Showing posts with label Justice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Justice. Show all posts

Corbyn is not the problem: the threat of prison sentences for War Criminals is the problem.

Look. See the evidence.

The NeoLiberals within Labour, within Conservative, across Society in the UK and elsewhere have a problem.

They went to war, and it was illegal.

They knowingly lied about the 'reasons'.

Iraq was a War Crime, and everything, everything related to it that flows from that decision, from Iraq to Libya and Syria, is part of that crime spree.

Check their voting records, the speeches they made, the justifications they repeated without due diligence.

The broke a number of laws... repeatedly.

They believed they would get away with it because Saddam was such a bastard, nobody, nobody liked him, even those who worked for him - they feared him and for many it was safer to work for the Devil than to challenge him. Blair thought he would get away with it. Bush thought he would get away with it.

Corbyn has made it clear that for him, according to the evidence, Iraq was a War Crime, and he has made that clear publicly. He cannot back away from that statement, nor can he avoid it's clear implications. I think he knows that, and that he has the mettle to push this all the way that it needs to go. I think that many, many people support this.

The Labour and Tory and LIberal Dem MPs who voted for the War can smell the iron bars, they can smell the loss of liberty and their great wealth and priviledge.

Cameron can smell the bars awaiting him for bombing Libya and arming violent militia and escalating violence across North Africa and the Middle East.

The BBC, Guardian, Sun, Sky News, etc are all participants in maintaining the propaganda, and they can smell the iron bars of those cells that await them. They cannot say they did not know, as all their errors were pointed out at the the time, in detail, repeatedly.

The Military top brass likewise.

So they are fighting for their lives, their liberty, their social position.

They will do ANYTHING to avoid those trials.... they cannot admit the crime.

And they are all part of the British Establishment that is shitting all over poor and low income folk, beyond the limited imagination of 'successful middle class' folk....

They are also the same people who DID not resist 'austerity', they are the same people who forced the tax payer to bail out the banks on a fraudulent prospectus, they are the same people who allowed WorkFare, Benefit Sanctions, who allowed the DWP to sanction disabled folk, unemployed folk, who encouraged the Buy-To-Let Mortgage market to create more indebted 'landlords' who then raised the rents to meet their 'costs', screwing the renter whilst taking the profits from the house price rise,  all of this to enrich the finance industry, to increase land prices..

Those policies are part of their over all world view. And yes, there are those in Europe who share those views.And yes there are issues with the way the EU treated the Greeks, the Irish, the Spanish and how that affected the poorest sectors of society. That's a lot of hardship meted out to people who did nothing wrong at all, who are vulnerable because they are poor or disabled, or slightly mad or badly educated....

And look at the 'killing' they are making out of all of this abuse. Look at the distribution of wealth and resources. They are raking it in. Does Tony Blair need or deserve a fortune edging onto £100 million?

The War Crimes trials are the ONLY real leverage those who seek justice and fair governance within the UK have against that Power Establishment.... imagine Murdoch being charged with War Crimes? Or the individual writers who wrote clear lies in order to sell the war? Imagine the executives that profiteered from War being indicted, tried in public? Imagine the UN putting Ian Duncan Smith on trial for Human Rights Breaches at the DWP sanction regime?

They all KNEW what was going on. They all KNEW what they were doing.

They went to war and they shafted the poor/low income of this country at the same time. These are not separate matters.

So that is why there is so much energy directed at the Corbynistas, so much energy devoted to making out that the working class leave vote is racist and xenophobic, so much energy devoted to shredding social support.

This is the fight we ought to have put up back in 2003.

We ought to have gone on general all out strike, to bring the Blair War cabal down.

We failed then, we cannot fail now, or we will be remembered as 'good germans' are now remembered.

This is a matter of Justice above all else.

Do you uphold the Law, or is lawlessness rewarded?

This is the choice before us.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

*If you like this post, if you found the themes resonant, if you agree in part, would you be kind enough to let others know about it? I would really appreciate that. You could drop a comment too, if you felt the urge. Or not. I will moderate contributions, and block any that are abusive. For obvious reasons. Thank you for reading.

Empathy and a sense of justice : the true threat to hegemonic Power.

I think that Empathy is a biologically mandated ability, a complete embodied sensory capability, that enables an organism to read the world, the environment that is lived in.

It is learned,through experience, initially, in human beings and primates, and probably all mammals, through the experience of being treated with empathy as an infant...

Self empathy in human beings is self understanding in a complete, embodied and pre-verbal way that can also be verbalised or expressed or articulated, as well as projected into others as a sensory capability. The feeling comes first, before the words.

Very useful indeed in the bush, jungle, desert etc in terms of discerning what is useful, nurturing or harmful.

Absolutely necessary for healthy human relationships.

Hunting demands empathy and calm.

Parent demands empathy and calm.

The core of empathy is in self empathy, from which empathy for others develops out of the acute sensitivity that self empathy is.

With that sense of self comes a sense of autonomy and of course, a sense of justness (or justice).

In terms of optimal human biological health for individuals, families, communities and societies, these qualities are core components, essential in all respects.

In terms of Hierachically Violent Societies and Institutions, these qualities represent a direct threat to the psychology of Power that Rules over the people.

It is this that lies underneath the exclusion of Aboriginal peoples from any decision making process on matters that affect their lives enacted by conquests inheritors who rule today across the Earth, and it lies behind the careful manipulation of selected assimilated Aboriginals to push for deeper assimilation.

The 'good indian' vs the 'bad indian'; 'hard working families' vs 'benefits scoungers'. We are at 'war'; they are 'terrorists'.

And it's also why so many so-called Democracies refuse to move towards a truly participative Democracy that empowers the shared responsibilities of Power across the grass roots.

Empathy and a sense of justice : the true threat to hegemonic Power.

And with the emergence of the internet as a forum for exchange and dissemination honest experience and insight, as well as leading research formerly locked away from public view within Academia,  the democractisation of information has led to a surge of empathy and a greater articulation of the felt sense of injustice.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe

My Muse, She Is Cross!

Last week I had a vision, a visual articulation of the core concepts I have been working through, in some detail, over the past year or so. These ideas have been part of my life since 1986, when  an elder sister gave me a book entitled "The Roots of Violence : For Your Own Good" written by Alice Miller.

Up to that point in my life I was quite unaware of what my traumatised 'upbringing' really meant.

Upon reading the book, I was reassured and encouraged by it's core thesis and even though I had barely the faintest glimmering of the work I was to undertake, the various paths I would follow, some frustratingly nebulous, some utterly pointless, some toxic, some fruitfully, through all parts of the process of reclaiming myself, of reuniting little Corneilius with his essence in such a manner as to allow the process of natural healthy maturation to occur, so that big Corneilius could really be.

A process that is still underway.

In this excellent book, Alice Miller demonstrates and articulates the painful yet undeniable truth, that children are exploited by adults for ideological, religious, commercial, psychological and emotional purposes and that there remains a societal taboo against facing this truth. The parents are constantly let off the hook, as are the governments, the corporations, the leaders. The victims must bear the trauma.

In this lies the basis for war, greed, insecurity and cruelty that is so prevalent in our adult 'civilised' world.

The wounded child becomes the wounding adult. It is that simple. And though it ranges from subtle to gross, from Hitlers monstrous acts facilitated by millions of complicit adults to nagging, clinging parents, and nagging, demanding children at the supermarket check-out, the effect of the totality of this spectrum is the pretty much the same at both ends.

Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq, Poverty.

Celebrity, Consumerism, Corrupt Politicians, Profit.

They are one and the same.

And so it goes that we create the future in how we live with and treat our children.

My Muse in the vision is the Statue of Liberty, She is the Statue of Blind Justice, and She does not stand proud and haughty with a flaming torch and a book, nor does She hold a sword and scales, She is standing over the actions and behaviours of men and women alike, and with her hands on her hips, She is angry, She is assertive and aggressive, She is shouting :


Because SHE CARES for the children above all, she is the Children's Advocate, their Enlightened Witness and her fury is just, it is natural and it is healing.

She seeks to STOP THE HARM, to STOP THE HARM NOW! She seeks to forever break the cycle of abuse, of exploitation more than she seeks to punish.

That does not mean she will let the exploiter, the abuser off the hook. She is the enlightened witness.

Her unconditional love, her advocacy requires a full accounting and she demands remorse, and if remorse is not reached for, then she commands that the exploiter steps away from the child. Immediately.

"Stop!" She cries.

And what Humanity needs right now, what so many of our children, billions of children, need right now is a few hundred million women and a few hundred million men to be that muse, to be that advocate and enlightened witness, to be that fierce mother tiger and her stout, sturdy companion.

Women like Alice Miller, Helen Caldicott are my role models, my inspiration. Men like Carl Rogers, Paolo Friere are my role models, my inspiration. There are many more.

Some are my friends, who are this very day, working through their own childhood, whilst learning to listen to, and to nurture their own children. Many are of course unknown to me. Perhaps they are known to you. Perhaps you are one of them.

They exist, in their millions, across all societies. These are the heroes who will do more to assure a healthy, humane, sane and nurturing future for all children, for all of the time.