Showing posts with label BREXIT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BREXIT. Show all posts

Boris Johnson, Geoffrey Cox, Donald Trump, Bullying, death threats and a Secret Trade Deal

I witnessed deliberate, calculated bullying in Parliament.


General Attorney Geoffrey Cox,  at the despatch box, in The House of Commons, speaking for the Government

Wednesday, 25 Spetember, 11.30 onwards.

What I saw.

What I witnessed..

I watched as Attorny General Geoffrey Cox's polite deftly, and humourusly deflected questioning about the advice he gave the Prime Minister on prorogation. He was not at liberty to pass on any materials, due to a confidentiality issue...

Then, when the questions ceased, and the discussion moved on, I witnessed as Geoffry Cox launch into a polemic rage, his well fed face getting redder and redder, his voice louder and angrier, and with this intimidating behaviour towards the opposition, taking up more space, stretching his arms out, whipping up his own party, and roaring at the opposition, calling  them 'cowards'.


He is the coward - he refused to offer up his bad advice.

He refused to bow to the court, claiming to respect it and say  the court was wrong.

Not for the benefit of MPs, but for the benefit of rousing angry misled thugs (a tiny minority, most not actual Brexiteers, just idiots looking for a scrap) on our streets, of whom, as Farage said on three occasions that I am aware of he would "understand if there was violence on the streets if they didn't get Brexiy".

Really - how can that theatrical bullying be considered appropriate in a chamber where legislation, regulation and constituency representation is it's purpose?

Not good.

That was public bullying behaviour.

Tactical public bullying in office.

That needs calling out.

Big time.

Not good at all.

Death Threats

Then later on, the conversation between MP Pauline Sherrif and Prime Minister Boris Johnson concerning the use of the language of betrayal, surrender, sabotage, cowards, traitors etc.,  and it's potential to escalate tension and hatreds, and the reality of death threats being made in increasing frequency against MPs, not least in the court statement of the man who assasinated MP Jo Cox, and those convicted of conspiring to murder MP Rosie Cooper,,,,

And Boris replied "Never before ..... have I heard such Humbug!"

definition : deceptive or false talk or behaviour.
"those comments are sheer humbug"

The Prime Minister just brushed aside her concerns as 'false and deceptive'.

What was that?

That was bullying. straight up.

It was deliberate. It's all deliberate, when Boris Johnson opines in public, it's a script, a tactical weaponised wall of verbiage,  with the corpses of Latin allusion strewn across the rambling of thise Power addict.

All of this just after US President Donald J. Trump announced at the UN, on Monday :

"We are working closely with Boris Johnson on a magnificent new trade deal."

Not 'we are negotiating with the UK Government'.... a new trade deal.

Where is the UK Parliamentary scrutiny or oversight and participation in these 'negotiations'?

Boris has not been negotiating with the EU, he has been negotiating with the US Corporations represented by the US Government, in secrey, in full view.

Taking back control.

"We are working closely with PM Boris Johnson a magnificent new trade deal."

The deals, contracts and legislative package are already written up, ready to roll, bar the official signing ceremonies.

This reminds me of Chile, 1979, when after a manufactured 'crisis' - a violent military coup - a complete legislative package arrived from The Chicago School of Economics outling the internal legislation and external trade deals to NeoLiberalise the entire Chilean Economy.

Pinochet, Thatcher..... Thatcher entered 10 Downing Street in May 1979.

Pinochet took power on 11th September 1979...

Brexit is a manufactured 'crisis'.

Clear as a bell.

Boris has been 'negotiating' with Trump and the US State, rather than the EU.

They have plans to force through a No-Deal Brexit at any costs...

A brief background of the Chicago Boys :

A more detailed account of what happened following the imposition of the Chicago Boys economic plan upon Chile...

As and when Corbyn gains office, with even a solid majority, plus support from other social progressives, we will be faced with some serious power struggles - someone will want to make the economy scream.

The Tax Havens that nest English Capital must be protected. Leveson II must not happen. War Crimes investigations and indictments must be thwarted.

There's a lot of work ahead, and we the grass roots will need to robust in defending our  democracy and expanding it.

It must be done, it can be done, and given that the media can make the small seem big, and the big seem invisible, I have a strong feeling that the invisible decent, loving majority will prevail.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

Thank you for reading this blog. All we need to do is be really honest, responsive to the evidence we find,and ready to reassess when new evidence emerges. The rest is easy.

Trauma, Trump, Brexit, Iraq and Recovery

 It's not a matter of Left vs Right, it is a question of  from Institutionalised to Humanised.
- it is not an adversarial process!

"The study of psychological trauma has a curious history - one of episodic amnesia. Periods of active investigation have alternated with periods of oblivion. Repeatedly in the last century, similar lines of inquiry have been taken up and abruptly abandoned, only to be rediscovered much later. Classic documents of 50 or 100 years ago often read like contemporary works. Though the field has in fact an abundant and rich tradition, it has been periodically forgotten and must be periodically reclaimed.

This intermittent amnesia is not the result of ordinary changes in fashion that affect any intellectual pursuit. The study of psychological trauma does not languish for lack of interest. Rather, the subject provokes such intense controversy that it periodically becomes anathema. The study of trauma has repeatedly led into the realms of the unthinkable and foundered on fundamental questions of belief.

To study psychological trauma is to come face to face with human vulnerability in the natural world and with the capacity for evil in human nature (behaviour). To study psychological trauma is to bearing witness to horrible events.

When events are natural disasters or 'acts of God' those who bear witness sympathise readily with the victim. But when traumatic events are of human design, those who bear witness are caught in the conflict between victim(ised) and perpetrator. It is morally impossible to remain neutral in this conflict. The bystander is forced to take sides.

It is very tempting to take the side of the perpetrator. All the perpetrator asks is that the bystander do nothing. The perpetrator appeals to the universal desire to see, hear and speak no evil. The victimised, on the contrary, asks the bystander to share the burden of pain. The victim(ised) demands action, engagement, remembering.

Leo Eitinger, a psychiatrist who has studied survivors of Nazi concentration camps, describes the cruel conflict of interest between victim(ised) and bystander: "War and victims are something the community wants to forget; a veil of oblivion is drawn of everything painful and unpleasant."

 In order to escape accountability for crimes,the perpetrators do everything in their power to promote forgetting. Secrecy and silence are the perpetrators first line of defence. If secrecy fails the perpetrator attacks the credibility of the victimised who speak out. If that fails, the perpetrator tries to make sure no one listens.

After every atrocity one can expect to hear the same predictable apologies; it never happened; the victim lies; the victim exaggerates; the victim brought it upon themselves; and in any case it is time to forget the past and move on."


These are the opening pages of Trauma and Recovery by Judith Herman


In the UK, with regards to the Invasion of Iraq these words ring out as a clarion call above and beyond the petty concerns of Brexit; they also ring out to remind us all that Austerity kills vulnerable people and that we bystanders, all of us taxpayers, each and everyone of us, without exception, have a role to play in confronting both of these atrocities - the murder of a nation, and the murder of a nations most vulnerable citizens, and many more and we have a role in preventing future atrocities.

We cannot compare the deaths of tens of thousands of vulnerable people induced by deliberate chronic economic distress with the destruction of an entire countries civil infrastructure and a war that killed a million people, maimed many more and orphaned 4 million children.

We can draw parallels, because the atrocious behaviour of powerful interests is in direct conflict with the needs of ordinary people and at the same time ordinary people, as bystanders are dis-empowered and urged to do nothing to undermine those powerful interests.

The British public are permitted and encouraged to to protest fracking, CO2 in the atmosphere yet totally inhibited when it comes to prosecutions of War Crimes (Iraq) and Crimes against Humanity (UN report on the rights of disabled people in the UK).

Racism, human progress vs evolution and adaptation.

Racism is always top down...

The origins of Cultural, Scientific Racism and Legal Racism are with the elites, the intellectual classes, the ruling oligarchy, who taught, promoted and legislated (legalised) racism reinforcing it through applied trauma and reward, thus normalising and institutionalising the practices of Racism.

Racism has never emerged from the grass roots.

Trump, and others like him who represent Power (and who is himself a traumatised child-adult) say things in public that encourages ordinary folk who are racists by social conditioning and learning (and who are powerless by comparison, and who feel that dis-empowerment and are frustrated by it) to 'come out', and they do, so that they too can feel powerful, superior... and can assuage the pain of their own powerlessness.

The majority of grass roots 'racists' are groomed into that way of thinking and feeling, precisely because they can be triggered to assault other grass roots people.

50 years ago, this week the US Government passed laws banning segregation.

However, they did not teach honest histories in school to show the people how the colonial British invented Race, using the Bible, the pulpit, pamphlets, broadsheets and then Institutionalised Racism as a means to ensure the working poor, the slaves and the native peoples would not rise to defeat their oppressors but would fight with each other for their place in the hierarchy...

Laws are never enough, they can easily be broken, therefore honesty in education is critical for prevention.

Hence, until parents demand honesty in education, Racist views will perpetuate to be used by power to divide the people

Australian Aboriginals legally described as Fauna until 1967 - do you understand what that actually means?

The Ruling class defining for everyone the status of the people who are the ancient inhabitants of Australia....


"Cave Men", "Ug Ug".

These are terms I hear from 'well educated' people all the time....

They have been educated to describe ancient egalitarian peoples in that way as part of a trajectory of progress and evolution that leads to the current dominant culture of industrialised militarised power and technology as being the apex of evolutionary progress. with a bright future in the stars....

No. That is a lie.

I am a biological organism, and I am ancient design: to be co-operative, happy, loving, empathetic, robustly healthy as part of a social community that is fully part of the habitat..

There is no need for further 'evolution' or progress in this regard..

Does an Elephant herd need to 'evolve' further, to progress to become better Elephants?

Do Trees and Fungi need to 'improve' themselves?


Evolution has nothing to do with 'progress' - evolution is about responding to a dynamic environment....

Industrial Culture is a disease state, a rape of life itself.

Which is why fighting for survival does not work, even though resistance is a natural response, it cannot win. The struggle for survival is not a biological reality, it is a social construct of all hierarchically violent cultures.

The Industrial Rapist will not stop, and it is only the Citizens of the Industrial Culture who could stop that culture from the act of raping the Earth's habitats - if we understood, if we have the courage, solidarity and empathy to live that understanding.

This is why I write.

Who will stop Bolsanaro and the Evangelical Movement tied into the Oligarchy?

Who will stop British Weapons makers from supplying Saudi War planes so that they can continue to bomb Yemeni civilians?

Who will stop the British and American States from funding violent militia?

Who will stop Boris Johnson spending £100 million of Tax payers funds on a marketing campaign - grooming that part of the electorate that are susceptible to being groomed via their vulnerabilities, triggering that part that can be enraged, just to divide and conquer?


The Healers.

Courage rather than fear.

Knowledge rather than belief.

Recovery rather than progress.

This is hard work, it is terrifying work, and yet what alternative is there?

For me, none.

For many others a whole host of reasons determine whether we act or not.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

Thank you for reading this blog. All we need to do is be really honest, responsive to the evidence we find,and ready to reassess when new evidence emerges. The rest is easy.

Brexit, Abuse Relationship dynamics and evidence based policy design.

Someone else came up with this.

"If you are in a relationship where the other person has been lying to you to make you distrust and cut yourself off from all others, that is a pattern of behaviour consistent with coercive control.

They are trying to isolate you so that you have no one to turn to, they want you to be vulnerable to their controlling behaviour for their benefit only.

Trust me once this has worked things will not improve.

If this other person is a Government .... the same applies."

This best describes the processes of political manipulation we are witness to in Brexit.

A paper trail, the money, and the evidence is clear.

A second vote, as some are calling for,  reaffirms the validity of the first vote - this is a logical error.

The first vote was illegitmate, the proposition was flawed, deliberately so.

The acceptance of Red Bus Lies at Face Value indicates an institutionalised deceit. The repeated publishing of false stories and misleading narratives indicates a well funded, well resourced campaign. Intent.

The correct response to such deceit would be to Revoke Article 50, and to then arrest all the politicians on the public wage who lied, the editors who published who repeated lies, the writers and pundits who misled, all those who manipulated people's fears, insecurities, biases and prejudices for political advantage.

We also need to draft new legislation preventing MPs from lying, misleading or any other act of willful deceit - with a ten year imprisonment minimum sentence. If MPs do not fact check themselves, they are abusing their privilige. Deter them from such action.

The outcome we need is more democratic honesty, zero tolerance for lies in matters of Governance, regulation and civil policy and a public focus on evidence based social and environmental policy that is responsive to the dynamics of social progress...

The Power Inquiry outlined how.

We need to get on with it.

Our children need us to do this.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

Thank you for reading this blog. All we need to do is be really honest, responsive to the evidence we find,and ready to reassess when new evidence emerges. The rest is easy.

Brexit 101, and an odd thing.

There's a HUGE problem here and I want to open up about it.

Grooming and Manipulation

As long as the polarised leave/remain dynamic is dominant among media and politicians, and others, and the people who are being triggered and enervated are seeking to 'win', on all sides, no one is acknowledging that they have been groomed, gaslighted and emotionally manipulated to hate the other side.

That's a serious vulnerability.

I see people on both sides dehumanising the other as a result.

It's appalling behaviour.

It is THE problem, here, not the decision itself.

We have been socially conditioned to not see manipulative bullying when it happens, and we are unable to name it, and confront it it our offices, and our civil and political lives.

So here's the way forwards...

..... taking back control 101

We the grass roots want and deserve an honesty in political, civil and economic policy design, implementation and review.

The problems are not of the EU alone.

They are of the existing hierarchicaly system of power, currently occupied by a small minority of local and global oligarchs placemen.

Putting Tony Blair and all who voted and promoted for the Invasion of Iraq on trial would be my version of #takingbackcontrol #nowthatswhaticalltakingbackcontrol

It's not on the Brexit menu,

How odd!

We the people, the grass roots taxpayers and voters and non voters all deserve honesty and transparent in political and civil administration.

That much we can all agree on.

How odd!

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

Thank you for reading this blog. All we need to do is be really honest, responsive to the evidence we find,and ready to reassess when new evidence emerges. The rest is easy.

Theresa May, Justice, the Brain on Trial, Common Wealth Violence

Deliberative Justice...

Less about punishment than containment and restoration of peace/justice....

Trauma and neuro-behaviourally informed, evidence led, designed for restoration of peace, prevention of further harm.

Accountability rather than guilt.

Remorse rather than shame.

Flexible enough to confront the person with their own behaviour, and give them the responsibility for their containment, to the degree that the 'defendant' co-operates and demonstrates a change in behaviour that is lasting.

Restorative Justice.

There are many people, deeply versed in legislative systems and the science of the brain, neurology and behaviour, world wide who are exploring these dynamics, and generating trials and new practices..

The biology of behaviour, the sciences of neurology and endocrinology, child development and human geography bring an important series of observations that must impact what we call the Criminal Justice System.

There are aspects of behaviour that are beyond conscious control, in that they are biological dysfunction states within the persons body systems, including the brain.

This short video introduces the basic concepts in pretty clear language... its entertaining, heart warming and challenging.

I respectfully suggest readers view this video before proceeding with the rest of this piece..


Alan Alda and Robert Sapolsky, 

The Brain on Trial - 

Behave, the Biology of Humans at our best and our worst
essential reading!

Who Am I?

Who or what do we identify or internalise?

For me I internalise plant life, bug life, biological life, all life as much as I can, I ixternalise love, empathy, compassion ... it's so different in quality, it's hugely healthy compared to 'appreciation' of the bland offerings of the artifice civilisation likes to call 'culture'.

I feel connected to all living as one, made of many.

Compared to the intelligence and beauty of the biology, the 'achievements' of the hierarchical civilisation culture loses their lustre, they stand debunked, the dominant culture's self acclaimed notion of 'progress', it's pomp and grandeur are mere showmanship. Barnum Arts. 

Clever yuk, skilled yuk, genius  yuk, yes  all these, they worked hard at their various arts, they were superb craftsmen, and so too the weapons makers, and it was all propaganda... a lot of it still is.

I have no taste for that.

Biological life is still the mother and the muse of Humanity, of human-ness.

Compost is my future.

Nurture is my present, and my presence.

I know who I am, what I am.

Peace is more than the absence of war.

Being’ anti-war’ or being peaceful is to be mature enough to not take sides in a dysfunctional hierarchy of violence.

Now that that is cleared up, perhaps we can progress.

Let us continue this conversation, in order to be informed, enlightened and reassured.... in our desire to bring the conflict and violence to a close.

Break the cycle.

Cease the violence.

The Windrush Common Wealth Immigration Issue...

Theresa May's policy decision which has caused, and is causing real harm to real people. Avoidable in every single case. In spite of being forewarned of the problems.

The cruelty of this policy implementation, that they went ahead even though they were warned that the policy would result in avoidable harm.... something else is going on other than incompetence... and it must be regarded as an act of institutional violence.

This policy was put in place in 2014.


I have a theory.

The Establishment knew they had a EU referendum ahead and their tactic was to generate as much division as possible across different demographics.

They wanted to break the center and left into many pieces using the EU ref. which they believed would happen which ever way the vote went. They expected the vote to go to remain. 

So the strategy was to troll and harass different sectors and demographics, using regulation

By making immigration from the Caribbean and Common Wealth more difficult, that demographic felt unfairly treated, and their ire turned against the EU immigrants, directed by the media and populist politics, and they backed Brexit for that reason. By making immigration rules more difficult for all Common Wealth origin, they would have trolled a huge demographic that could have influenced the Brexit Vote.

My local UKIP Candidate in Harrow West was Asian, in his 60s, and concerned about the unfairness in immigration rules for Common Wealth vs EU immigrants. At the time that struck me as strange. A year ago I met a lovely Caribbean woman who told me she voted for Brexit because the immigration rules were so unfair. These two events in my life now fit into a larger pattern.

The Home Office was warned that their policy as set out would render many tens of thousands of long term UK taxpaying Caribbean British Citizens illegal aliens. They went ahead. That's my first  'clue'.

Now we hear the paper documents, the landing papers, of thousands and thousands of people who arrived, legally, legitimately were all destroyed in an 'office move' pretty much guaranteeing this outcome.

In 2010 or 2009, by either a Tory or New Labour Administration.


In other words they knew, in 2010 and 2014 that the original documents were destroyed, and that would lead to lack of proof of legal entry for hundreds of thousands of older generation immigrants.

The outcome tells the tale.

Now, they are caught out, because the injustice of that policy is a news story, 4 years later.

Perhaps they already had a plan that looked at this and they will now implement their chosen resolution, and make it look like they are 'responsive' to feedback (Tell the disabled that...... see how that goes down) just in time for the Council elections........

They are that machiavellan.

And that is the problem here - the machiavellan psychology of the Power system.

Harming families to pursue policy objectives.

Just look at the behaviour of The British State since 2003.

Deliberately escalating militarised violence.

What are we dealing with here?

What indeed?

Craig Murray asks a similar question.

Robert Fisk went to Duoma, and spoke to the people who were there when that video purporting to show gas attacked children.

Their testimony contradicts the narrative of a gas attack.

Robert Fisk is a 100% reliable source, unbiased, who lives in Beiruit, has done for decades, and who does not take sides, and writes critically of all the violence on all sides, consistently exposing hypocrisy wherever it emerges in what he reports on.

The 'reason' given for the 102 missile attack on Syrian State infrastructure was a blatant lie.

What kind of people, again?

Read all about it.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

Thank you for reading this blog. All we need to do is be really honest, responsive to the evidence we find,and ready to reassess when new evidence emerges. The rest is easy.

Carrilion, Democracy and Competing by Eating the Competition

We hear this week, yet again, the narrative of a business, by the cool name of Carillion, handling billions of pounds worth of Government contracts and outsourced public services in known financial difficulties, still getting those contracts, which were used to provide the illusion of a thriving business, while a group of executives were re-writing the terms of their contracts to indemnify them against future indictments for any failures of any kind which caused, or failed to prevent, those avoidable financial difficulties, and thus protecting their various bonuses the company paid them, unless fraud can be proven.

A get-away car. 

'Mistakes and errors can look like fraud, but they are not legally fraud."

So one way to do the job is to make obvious and not so obvious errors, make it look like incompetence.

Privateers and their off-shore Carribean treasure troves..... The Panama Papers, a  Rizla (tm) of what exists today.

The original privateers were a much earlier version of 'outsourced military capability' on behalf of the State. The East India Company also operated as a Legislative, and as a form of Governance, which provided the infrastructure to bring resources to factories and goods to market, as well as supply lines for military operations. Cue G4S being suggested as a back up police force... 

And, of course, there was direct involvement, and therefore responsibility and liability in and for these failures by Government officials and the 'civil service' departments who carried out their orders. 

The Minister does not prepare the detail of the contracts, does not visit the detail of the policy, or look at the adverse outcomes as information that would alter the implementation of the policy - the Minister sets the 'course' and then bends the civil service to make that shape appear. The course must be maintained and the Minister has that legal right to impose policy, and the frontline staff and managment must follow orders, or lose their job.

In all of this, where is Democracy? 

No matter who one votes in or out, this obvious revolving door between the Corporate Sector and Government continues. The voices of the people are nowhere else in the process.

Democracy for the 21st Century.

Democracy in the 21st Century - what would it look like?... if one took a material, rational, evidence based approach to Governance funded by a shared subscription, funded by ordinary grass roots humanity, which is what we have - we are society's true beating heart. and if we took that situation, irrespective of its past, irrespective of the extant inequities, that we are funding Goverment, as the basis for moving forwards.

We pay their wages, we instruct them.

We have a direct socially shared responsibility, to one another, as funders of the Government and Civil Services, as it'scollective financial guarantors - the Government borrows on that basis.
We pay their wages, we instruct.
To step up to that plate.
That is our praxis Our task.
The setting of an evidentiial basis for policy deliberation based on our collective deliberations demands that the sordid adversarial political bi-polar behaviour be diagnosed - it is bullying and only transparency can confront that.
For example the isssue of Brexit ought be an exploration of the existing situatiion, a deliberation rather than a adversarial debate. Winners create losers. The urge to wn begest lies and deceit. That is not healthy Governance, and belies the claims of 'British Democracy' as a leading edge in the world.
Pitting peolle against each other is not healthy, and it is certainly not Democracy. Labour vs Conservatives. It's blatantly ridiculous, and unfit for the purpose of healthy 21st Century civil Governance.
What we have is a mime of true democracy, a shadow of a genuine and socially nurturing democracy that serves the people, and preserves justice and equity.
Reducing political engagement to a vote is X-factor thinking.
The Tories, New Labour, the propaganda, the media and the carefully crafted narratives and our consumption of these is a symptom. The Systemic, Institutionalised Competing Powers dynamic, the competing bully system is the problem. The fact that this very concept is fully accepted amongst Governments is hugely problematic, as the resources diverted from the common, shared pool to maintain that 'game' cause untold harms.
Countering that must never become an ideology, It must always be a cintinuum of dynamic response, learning and growth matched with effort.
The 21st Century AD and the 60th Century BC are calling for egalitarian, healthy human societies to emerge from oppression memory, knowledge and collective effort, rather than force (which has only ever maintained the cycles of violence, natruallly enough).
Privateers are well named.

If you know your history. Outsourcing military capability and resource capture.
This kind of behaviour is a core abuse of power pattern that is institutionalised, normalised.
It is given a pseudo-science validation by way of 'survival of the fittest'. This is done in ways that suggest that the fundamental biological drive of 'competition' is all encompassing, where it's not so much about being better or growing and maturing ans nurturing, as it is about (b)eating the other.
This, of course, is a blase caricature of what happens in biology, rather than an accurate, science based, experience based assessment.
I blame 'education' for maintaining that misunderstanding.
So yeah the culture of dog-eat-dog is a social construct that the bullies project because that is what they do. Problem is that it causes avoidable harms for all the ordinary folk, the grass roots, the indigenous and aboriginal, men, women and child - avoidable harms.
Any shared or collective resource diverted away from the common weal undermines the functioning of that weal.
Turning public service into private enterprise is no more than prostitution and mercenarianism.
Privateers are well named. If you know your history.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

Thank you for reading this blog. All we need to do is be really honest, responsive to the evidence we find,and ready to reassess when new evidence emerges. The rest is easy.