Children as spreaders of SARSCOV2 - poverty, universal basic income, shopping and billionaires status - get back to work!

It's that time of the year, when children return to school, after the summer holidays..

Except this year there were no 'summer holidays' as schooling has been severely restricted due to the novel SARSCOV2 virus pandemic and the impact of the disease it can cause in some people, which we call COVID19.

And this has impacted tourism hugely, so many 'holiday' assumptions have been put to the most severe test. The coast of Scotland is not quite the Caribbean or the Mediterranean, is it Boris? Midges and Bell tents!

This video looks at evidence relating to children as spreaders of the virus.

At this stage the understanding is that the disease has worst impacts on older folk, and especially those with multiple chronic disease conditions that undermine immune system response. 

In essence it means this is a virus that has greater impact on older health-vulnerable people than on young, healthy people. Everyone at any age can 'get' a cold or 'flu, and show pretty severe symptoms, enough to require lots of rest, sleep, fluids and a healthy immune system and recover within a week or so. 

Most will recover. Flu can push some people with existing conditions into the most severe condition, exacerbating the situation and causing death.

With SARSCOV2 the recovery rate of disease level symptoms reduces with age and co-morbidity. 

Younger people who are infected can and do experience no symptoms or very mild symptoms and this has lead to certain assumptions about the disease spread with regards to children.

The first being that it does not affect children so much. The data supports this so far.

However, that assumption is also being used to suggest that school ought to press ahead, that it is 
'safe' for children to do so.

This policy ignores the risk of children as super spreaders and  is being driven by 'we need parents to get back to work to protect the economy' which is being driven by Hedge Funds and billionaires whose fortunes rest on the shopping of workers.

These are not public health considerations.

Children are potentially super spreaders. That is the suggestion in this video. It is well known that children spread flu and colds, that such minor illnesses spread rapidly within schools and families. Even if the virus has minimal impact on children, it can be spread by children to older folk who are vulnerable. That is a real risk.

Everything we do to reduce community transmission makes sense as public health policy.

At the present the most effective measures are physical distancing, mask wearing in crowded indoor areas, personal hygiene, avoiding large gatherings of any kind. These all impact a range of activities, including consumer shopping, education, live performance for audiences, public transport, air travel and of course the operations of health care systems.

Shut downs are an essential tool where community transmission is out of control.

They limit the spread. The only causation reason for shut downs is inadequate action taken to limit the spread of the infection. Shut downs have no other driver. Shut downs can be avoided with effective action - personal hygiene, hand washing, mask wearing, physical distancing.

That said, the economic impact of shutting down a community  is intense. Businesses cannot operate as they have done, and for many small and medium businesses this is catastrophic. Therefore Government, having a duty of care to the people, has to support the shut down, and guarantee people's incomes for the duration of the shutdown.

Pushing people to work  in ways that increase risk of uncontrolled community transmission so that billionaires and hedge funds stability and wealth creation opportunity is  preserved is not a public health consideration. 

 It is a wealth accrual issue. It is also a political power issue because billionaires have undue influence in Government in order to protect their interests over the interests of the whole community and the commons.

Ensuring workers can pay rent, buy food and stay home, safely is a public health consideration.

If we look at workers income as a public health issue the first and most obvious insight is that poverty undermines health and sanity - thus the correct response is to abolish poverty.  No amount of medical care can avoid the chronic stress health outcomes of poverty as efficaciously as abolishing poverty. 

Universal Basic Income.

Not a popular project within Industrialised Countries or among those who are wealthy, and especially those whose wealth is built on workers shopping. The resistance to Universal Basic Income - a living wage for doing nothing other than being alive - is immense. But it is not coming from ordinary folk. The resistance to that concept is coming from all those who earn lots of money from low wage, shitty, boring, mundane, dangerous and physically stressful work of hundreds of thousands, of millions of workers.

Picking vegetables. Assembling mobile phones. Combat troops on active duty. Dustbin collectors. McDonalds staff. Security guards. Cleaners and porters.

Because structural poverty is a whip - it pushes you out your front door, every day, to avoid eviction, starvation, energy poverty, chronic stress, depression, insanity, and ultimately a very painful, terrifying unhappy death. You will do any shitty job, and put up with being bullied and exploited, in order to not die of lack of food, lack of water, lack of shelter. Fair enough. 

But is it just that you are forced into that situation by deliberate structures of economic power?

Who does the economy truly serve?

Who does the school system serve?

COVID19 raises a lot of very interesting questions - it also reveals that people are kinder than their Governments.

Keep your children safe. Watch carefully what happens. Check and double check what schools are doing to reduce transmission of the virus, and if they do not satisfy the science,  they are not doing the work they ought to be doing. Better that  they have no children, than children are put in a position of causing harm, inadvertently, to their relatives, and to the wider community.

A position that is wholly avoidable. Without doing full shut down.

Remote tuition, smaller classes, less frequent classes, home learning are all proven effective. Children in school one day a week, to reduce or prevent spread of the virus, is totally doable. Many families are seeing benefits, and some experience problems - these can be resolved with careful attention to the detail in each case. 

Gavin Williamson.

In a previous blog I looked at the presentation by Gavin Williamson urging children back to school in mid May 2020. I detailed the tactical grooming devices Williamson deployed to push parents, teachers and bystanders into emotionally blackmailed positions in order to reopen schools so that working parents could return to work, saving on furlough, and generating profits for his hedge fund sponsors.

Gavin Williamson in that presentation was being a really horrible human being. He was bullying the people, the teachers, the children, their parents, for ideological reasons.  Duty of care to the children, their families and teaching staff was thrown out of the window, bath, baby and towelling.

Using the effects of badly designed shut down on already existing conditions, where the bad design of the the policy is exacerbating the existing condition, as levers to persuade people to adopt further inadequate policies is manipulative bullying. That a public official would stoop so low ought to serve as a red flag for abusive behaviour which we tax payers are funding.

Calling mask wearers cowards is narrative warfare. Calling mask refusers idiots is narrative warfare. 

And it is not all bad news, is it?

Dr. John Campbell looks at latest papers on immunity and it is looking good.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it is your gift to universe."

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