Julia Gillard and Monsignor Dean Cappo's appointment..

Letter to Julia Gillard, Australian Prime Minister, on her appointment of Monsignor Dean Cappo to Chair the National Mental Health Commission.

sent today, via her Parliamentary email.

Dear Prime Minister,

It has come to my attention that you have appointed Monsignor Dean Cappo as as the chairman of the National Mental Health Commission.

How is it possible that you could appoint a senior Catholic Official, whose primary allegiance is with The Vatican, which we all know is embroiled in a world-wide scandal - part of which has been played out to the detriment of hundreds of thousands of children, Aboriginal and European, in Australia - The Scandal of long term Institutional Child Abuse of such utter cruelty, that is well documented, that was actively covered up for many, many years, that only came out due to the bravery of Survivors, (many of whom would have been labelled as mentally ill, when in fact they were, and are distressed, and expressing that distress) in spite of intimidation, manipulation, bribery and Vatican 'secrecy' and, given that the Vatican is even still attempting to manage this scandal as a crisis for the Vatican rather than focus on the needs of survivors and the necessary work to bring those who have abused children before the courts and the urgent need to review those Catholic teachings that underpin the brutality meted out to children - Original Sin, the Devil within the child that must be beaten out, the lack of a commandment to HONOUR THY CHILDREN......?

You are being observed, by Survivors and their advocates all over the world, and your actions are being noted, and YOU WILL BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE. The Vatican IS responsible for Criminal acts, as are many State bodies, and that liability has now become YOUR PERSONAL LIABILITY.

I urge you to rescind your appointment of Dean Cappo, and to appoint someone whose concern for the welfare of children and adults is well known, is proven in the field..... someone such as Helen Caldicott comes to mind.....

Yours sincerely.

Corneilius Crowley


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Natural Parenting and the Dominant Society

1. We (you and I, and all those around us) live in a Dominant Culture that undermines and disrupts the Natural Biologically mandated processes that support empathic learning and bonding between mother and child.

2. We live in a Dominant Culture that undermines and disrupts the Natural biologically mandated processes that support empathic learning and bonding between adolescents as they explore their sexuality.

3. We live in a Dominant Culture that intentionally traumatises a very large proportion of the people within it, and those without even more so. Aboriginal Cultures have been decimated, extirpated, or assimilated. It's a matter of policy. Be it war, 'schooling', indoctrination, religiosity, ideology one is COERCED into conforming with the mores of the Dominant Culture. The trauma is accepted as 'a necessary evil' and is discounted.

4. The experience of the 'standard mother' and the 'standard father' in the most part is dysfunctional in the manner Society permits and promotes parenting. The authoritarian model is still the dominant model - messages such as do not be a friend to your child, do not molly coddle your child, toughen your child up, wear pink, wear blue, MY child (as a possession, as owned by..)

Fundamentally parents are advised to not trust their children, to expect that the NEED to be COERCED into schooling, etc  or they will go wild..... feral... The traditional psychology has emerged from the Christian psychology, of the child must know who the master is, the child's proclivity towards 'wilfullness' must be broken..... these have a profound influence in Societal terms...

5. Anyone who has been traumatised, and has had to adapt to that trauma situation without resolving that trauma (eg: those who enlist or are conscripted and endure combat, children who have been brutalised in Institutional settings....) and who become parents will, unwittingly in most cases, become the dominant psychological 'weathering' in which the child will develope; this creates the baseline for intergenerational trauma patterning processes.

Some simple examples :My father was a Tory, so I am a Tory or my father was a Tory so I am Labour (or any oppopsite) or my father was a nationalist so I am a nationalist/anarchist, my mother was Jewish/Christian/Hindu/Secular so I am Jewish/Christian/Hindu/Secular etc etc etc

This is the process of imposed alignment/rejection which is NOT true autonomy, but REACTIVE behaviour. The teenage rebellion is practically unknown in Indigenous/Aboriginal Societies.

Multiply this by many millions, and see this all codified into Law and Societal processes, and see this process over time and what you see is the creation of a rigid mind-set, a fear based paradigm (fear of stepping out of that mind-set, such as those who fail to see the true face of the Dominant Culture, those who mitigate it's adverse affects because they themselves are comfortable - that old argument that War brings new 'products' and technologies, a positive side-effect, that the harsh treatment I had as a child me me the man I am, it hasn't harmed me......etc etc)...

6. Mothering is a 24/7 job, and for many women it is a job they sub contract out, to child minders, so that they can fulfil their role in the Economy. For many Mothers it is a job they are left with, alone. For others. In this Natural Parenting is NOT at all supported by the Dominant Culture. It IS undermined. This is criminal in intent, because it IS intentional and is part of the processes of coercive control of people.

7. As far as I see it unless we place Natural parenting at the heart of our Society, our lives, we are ever setting a dysfunctional psychology in place. Whilst at the personal level one can, with effort, make that shift it appears that the Institutional Powers that influence Society will not voluntarily make that shift. Thus it becomes vitally important to energise such a shift at the grass roots.

The Children's Fire by Tim 'Mac' Macartney

8. This is NOT about blaming parents, it's about understand the situation within which parenting occurs and how that mitigates AGAINST natural parenting, attachment parenting and the natural child. At the same time the situation can never be used as an 'excuse' for overtly abusive behaviour towards any child. Understanding what drives such behaviour helps generate the processes that can help parents (and ultimately Society) that are less judgemental/moralistic and more real needs based.

9. Any community that is comprised of natural parents will work in ways that nurture ALL the children. "It takes a village to raise a child.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe

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Teachings or Experience?

We all have a choice : evolve our own philosophy and understanding from an honest appraisal of ourselves (including our 'upbringing', conditioning etc) or adopt someone else's philosophy and understanding.......

KARMA was designed as a concept to hold people in a profoundly abusive hierarchical society - in that one's condition in this life was the result of previous life times..... and that this could change over life times by 'appropriate' behaviour. Heaven and Hell function in the same manner. Rewards come after death. The fear of punishment in the after life leaves the adverse actors free to abuse in this life.... and to take a gamble (which is only a gamble if they too believe in heaven and hell, God and Satan - in fact Christians are Satanists in that they BELIEVE in the concept of Satan.....)

The ONLY truly nurturant appropriate behaviour emerges from our natural and biologically mandated self empathy which is the basis of empathy for others - and as indicated above, the disruption of the empathic learning or bonding processes is a core trait of ALL hierarchical societies, ideologies, religions etc etc etc... - empathy is biologically mandated - we know this because when empathy is undermined, pathology ensues...

Here's a flow chart of this process :

The child 'endures' mistreatment (being left to cry to sleep to meet the parents needs is a good and common example, Standardised Testing in Education another....) and has to suppress awareness and sensitivity to his or her own feelings to do so. Thus self empathy cannot develope, and with this empathy for others is undermined. This leads to a sense of disconnection (form that which nurtures) and that sense of disconnection leads to FEAR. That fear drives the urge to control others (and the world) so as to ensure perceived needs are met. When anything in nature is subject to control, it will resist. And this is where violence arises, to ensure that control.

The resolution, for me at least, was in finally developing empathy for myself as a child, (growing up in the situation I was born into, which I did not create) which helped me understand and resolve the fear and the control patterns, bit by bit, day by day, to slowly and assuredly release the pain and the fear by expressing it, and then to start to understand how the Societal Influences had affected my parents and all those around them. The two go together.... the personal is political.

For me, awakening is two-fold. I awaken to my true feelings and sensings, and I awaken to how Societal Influences undermine those true feelings and senses .....

Self empathy is key.
Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe

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Single Issues, Riots, Ideology and the Truth: The Dominant Culture is Toxic.

If there is an ONE single root to the riots, it lies deeper than any of the current public media analyses, most of which are geared to an ideological stance, the basis of which is that the psychology of the current dominant culture is more or less OK, and that these riots are evidence of a malaise with Society, a disenfranchised minority behaving badly. With the emphasis on 'minority' and 'behaving badly'.

It's clear that each person who engaged in the rioting and looting had their own reasons for so doing.

It's clear that each of those individual decisions emerges out of a larger context: poverty, police immunity in death in custody cases, consumerism driving the desire to HAVE, economic policy that coerces people into work through the stick of poverty.

Economic policy that rewards the rich, undermines the poor, traps the middle class and loots 'resources' from distant lands, bloodily; a 'lack of respect for authority' amongst children and the youth, obvious corruption in Governance, in Commerce, in Justice, in Institutional Power of every kind. A lack of respect amongst Authoritarians for children which more than mirrors that lack of respect amongst children, whose sense of injustice is ever keen.

Add to that the black markets, the black economy, the war on drugs which criminalises self-medication (addiction is 80% the result/symptom of Adverse Childhood Experiences), the wars being prosecuted, and profited from, and these are  realities that are being masked, spun, obscured, lied about by Politicians and other Institutional Power actors EVERY DAY, such that they reveal a willing denial of the reality of our Dominant Society.

Add to all that that SOME people within all that were merely opportunists, who went along for a laugh, a buzz. And add to that some people who are really, really angry, enraged and almost out of control - both as rioters and as police men.

Quite a mix. Lots to look at. And there's more of course .... the list is endless..

Under Common Law, or Common Sense Law, there are two primary instructions : Cause no Harm, Cause no Loss and Address all Harm, Address all Loss - address means in this context deal with the situation such that the loss or harm is resolved. Common Law seeks resolution and restorative justice, rather than punishment ...... though to some minds it might feel as though resolution IS punishment.... because they perceive that they lose whatever they gained by their adverse actions in the resolution of the case.

What few appear to be willing to admit is that the fundamental basis of this Society is sick, that the sickness is not something attacking the culture, but is in fact fundamental to the culture. The Dominant Culture, Industrialised Society, is founded upon coercion, might, power and the immunity of those who 'rule' from accountability for their actions, especially when those actions cause harm or loss to others.

And that means that the 'sickness' cannot be healed without profound changes to the culture, changes which would move us towards a more empathic, nurturant society based on meeting our natural needs, and the needs of the environment that supports us.

This is what the Natural Child expects. This is what the Natural Child is biologically geared to grow into, or emerge from within.

Natural Child, Natural Society. People meeting people's natural, genuine needs.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe

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Loss of Self-Empathy and the Urge to Power.

The disruption of the naturally mandated child-mother bonding process sets up a chain of events, leading to emergent violence.

The flow is as follows : if the child is not related to in ways that nurture self-empathy, then the development of a loss of empathy occurs.

With that loss, a sense of disconnection is felt and with that comes fear.

The fear leads directly to a perceived need to control others and to control the environment.

As all natural organisms are autonomous, self directing growing beings so too they will resist, to one degree or another, efforts to control them.

That resistance generates violence to impose or retain that control.

In human family or society, if this pattern starts, and is not resolved, then each successive generation will impose that control, and their children too will grow up in an environment that they will 'adapt' to the situation, internalising that psychological need to control.

What baby would not be angry at not being met with the experientials our biology has mandated? Think of the child left to cry himself to sleep in another room, to scream and cry until exhaustion brings sleep. Is this not a common practice in our culture? What of the resignation, the suppression of that rage, the loss of self empathy which ensues from that suppression which is the outcome of such a practice?

That need to control then gets transmitted into the structure of that family or society and over time becomes codified, normalised, embedded.......

Not all children respond or react to the situation in the same way, thus variations arise in the need to control and the levels of violence used to retain control will emerge, with some retaining their basic empathy.

Some will resist the controls. They will be subject to the efforts of others, by violence or by other means, to control them. This resistance leads directly to violence on the part of the controlling parties, because the fear is that if they are not controlled at all costs, then the safety of the controllers is at risk. This is of course unnecessary.

If the issue of empathy is resolved, nurturant co-operation is the natural outcome. We are at our happiest when we meet each others genuine living needs.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe

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