Adults beating on Children is the First Crime.


The primary hook was, in my mind at least, that feeling of superiority to 'the masses' inherent in all cults and belief systems and cliques that see themselves as separate from the rest of humanity, …better than.

it's such an easy hook to exacerbate... I know this because, to be honest and fair about it, that was the hook that took me in many years ago.

I so wanted to believe I was better than others because my self esteem was minimal, and I was overcompensating. Trauma in my early life set me up for this dynamic. Trauma throughout my adult life that reverberated throughout. 

Two and half years of counselling helped me work through this... at age 62.

I'm no better than any other humane being.. and what luck I have had has largely been down to the actions of other humane beings, I stand on the shoulders of many, many giants.. being nice is normal, kindness is cool and is never performative...

There's a lot of people who need and deserve counselling because low self esteem is a trauma symptom, it is not a natural emergent quality of a healthy humane being.. In fact it is a common theme within every known hierarchy of wealth as power culture ever studied...

Wealth as Power, as a culture, has to exploit populations to extract the levels of wealth that can then be utilised as a weapon.

Zionist ideology suggests Jews are inherently better than Arabs. We are seeing the cost of this daily, in the most horrific manner possible. Trump displays this sense of superiority in full view. The priests who assaulted me, and millions of other children, are an example of the adverse impact of this sense of superiority rooted in trauma. Catholics are led to belief they are better than non-Catholics. God will save you if you adhere to there ideology. Protestants too. The history of Northern Irelands civil rights movements presents this.

Racism, misogyny, anti-trans activism, the abuse heaped onto the impoverished all present this symptom.

I now know to check myself when ever I feel a sense of superiority.

There's a difference between healthy behaviour, and nasty behaviour. That is true. The healthy person will confront the nasty person, because it is unhealthy, not because of a sense of superiority.


Here is a blog by Peter Gray, author of Free To Learn, a book about the evolutionary basis of natural learning.

In this blog which Peter wrote titled 'The Play Theory of Hunter-Gatherer Egalitarianism : How hunter gatherer cultures countered the human drive to dominate' , Peter notes the relationship between adults and children in older egalitarian cultures and the role of gentle playfulness and kindness in nurturing healthy children who become healthy adults, a cultural dynamic that trusts the child at its very core.

He uses the term 'hunter gatherer', however we now understand that they are a variety of social organisational sets, from nomadic, to pastoral, to settled communities, and we now understand that most were gardeners, rather than gatherers. They gardened naturally, and so when Europeans arrived and did not see structured formalised gardens, they did not see the food that was around them everywhere.

I also understand that all children have an innate deep sense of justice, and a keen aversion to injustice.

Peter also suggests the drive to dominate is somehow innate. I disagree. I think the desire to dominate is a symptom of unresolved trauma and the insecurity of that state of being. I think we are mostly egalitarian when we are healthy and un-traumatised. 

It does not make sense for biology to craft a species that is naturally unhealthy and domination behaviour is, in human terms, profoundly unhealthy.

I wrote this song more than 25 years ago, to help guide me as a parent and as an activist, and as a growing adult. It was not until my 60s that I started counselling to address the deep unresolved trauma of my childhood at the hand of adults and social dominance systems.


Expectations - a song by Corneilius Lyrics : The Expectations of Every Child The expectations of every child To be held in love, all the time To know safety with every touch These are the ways we need, it's not so much... These are the gifts, that life on earth is meant to bring The expectations of every child, Acceptance, gentle guidance with a smile, Honest answers to their questions of life, Space to grow, fully assured and bright. The expectations of every child, To find a safe place to learn in good time So that the child knows and trusts the heart Then grows the child in confidence, that is the art.. The expectation of every child, To know the family, to feel the line Of ancient stories, and harmonies The child is born to know that she is free. The expectation of every child, To be respected all the time, To be chosen with the highest love, So honour the child you hold, that will be enough..... These are the gifts that life on earth is meant to bring Do you bring the gifts? Do we bring the gifts?

♬ original sound - Corneilius The Egalitarian ☘️

All is born of woman, no harm shall come to the children....

Kindness Prevails.. 

Compassion has much merit. 

Understanding this is critical to what remains of my life.

Kindest regards


Thank you for reading this blog.

"Do what you love, it is your gift to universe."

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