Opposing War - Marina Ovsyannikova - what she needs us all to do. War, Climate Change, Poverty, Racism and Misogyny are soluble problems.

Opposing War - Marina Ovsyannikova - what she needs us all to do. 

A problem that is well understood is half way towards being solved. A problem that is incorrectly understood is insoluble.

This is evident with regards war, climate change, Racism and Misogyny. 

War, Climate Change, Poverty, Racism and Misogyny are soluble problems.

Some people who ought to know better are paid to pretend they do not know what the problem is. Sometimes one of these people has an epiphany, and they take a public stand.

Why is one Russian TV producer braver than anyone within the entirety of the BBC during the last 70 years?

What is that?

What do we do with our 'freedom'?

What ought we be doing with our 'freedom'?

Russia state television employee Marina Ovsyannikova, who ran on to the set of a live Main News Bulletin on Russian State TV Channel during a live broadcast shouting: ‘Stop the war. No to war’, presenting a large white banner to Russia's News audience, also made a pre-recorded video statement.

She's quite explicit. The War is a War Crime. She acknowledged culpability for enabling propaganda since 2014. Truly speaking truth to power and taking a serious personal risk. Unlike BBC workers in 2003. Or ever since.

Without a well organised political movement we remain a people reduced to begging, to repetitive protest, we walk about as supplicants, pleading with these monsters, gaining risible concessions from faux-politicians, corporate placemen in hock to the Wealth Extraction Class, whose fundamental policy will be to maintain their political, economic and cultural dominance at our expense.

This was intolerable in 2003. It is no less intolerable in 2022.

We need to become a sigifincant movement that could call and sustain a general strike so effective that hospitals, social services, energy and water and other essentials would run, and everything else, including civilians supplying the military, would stop. Full stop. No mortgage payments, no rent payments, no one in the office. A people united in solidarity, not under a flag, a crown or any other symbol of a State. Humane Solidarity. Mutual Aid.

A motivated, humane political movement 

A well organised political movement would include some of these characteristics

A: 100% evidence, peer reviewed, measured, accurate best state of knowledge based

B: Be oriented to gaining a majority of seats in democratic assemblies of every level, from Parish to Cabinet.

C:  Demand a situation where ordinary folk, us the workers, the tax payers engage politically and exercise our duty to deliberate seriously upon issues, examine and weigh the evidence, and understanding the core needs of the whole population, co-operating with expert support, write policies to resolve problems. Peoples policies that nurture the people and maintain all Human Rights, and protect the populations health. Every legitimate business can surely operate under that metric?

Such a movement is required to draft the legislation we need including

D:  legislation to eliminate the practice of 'Externalised Costs', 

E: legislation to extract reparations for harms caused by toxic industrial practices, 

F: legislation to abolish structural poverty and and cease all institutional/nation state war making at the same time. Sharing resources, Saving lives. Convert the military assets to healthy function - for a start, we certainly need a global, regional and local environmental remediation and resilience building corps.

G: legislation to take democratic control of education, information sharing, and importantly public news media so that honesty and transparency become the practiced ethics, in the real.

H: We must push for all of this - assuming  the power and responsibility of ordinary people, workers and students, working in solidarity as a collective legislature.

J: We can do so knowing that solutions to most  known problems - war, pollution, poverty, racism, misogyny - are already available, and that the will to do this will not emerge from the Ruling Class, the Wealth Extraction Class who currently dominate democratic power structures.

I:  If we do not push for all of this, then we will always be begging, pleading, making risible concessions to the Wealth Extraction Culture.

There is only us.

And some suggested strategic action: 

We ought to be thinking about what is needed to sustain building an eclectic  electorate, non-aligned, well informed, well supported and willing to vote for policy, not party, not personality, not personal self-interest nor ideology, evidence based policy to stop further harm, and deepen supportive resilience.

Make the success of that process of harm reduction and restoration, the 'reason d'etre' for the Economy. Revision profit as the totality outcome for all of us, locally,
 regionally and globally.

Active guerrilla education   

If there are 500,000 people in England up for that, who have the knowledge, and are willing to learn how to canvass people, build more bridges of understanding and empathy, in order to foster humane practical solidarity rather allow the negativity, division the Oligarchs are inciting among us to continue to undermine our communities - then perhaps we can find ways to reach the other 39 million adults, and build the bridges of understanding.

We must remove all private funding from political parties, and elections. We must ensure those who rock up for duty to serve the people are honest, transparent and paid by us - then we call the tune. 

We must never accept any contender who takes money from private donors.

Donor Kebabs - Reassuringly Expensive

To start, to get the ball rolling never, ever vote for anyone, at any level of elected office, from Parish Council to The Prime Minister and the Cabinet who has accepted large private donations - 

When parties and people who put themselves forward to work on our behalf, are truly funded by us: the workers, the students, the carers, the cleaners, the gardeners, the labourers, the tradesmen, the shop keepers, the shop assistants, the office workers, the drivers then we call the tune.

That is real democracy.

People power, legislative power that protects citizens and brings balance and equity to governance.

Here's a suggested metric for healthy governance into the 21st Century.


Kindest regards


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