Refugees amidst a Culture of Bullying.

Refugees. People fleeing for their lives, leaving everything they know and love and have built because states go to war and that war making has run through their homes, villages, towns and cities and destroyed everything in it's path.

"A bunch of Migrants!"

Underneath that thread is this : the supposition, the carefully indoctrinated story of, Western Values of Democracy and 'fighting a common enemy' for the good of all, exposed as a fiction, when those refugees are refused refuge; when the lobbies and electorates of the European states are unwilling to confront their own governments war making; when those European Governments and electorates accept the Corporatist lobbying which supports war and do not challenge it head on.

Apart from Pol Pot, Saudi, Qatar, Bahrain et al practically all the Governments we know of have gained power by consent of an electorate at some point.

Whatever their ideology, when they abuse that power, it is quite often ordinary folk suffer in the most horrific manner as a direct outcome. The Contra's of Nicaragua, Pinochet's death squads, Apartheid, Palestine, Congo and coltan, TTIP, Tax Havens of British Crown Dependencies, G4S Institutionalised abuse of children in 'care homes', Jimmy Savile, The Vatican's crisis management of proven child rape allegations.... are all part of the bullying culture. They are all in it together.

So for me the issue is about who holds power, the adverse affects of that power, and who challenges that. Arguing about Capitalism vs Socialism is irrelevant unless we deal with the issue of a bullying culture that taints our civilisation.

The helpers in Calais, and elsewhere, are largely drawn from people who challenge that careful image of power by their direct action of humanity. By kindness. They have stepped in to help. To comfort. To show humane solidarity with human beings in a degraded and degrading situation.

Cameron (and by extension, the entire British Government and power Establishment) dismisses them, alongside the refugees, in Parliament and when it is discussed, the matter of culpability of the UK Government since the invasion of Afghanistan, as the primary drivers of this war, which is WWIII, as far as the peoples of Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Sudan, Eritrea, Syria is avoided.


Full quote:

Corbyn "Why is there one rule for big multinational companies and another for small businesses and self-employed workers?"

But gesturing to Mr Corbyn and Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell, the PM ranted: "The idea that those two right honourable gentlemen could stand up to anyone in this regard is laughable.

"Look at the record over the last week. They met with the unions and they gave them flying pickets. They met with the Argentinians and gave them the Falkland islands.

"They met with a bunch of migrants in Calais and they said they could all come to Britain."

"The only people they never stand up for are the British people and hard working tax payers."


Is that not so far from the situation of the German people under Hitler? A middle class who were mostly well off, comfortable, employed and enjoying a raised standard of living......... stand by whilst atrocities are committed by their Government, which is using their tax contributions to do this?

The 'vibe' David Cameron gives off - as the mask slips - is pure malice in that rant. It's not the first time, and it won't be the last. It is what it is.

And we are part of it. Whether we like it or not. It is there.

 click on the image to expand it....
Our acclaimed 'civilisation' is found to be a veneer, rather than a strong spine.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe

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