Bully systems, projection, social conditioning and optimal biological health behaviours.

This is the core of human integrity.

Our egalitarian ancestors were biologically healthy in the truest sense of the terms, utterly sustainable (Austrlian Aboriginals peoples are 60,000+ plus years of continious culture, who thrived through two massive climate changes without losing genetic diversity...)

Biological health includes healthy bonding, healthy sense of self and community, sensitivity, active liminal consciousness, empathy, creativity and robust health, in large part because their environment is clean and there is plenty of varied physical activity involved in living in the wild..

The ability to notice and respond to enviornmental changes is also part of that healthy biolgical mandate... ad thatand get this - ALL this behaviour is learned, none of it programmed by genetics, all of it influencing and thus influenced by epi-genetics and situation/circumstance of growing enviornment.

For example the eye is programmed to see, but what it sees is largely learned - people from vastly different environments see in the same manner, but what they are attuned to notice in the most subtle of environmental variations is learned, by experience and either would be lost in the others environment. Eskimo's in the Desert, Bedouin in the Rain Forest.

We live within a bully social system, that is itself and institutionalised unresolved post-trauma outcome.

Which is why the tradition of describing nature as 'brutal' , as a struggle for survival, is simply a aprojection of the brutality of the hierarchical mind-set - bullies are fundamentally insecure, and so for them life is a struggle for control. And so of course they will project that onto the world, and seek to rationalise that stance in the protection of their status, their ability to bully effectively.

Hey ho - I know who we are.

And we are not of the Institutional mind, even as we are conditioned by it...

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

Thank you for reading this blog. All we need to do is be really honest, responsive to the evidence we find,and ready to reassess when new evidence emerges. The rest is easy.

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