Is' Freedom' an illusion born of relative comfort within a violent hierarchical society.

There is no freedom within a Hierarchy of Violence and Power.

Trump is not free, nor are the Iranians.

The Palestinians are not free, and neither are the Israelis..

They may experience relative differences in how they feel they are and conflate those with freedom or a lack of it, yet none in those situations are free.

They are all trapped by the psychology of hierarchy and violent power relationships.

The USA, as self-assigned 'champions of freedom' is not free at all.

It is locked into a global pathology that it is enacting.

Where is your freedom to stop the US wars?

What freedom did the Iraqi or Libyan people have to say

"No! You cannot start wars on our land, our peoples!"

Who spoke for either at the time?

No one did.

Freedom is an illusion, a delusion conflated with relative comfort.

The entire psyche of competing industrialised militarised powers is a global psychopathy. and as long as it persists then freedom remains a delusion of the middle classes.

Egalitarian behaviour is our basic biological setting - co-operation is what biology is all about.

The Hierarchy system projects it's own psyche onto biology, calling it a struggle for survival.

Geuss what - Hierarchies of power are inherently unstable, and are constantly seeking to buttress their structures by competing violently... it's pathological behaviour... and because they are normalised to it then easily project it onto biology.

Patriarchy has nothing to do with being Male, it is to do with behaving as the Hierarch Cultural Archetype approved in such a system, for men.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

Thank you for reading this blog. All we need to do is be really honest, responsive to the evidence we find,and ready to reassess when new evidence emerges. The rest is easy.

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