The rise of warfare, misogyny, racism, xenophobia, authoritarian nationalism as a (badly) planned evasion of accountability?

The rise of warfare, misogyny, racism, xenophobia, authoritarian nationalism as a (badly) planned evasion of accountability?

“Biden is the only one who could defeat Trump” is the big lie of the Democratic Party, ignoring the reality that what actually has happened was a case of “Biden is the only one who could defeat Bernie Sanders.”

"Starmer was the only one who could defeat Corbyn..."

I think these citations get to the core of the issue:

I'l explain why I think this.

1. Climate Disruption is a huge immediate threat, which will demand co-operative action across regions, countries and populations, to meet those threats and avoid avoidable harms.

2. The Fossil Fuel Wealth grouping is culpable for all those harms - they knew 70 years ago that pouring CO2 into the atmosphere was going to disrupt the climate, and their predictions then are being met now. Still, they proceeded to extract, produce and drive consumption, to build their wealth and power. They even devoted much resources to denial campaigns and political corruption to protect their stance from democratic regulation. With near total impunity.

3. That culpability is now well established. With culpability comes liability if they are held accountable.

4. They do not want to be held accountable. They do not want to cede their wealth and power. 

5. They are allied to Mining, Agriculture, Fisheries and Deforestation as commodity extraction industrial wealth. Collectively all of these groups present as Wealth-as-Power, a dominant political force more powerful than divided voters.

6. To evade being held accountable by democratic legislatures, they have to disrupt democratic legislatures, everywhere, with every possible tool to hand.

7. Holding them accountable can only be driven by a well educated, active in solidarity mass movement of the populations - aiming for global mutual aid to meet the problems right in front of us. As a matter of Survival, which if we succeed will lead to a state of Thrivival for the long term.

Jeffery Sachs lays out a vision for the future, a long term vision and I think he is speaking more wisdom than any American, British or European leader...

Video starts with a question post to Jeffery as to what he sees as the long term potential, as of this moment.


8. I say badly planned because it is chaotic, it is exposing the underlying realities of Wealth-as-Power in the Industrialised West, and this is driving an awakening and I believe that awakening guarantees that there will be a reckoning.

Kindest regards


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