Co-opting the 'movements' : 2012 and all that!

A friend asked why people in a certain worldwide community are discussing the 2012 revelations in great detail, and NOT discussing all the other similar revelations emerging from the torah, bible, koran etc etc…

Why indeed? Here for what it is worth is my take at present.....

What we do know is the any system of Empire Logic will make every attempt to co-opt any grass roots emergent ideas that challenge the status quo in order to distract, deflect, undermine and otherwise disrupt any critical analysis inherent in those challenges.

The story of the early Christians is a pointer...

The Romans were persecuting followers of this poor man's religion in large numbers, yet were faced with the fact of an ever increasing growth of the membership of that 'faith' : the more the killed, the more people joined the new revolutionary ideal!

So they decided to stop the persecution, and allowed the Christians to have their faith, and even gave them buildings to house their churches.... and then they started to allow funding to flow in, from within their own ranks, eventually giving the Christians NGO status.

They also infiltrated the 'movement' and slowly, but surely manouevered their own people into the 'leadership', until such time as they could take over, and at that point the Church of Rome was born as an official entity....

The rest, as the say, is history ..... and given the roles the Churches played ever since as 'missionaries' what we know is that the first contact missionaries would live amongst the 'natives' and note every aspect of their lives in great detail, and those reports were shipped back to the central office, read and analysed, and used as 'intelligence' for the subsequent operations of subjugation by co-option....

I know for a fact that the bulk of the Jesuit writings of their first contacts from the 1400s onwards revealed that most (not all) of the hunter gatherer societies they met as first contact were fundamentally peaceful, non-hierarchical; they trusted their children and treated them as such from birth, in the expectation that their children would naturally explore their world and learn what they needed with little adult intervention; these cultures had no words for 'please' and no concept of coercion or punishment, would talk for days on any subject that concerned them before taking action (interminable meetings....) and even then would take action with the awareness that if new info came to light, further deliberation would ensue...

These communities were happy, balanced and their sex lives open. These communities had very little by way of religiosity, and were quite unwarlike.... 

In essence living the Christian ideal....

Which of course ran counter to the practices of the Church of Rome, and it's Inquisitors....

And as a part of the campaign to take control of the lands of these peoples, the Church of Rome also portrayed the inhabitants as 'savages; picking out the few who showed some signs of organised violent resistance as the norm..... and promoted the idea of saving them for Christ (by annihillating - extirpate was a frequently used word - them and converting the traumatised survivors.... who showed all the signs of PTSD and could be used in that degraded state to 'prove' the base nature of these 'savages'.....)

The recent revelations of rampant endemic systematic abuse in Irish Residential Schools, and the long history of the POLICIES enacted by Law against the children of the native peoples of Canada and North America and carried out by the Churches, a history that is still active, reveals that this is indeed the policy of both Church and State... an ancient Policy..

OK so THAT rant over, a critical look at the Mainstream Climate Debate, the ineffectual quality of Charities and large NGOs., Live Aid, Live8, the events after the Asian Tsunami, Hurricane Katrina, the Haitii Earthquake, the Chilean Earthquake, the refusal of Amnesty International to identify the economic drivers of the abuses they recorded in South America and Africa, the way the Feminist, Hippy and Peace movements have been undermined, , and so on reveals a deep and well orchestrated campaign of co-option...

So too with 2012, and all apocalyptic stories that have more active readerships that the truth about say, Iraq.....

Co-option is only possible in such vast campaigns when critical analysis and thinking is undermined, when people who have been for generations in a near constant state of PTSD are looking for solace and will attach to any and all variations of Utopian ideals.... we, the vast majority of ordinary folk, are not individually to blame for the PTSD, (as it's the result of policies enforced by the System) yet it does permeate all those children of war veterans, all those children of war victims, all those who were beaten or saw lots of violence in their school years or at home, who claim 'that the beatings made me stronger' or who subscribe to the 'spare the rod, spoil the child' attitude of life, and those whose psyche was so damaged that they display outward symptoms of distress, a distress that as is most often 'labelled' by the establishment as this or that syndrome to mask the reality and keep those who managed somehow to 'adjust' to the sick society off the scent....

In psychological distress symptomology the TABOO is 'don't mention Society' ..... 'don't mention Civilisation' as a root cause of distress.... blame the victims.... (made all that much easier as the victims, in their confusions, shame and guilt will often blame themselves.....)

And so it is with all externally driven 2012/alien/rapture apocalyptic stories that they are ultimate disempowering, in that power is handed to some external agency, and all ya have to do is 'keep the faith' and the time of 'revelation' and 'change' will come and do the work...

Well, it ain't gonna happen, i never has, and never will.

I am sure I will piss a lot of people off with this analysis. On all sides...

I am 'Climate Change Denier', after all.... I am one of the FEW people in the community discussing CC and 2012 who consistently point out that Global WarRing, be it by direct extreme physical violence or by dint of Economics, is the single greatest threat to nature and to people today - and that threat is all too human, is absolutely an agency of human action and can only be countered by well informed, aware and active human beings...

Here's a riveting scientific article on aspects of what I have been discussing : Body Pleasure and the origins of Violence...

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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The Pope, Society and Child Rearing Practices....

Colm O'Gorman, one of the first to pursue the Vatican through the courts over the abuse he suffered wrote in the Irish Independent a reply to the Popes recent letter to the Irish Congregation ... and in it he notes that Pope Pious V issued orders that any priest alleged to have perpetrated abuse upon children should be defrocked and handed over to the authorities......

The order was issued in 1568. The abuse of children has a long history, and given the ways in which the Church and State have  been interlinked as Powers over people down through the ages, one has to ask : just how deep does this rabbit hole go?

The 'defence' of the indefensible goes on..... this putrid essay appeared in the New York Times recently....

It is of course all lies. The current Pope himself directly oversaw the official cover-up.... and most, if not all Governments have been extremely sluggish in coming to the aid of those who have suffered....

Alice Miller work warned of the dangers of the hidden abuse inherent in 'child rearing' practices commonplace across the Industrialised World, in her book, 'The Roots of Violence in Child Rearing : For Your Own Good' - she showed how the 'good german' of Nazi Germany, the adult that was the product of a stern ubpringing, of beatings and humiliations that were published as the standard child rearing texts of the time, was easily manipulated into a National Machine of abuse.... then the Jews, today the Muslim people...... the same patterns emerge..

Current practice in the west these days is to 'allow' infants to cry themselves to sleep, so that they get used to sleeping on their own; this for the benefit of the parents of course, who need their uninterrupted sleep so that they can return to their careers and keep the economy turning; but the FACT is that the child cries and cries until, practically exhausted, he or she gives up, resigns herself to the fact that her calls will be ignored... in the old days this was called 'breaking the wilful nature of the child' - breaking the spirit is apt...

Parents mostly love their children, but they are unwittingly enrolled in these child rearing ways, often in spite of their true feelings, often out of a fear that their child may not do well at school and in later life suffer as a result..... and mostly because they too have been through the intense conditioning processes inherent in 'child rearing' practices common in our Society.

That exhausted last cry and that moment of resignation is a very deep wound indeed, and unheeded, practically invisible, for who has the eyes and  ears to sense the child's resignation, it is the millions upon millions of 'little'  wounds like this that lead directly to the kinds of people who routinely IGNORE the costs others pay for their luxuries and comforts, all too easily rationalising it as 'progress' or 'more than my job is worth'....

The recent TV series SuperNanny showed a professional nanny 'advise' parents on management strategies to deploy with their children, and not once did she enquire about the Parents own childhood experiences....  a deliberate attempt to render child management as the proper way to go about relating to children, in particular 'disruptive children', who a generation before would have been beaten into submission, a beating that other children would have taken note of and would have modulated their behaviour accordingly...

These days overt manipulation is seen as an improvement. It is not. The damage is just the same. Just no visible blood. 2530,000 children are prescribed Ritalin in the UK, 6 million in the USA....

And yet Science, in particular Neuroscience, has in the past 15 years confirmed the damage Miller claimed was caused in 'child rearing practices'; and even still Governments keep this information away from their various Health and Education programs....

There is a very deep rabbit hole in our Society, and we MUST absolutely visit it's darkest regions and bring to light the effects of 'child rearing' upon children, who become the adults that work and make the Society we live in. The kinds of adults who accept War as natural, who will routinely rationalise abusive practices such as the use of Ritalin to manage children who are showing signs of distress or the widespread use of toxic chemicals in food growing, who will readily accept the media led demonisation of 'others' as the 'enemy', who will all too easily accept the corrupt practices inherent in Governance such as Corporate Lobbying, the 'revolving door' policy of working for Corporations, then Government, then Corporations, who will 'protect' the Church, even when the evidence of abuse is widespread and clear, a matter of policy.

There is another way, a natural and known way; that of trusting, respecting and validating children as persons...

When children are treated with respect, they become adults who are respectful. When children are treated as trustworthy, they become trustworthy adults. We do have a choice.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Natural Children Victims of a Crime..

For as long as can be remembered and longer, The Church, State and 'Charities' have taken children in their 'care'...

And behind closed doors abuses that are as horrific as any committed by the Nazi's, the main Historical Scapegoat taught in Schools and mentioned often in the media as an aberration from the 'norm' were perpetrated upon those beautiful, vulnerable children by those who 'cared' for them.

These crimes were part Policy, part recycled abuse and were designed to 'mold', cripple or destroy those children - in every Country where indigenous peoples were forced off their lands these practices existed and exists to this very day.

The current reporting of the Vatican's crimes is but the tip of the iceberg...

And even today, 'damage limitation' exercises are under way, by all Institutions involved.

The spin, avoidance of responsibility and suppression comes not from shame, but from a desire to protect the status, wealth and power of these Institutions.

The wealth of Scientific Information that confirms the cyclical nature of abuse is routinely suppressed, ignored and co-opted by these Institutions - Ritalin prescribed to 'manage' children who refuse the yoke that was in the very recent past enforced by corporal 'punishment' is an example of current 'tactics' mediated against children and their parents, who for the most part are unwittingly enrolled in the conditioning processes that are very much in use; marketing, propaganda, spin, debt based lives and of course extreme violence is still utilised - Iraq, Afghanistan, Columbia and elsewhere - and the 'public' appear unable to respond.

The victims, the survivors are courageously telling their stories, and a few brave advocates are supporting them.

Some few are recognising the cycles of abuse in their own lives... and breaking them, so that no more abuse is visited upon others within their sphere of influence.

Here is a letter I wrote, that was published in the Irish Times November 2009, with typo errors included ... uneditted.

This is issue runs to the very heart of the State System and Society.

The future will be defined by whether or not these issues are faced up to and dealt with; punishment that is abusive will not help; incarceration of the perpetrators, the spin doctors, the official deniers is a must; full accountability, reparations and the widespread sharing of the information that can help the victims and active support for the victims is a must.

None of us can afford to turn our hearts from these facts....

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Free Food is Freedom.

Free Food IS Freedom, especially if one grows or gathers it from the land base one lives on...

Did you ever consider that of all the creatures on Earth, only the civilised are forced to BUY food?

Here's my short video song, Springtime is planting time...

Springtime is planting time, work it in my garden

I put the seed, into the ground
sit back and just hang around
the roots grow down, the shoots grow up
I sit back and the plants do their stuff

Springtime is planting time, work it in your garden

You put the seed, into the ground
sit back and just hang around
the roots grow down, the shoots grow up
you sit back and the plants do their stuff

Springtime is planting time, work it in your gardens

Free food, Free food
Free food is Freedom

Springtime is planting time, working in my garden
Summer time is growing time, I'm growing in my garden
Harvest time is harvest time, I'm living off my garden
Free food is Freedom, work it in your gardens

Springtime is planting time, work it in your gardens

We NEED edible municipal parks, edible national parks, edible hedgerows.... scatter food growing seeds wherever you go....

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Manuals of Instruction : Black Pedagogy, Telling a Child What to Think

Cultures that are Hierarchies of Power are not the 'natural order'. They are entirely human creations, born out of trauma. Every child born into a culture of hierarchical power and violence suffers the slings and arrows of that creation. No child left behind. Some deal with more adversity than others.

Black Pedagogy or Poisonous Pedagogy : the process of instilling a social superego in the child, to construct a basic defence against natural drives in the child's psyche, to toughen the child for later life, and to instrumentalise the body parts and senses in favor of socially or culturally defined functions.

Gender roles are an example of culturally imposed behavioural dynamics. As are the roles of Ruler and Heir. As are the roles of Soldier, Accountant, Magistrate etc...

Tell the child what to think, use coercion to ensure compliance, and you then can control the adult for life. Even if the adult resists, that can be used too.

We know is that there is written evidence going back many thousands of years regarding concrete knowledge on the processes of imposing the adult worlds will upon the natural child. We have a long recorded history of discussions on how to 'tame' children, how to forge them into the 'ideal adult citizen'  or 'warrior' to the extent that it can be called a scientific approach, mediated intentionally by adults carried out in the name of Institutions such as Churches, Crowns, Rulers, Governance and Education.

"Give me the child until 7, and I will show you the man!" goes back as far as the Spartan culture, and further back than that...

The simplest way I can think of to describe the origins of such practice emerge from looking at the reality; that those who hold power wish always to pass that power over to those who will continue to exercise power over others in order to preserve that power indefinitely. 'My legacy, my Kingdom, my Empire'.

Those who hold power over others will want, of course, to KNOW that they can trust those to whom they pass that power to. They will want to know that the power they so assiduously built over their lifetime, and that which they may have inherited, will remain, it will expand and it will not dilute.

In order to do this, those who hold and exercise power over others have to be certain about the psychology of those to whom the power is passed..

That certainty is the certainty of the ‘trainer’ with regard to the ‘tamed’.

A thought exercise - Imagine

If you are the Leader, and have gained your power by abuse, inheritance or by guile you will want to teach your own children to follow suit; you know that they will have to be as manipulative, as well versed in human psychology, as willing to be coercive or brutal as you were in your rise to power and your maintenance of that power.

If you co-operate or compete with other rulers to retain power over large territories, this knowledge about educating the next rulers, and their servants and assuring they are psychologically attenuated to be brutal, to rule with a sense of entitlement, will be shared or stolen, and it will be applied.

 Any new learning or observation that adds to the toolkit will be recorded and added to the knowledge, and will become part of the custom, literature and behaviour that is black pedagogy.

Because power is coercive it always meets resistance, and those that are resistance always learns new ways to resist, so the rulers are forced to ever study the forms and manifestations of resistance and devise and test new methods to quell that resistance or at least neutralise it. The rulers can never relax their vigilance.

As pesticides to ‘pests’ and herbicides to ‘weeds’ ….

An example in modern times….

It is interesting that the use of Ritalin and other similar drugs correlates closely with the banning of corporal punishment of children in schools - it replaces violence as the extreme way of controlling those natural children who react against the impositions inherent in compulsion schooling. Exams and targets are the less extreme mechanism of control... less extreme in that they are designed to encourage acquiescence rather than compliance.

By saying that the children’s behaviour is ‘caused’ by some chemical imbalance, the locus of investigation and ‘blame’ is moved away from societal causes of distress or resistance.

Another element of this problem is that the parents will need to investigate their own adverse childhood experiences, their own mis-education and social conditioning as a necessary and separate task to the actuality of day to day parenting.

This is a personal task, and yet it deserves social support.

Healthy parenting demands we learn ways to avoid adverse power dynamics in the day to day parenting experience with ourselves and our own children so that we can 'get out of the child's way' of his or her natural development. Parents and children are biologically designed to grow together, each maturing the other..

That requires some basic understanding of the natural child, it is helped if the dynamics of controlling others to protect oneself from hidden wounds and the suppressed feelings is also understood.

The problem for parents is they have to accept what for most parents is most difficult - that they have been 'set up' by the ruling class of this society and are not to be blamed or shamed for any of this, but must yet face it.

The good news is that children who are allowed their natural development will help the parents by being a natural and actual source of experience and information that helps the parents recognise where they are blocking or controlling their children to ward off awareness of their own wounds... and then the parent can take time to reflect on their own experience and heal it by working through to their original natural child perspective

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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