Womb with a View - International Womens Day

I do not and never have accepted the culturally imposed definitions of Masculine and Feminine. Oddly enough.


source : the origins of unhappiness by david smail

In my youth it was, for me, a matter of a un-verbalised feeling that the behaviour of men towards women was 'odd', that it lacked personhood. It seemed like people were taking sides where no sides existed, in my mind, as a person. Men and Women as strangers.

The personhood - the happening inside is what I mean by 'person', it is not the 'personality' and it is not the culturally approved patterns.
Person to me means the emergent sensory being, the embodied being, the what it is I feel like, moment to moment
Often times look in a mirror and not recognise what I see - this to me is because the happening within of me is not on the skin, it is within, below the skin, and so of course the mirror cannot reflect that, and the within being cannot be seen by the mirror.

Today is International Women's Day. What if we have no mirrors?


What does that mean? Well for one thing it is about this - 80% of frontline health provision is provided by women. Internationally women provide most of the expert care for their communities, beyond mothering. This video clip shows Mike Ryan of WHO talking about who delivers health care, globally. 

That's one part of the meaning of International Women's Day and Month - why is there even such a date, such a need to express solidarity?  Because sex/gender based oppression is real. 

And this week in the UK the Male Patriarchy Bullying Conservative Government trolls the nation with a derisory 1% pay rise for health care workers in order to dim public discourse about their deliberate coercion of parents, teachers to return children they care for to COVID19 unsafe schools in the midst of a lethal epidemic.

The News Mefia rage about Meghan Markle combining Misogyny and Racism as further deflection from the truth if the situation we are in, and the deliberate mismanagement of this epidemic that has taken 140,000 lives in utterly horrific manner.

Well, for me it also means that and all of the following and much, much more. After all I am a man, a bloke, a male and I am not a woman. I do not have to endure the stares, the cat-calls, the sexualised banter, the gropes and leers, the assaults on my dignity and person that almost every woman I know endures in this culture. So yes, there's a lot more to this than my minute 'as a male' perspective could ever articulate.

Somethings are too big to fully articulate as one person. Many important subjects are too big to fully articulate as one person - thus the community that integrates all of it's perceptions, be they accurate, evidence based or intuitions or dreams or otherwise, gathers the most data. Listening works. Speaking in turn works. Speaking to one another, rather than at one another, works.

I am trying to write not as 'a man', and not as 'masculine' - I think both those terms are meaningless cultural gibberish - but as a person. What is 'masculine' other than a ludicrous fairy tale of culturally approved behaviours from within a violent hierarchy cult.

We are all citizens of the Womb. That is where I start. That is where we all start.

ani di franco - inside out

There are no exceptions to this. Everyone is a person who started out in the Womb.

Womb is evolutionary nurturant physiological neurochemical endocrinological bio-logical reality.

Bio-logic. The Logic of Life. The Logic of Nurture.

Womb is about nurture so that the child can grow, safely.

Womb is about a mother in safety, a mother who is not subject to chronic stress, a mother who is cared for as part of a whole community of socially partnered people, of all ages, working and living and growing together.

There is no competition within Womb. Womb is egalitarian.

There is no hierarchy of power within Womb.

Womb knows no nation though it does know the sound of language.

Womb knows no race though it does know the sounds of song, of breathing, of farting, of walking, of sleeping. Womb knows laughter and tears. Womb knows mystery and learning.

Womb is more common to all of us humans, primates, mammals than many other things.

And yet, in this culture there is no room for Womb in the corridors of power. 

Womb is not considered when combustion engines burn fossil fuels releasing tiny particulates that the mother breathes in and absorbs and carries to the Womb through her blood, where those particulates concentrate in the tiny foetus's blood and tissue.

Womb is not considered in the economic thinking of how to support the best possible nurturing parenting across a whole population.

Womb is not revered, Womb is not central, Womb is not celebrated, Womb is not venerated and all too often Womb is seen as a distortion of the approved shape of  woman. 

Powerlessness :  the foetus in the Womb has no view that is integrated into the deliberations of how to organise a healthy society. 

COVID19 and the chronic stress of women who are pregnant as the epidemic is wilfully mismanaged - what impacts will we see emerge in those children as infants, toddlers, children and adults?

Here, Allan Schore talks about the biology of emotional self regulation. His research, and that of many others, draws on Neuroscience, Endocrinology, Developmental Behaviour, Evolutionary Psychology to examine the critical period from Pregnancy to the stage where the child is able to walk, and thus able to explore the new world he or she is in, independently. What the biology tells us is that self regulation of emotion must be matured by that stage of increased mobility. The last thing an explorer of a new world needs is inability to self regulate his or her emotional state - tantrums are really dangerous to any explorer and biology is not stupid.

We know from a vast data set that 'the terrible twos' is a condition unknown in egalitarian and pre-conquest cultures. What we now understand is that 'the terrible twos' is a dysfunctional state crafted by motherhood that is under severe stress - it is not the mothers fault, it is the expected outcome of mothers under immense evolutionary distress.

The safety of the womb is compromised by the lack of safety in the culture. The safety of the womb that is continued by the safety of the family and safety of the extended family is compromised in this Industrial Hierarchy of Violence culture, which is historically a Patriarchy of trauma. This is historic fact. 

The difference between men and women in this culture is about power. Who mediates power and why?

It is not the genitals that are the greater difference between men and women, it is the Womb. It is not hairy chests and breasts that define us as different. It is not that the brains of men and women are different.

It is that the culturally imposed roles that impose difference in behaviour and social conditioning upon our brains are dull and oppressive, they are utilitarian roles mediate by power relationships. It is that the culture that pretends  that Womb is not central to all of everything about us is impossibly weirdly off key to the meaning of life.

We are a womb species.

And in any case, we are persons first and foremost - and for that reason I think it is an error to categorise either of us by the secondary nature of our bodies, not least by imposing cultural gender roles that ignore the meaning of the Womb of all things, that first place we are truly nurtured, that place that speaks to the nurturant truth of biology as a whole system of nurturing living activity, the place that suggests this is how it starts and long may it continue.

Womb is Life. Wombs do not need to be occupied or full to be of and for life. An un-used, empty Womb is still a womb and it is in use nonetheless. Women are not defined by being wombish. Persons are not defined by their bodies alone.

War is anti-womb.

War is child abuse.

Aristocracy exploits the womb as a utilitarian device of inheritance, alliance and power structures.

Poverty is anti-womb.

Misogyny is anti-womb.

Imposing poverty is collective child abuse.

These are some of my thoughts on International Global Earth Woman's Day.

One day is not enough, 365 days is not enough, Wombs are for the future - by nurturing the present we bring hope and beauty into the future.

By nurturing in the present we send love into the future.

I am in awe of Womb. Womb is already more than Space Exploration can ever be. 

Jacinda Ardern speaks about kindness as though it is political.

She is correct.

Cruelty is also political.

I have had enough, already, of the politic of cruelty. Haven't you had enough of that , already?

If we have a future, it is the politic of kindness, the politic of nurture  that is the continuation of Wombing - nurture, nurture, nurture.

The profit of nurture is happy wombs, happy mothers, happy fathers, happy children, happy communities, happy societies.

I do not care that 'bullying is the the way it is' - I do not care for the Alpha Male, the Power, the Empire, the Billionaire, I don't care that they are everywhere declared an inevitable imposition, a product of the struggle for survival, that this is how it is, accept it, get over it, get on with it - these cults are nothing but trouble. We don't need them. We never did. They have no real human value.

I don't see any value in women behaving like the men who are bullies in Power, carrying weapons. I don't see any value in the men who are bullies in power, carrying weapons. That is neither equality nor is it equity. It just cruelty and violence. It is stupid, venal, dumb, idiotic, cruel, callous and nasty.

Feminism is not advanced by female combat troops, by female grunts.

These are my thoughts in international women's day.

Women being bullied in public - that is the story of Diana and Meghan.

Diana and Meghan - reveal the misogynistic bullying that is the very core of the concept of Aristocracy and the functional utilitarian objectification of The Womb as a tool of hereditary Power.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it is your gift to universe."

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