Showing posts with label child abuse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label child abuse. Show all posts

Reality check, Tommy Robinson, Bullying as a societal dynamic

Why when people are bullying in a racist way, we call them racists, rather than bullies, and then spend hours arguing about race and not talking any sense about bullying, let alone doing anything effective to reduce either?

Why when people are bullying in a sexist way, we call them misgynists, rather than bullies, and then spend hours arguing about misogyny and not talking any sense about bullying, let alone doing anything effective to reduce either?

Why when people are bullying in a Statist way, we call them Leaders and Dictators, rather than bullies, and then spend hours arguing about State vs The Rest,  and not talking any sense about bullying, let alone doing anything effective to reduce either?

The obvious is being avoided.

This is of course understandable, almost natural in that deliberate social conditioning is a working strategic arm of those who seek to rule over others. People must be 'tamed', must be taught what to think and dissent is permnissable only so far as it does not threaten the status quo.

When people discuss the current Tommy Robinson story, they take sides, and talk about those sides, yet miss the opportunity to talk about child abuse and abuse of power as elements of a same social psychological and structural dynamic.

Going nowhere fast, in terms of protection, prevention and policing.

Games we play.

What games do we have that reflect healthy egalitarian bio-social behaviours? The way nature and biology works.

What games do we have the reflect hierarchical competing powers, and the values of such a system?

Bullying and The State.

Irelands youth have delcared their wisdom. They have repealed an ammendment of the Irish Constitution made in  1983 that criminalised Abortion. Whilst it was well known that child abuse within institutional care settiungs was widespread, common and harmful.

A wider view of the issues drew this as a reflection :

"If a) we lived in a truly egalitarian society where b) education on sexuality, relationships, parenting and power was evidence based, where sexuality was centered on pleasure, autonomy, intimacy, connection, equality and soul-meeting, be it casual or life long, and where b) religious or ideological indoctrination was banned because it's a psyche invasive process, then we'd be having a different conversation.

But we're not.

Because we are living in an immature, stressed, selfish, competitive society. A society built on Patriarchy and Violence. Sanctified by Religion run by cold, cynical men of power.

Conquest and Sexuality are mutually exclusive.

Put that in pipe, smoke it.

And yeah, it's the woman's choice. Hers alone.

Shared if she has community and family who understand, who will not judge her, who will care for her, whatever.

Catholics can assume the ban on Abortion themselves, as a personal spiritual committment.

They cannot assume any right to legislate to impose that belief on others, they can choose that it's something they'd apply to themselves -  if a Catholic woman falls pregnant, then she must follow her belief, but she cannot impose that on any ohter woman.

The right to abortion does not impose abortion on anyone.

And the Christians should still stand as Jesus would have, to support the woman, to nurture her.

Because that's what Jesus would have done. They call themselves Christians but ignore His words in favour of the old testament, which is closer to a manual on counter-insurgency that a spiritual text.

Basic common sense.

Religion has no claim to civil legislation, policy or governance because it is not evidence based.

Good for you, the Irish youth and progressive adults. Good for you.

The 21st Century will be yours to nurture."

The value of life, and it's meaning...

The value of each life is in the persons experience of a life of love, respect and nurture as a social species human person, and in how they nurture the world they inhabit.

What has no genuine value are instutionalised toxic mimes of 'growth', 'spirit' or 'community' co-opted to concentrate wealth and power. Zionism claims a spiritual, biblical root.

 Zionism is purely a political device, void of any genuine spirituality, let alone being of any use, to anyone.

That said, Fact: Israeli Government is  carrying out war crimes, and deliberately harming a vulnerable, trapped population of people it has displaced.

Fact: Hamas has waged guerilla terrorism against Israeli citizens and Israeli military. Hamas was funded by the Israeli State to rule Gaza and force a split between them and Fatah andf the PLO. Better gangsters and thugs Govern Gaza than ordinary folk on a civil and human rights tip.

Fact: The British State committed a War Crime, waging an invasion and occupation of Iraq.. Libya was a war crime, outsourced.

Fact: many states and militia are guilty. They all have their reasons. All their reasons are excuses.

People are being harmed, deliberately.

Who cares what the harmers justifications?

 They must stop harming people.

That's it.

It is that simple.

All the debates I observe across society do, is push that painful truth away.... the reasons for harm causation cited by various actors are complicated only because they are untruthful, they do not admit all the evidence.

Before peace, stop violence. Before talks, stop violence.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

Thank you for reading this blog. All we need to do is be really honest, responsive to the evidence we find,and ready to reassess when new evidence emerges. The rest is easy.

Trump, May, Climate Change and Sex.

Good questions

1. Whether warfare and violence are a necessary condition for humankind to progress - even if we don't like the idea - is the "authoritarian tendency" an evolutionary adaptation inherited from our primate ancestors?

2. Or is it a culturally defined mode of action which we can choose to reject?

3. What evolutionary advantage can be held by societies that reject warfare if their neighbours who don't accept it wipe them out?

My answers:

1. The evidence, biological, archaeological and psychological is clear that the bulk of human existence we have lived as egalitarian societies, ranging from small bands of nomads to large concentrations in villages, towns and small 'cities', built with natural materials and no monumental structures of any kind. Our evidence is that that healthy human behaviour is pro-social, nurturant, connected, sensitive and yet robust, We also know that most behaviours are learned.

2, - the research by Textor and others such as Sorensen, Ward, Prescott, Murdock and Demeo and many others since then suggests that hierarchy is a cultural dynamic, rather than a biological mandate.(more on this below)

3. Evolutionary advantage - what are the assumptions behind the phrase, would such a phrase emerge from within an egalitarian mindset, or is it a projection of the hierarchical mindset? Does the culture seek advantage over the habitat or do they 'co-operate' with the habitat and all that lives in it.

We, as individual human bodies, are comprised of a myriad of organisms which we cannot see, and without which we would not survive.

If one looks at it carefully, one can see that seeking advantage (over nature and other humans) is the core dynamic of the bully, or the parasite, whereas working together (with nature and other humans) is the core dynamic of a healthy individual within a healthy group.

Evolution is driven by health rather than dysfunction.

Violent Hierarchy inhibits natural evolutionary processes.

The damage caused by Violent Hierarchies runs directly against healthy evolution, and it is not logical to describe a dysfunctional behaviour as evolutionary - evolved to be diseased - as the terms are mutually exclusive..
An article that explores this in more detail, with references.

Cultural Social Behavioural Variables.

As mentioned above,  anthropologists in the 1920s - 70s were very busy indeed : Robert Textor surveyed 400 cultures, George Murdock looked at 117 cultures , and these were then meta-analysed by Demeo in the 80s, looking at  a number of social-behavioural variables and measuring their incidence, with geographical mapping as an output, to see the world wide distribution of data.

There is another vast written record of first contact with many, many more pre-conquest cultures, contained in the accounts of Christian missionaries during the initial expansions into un-conquered lands...

Patri- and Matri-lineal Cultures.

DeMeo’s work supports the assertion that there is a profound correlation between the way children are related to and the behaviour of a given society. It mirrors what is known about trauma when it afflicts entire communities, not least when his patterns of trans-generational post trauma behaviours can emerge as social behavioural characteristics...

" It is highly significant that strong positive correlations, with only a small minority of exceptions (related to confounding data codings, as mentioned above), exist between infant and childhood trauma, adolescent sex-repression, male dominance, social hierarchy, destructive aggression and warfare."
That said this narrative has it's critics.. 

Demeo wrote a book on this in 1998, after many decades of research...

Most seem to wilfully misinterpret what the narrative is saying, and thus their critique is not of that, but of what they think it is.. 

It did not help that his book, produced in the late 90's, had a rather incendiary title, Saharasia, the 4000bc Origins of Child Abuse, Sex-repression, Warfare, in the Deserts of the old world.

Some people have assumed that this evidence neatly explains the 'nature' of the existing North African, Arab, Persian cultures. They fail to see the tragic irony of their own Anglo-Saxon legacy with regard to egalitarian cultures world wide.. They miss the meaning, and seek to enunciate their own values.

DeMeo stated the case, clearly. 

The institutionalisation of violent hierarchies, as a social behavioural pattern, is the issue, not the 'nature' of a given 'people'.  It is learned. It started somewhere. There is nothing natural about power hierarchies, other than as un-resolved post trauma response that has environmental and experiential dynamics.

The dynamic of violent hierarchies also emerged in South America, in areas where desertification occurred, which gave rise to the Inca and Aztec Empires.. 

It also emerged in lessor forms, locally across the globe.. 

Others then attempt to debunk DeMeo, in order to maintain public order, to undermine the previous critique, which is seen as incendiary. They want to prove that the Arab, Persian, North African, peoples are just ordinary folk, like us. They are, of course.

The see no need, there is nothing but nastiness there, and I agree with them, to impugn any group or individual people with 'scientific evidence' in that fashion, and because the second set of debunkers misunderstand the misunderstanding of the previous critique, they fire ahead, that complicates matters...  they are debunking the wrong thing.

Then there's the adherents of Monotheism in all it's glory.

They hate this book. The Abrahamic Religions in particular.

Too bad.,

Climate change and Sex!

We now understand that intense climate change occurred in the Saharasian regions around 4000 bc, which co-incides with the emergence of patriarchy as a force majeur in human culture.

Where previously a lush land existed, rainfall vanished,  deserts emerged, and living conditions became very harsh. 

Traumatisingly harsh?

We see too, in the archeo-historical record, areas of desertification in South America and China correlated with aspects of emergent patriarchy. The Inca, The Aztec, etc…

However, the Australian history is different..... 

That group of humans (nearly 1 billion live lived, in total, so hardly insignificant) went through two or three massive climate changes, which involved desertification of previously lush ecosystems, and this has happened within a period of 60,000 years of continuous human culture, and we see that in this experience, somehow patri-linealism, violent hierarchies etc did not emerge.

Instead that group remained largely co-operative, egalitarian, connected to the land base, responsive to it, and developed traditions of respect for and knowledge of food resources available, providing a hugely variable diet, and it might have been that alone that allowed them to survive and indeed thrive.  

They were more at peace with each other, than at war, is I think a fair assumption. I’d call that healthy..

There were, across Australia, at least 250 language groups, with huge genetic variations across the population, when the first Europeans arrived.... and there was no war, clans had minimal hierarchy, men and women had equal standing, children were treated with utmost respect and empathy, although there was degrees of conflict and some violence, they were adept at de-escalation and their connection to the land base and food resource base was peerlesss.

This consciousness can be called pre-conquest consciousness. Before violent expansionary hierarchies emerged...

Thus the history of our species contains the resolution of the current Climate Change issue - co-operation rather than competition enables human societies to thrive in almost any circumstance.

Violent Hierarchy - the competing powers dynamic of the dominant industrial system undermines that ability, and the issue is less a matter of evolution, or revolution - it is a matter of healing.

This is not a question of winning, rather it is a question of balance and healing, and any aspect of that dynamic - winning - will undermine the pursuit of balance and healing, which is the very definition of natural justice.

Sex-economic Theory, Trump and May

Economic power mediated through sex and gender, with men as buyers, and women as sellers.

Reich. And many others, have looked at this.g 

Fuck it, we're all looking at this every ef

The woman as property, the woman placed in a state of dependence, the religious consecration of that dynamic, the woman as breeding ground for expansion, the children as the expansion medium, the shock troops of future cultural hegemony. Children as objects..

These are all still deeply rooted in our culture, in spite of it’s self declared Christian-Secular vision of progress.

There is so much pain in sexual and gender relationships world wide..... so much harm, and that is a symptom of the dominant social power systems, as much as the wounds and flaws of individual human beings under socialised pressure. We are looking at The Vatican, Rugby, Swimming, Schooling, Care systems and seeing widespread sexual assault still being ‘managed rather than directly and robustly confronted. In the 21st Century…


A lot of people may well have moved on, as many claim, and good for them - however  it has not yet altered the fundamentals of the existing social behavioural dynamics of power, economic or otherwise.

Can we see the toxins in the water we are swimming in?

How to meet as true equals, albeit uniquely different, in a culture deeply and historically rooted in this dynamic, when all our social behavioural conditioning has been influenced sub-liminaly as much as consciously by growing up in that environmental experiential dynamic and we are taught to see each other as stereotypes, rather than precise individuals that we are, where value is unmeasured and the price is irrelevant, because it is freely given.

Isn’t this what Feminism, for both men and women alike?

No more bullying.

The pleasure in fully meeting life - that sense of connection is intimate, it is our sensory acuity heightens that intimacy, that sense of connection; insecurity and competitive-ness undermines that, and it is no place for the exercise of power over another.

That, for me at least, ranges from sexuality to cooking, from child care to elder care, it is an acute sensitivity, a natural sensitivity, a natural tool kit… a responsive modality of living.

Men, women and children - we are all are born into this acculturation, and yet we are not of it, and our liberation can only emerge as we decolonise our minds and our bodies, and allow our natural sensitivity towards optimal health to emerge.

Thus the positions taken on either side of the Men vs Feminist mainstream discourse (if one can call it that, it's more like a competition debate) cannot, by definition, resolve the issue. 

Obviously neither Donald Trump nor Teresa May are Feminists They are bullies.

Bullies cannot, by my definition, be Feminists.

Men and Women alike must understand what they have been born into, as observers and as participants, and be given the option to disengage, by their own choice.... to assert their own most genuine sense of self within a cooperative social dynamic.

As nature intended.

That is my expression of what true liberty means.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

Thank you for reading this blog. All we need to do is be really honest, responsive to the evidence we find,and ready to reassess when new evidence emerges. The rest is easy.

What are we voting for: Police, Official Secrets, Protecting the most heinous of people because they ARE power?

Musing on Saint Patrick's Day. And what Christianity brought to our Island.

"Why the police won’t talk about Cyril Smith, child sex abuse and corruption"

Watch as the British Establishment 'manages' the Institutional 'response' to the 'allegations' of sexual exploitation and worse, of vulnerable children. By active members of Government and other high office. Covered up by the State to protect .... the State?

Are the children not of the State, then? Are they not citizens?

To protect Power, and to protect the facility of projecting that Power.


The Irish are my Family, the English are my Family, the Welsh, they are my Family, the Scots they are my Family...

The comments section is interesting. People are aware.

The article is a start....

----- Dreaming of Eire, the female godess, the mother warrior. St. Patrick, Rome and Christianity. All three ruined the dream.
"First we came for The Vatican, then we came for The Dioceses, then we came for State, and then we came for The Establishment, - The Institutions, and individual actors active in those Institutions, who clearly committed the most heinous of criminal acts, and we must meet this with our own action, to make abuse history within the grass roots, and when we are done, and we will see this through, the healing will be complete.

Speak truth, always. Listen well.

Long journey. Keep walking.

In the meantime, right about ... now!

There are no excuses. None. WE, the people cannot accept that Institutional logic. Ever.

We understand the philosophy, the psychology, the behaviour and actions of those officials who covered up. for those higher up the power chain. who had committed unspeakable crimes against vulnerable children ...... these are facts, rather than excuses. The rational is obvious - protect the image and status of the State, of Government above all other considerations.

Setting aside for a moment the principle of the fundamental and intrinsic adult responsibility to protect and nurture children, the urge to 'protect', as an institutional reaction is understandable, as pointed out above, and yet when it relates to such matters and when the truth is suppressed at such cost, this urge becomes an irrational behaviour through and through.
Because it undermines the Institutions concerned at their foundations. They have no standing whilst this is happening. And it abandons the victimised to  more trauma, more pain, more abuse.

'Twould have been better to expose the lot, at the time, and deal with the issues robustly, service justice and legislating for prevention, by education, therapy and other supports, and that would have strengthened that Institution big time, in real human terms ..... but that did not happen. Not in the UK, not at The Vatican, not in the many hundreds of Catholic and other congregations .... that is what it is. We see what they have each in turn done. 'Managed' the 'story'.

It has never happened for the many Aboriginal Societies that fell to the sword and anvil of 'progress'. There's a lot of baggage, and it must be unpacked and dealt with.

Speaking of which this article takes the behaviour of the Tony Abbott Government into the most surreal of realities.

A piece of legislation exempting certain large giant private Companies  from issuing public accounts on the basis that such details being in the public domain would expose the board members, Executives and management to kidnap threat. The law has been passed.

For certain members of the Governing Institutions, across Society, the law is a tool , it is their tool to do with as they wish. This cannot stand, not when what we know is all of what has happened on this story of abusers within Institutions that protect the abusers to protect themselves!?

What needs to happen is that the UN ought to investigate, and all whistle blowers be given the safety to reveal what they knew that was suppressed, that action be directed to identify those culpable, and where possible detain same where there is evidence based or proven allegations, investigate, report and then, in addition, all the way through the process, let the Survivors lead the story for a while....  all these adults clamouring and the children's voices remain as if mute.

What is that all about?

Possibly Stockholm Syndrome-ish at the mass level, or at least within the mainstream thought police, voters, people who still believe in the benign nature of our System and culture of Power, people just keeping it together to live a 'decent life' who can't handle the threat of the truth... it's too much for some people, for sure.

Just my way of looking at things.

Let the People hear The Survivors,let the people supports the survivors and protect the children ..... those what want to articulate in public aspects of their experience, and insight, they deserve to be heard and understood. We might learn much.

Within the mainstream, this story is of course going to be submerged by the election soap opera, sports and other news.

So my question to my readers, to all adults who vote, to those who do not: What are we all voting for?

More of the above?




Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe

Rape, Power and Activism

Rape is one of many abuses that are effectively cultural markers, made so by their prevalence in certain societies and the absence in others...

Industrial Society rapes the soil (pharming), the ground (mining), the sea (over fishing) abuses workers (low wages), other cultures (Aboriginals, Indigenous peoples) and the rapist rapes the victim, the child rapist rapes the child and it is NEVER just about the action of  mining, digging, fishing, the sexual assault.

In many ways these are the medium through which that kind of Power is expressed. And whilst the experience of each kind of assault is horrific, and for those who suffer it, a serious and debilitating trauma from which the action and the motivation are extremely difficult to distingish, those who seek to help the suffering in the long term, those who are concerned with activism in these areas must always keep in mind that the issue is very much about Power.

It is also about the POWER to avoid the truth of the outcomes for what is acted upon, what is abused, who is victimised that is the real issue.... that avoidance allows the abuser to retain Power, and is in essence the immaturity of a consciousness that refuses to address the outcomes of it's behaviour, which always leads to more abuse and creates lots of traumatised organisms in it's wake, which is NOT a biological mandate.

And it's a behavioural issue, so it is tractable which is to say it is a matter of choice,  there is this element of volition and thus the behaviour open to being resolved, changed.

However it requires a clear and unprejudiced observation of the behaviour and outcomes, a kind of fearlessness and determination textured with a degree of empathy and psycho-cultural understanding applied as behaviour, processes, policies and ethics for those changes to occur. This is critical.

This is about data, evidence and the insights of Survivors of rape, and other abuses, an insight that is all to often ignored or masked by the rage of the bystander community.

1. Abusive Behaviour emerges when populations or individuals (animal or human) are stressed, traumatised and exposed in particular to chronic stress and are unable to resolve it, resolve the situation within which they find themselves, and this occurs most often in hierarchical systems:

2. Studies of older cultures reveal that there IS a spectrum of behaviour from abusive to empathic, and that the primary predictor of abuse emerging in any given culture is the degree to which the natural child mother bonding processes are disrupted, stressed...

3. These studies of pre-conquest peoples reveal part of the reason for that empathic state is partly sensory experience : towhit the existence of a sensory acuity or liminal awareness / liminal consciousness as a key element of an operational experiential reality in interactions between people within a healthy optimally functioning societal social system.

4. Recent studies on the consciousness of babies reveals a similar potential, and recognises that it requires appropriate nurturing behaviour from it’s caring community to fully deveop,

5. Recent research over the past 40 years into child development, including brain development, bio-chemistry of hormones, how the immune system works or no, all point to a biological mandate towards empathy, connection, intelligent co-operation as expressions of optimum biological health. - resource center for these kinds of studies...

I urge you to review these materials, and it WILL take some time, it is time well spent....

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe

Question Time : the BBC, the media and the past, present and future, with regard to all our children.

Seriously, it's time The Guardian and The BBC reported on WHAT IS KNOWN about child development, intergenerational and historical trauma, PROPER child protection at the very roots of Society in terms of full support for families (be they in poverty, dual working parents/childcare, in 'stress' or suffering themselves from intergenerational trauma or dealing with psychological distress of any kind).




Last night on the BBC's "Question Time" Thursday 15th November 2012 (Corby) the Politicians were questioned on whether or not the story of the abuse of children was eclipsed by the story about the BBC. IT was surreal to see them do exactly what the questioner was pointing out - they spoke about the BBC, about false allegations and said nothing meaningful or nothing that showed they had ANY scientific or common sense understanding of the issue.

Two comments were revealing - Chris Grayling's Freudian slip about "a clip around the ear!" when defending SECRECY concerning allegations made against a teacher.... and Tessa Munt's comments that she taught her children that 'respect must be earned' which sounded like respect for children must be earned by children, which is part of the old-school Empire traditionalist approach.

Respect from children is dependent on the children themselves being treated with respect AT ALL TIMES, at home and elsewhere. This they learn by example, as they do empathy, honesty, courage and so forth.

The fact that Tessa Munt did not clarify what she meant, given the seriousness subject matter, is typical of un-thought, sound-bite, politics.
... and when a Paediatrician spoke out, briefly, on Question Time, one could see the pain, the sheer frustration in that man's face in regards to what I wrote above.... he is not alone in this.. and he was more or less passed over - Dimbleby as chairman of the panel, could have asked him to expand a little, as he was the only one who spoke who seemed to have a grasp on the realities.... this omission is revealing.
Even the 'liberal' political mindset is trapped in the past and refusing to address the present and all the more likely to undermine the future. 

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe

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