War and the Climate - some rough ideas, an outline.

I am attempting to formulate some policy suggestions on ceasing war as part of the work to cease environmental degradation, pollution, genocide of 'un-developed' cultures and deal with Climate Change...

Where I stand: Industrial Hierarchically Violent culture is the problem, CO2 is a symptom, pollution is a symptom, corruption is a symptom.

Humanity is not the problem.

Institutional inhumanity is the problem.

Humanity is the solution.

These two are juxtaposed in this one photo op.

Thus the matter has psycho-social elements, as much as practical, technical and material elements.

My suggestions at this early stage:

1. War Crimes indictments in the all countries engaging in war, supported by the vast bulk of the home tax paying population, their judiciaries, Faiths, the UN and the ICC.

Confront the war makers, hold them to account will prevent future politicians from war making.

1.a Reparations - support all the countries and communities damaged by war. If the war making states indict their war criminals it will send a solid proof of our willingness to be peaceful. Thus punitive reparations would be un-necessary, as the wrong doers in chief have been held to account. We should still make reparation, or restorative justice a key element in our response to war making damage.

For example, Europe could repurpose, send and budget for housing building operations, as support for those Syrian and Libyan communities afflicted by Western sponsored violence, so that they can return as soon as is feasible to a safe social and economic environment. (see 2 below).

2. Dismantling the Military Industrial Financial Political complex, and coverting all military into land workers and rescue/support services for anywhere adversely affected by intense storms, droughts, sea rises...Nurturing Heroes who build and make safe, rather than destroy.

3. Permaculture everywhere, especially in urban areas. Organic clean foods as the standard. Transition from where we are to clean food futures must be managed carefully, always bearing in mind the food security of the people, locally and nationally.

Remove all combustion engines (particulates end up in food, in foetus blood and in food products grown around frequent combustion use) - thus to grow food in urban areas demands removal of combustion engines...

3.b Put people back onto the land to nurture it - Permaculture is human labour intensive in the initial stages.

Once established, the management of that land, and the harvesting of food products will be need to be done by hand, rather than by machines. We can wholly avoid plastics in the food industry. We can shorten distance travelled by food, from growing areas to consumers.

We will need people on the land who are intimate with it's dynamics and who can spot trends and take appropriate action in advance. We will need those people to be forming happy communities, geared to producing clean food as the primary 'profit'

We will find a cohort willing to leave cities to do all of this. We do not have to 'impose' it, or order folk to move. There are in many places sound peasant cultures who would take up this project....

Local and National Food System Resilience...

3.c Protect all indignenous, aboriginal, pre-development lands from any further incursions, and listen to their relational wisdom, and learn from them. 

Drop the hubris of Industrial Civilisation and GDP as a measure of human progress - it does not represent human relational progress. It represents the acquisition and concentration of wealth as a politicial hegemon.

3.d Reforestation, rather than mono species plantation systems, although there will be areas where that can work, we need natural diverse forests to return...

4. End holiday flights, cruise ships etc - all energy intense long distance consumer leisure travel to be eliminated until we have clearly clean methods to support such activity...

4.a Shorten working hours, give more time for holidays so that people can have extended time with family and community in their home places.... meet new people, relax and enjoy free time in their own communities...

5. Cradle to Cradle roll out on ALL industrial processes.

This means redesigning all industrial processes such that the materials and resources are resourced sustainably, and are turned into products that can be recycled, re-used, bio-degraded to become nutrients for further use, or to be returned to ecosystems as nutrient, and that there are no toxic outputs, or 'externalised costs' borne by the ecosystem..

In addition, 100% reuse of all metals, woods, etc... once a product has reached end of life, it must be recycled. There are billions of tons of scrap metal...

6. All profits from industry to be ploughed back into making the changes, rather than feeding shareholders income portfolios, until such time as a balanced system has emerged an is well established..

7. Making indoctrination of children a Crime against Humanity.

7.a Abolishing poverty,

Indoctrination is a huge driver in war making, as is poverty - both condition youth in different ways to volunteering in Military Combat Units as a 'good idea'.

8. Reuniting age split communities.... we need to take care of each other, not put each other into care.... rebuild multigenerational community everywhere... again time within our communities nurturing each other..

9. Universal Basic Income as part of abolishing poverty worldwide...

10. Trauma Informed care and preventative practice to be established in all services, all education systems, all policing and all regulatory systems that interface between institutional power and the individual.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

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All we need to do is be really honest, responsive to the evidence we find, and ready to reassess when new evidence emerges. 

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