Brexit 101, and an odd thing.

There's a HUGE problem here and I want to open up about it.

Grooming and Manipulation

As long as the polarised leave/remain dynamic is dominant among media and politicians, and others, and the people who are being triggered and enervated are seeking to 'win', on all sides, no one is acknowledging that they have been groomed, gaslighted and emotionally manipulated to hate the other side.

That's a serious vulnerability.

I see people on both sides dehumanising the other as a result.

It's appalling behaviour.

It is THE problem, here, not the decision itself.

We have been socially conditioned to not see manipulative bullying when it happens, and we are unable to name it, and confront it it our offices, and our civil and political lives.

So here's the way forwards...

..... taking back control 101

We the grass roots want and deserve an honesty in political, civil and economic policy design, implementation and review.

The problems are not of the EU alone.

They are of the existing hierarchicaly system of power, currently occupied by a small minority of local and global oligarchs placemen.

Putting Tony Blair and all who voted and promoted for the Invasion of Iraq on trial would be my version of #takingbackcontrol #nowthatswhaticalltakingbackcontrol

It's not on the Brexit menu,

How odd!

We the people, the grass roots taxpayers and voters and non voters all deserve honesty and transparent in political and civil administration.

That much we can all agree on.

How odd!

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

Thank you for reading this blog. All we need to do is be really honest, responsive to the evidence we find,and ready to reassess when new evidence emerges. The rest is easy.

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