How many Elephants does it take to change the light bulb?
It's really tricky because no one wants to be the first to point out that there's an Elephant in the room.
How many Elephants does it take to change the light bulb?
It's really tricky because no one wants to be the first to point out that there's an Elephant in the room, and she's an Electrician.
How many Elephants does it take to change the light bulb?
It's really tricky because no one wants to be the first to point out that there's an Elephant in the room, and since he's a conservative capitalist he'd much prefer we all stay in the dark. So 'Ssshhhsssh! Do NOT point at the Elephant in the Room!'
The Elephant in the Room
Ordinary people, especially the low income workers, are the people who do the work that makes most of the real wealth in this system, largely through daily toil, and the wealth workers generate is extracted and accumulated, and withheld, often by force and structures of Power. We have direct evidence of this in recent times from an 1982 Cabinet Discussion Paper written post Falklands War, when the establishment was feeling particularly confident.
The Poor Will Always Be With Us.
The poor are a permanent (deliberately so) externalised cost of Wealth Extraction. Poverty and homelessness are both externalised costs of the Wealth Extraction. Resources are deliberately withheld from those who genuinely need them, as part of driving people into low paid work 'making low paid work seem more attractive' (to maximise profit taking) and destitution is intentionally and callously maintained as a cultural whip.
The destruction of indigenous pre-conquest culture was an externalised cost of conquest. Conquest is always a business proposition, in that it requires massive investment and a demand for returns greater than the investment, in blood and treasure.
Chronic stress of industrial extraction and business working practices - mining, deforestation, repetitive assembly work, boring work,low waged shop and hospitality staff, military service - is an externalised cost of the imposed work ethics that demand 'productivity'.
What does 'externalised' mean? It means that somebody else or some other organism outside the transactional economics of the extraction, manufacturing, production, sales, consumption and disposal dynamic pays the price, often with a degraded quality of their lives, or even often with their lives, in order that the maximal profits are generated, and hoarded.
The poor are a permanent (deliberately so) externalised cost of Wealth Extraction. Poverty and homelessness are both externalised costs of the Wealth Extraction. Resources are deliberately withheld from those who genuinely need them, as part of driving people into low paid work 'making low paid work seem more attractive' (to maximise profit taking) and destitution is intentionally and callously maintained as a cultural whip.
The destruction of indigenous pre-conquest culture was an externalised cost of conquest. Conquest is always a business proposition, in that it requires massive investment and a demand for returns greater than the investment, in blood and treasure.
Chronic stress of industrial extraction and business working practices - mining, deforestation, repetitive assembly work, boring work,low waged shop and hospitality staff, military service - is an externalised cost of the imposed work ethics that demand 'productivity'.
What does 'externalised' mean? It means that somebody else or some other organism outside the transactional economics of the extraction, manufacturing, production, sales, consumption and disposal dynamic pays the price, often with a degraded quality of their lives, or even often with their lives, in order that the maximal profits are generated, and hoarded.
All the harms we see are - pollution, environmental degradation, air toxicity, climate change, habitat loss, species extinction, poverty, war fare, racism, misogyny, xenophobia, homophobia, social and national divisions and hatreds - are the accumulated externalised costs of the existing Industrial Militarised Hierarchy of Competing Powers, a cult system and its behavioural dynamics.
It is a cult. It is a toxic delusion to call it 'civilised'.
It certainly does not have to be this way. This activity and this cult does not define the Human species. It is a cult, an aberration, an abomination. It is not natural, optimally healthy human species behaviour by any measure.
What ever your stance, unless you are willing to engage with this simple fact, and actively seek ways to resolve that problem, by understanding precisely what those externalised costs are, and how they impact us all, and what we must do to prevent those costs arising or at least pay for them to be resolved, in full, our work on these issues is futile.
Kindest regards
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"Do what you love, it is your gift to universe."
This blog, like all my other content creation work is not monetised via advertising. If you like what I present, consider sharing my content. If you can afford the price of a cup of coffee or a pint of beer/ale/cider for a few months, please donate via my Patreon account.
All the harms we see are - pollution, environmental degradation, air toxicity, climate change, habitat loss, species extinction, poverty, war fare, racism, misogyny, xenophobia, homophobia, social and national divisions and hatreds - are the accumulated externalised costs of the existing Industrial Militarised Hierarchy of Competing Powers, a cult system and its behavioural dynamics.
It is a cult. It is a toxic delusion to call it 'civilised'.
It certainly does not have to be this way. This activity and this cult does not define the Human species. It is a cult, an aberration, an abomination. It is not natural, optimally healthy human species behaviour by any measure.
What ever your stance, unless you are willing to engage with this simple fact, and actively seek ways to resolve that problem, by understanding precisely what those externalised costs are, and how they impact us all, and what we must do to prevent those costs arising or at least pay for them to be resolved, in full, our work on these issues is futile.
Kindest regards
Thank you for reading this blog.
"Do what you love, it is your gift to universe."
This blog, like all my other content creation work is not monetised via advertising. If you like what I present, consider sharing my content. If you can afford the price of a cup of coffee or a pint of beer/ale/cider for a few months, please donate via my Patreon account.
It may be a cult but does that make it an illusion? It exists - therefore it is!
Unfortunately, too many people ARW doing "What they love"! And when they are the same people who occupy positions of power (like in the UK's Tory Party, with its 80-seat majority) that "enjoyment" (increasing their personal wealth) is achieved by their abuse of power and the imposition of such things as the illegal, ADVISORY Brexit!
There is no balance - only absolute power!
This is an unsustainable and unacceptable concept!
Thank you for reading, and taking the time to comment. Your comment is wise, indeed.
Cults themselves are real enough, even if the basis of their psychology is grounded in illusion or delusion.
I have written elsewhere my context for "doing what you love, it's your gift to Universe" which refers to honesty, integrity, empathy and love as externalised through activity that nurtures.
Bullies 'like' the Power, they do not 'Love' it. They gain arousal, but that is not love.
And yes, Brexit, as I have written, was a psychological grooming operation, an abuse of democratic principle and is thus wholly illegitimate. And as you point out, the EuRef was 'advisory' not a mandate.
The only way to bring balance back is for grass roots social solidarity that really does understand the problems we are face.
"A problem not fully understood is insoluble. A problem well understood is half way towards resolution."
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