Care, Nurture and Power - Hatred as a political weapon. Where is the nurture?

"The further a political or economic culture moves from care and nurture, the more the proponents of such a drift will encourage hatred of all those who nurture and care, precisely because that care and nurture confronts the cruelty of that cultural shift"

Beyond standard ideological L/R polarities, rooted in the historical dynamic of the French Revolution, which replaced one oppressive ruling class with another, reducing political development to a struggle between two poles of oppression, masquerading as democracy, this is a question of de-humanisation, deliberately deployed, intentionally undermining humanity, and as Climate Disruption, Environmental Degradation, Racism, Misogyny  and Poverty reveal, it is a question for Humanity as a whole. As a species.

Where is the nurture? Ask that question of every policy proposal. Dig into the detail.

Kindest regards


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