Letter to the Editor : Zero Community Transmission - a plea for logic, evidence and humanity



To the Editor

Everything we are seeing suggests, yet again, that the only viable strategy is zero community transmission. If the virus cannot meet a new host it cannot learn new tricks, and it dies out. Simple enough. 

Complex to organise, yes. But not complicated. Prevents death and long term chronic disease? Yes! Reduces variants? Yes!

Expensive? Yes. (ish) Cheaper than cycles of open/lockdown? Yes! Worth it? Yes! Safe? Yes!

Compare the outcomes for New Zealand, Vietnam, South Korea  with those of UK, USA, Brazil, France or Germany.

Stopping the Spread is Spreading the Love.

Can we please unite behind a workable zero community transmission strategy, now that the evidence is tragically and so shockingly clear?

Yours Sincerely,

Corneilius Crowley

Please withhold my address and phone number.

Published here

Ps. for my readers:

Survivors Bias is worth looking into, as a fundamental logical fallacy

"Survivorship bias or survival bias is the logical error of concentrating on the people or things that made it past some selection process and overlooking those that did not, typically because of their lack of visibility. This can lead to some false conclusions in several different ways. It is a form of selection bias."

This is something I have suffered from throughout my life - it leads to assuming personal traits where the outcome was actually a matter of luck, and little else.

The survivorship bias is uttterly toxic to this situation, (SARSCOV2 spread and COVID19 Disease) and is the basis os most of the ConTheory narrative - it is also the basis for assesments of the British Empire as a 'good thing all things considered' aming other things. Discounting the lived experience of those who do not survive, (death by covid19 is terrifying, painful and often lonely) and those who survive and who are traumatised, or exposed to lives of chronic illness thereafter must be opposed at every turn. To mask or diminish the reality and meaning, the qualitative data of those lived experiences is simply unacceptable behaviour.

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