Parliament now needs to investigate claims made by Johnson to sell Brexit & his oven ready deal. Peter Stafanovic


source : The Guardian

"Parliament now needs to investigate claims made by Johnson to sell Brexit & his oven ready deal." 
Peter Stafanovic

Johnson's Brexit Lies, a history dating back to 1987... read on, dear reader. We are always living in history, even in the present. We are are made by and are making history...

Johnson the disgraced PM, is alleged to have been given a 'job' writing for the Daily Mail. He has past form as a columnist.

Johnson, who it is alleged harbours a 'persecution mania', believes or presents the position that he is being mistreated,  unfairly punished, facing a conspiracy of political factions that seek to destroy his political career.  A close friend explains:

It's not that Petronella Wyatt is accurate on everything she says, this is clearly anecdotal information. It is interesting, noentheless.

Will Johnson tearfully toil over a column named 'My Struggle'? Would the series of columns then become a book?

Would Trump have his minions write a similar column, whining about their 'persecution'? 'The Art of The Steal'?

Is this a pattern? History, and lessons and all that.

Boris Goes To Brussels!

I remind readers of what Johnson was doing, in Brussels, writing for The Daily Telegraph, in 1987,on a wage of £250k as a columnist. A professional shit stirrer. Making up absurd claims about the EU, publishing them in England, inflammatory intent, long term plan.

"I saw the whole [European Union] change. It was a wonderful time to be there. The Berlin Wall fell and the French and Germans had to decide how they were going to respond to this event, and what was Europe going to become, and there was this fantastic pressure to create a single polity, to create an answer to the historic German problem, and this produced the most fantastic strains in the Conservative Party, so everything I wrote from Brussels, I found was sort of chucking these rocks over the garden wall and I listened to this amazing crash from the greenhouse next door over in England as everything I wrote from Brussels was having this amazing, explosive effect on the Tory party, and it really gave me this I suppose rather weird sense of power."

–Boris Johnson

Speaking in an interview with his autobiographer,  Andrew Gimson, in who wrote 'Boris : The rise of Boris Johnson'.  Pages 220 - 221

Boris: The Rise of Boris Johnson (2006) is a biography of Boris Johnson by Andrew Gimson, which discusses why Boris Johnson joined politics and became an MP. An updated edition was later published in 2008 after Johnson was elected Mayor of London.

Political Grooming

Targeting a known bias, fear, insecurity, hatred, lack of knowledge or information to exacerbate the emotional tension associated with that, to heighten emotional reactivity in the target, with suggestive content, driving a behavioural change, 'nudging' activism and voting behaviour along certain lines, maliciously, in order to exploit the target.

This is utterly cruel behaviour, and profoundly toxic to healthy democracy, healthy relationships.

Confession of a political groomer.

So here we have, by his own admission, the confession that he gets a surge of arousal, a power hit, when he sees the effects of his lies, false claims, misleading statements causing emotionally charged rage, hatred, bile amongst the members of the tory party, and others. It gives him arousal. 

He gets pleasure from stirring the shit. He was employed to do this professionally. He is still behaving in that manner, because he never stopped, and nobody stopped him when he should have been stopped. 

Johnson is a dangerous human being. His sponsors know this.

And he's not the only one.

Lack of accountability of MPs and Government in England is legendary, legion, a lesion on our health and safety as a people. Blair is still unindicted.

Stefanovic is spot on.

Kindest regards


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