being over the Earth and all that dwell within her; the Empire of God open only to those who qualify, Eternal Torture for those who fail.

The lack of empathy that blames the poor for being poor by categorising them as being in Gods disfavour, and them treating them as a charity case, and doing NOTHING to alter the fundamental inequities of the distribution of the materials that nurture life of which Poverty is a symptom.

The lack of empathy inherent in the Vatican’s response to the unveiling of massive abuse of children in Institutions operated by Clergy, often on behalf of the State, dating back centuries and ongoing even as I

The lack of empathy demonstrated by so many adherents of Faith, that amounts to a declaration of war against all who do not share that Faith. The so-called battle or struggle between Good and Evil.

Let it be said here too, that a lack of empathy is not merely an issue for religion, but for our entire Society.

It permeates Economics, Psychiatry, Commerce, Education, Health Care, Food production and much else besides.

I submit, for your perusal, a useful document that outlines the characteristics that emerge in variant societies, where nurturing is either present or absent.

Take a good look at these characteristics and again at the Society you were born into, that you had to adapt to.....

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Towers, a song and a meaning.

Here's my 9/11 song "TOWERS"

written on 13.9.2001, performed the following week, with studio bits added later that winter.

Here's the lyric :


The twin towers of polarity have fallen, You know what I mean
The bubble burst, those people were frightened
Saw it all, a nightmare on TV
And who knows the whole story
Who's got all the facts
until we're all communicating
It won't be easy yet it's better than more attacks

The fight between the good and the badIt is ugly -
you know what I mean
That struggle's clearly not working
We must speak freely to be free
And who knows the whole story
Who's got all the facts
until we're all communicating
It won't be easy yet it's better than more attacks

Eyeless in Gaza, blindly we are fighting
You know what I mean,
Behaviour is unaware of it's roots
Though now, it's time to come clean
Be not frightened of the truth
And who knows the whole story
Who's got all the facts until we're all communicating
It won't be easy yet it's better than more attacks

The twin towers of polarity have fallen
You know what I mean
We must work now, towards a future world
Where a live in love has real meaning
And who knows the whole story
Who's got all the facts until we're all communicating
It won't be easy yet it's better than more attacks

And here's a document that shows a clear connection between the emergence of violence and hierarchy in Gatherer Hunter Communities, which is related to how children are treated.

The very same dynamics apply to our own culture...


We owe it to all the children to come to do this work and to get it accurate!

Ideology and Religion have failed children throughout Western History.

This must end.

WE must end it.

We can.

It's so not rocket science....

Download it, print it out and share it. Explore the learnings within it. Spread the message.

Kindest regards


 Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Parenting tips for the 21st Century...

A few tips on Parenting in the 21st Century….

It’s irrelevant to Healthy Parenting which Century it is…… Natural Parenting is timeless, as it is determined by non linear biological, natural living processes. It is ever present. It is innate. Intrinsic.

It’s important to realise that in these times that all parents are under un-natural stresses brought on by the way of life, that is to say the Societally Mandated practices regarding work, debt, access to shelter, food and land, and power relationships as expressed throughout and promoted by the Dominant Culture. Two jobbing parents. Single Parents out of work? Is that not an oxymoron? Parenting IS work, and is absolutely vital work, and it is also more than work, much more.

 It’s pertinent to Societally Mandated Child Rearing Practices which Century it is… whilst there has been some improvement within the context of civilisations, for all indigenous gatherer hunter communities it would appear that any extended contact with western practices they experienced results in a fundamental undermining of their natural traditions. Thus whilst the west slowly makes progress, it is destroying the existing base of natural parenting  that is held in those communities

 It’s a valid exercise, as a parent or parent to be, to review child rearing practices, as a matter of historical interest, to help contextualise where one has entered into that history at birth. 

What one has forgotten that one may have learned as a child regards the rules, written and unwritten, and the mores of life held by those who cared for  or ‘reared’ us, we will automatically teach our children, coercively, or most often by manipulation  

Every child has a unique growth path that is biologically determined towards optimum health; spiritually, psychologically, physically and emotionally.

Few children in the Dominant Culture ever have their natural biologically determined needs met in full.

Most children in Gatherer-hunter Societies did have their natural biologically determined needs met in full. As nature intends.

Recent research has absolutely proven the case that the natural child needs empathetic parenting for every baseline health measurement known.

The child’s present is a separate reality to the adults past.

Often the adults past (his or her childhood history) unresolved experiences are directing parts of the adult’s response to the present real time interaction with or of a child in his or her care. This past driven reaction dynamic can be interrupted once one is aware of the possibility of such unconscious reactions generated by past experiences intervening in the present situation and thus colouring it, if not absolutely distorting it.

For example, quite often a parent will experience irrational irritation, or even anger, at a young child over insignificant issues, such as knocking a drink over, or making a mess at a table; the adult might become angry and may ‘decide’ to ‘punish’ or ‘chastise’ the infant (a pointless exercise in that the child will learn nothing other than to fear the parent).

http://aruhea.wordpress.com/2008/02/08/the-emotional-plague-stops-here - this article clear outlines these dynamics 

"To illustrate, a typical process of scripted emotional response may be as follows: stimulus (A innocently switches light on early in the morning, believing B to be awake); B’s reaction (fear; surprise); state of alert; realization that reaction was inappropriate to stimulus; recollection of (or rather subconscious association with) a pattern of similar events in the past, especially in early childhood, which were a source of emotional reactions designed to ward off annoying/malicious intent on the part of a parent, sibling etc.; subliminal transference of such assumed intent onto A; production of the associated emotional reaction; association on the part of A, in turn, of B’s reaction with similar prior events (unfair unpunishment in the absence of intent to harm); emotional counterreaction (anger, outrage, sense of injustice, sense of betrayal); defensive or hostile reaction by B to what is now perceived as or associated with a threat (fight, flight, freezing); situation spirals out of control…"

One of the factors behind the apparent common occurrence of these kinds of behaviours is that as the adult meets his or her own child growing through a phase that the adult had not grown through healthfully, the adult will try to suppress his or her own sense of loss and pain at that missing part, by blocking the child’s development at that precise stage… and by projecting his or her unwanted feelings onto the child  (it might manifest also at an opposite extreme by over reacting in ‘rebellion’ to their own unresolved past with a loss of boundaries, which again can be toxic to the child’s well being, as it sends confused messages to the child)

Children can sense that change towards irritation in the adult far earlier than the adult, and they begin very early to read the adults moods, to focus on the adults moods rather than on them selves, from within, as their centre.  This is the beginning of co-dependency. It is also the basis for later manipulation by State Institutions, towards a person who is less self-directed, more externally driven.

However this ability of children to read the moods of the parent can be used by the parent to help him or her develop interrupts to the older patterns. This I describe as actively LISTENING to the child in front of oneself, and of also having empathy for the child one once was. That child too read the moods of the adults who cared for him or her.

Once this is started it has to be practiced for a while before it becomes second nature, and then, later on un-necessary because empathetic relationships will emerge. It remains a life skill. It also requires that the children are enabled, or permitted to note the mood shifts and indicate when they sense the old patterns rising; at that moment the adult can simply stop, breathe a few deep breaths and begin again, after a gentle rebalancing chat with the child or children, to interact with mutual respect intact.

That respect quickly becomes mutual, supportive and empathetic. And it is that empathy that is crucial to healthy parenting. A parent with empathy for his or her self as a child and especially with regard to all that they lived through, good and bad, will always nurture their children towards their unique optimum state of health by observing who their children really are, and by avoiding projecting forgotten experiences or values or lessons onto their children, they break the old cycles of behaviour. The also liberate themselves from any learned self limiting or dysfunctional behaviour patterns. They therefore improve the habitat for all life.

A people who live by empathy will always avoid the use of power, coercion or intimidating tactics, and have no need for rules as such.

Here is an interesting essay and some good links to follow up on all of the above…. and more, so much more.. always remember that natural parenting that is empathetic is innate to our biology.

Kindest regards 


 Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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